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DERMATOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE FETUS: WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO VARIOLA AND VACCINIA Abstract We have attempted to develop a reasonable approach to the diagnosis of a case that we are reporting, that of a 6 months fetus presenting a generalized bullous eruption. The usual diagnoses of syphilis, pemphigus neonatorum and epidermolysis bullosa could apparently be excluded. The study has been made under the following divisions : 1. A classification and brief review of fetal dermatology. 2. The relation of the infectious diseases to pregnancy and the fetus. 3. A review of forty-seven reported cases of fetal variola and presentation of a case believed to be pemphigoid fetal vaccinia. DERMATOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE FETUS Most examples of fetal cutaneous pathology are due to genetic imperfections. Unna1 pointed out that the group which he calls "Missbildungen" is constantly expanding. Tumors form another large percentage of cutaneous conditions in the fetus. Only a small number of bullous eruptions are seen. A review References 1. Unna, P. G.: Histopathology of Diseases of the Skin , translated by Norman Walker, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1896. 2. Hallopeau, quoted by Bettmann, in Schwalbe, Ernst: Die Morphologie der Missbildungen des Menschen und der Tiere , Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1912, p. 640. 3. Kramer, quoted by Bettmann (footnote 2, p. 698). 4. Düttel, P. J.: Dissertatio inauguralis medica-practica de morbis fœtuum in utero materno, Thèse, 1702 5. Ballantyne, J. W.: Teratologia 1:37, 1894. 6. Madge, H. M.: Diseases of the Fetus . London, H. Renshaw, 1854 7. Ballantyne, J. W.: Teratologia , 1895, vol. 2. 8. Roberts, W. C.: On Diseases of the Fetus , Am. J. M. Sc. 26:371, 1839. 9. Ballantyne, T. W.: The Diseases and Deformities of the Fœtus , Edinburgh. Oliver & Boyd, 1895. 10. Ballantyne, J. W.: Manual of Antenatal Pathology and Hygiene: The Fœtus , Edinburgh. W. Green & Sons, 1902. 11. Bettmann: Die Missbildungen der Haut , in Schwalbe, Ernst: Die Morphologie der Missbildungen des Menschen und der Tiere , Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1912, pt. 3, no. (7) , sect. 2. 12. Hinselmann, H.: Ueber angeborene Sekretstauung in den Talg- und Schweissdrüsen , Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph. 111:611, 1912.Crossref 13. Leiner, C., in Jadassohn: Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1930, vol. 14, pt. (1) , p. 462. 14. Engel, I.: Zur Kenntnis der Urticaria pigmentosa , Arch. f. Kinderh. 43: 156, 1906. 15. Ballantyne, J. W.: Fibroma of the Scalp in a Newborn Infant , Edinburgh M. J. 1:339, 1897. 16. James, W. D.: Case of Congenital Xanthoma Multiplex , Brit. M. J. 2:805, 1894.Crossref 17. Bedford, G. V.: Case of Carcinoma of the Thymus with Extensive Metastases in a New-Born Child , Canad. M. A. J. 23:197, 1930. 18. Ohmann-Dumesnil: The Human Epitrichium , Teratologia , 1894, vol. 1. 19. Streeter, G. L.: Focal Deficiencies in Fetal Tissues and Their Relation to Intra-Uterine Amputation , Contrib. Embryol. 22:1, 1930. 20. MacKee, G. M., and Andrews, G. C.: Congenital Ectodermal Defect , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 10:673 ( (Dec.) ) 1924. 21. Goeckermann, W. H.: Congenital Ectodermal Defect, with Report of a Case , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 1:396 ( (April) ) 1920. 22. Gordon, W. H., and Jamieson, R. C.: Hereditary Ectodermal Dysplasia of the Anhidrotic Type , Ann. Int. Med. 5:358, 1931. 23. Christ, J.: Ueber die Korrelationen der kongenitalen Defekte des Ektoderms untereinander, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zum Auge , Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskr. 40:1, 1932. 24. Knowles, F. C.: Family Albinism , Interstate M. J. 23:555, 1916. 25. Kraus, A.: Ueber Akne neonatorum , Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph. 116:704, 1913. 26. Gäbert, E.: Ueber Epithelverhornung der Gaumenmandeln , München. med. Wchnschr. 