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ACUTE AND CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA, SINUS THROMBOSIS AND PETROSAL PYRAMID SUPPURATION Abstract My survey this year reveals that most of the recorded observations are concerned with clinical studies. It is apparent from these surveys, which I have conducted for a number of years, that a clearer comprehension of surgical pathology is generally held. The knowledge that the lesion is profoundly influenced by the tissue on which it develops has been won, and the larger part of the studies published are concerned with the application of surgery to these recently acquired fundamentals. PROBLEMS CONCERNED WITH ACUTE LESIONS Pneumatization.—Everywhere the question of pneumatization of the temporal bone is being studied. The implications derived from knowledge gained of the structure of the bone on which the pathologic lesion builds itself are becoming clearer. No one even casually reading through current literature can fail to be impressed with the evolution of ideas which the work of Wittmaack has made possible, and the changes in pathologic References 1. Kriegsman: Röntgenologische Untersuchungen an Warzenfortsätzen nach durchgemachter Otitis , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:259, 1931. 2. Steurer: Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:113, 1931. 3. In discussion of Steurer.2 4. Loebell, H.: Ohroperation im frühen Kindesalter und Pneumatisations-Entwicklung , Ztschr. f. Laryng., Rhin. 21:326, 1931. 5. Wittmaack, K.: Zur Frage der Bedeutung der Mittelohrentzündungen des frühesten Kindesalter für später , Arch. f. Ohren.-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh. 129:207, 1931.Crossref 6. Husik, David N.: Sclerotic Mastoiditis and Intracranial Complications . Laryngoscope 42:519, 1932.Crossref 7. Kinney, C. E.: Laryngoscope 42:356, 1932.Crossref 8. Okonogi, Shuzo, and Shunji, Susuki: Relation between Acute Otitis and Nephritis , Otologia 5:295, 1932. 9. Bloch, André: Les otites de la diphtérie , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:574 ( (Dec. 10) ) 1932. 10. In discussion of Bloch.9 11. Voss, O.: Klinische und histologische interessante Befunde diabetischer Ohrenkrankungen , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:230 and 257, 1931. 12. Sagols, H.: Mastoïdite et diabète , Ann. d'otolaryng. , 1932, p. 575. 13. MacKenzie, George W.: Mastoiditis in the Presence of Unsuspected Diabetes; Report of a Case , Laryngoscope 41:638, 1931.Crossref 14. Sekulić, Bozidar V.: Die Ohrenkrankheiten durch Pneumococcus mucosus , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:789 ( (July 25) ) 1932. 15. Reiniger, A.: Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung der Mittelohrpunction , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 66:694, 1932. 16. Kadiura, Kishirs: Klinische und bacteriologische Studien über Mucosus-Otitis , Otologia 5:1001, 1932. 17. Tanturri, D.: Antro-mastoidite congestiva grippale , Rinasc. med. 9:289, 1932. 18. Rejtö: Ueber die Eigenheiten der diesjährigan Influenza-Otitis , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:73 ( (Aug. 25) ) 1932. 19. Rutenburg, D.: Acute Otitis Media During Grip Epidemic of 1927-1928 , Russk. otolaring. 24:458, 1931. 20. Mayer, Otto: L'anatomie pathologique de la myringite vesiculeuse , Rev. de laryng. 53:825, 1932. 21. Weill, G. A.: Le phlegmon zygomatique sous-temporal , Oto-rhino-laryng. internat. 15:482, 1931. 22. Nevolnikova, L.: Zur Klinik der Zygomatitiden otogenen Ursprungs , Zhur. Ushn., Nos. i Gorl. Bol. 8:527, 1931. 23. Yates, A. Lowndes: Subacute Otitis Media , Brit. M. J. 2:647, 1931.Crossref 24. Engel, F.: Peritonsillarer Abscess Otogenen Ursprungs , Zentralbl f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:303 ( (Oct. 10) ) 1932. 