TY - JOUR AU1 - Ramsay, John AB - The nature of specifications received by purchasing functions has aheavy influence on an organisations ability to minimise boughtoutcosts and thus maximise profits. The nature of purchase specificationsand the effect of other functions upon their creation are discussedopen and closed specifications and therelationship between purchase specifications and profit performance aredemonstrated, defining the precise type of purchase specification neededto enable the purchasing function to achieve its primary goal ofcostminimisation. TI - Purchase Specifications and Profit Performance JF - International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management DO - 10.1108/09600039110005123 DA - 1991-01-01 UR - https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/emerald-publishing/purchase-specifications-and-profit-performance-8PMibWasUI SP - 34 EP - 41 VL - 21 IS - 1 DP - DeepDyve ER -