69:431, 1922. 27. Freeman, C. D.: Pemphigus Neonatorum Congenitus or Impetigo Neonatorum Congenita , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 24:1058 ( (Dec.) ) 1931. 28. Labhardt, A., and Wallart, J.: Ueber Pemphigus neonatorum simplex , Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 61:600, 1908. 29. Weidman, F. D.: Necropsy Findings in a Case of Congenital Scleroderma and Sclerodactylia , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 1:375 ( (April) ) 1920. 30. Eggert, C.: Ein Fall von angeborener Sklerodermie , Ztschr. f. Kinderh. 8:99, 1914. 31. Watson, W.: Some Accounts of the Fetus in Utero, Being Differently Affected by the Small Pox , Phil. Tr., London 46:693, 1749. 32. Runge, M.: Die acuten Infectionskrankheiten in ätiologischer Beziehung zur Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung , Samml. klin. Vortr. , vol. 174, p. 1367. 33. Koubassoff, quoted by Wolff, M.: Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 105:192, 1886.Crossref 34. Wolff, M.: Ueber erbliche Uebertragung parasitärer Organismen , Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 105:192, 1886.Crossref 35. Lehmann : Weitere Mitteilungen über Placentatuberculose , Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 31:646, 1894. 36. Wardell, W. L.: Case of Erysipelas Complicating Pregnancy , Am. J. M. Sc. 87:349, 1884.Crossref 37. Bidone: Teratologia 1:182, 1894. 38. Schadow, H.: Impfmalaria als Ursache kongenitaler Malaria , München. med. Wchnschr. 78:947, 1931. 39. Dattner, B., and Kauders, O.: Malariatherapie , Vienna, Franz Deuticke, 1927. 40. Klautsch, A.: Die acuten Infectionskrankheiten in ihrer Wirkung auf die Schwangerschaft , München. med. Wchnschr. 41:1049, 1894. 41. Lubarsch, O.: Ueber die intrauterine Uebertragung pathogener Bakterien , Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 124:47, 1891.Crossref 42. Grindon, J.: Apparent Case of Varicella in Utero , J. Cutan. Dis. 19:237, 1901. 43. Pridham, F. C.: Chicken Pox During Intrauterine Life , Brit. M. J. 1:1054, 1913.Crossref 44. Ballantyne, J. W.: Congenital Measles with Report of a Case , Arch. Pediat. 10:301, 1893. 45. Ballantyne, J. W., and Milligan, D.: Case of Scarlet Fever in Pregnancy with Infection of the Fetus , Edinburgh M. J. 39:13, 1893. 46. Weiss, M.: Ueber das Wesen der sogenannten spontanen Nabelblutung der Neugeborenen , Prag. med. Wchnschr. 4:289, 1879. 47. Bollinger : Ueber Menschen- und Thierpocken, über den Ursprung der Kuhpocken und über intrauterine Vaccination , Samml. klin. Vortr. , vol. 116, p. 1021. 48. Underhill, A. S.: Influence of Vaccination on the Fetus in Utero , Brit. M. J. 2:811, 1874 49. 2:928, 1879. 50. Burckhardt, quoted by Palm, H.: Arch. f. Gynäk. 62:348, 1901.Crossref 51. Morawetz, G.: Variolerkrankungen bei Neugeborenen , Wien. med. Wchnschr. 71:321, 1921. 52. Franz and Kuhner, quoted by Morawetz (footnote 48). 53. Perrould, quoted by Palm, H.: Arch. f. Gynäk. 62:348, 1901.Crossref 54. Piery: Note statistique sur l'immunité vaccinale et sa transmission intrautérine , Lyon méd. 94:37, 1900. 55. Kollock, C.: Protective Influence of Vaccination During Intra-Uterine Life , Am. J. Obst. 22:1078, 1889. 56. Gast, A.: Experimentelle Beiträge zur Lehre von der Impfung , Schmidt's Jahrb. 183:201, 1879. 57. Curschmann, in Ziemssen: Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie , Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1878, vol. 2. p.305. 58. Welch, W. M.: Small Pox in the Pregnant Woman and in the Fetus , Philadelphia M. Times 8:390, 1877-1878. 59. Eimer, quoted by Gast (footnote 53). 60. Behm, C.: Ueber intrauterine Vaccination , Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 8:1, 1882. 61. Wolff, M.: Ueber Vererbung von Infectionskrankheiten , Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 112:136, 1888.Crossref 62. Friedberg, quoted by Palm, H.: Arch. f. Gynäk. 62:348, 1901.Crossref 63. Palm, H.: Beitrag zur Vaccination Schwangerer, Wochnerinnen, und Neugeborenen , Arch. f. Gynäk. 62:348, 1901.Crossref 64. Vinay, C.: Vaccine et variola au cours de la grossesse , Lyon méd. 93: 397, 1900. 