25. Engel, F.: Otogener Senkungsabszess im Rachen u. röntgenologische Aufdeckung der Wegleitung , Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres 30:322, 1932. 26. Segall, Walter: Untersuchungen über die Ausbreitung des Schleimhauterysipels vom Nasen-Rachenraum auf die aüssere Haut über das Mittelohr , Wien. med. Wchnschr. 81:1592 and 1684, 1931. 27. Grossman: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 17:575, 1931. 28. Eisinger, Karl: Ueber Veränderungen des Lumbalpunktates bei Erysipel , Wien. med Wchnschr. 81:1564, 1931. 29. Lierle, D. M., and Potter, J. J.: Factors Influencing the Course of Mastoiditis in Infancy , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 40:788, 1931. 30. Voss, O.: Statistiches und Klinisches zur Otitis media im Kindesalter , Ztschr. f. Laryng., Rhin., Otol. 21:313, 1931. 31. Cone, A. J.: Incidence of Acute Otitis Media in Infants and in Young Children During 1930-1931 , Arch. Otolaryng. 10:797 ( (Dec.) ) 1931. 32. Koenigsberger, E., and Trepel, G.: The Clinic of Obscure Mastoid Infections in Infants , Klin. Wchnschr. 11:1392 and 1433, 1932. 33. Druss, Joseph G.: Infection of the Ear in Cases of Infection of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract in Infants , Am. J. Dis. Child. 43:356 ( (Feb.) ) 1932. 34. Coulet, Gaston: Remarques sur les indications opératoires de mastoïdites aiguës , Rev. de laryng. 52:616, 1931. 35. Crow, Douglas A.: A Note on Premature Mastoid Drainage , Brit. M. J. 2:1104, 1932. 36. Shambaugh, George E.: Acute Otitis Media Complicated by Mastoiditis , S. Clin. North America 12:137, 1932. 37. Torrini, U. L.: Vantaggi e svantaggi della chiusura immediata della ferita retro-auricolare nelle mastoiditi acute , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 20:145 ( (March 25) ) 1933. 38. Caliceti, in discussion of Torrini.37 39. Attore, Guglielmo: The First Hundred Cases Operated on According to the Method of Torrini , Arch. ital. di otol. 43:398, 1932. 40. Massione, Giuseppe: Ulteriore contributo all'istogenesi del colesteatoma dell'orecchio , Atti d. clin. oto-rino-laringoiat. d. r. 29:315, 1931. 41. Lange, W.: Tief eingezogene Membrana flaccida und Cholesteatoma , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 30:575, 1932. 42. Rejtö, Alexander: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:220 ( (Sept. 25) ) 1932. 43. Dean, L. W.: Cytological and Bacteriological Studies of Otitic Diseases , Laryngoscope 42:857, 1932. 44. Peroni, A.: Cholesteatoma and Cholesterinaemia , Arch. ital. di otol. 43:72, 1932. 45. Bernowitz: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 17:847, 1931. 46. Volkmar, Herbert: Rontgenerfahrungen bei Cholesteatomen des Mittelohres , Ztschr. f. Laryng., Rhin., Otol. 21:424, 1931. 47. Schwarz, M.: The Retraction of Shrapnell's Membrane and Its Clinical Significance , Arch. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh. 131:16, 1932.Crossref 48. Jobson, T. B.: Cholesteatoma in Aural Suppuration; Its Relation to Prognosis , J. Laryng. & Otol. 47:380, 1932. 49. Mossböck, F.: Die Behandlung chronischer Schleimhauteiterungen des Mittelohres mit Chlorgas , Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 46:76, 1933. 50. Lacaille, A.: Valeur de l'ionization au zinc dans le traitement des suppurations des cavités d'évidement , Ann. d'oto-laryng. , 1931, p. 667. 51. Asherson, M.: Zinc Ionization in the Treatment of Suppurative Otitis Media , Laryngoscope 42:141, 1932. 52. Lierle, D. M., and Sage, R. A.: Underlying Factors in the Zinc Ionization Treatment of Middle Ear Infections , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 41:359, 1932. 53. Walker, I. D.: Value of Zinc Ionization in Selected Cases of Suppurative Otitis Media , Arch. Phys. Therapy 13:90, 1932. 