TY - JOUR AU1 - Hailey, William A. AU2 - Ryan, Edward J. AU3 - Woodruff, Charles K. AB - The extent of congruence between managerial values andorganisational goals is addressed from the perspective of assessingwhether there is sufficient managerial commitment to allow for effectiveimplementation of competitivefirm strategy. A group of productionmanagers is compared with a group of quality control managers, using ahierarchical model reflecting decisionprocess goal constraints. Studyresults reveal that the goal hierarchies of production managers differsignificantly from quality control managers. Given the role demands ofeach manager group, the congruence levels between managerial values andorganisational goals are sufficient to satisfy organisationalaccountability. Several implications for strategic planning arepresented. TI - Tracking the Personal Values and Goal Commitment of Production and Quality Control Managers JF - International Journal of Operations & Production Management DO - 10.1108/01443579110144169 DA - 1991-02-01 UR - https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/emerald-publishing/tracking-the-personal-values-and-goal-commitment-of-production-and-eZmvaoAwFK SP - 41 EP - 48 VL - 11 IS - 2 DP - DeepDyve ER -