54. Reynolds, G. S., and Whitney, E. L.: Summary of One Hundred Cases of Otitis Media Treated by Zinc Ionization , Arch. Phys. Therapy 13:527, 1932. 55. Asherson, M.: Iodine Powder in the Treatment of Chronic Otorrhea , Lancet 2:630, 1931. 56. Babbitt, J. A.: A Modified Attic Drainage in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 40:348, 1931. 57. Komuro, Kaname: Die konservative Radikaloperation der chronischen Mittelohreiterung , Otolagia 3:391, 1930 58. abstr., Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:40, 1932. 59. Brunetti, Frederico: Ancora sull'antrotomie epitimpanale , Arch. ital. di otol. 43:692, 1932. 60. Citelli, S.: Su un nuovo metodo assai utile e simplice di medicazione della radicale dell'orrecchio medio , Oto-rino-laring. ital. 2:435, 1932. 61. Jessen, J.: Les résultats de l'opération radicale de l'oreille moyenne , Acta oto-laryng. 16:459, 1931. 62. Pressman, J. J.: Residual Hearing After Radical Mastoidectomy , Laryngoscope 41:808, 1931. 63. Tamari, M.: Late Complications After Radical Operation , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 66:286, 1932. 64. Haubrich, Karl: Erfahrungen der Marburger Universitäts-Ohrenklinik über die vollständige Aufmeisselung der Mittelohrräuma bei Kindern, Dissert., Marburg, 1932, p. 43. 65. Yearsley, Macleod: The Mental Effect of the Complete Mastoid Operation in Children , Lancet 2:613, 1932. 66. Fraser, J.: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:298 ( (Oct. 4) ) 1932. 67. Boies, L. R.: Lateral Sinus Thrombosis; A Review of 184 Cases with Special Reference to the Post-Operative Type , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 41:227, 1932. 68. Potts, J. B.: Thrombosis of the Lateral Sinus , J. A. M. A. 98:379 ( (Jan. 30) ) 1932. 69. Lillie, H. I., and Williams, H. L.: Pain as a Symptom of Thrombosis of the Internal Jugular Vein , S. Clin. North America 12:883, 1932. 70. Portmann, Georges: Considérations sur le traitement de phlébites et thrombo-phlébites sinuso-jugulaires , Rev. de laryng. 52:523, 1931. 71. Grossman, Fritz: A Case of Unusual Parietal Sinus Thrombosis , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 30:164, 1931. 72. Layera, Juan, and Torres, Ignacio: Ein Fall von otogener Septicopyaemia ohne Thrombosis des Sinus laterales , Prensa med. argent. 18:117, 1931. 73. Mygind, S. H.: Treatment of Otogenic Sepsis and Sinus Thrombosis , Acta oto-laryng. 16:474, 1931. 74. Fremel, F.: Ueber primäre isolierte Bulbuserkrankungen , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 66:1234, 1932. 75. Schlander, Emil: Irrigation of the Bulb , Wien. med. Wchnschr. 81:1591 and 1683, 1931. 76. Maybaum, J. L., and Goldman, J. L.: Primary Jugular Bulb Thrombosis; A Study of Twenty Cases , Arch. Otolaryng. 17:70 ( (Jan.) ) 1933. 77. Grossman, Fritz: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 20:562, 1933. 78. Rott, O. M.: Why Ligate the Jugular Vein in Cases of Lateral Sinus Thrombosis? Arch. Otolaryng. 14:272 ( (Sept.) ) 1931. 79. Canuyt, Georges: Fixation Abscess , J. Laryng. & Otol. 47:235, 1932. 80. Abbate, R.: Gli ascessi di fissazione nelle setticemie otogene , Ann. di laring., otol. 31:256, 1931. 81. Edwards, E. A.: Anatomic Variations of the Cranial Venous Sinuses; Their Relation to the Effect of Jugular Compression in Lumbar Manometric Tests , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 26:801 ( (Oct.) ) 1931. 82. Ohnacker, Paul: Zirculatorisch bedingte Hirnerscheinungen im Anschluss an Sinus- und Jugularisausschaltung , Arch. f. Ohrenh-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh. 131:1, 1932. 83. Profant, H. J.: Gradenigo's Syndrome with a Consideration of "Petrositis," Arch. Otolaryng. 13:347 ( (March) ) 1931. 84. Eagleton, W. P.: Unlocking of the Petrous Pyramid for Localized Bulbar (Pontile) Meningitis Secondary to Suppuration of the Petrous Apex , Tr. Am. Laryng., Rhin. & Otol. Soc. , 1930, p. 338 85. Arch. Otolaryng. 13:386 ( (March) ) 1931. 86. Kopetzky, S. J., and Almour, R.: The Suppuration of the Petrous Pyramid; Pathology, Symptomatology and Surgical Treatment , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 39:996, 1930 87. 40:157, 396 and 992, 1931. 88. Voss, O.: Pyramidenspitzeneiterungen (Petrositis) an der Hand von 12 Selbstbeobachteten Fällen , Acta oto-laryng. 15:469, 1931. 89. Frenckner, P.: Some Remarks on the Treatment of Apicitis (Petrositis) with or without Gradenigo's Syndrome , Acta oto-laryng. 17:97, 1932.Crossref 90. Lillie, H. I.: Suppuration of the Petrous Pyramid; Report of Two Cases , Arch. Otolaryng. 15:692 ( (May) ) 1932.Crossref 91. Ramadier, J.; Guillon, H., and Becker: Etude anatomique d'une voie d'abord des cellules de la pointe du rocher , Ann. d'anat. path. 9:597, 1932. 92. Kopetzky, Samuel J.: Problems Concerned with Empyema of the Petrous Apex , Arch. Otolaryng. 18:47 ( (July) ) 1933.Crossref 93. Ramadier, J.: L'ostéite profonde du rocher , Ann. d'oto-laryng. , 1931, p. 1300. 94. Brunner, Hans: Ueber Eiterungen an der Felsenbeinspitze , Rassegna ital. di oto-rino-laring. 6:221, 1932. 95. Lange, W.: Tiefgelegene Entzündungen im Schläfenzein , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 32:99, 1932. 96. Nager: Zur operative Behandlung der Eiterungen an der Felsenbeinspitze (Gradenigoscher Symptomenkomplex) , Versamml. d. Gesellsch. Schweiz. f. Hals- u. Ohren-Aerzte in Genf 6:1, 1932. 97. Eisinger, K.: Gradenigoscher Symptomencomplex bei akuter Otitis: Mastoidectomy: Heilung , Osterreich. Otol. Gesellsch. Wien , 1932, p. 291. 98. Olsson, Y.: Un cas d'ostéite de la pyramide (du temporal) démontrée par la radiographie , Acta oto-laryng. 18:163, 1932.Crossref 99. Rosenblatt, M.: Ueber einen Fall von Ophthalmoplegia contralateralis otogen Ursprungs , Zhur. Ushn., Nos. i Gorl. Bol. 9:336, 1932. Archives of Otolaryngology American Medical Association


Archives of Otolaryngology , Volume 18 (3) – Sep 1, 1933

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References (43)

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Abstract My survey this year reveals that most of the recorded observations are concerned with clinical studies. It is apparent from these surveys, which I have conducted for a number of years, that a clearer comprehension of surgical pathology is generally held. The knowledge that the lesion is profoundly influenced by the tissue on which it develops has been won, and the larger part of the studies published are concerned with the application of surgery to these recently acquired fundamentals. PROBLEMS CONCERNED WITH ACUTE LESIONS Pneumatization.—Everywhere the question of pneumatization of the temporal bone is being studied. The implications derived from knowledge gained of the structure of the bone on which the pathologic lesion builds itself are becoming clearer. No one even casually reading through current literature can fail to be impressed with the evolution of ideas which the work of Wittmaack has made possible, and the changes in pathologic References 1. Kriegsman: Röntgenologische Untersuchungen an Warzenfortsätzen nach durchgemachter Otitis , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:259, 1931. 2. Steurer: Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:113, 1931. 3. In discussion of Steurer.2 4. Loebell, H.: Ohroperation im frühen Kindesalter und Pneumatisations-Entwicklung , Ztschr. f. Laryng., Rhin. 21:326, 1931. 5. Wittmaack, K.: Zur Frage der Bedeutung der Mittelohrentzündungen des frühesten Kindesalter für später , Arch. f. Ohren.-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh. 129:207, 1931.Crossref 6. Husik, David N.: Sclerotic Mastoiditis and Intracranial Complications . Laryngoscope 42:519, 1932.Crossref 7. Kinney, C. E.: Laryngoscope 42:356, 1932.Crossref 8. Okonogi, Shuzo, and Shunji, Susuki: Relation between Acute Otitis and Nephritis , Otologia 5:295, 1932. 9. Bloch, André: Les otites de la diphtérie , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:574 ( (Dec. 10) ) 1932. 10. In discussion of Bloch.9 11. Voss, O.: Klinische und histologische interessante Befunde diabetischer Ohrenkrankungen , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:230 and 257, 1931. 12. Sagols, H.: Mastoïdite et diabète , Ann. d'otolaryng. , 1932, p. 575. 13. MacKenzie, George W.: Mastoiditis in the Presence of Unsuspected Diabetes; Report of a Case , Laryngoscope 41:638, 1931.Crossref 14. Sekulić, Bozidar V.: Die Ohrenkrankheiten durch Pneumococcus mucosus , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:789 ( (July 25) ) 1932. 15. Reiniger, A.: Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung der Mittelohrpunction , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 66:694, 1932. 16. Kadiura, Kishirs: Klinische und bacteriologische Studien über Mucosus-Otitis , Otologia 5:1001, 1932. 17. Tanturri, D.: Antro-mastoidite congestiva grippale , Rinasc. med. 9:289, 1932. 18. Rejtö: Ueber die Eigenheiten der diesjährigan Influenza-Otitis , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:73 ( (Aug. 25) ) 1932. 19. Rutenburg, D.: Acute Otitis Media During Grip Epidemic of 1927-1928 , Russk. otolaring. 24:458, 1931. 20. Mayer, Otto: L'anatomie pathologique de la myringite vesiculeuse , Rev. de laryng. 53:825, 1932. 21. Weill, G. A.: Le phlegmon zygomatique sous-temporal , Oto-rhino-laryng. internat. 15:482, 1931. 22. Nevolnikova, L.: Zur Klinik der Zygomatitiden otogenen Ursprungs , Zhur. Ushn., Nos. i Gorl. Bol. 8:527, 1931. 23. Yates, A. Lowndes: Subacute Otitis Media , Brit. M. J. 2:647, 1931.Crossref 24. Engel, F.: Peritonsillarer Abscess Otogenen Ursprungs , Zentralbl f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:303 ( (Oct. 10) ) 1932. 25. Engel, F.: Otogener Senkungsabszess im Rachen u. röntgenologische Aufdeckung der Wegleitung , Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres 30:322, 1932. 26. Segall, Walter: Untersuchungen über die Ausbreitung des Schleimhauterysipels vom Nasen-Rachenraum auf die aüssere Haut über das Mittelohr , Wien. med. Wchnschr. 81:1592 and 1684, 1931. 27. Grossman: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 17:575, 1931. 28. Eisinger, Karl: Ueber Veränderungen des Lumbalpunktates bei Erysipel , Wien. med Wchnschr. 81:1564, 1931. 29. Lierle, D. M., and Potter, J. J.: Factors Influencing the Course of Mastoiditis in Infancy , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 40:788, 1931. 30. Voss, O.: Statistiches und Klinisches zur Otitis media im Kindesalter , Ztschr. f. Laryng., Rhin., Otol. 21:313, 1931. 31. Cone, A. J.: Incidence of Acute Otitis Media in Infants and in Young Children During 1930-1931 , Arch. Otolaryng. 10:797 ( (Dec.) ) 1931. 32. Koenigsberger, E., and Trepel, G.: The Clinic of Obscure Mastoid Infections in Infants , Klin. Wchnschr. 11:1392 and 1433, 1932. 33. Druss, Joseph G.: Infection of the Ear in Cases of Infection of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract in Infants , Am. J. Dis. Child. 43:356 ( (Feb.) ) 1932. 34. Coulet, Gaston: Remarques sur les indications opératoires de mastoïdites aiguës , Rev. de laryng. 52:616, 1931. 35. Crow, Douglas A.: A Note on Premature Mastoid Drainage , Brit. M. J. 2:1104, 1932. 36. Shambaugh, George E.: Acute Otitis Media Complicated by Mastoiditis , S. Clin. North America 12:137, 1932. 37. Torrini, U. L.: Vantaggi e svantaggi della chiusura immediata della ferita retro-auricolare nelle mastoiditi acute , Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 20:145 ( (March 25) ) 1933. 38. Caliceti, in discussion of Torrini.37 39. Attore, Guglielmo: The First Hundred Cases Operated on According to the Method of Torrini , Arch. ital. di otol. 43:398, 1932. 40. Massione, Giuseppe: Ulteriore contributo all'istogenesi del colesteatoma dell'orecchio , Atti d. clin. oto-rino-laringoiat. d. r. 29:315, 1931. 41. Lange, W.: Tief eingezogene Membrana flaccida und Cholesteatoma , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 30:575, 1932. 42. Rejtö, Alexander: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:220 ( (Sept. 25) ) 1932. 43. Dean, L. W.: Cytological and Bacteriological Studies of Otitic Diseases , Laryngoscope 42:857, 1932. 44. Peroni, A.: Cholesteatoma and Cholesterinaemia , Arch. ital. di otol. 43:72, 1932. 45. Bernowitz: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 17:847, 1931. 46. Volkmar, Herbert: Rontgenerfahrungen bei Cholesteatomen des Mittelohres , Ztschr. f. Laryng., Rhin., Otol. 21:424, 1931. 47. Schwarz, M.: The Retraction of Shrapnell's Membrane and Its Clinical Significance , Arch. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh. 131:16, 1932.Crossref 48. Jobson, T. B.: Cholesteatoma in Aural Suppuration; Its Relation to Prognosis , J. Laryng. & Otol. 47:380, 1932. 49. Mossböck, F.: Die Behandlung chronischer Schleimhauteiterungen des Mittelohres mit Chlorgas , Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 46:76, 1933. 50. Lacaille, A.: Valeur de l'ionization au zinc dans le traitement des suppurations des cavités d'évidement , Ann. d'oto-laryng. , 1931, p. 667. 51. Asherson, M.: Zinc Ionization in the Treatment of Suppurative Otitis Media , Laryngoscope 42:141, 1932. 52. Lierle, D. M., and Sage, R. A.: Underlying Factors in the Zinc Ionization Treatment of Middle Ear Infections , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 41:359, 1932. 53. Walker, I. D.: Value of Zinc Ionization in Selected Cases of Suppurative Otitis Media , Arch. Phys. Therapy 13:90, 1932. 54. Reynolds, G. S., and Whitney, E. L.: Summary of One Hundred Cases of Otitis Media Treated by Zinc Ionization , Arch. Phys. Therapy 13:527, 1932. 55. Asherson, M.: Iodine Powder in the Treatment of Chronic Otorrhea , Lancet 2:630, 1931. 56. Babbitt, J. A.: A Modified Attic Drainage in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 40:348, 1931. 57. Komuro, Kaname: Die konservative Radikaloperation der chronischen Mittelohreiterung , Otolagia 3:391, 1930 58. abstr., Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:40, 1932. 59. Brunetti, Frederico: Ancora sull'antrotomie epitimpanale , Arch. ital. di otol. 43:692, 1932. 60. Citelli, S.: Su un nuovo metodo assai utile e simplice di medicazione della radicale dell'orrecchio medio , Oto-rino-laring. ital. 2:435, 1932. 61. Jessen, J.: Les résultats de l'opération radicale de l'oreille moyenne , Acta oto-laryng. 16:459, 1931. 62. Pressman, J. J.: Residual Hearing After Radical Mastoidectomy , Laryngoscope 41:808, 1931. 63. Tamari, M.: Late Complications After Radical Operation , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 66:286, 1932. 64. Haubrich, Karl: Erfahrungen der Marburger Universitäts-Ohrenklinik über die vollständige Aufmeisselung der Mittelohrräuma bei Kindern, Dissert., Marburg, 1932, p. 43. 65. Yearsley, Macleod: The Mental Effect of the Complete Mastoid Operation in Children , Lancet 2:613, 1932. 66. Fraser, J.: Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 19:298 ( (Oct. 4) ) 1932. 67. Boies, L. 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Archives of OtolaryngologyAmerican Medical Association

Published: Sep 1, 1933

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