65. Richardiere: La variola pendant la grossesse , Arch. de tocol. et de gynec. 20:611, 1893 66. abstr., Jahresb. ü. d. Fortschr. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 7:477, 1893. 67. Vogt, L.: Ueber den Einfluss der Pockenkrankheit auf Menstruation, Schwangerschaft, Geburt, und Fetus , Samml. klin. Vortr. 112:249, 1894-1897. 68. van der Willigen, A. M.: Pokken in der Zwangerschap , Nederl. tijdschr. v. geneesk. 1:497, 1895 69. abstr., Jahresb. ü. d. Fortschr. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 9:547, 1895. 70. Lelievre, E.: Thèse de Paris, 1902 71. abstr., Jahresb. u. d. Fortschr. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 17:697, 1903. 72. Queirel: Variole et grossesse , Ann. de gynéc. et d'obst. 4:137, 1907. 73. Rigden, G.: Influence of Maternal Small Pox on the Fetus , Brit. M. J. 1:229, 1877.Crossref 74. Davidson, W.: Small Pox in Utero , Lancet 2:628, 1837-1838. 75. Cowie, J. M., and Forbes, D.: Intrauterine Influence of the Fetus in Small Pox , Brit. M. J. 1:1485, 1904. 76. Marsden, J. P.: Metastatic Calcification: Notes on Twins Born Shortly After an Attack of Smallpox in the Mother , Brit. J. Child. Dis. 27:193, 1930. 77. Robinson, H.: Occurrence of Confluent Small Pox at the Seventh Month of Pregnancy , Brit. M. J. 1:163, 1877.Crossref 78. Sangregario: Vaiuolo e gravidanza , Morgagni 29:793, 1887 79. abstr., Jahresb. ü. d. Fortschr. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 2:105, 1888. 80. Margoulieff : Thèse de Paris, 1889 81. abstr., Jahresb. ü. d. Fortschr. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 4:140, 1890. 82. Davis, quoted by Streeter : Lancet 1:611, 1838. 83. Ayer, J.: Congenital Variola in Twins , Boston M. & S. J. 44:397, 1851. 84. Warner, A.: Small Pox in the Fetus , Lancet 2:95, 1903. 85. Chantreuil: Bull. Soc. anat. de Paris 45:248, 1870. 86. Fumé, E.: Effets de la petite vérole sur deux fœtus , J. de méd. 10:403, 1759. 87. Armstrong, C.: Post-Vaccination Encephalitis , Ann. Int. Med. 5:333, 1931. 88. Weichsel, M.: Encephalitis and Generalized Eruption Following Vaccination . Monatschr. f. Kinderh. 49:1, 1931. 89. Schamberg, in discussion of Mook, W. H.: J. Cutan. Dis. 33:667, 1915. 90. Brayton, in discussion of Mook, W. H.: J. Cutan. Dis. 33:667, 1915. 91. Chauveau, Hastud and Vogt, quoted by Rolleston, J. D.: Acute Infectious Diseases , Brooklyn, Physicians and Surgeons Book Company. 1925, p. 359. 92. Walker, N.: Erythema Multiforme and Vaccination , Brit. M. J. 1:1201, 1901. 93. Eichenlaub, F. J.: Erythema Multiforme Complicating Vaccination , South. M. J. 19:186, 1926. 94. Gans, O.: Zur Aetiologie der postvaccinalen Exantheme , Klin. Wchnschr. 8:1444, 1929. 95. Seier, P.: Zur Aetiologie und Pathogenese der postvakzinalen Exantheme , Dermat. Wchnschr. 89:1511, 1929. 96. Guarnieri, G., quoted by Councilman, W. T.: Ueber die Parasiten der Variola und der Vakzine , Centralbl. f. Bakt. 16:894, 1891. 97. Jochmann, quoted by Seier (footnote 83). 98. Bowen, J. T.: Acute Infectious Pemphigus , J. Cutan. Dis. 22:253, 1904. 99. Tyzzer, quoted by Bowen (footnote 86). 100. Stelwagon, H. W.: Concerning Some Vaccinal Eruptions , J. A. M. A. 39:1291 ( (Nov. 22) ) 1902. 101. Morris, M.: Discussion of Vaccinal Eruptions , Brit. M. J. 2:1229, 1890. 102. Frank. L.: Complications of Vaccination , J. Cutan. Dis. 13:142, 1895. 103. Mook, W. H.: Pemphigoid Eruptions Following Vaccination . J. Cutan. Dis. 33:667, 1915. 104. Mook and Conrad, in discussion of Davis (footnote 70). 105. Schamberg and Keech, quoted by Stelwagon (footnote 88). 106. Bowen, J. T.: Six Cases of Bullous Dermatitis Following Vaccination , J. Cutan. Dis. 19:400, 1901. 107. Simpson, C. A.: Annular Serpiginous Bullous Eruption Complicating Vaccination , M. Rec. 86:920, 1914. 108. Howe, J. S.: Cases of Bullous Dermatitis Following Vaccination , J. Cutan. Dis. 21:254, 1903. 109. Allen. C. W.: Case of Vaccinia , J. Cutan. Dis. 19:385, 1901. 110. Abramowitz: Duhring's Disease Following Vaccination (Smallpox and Typhoid) , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 6:229 ( (Aug.) ) 1922. 111. Corlett, W. T.: Postvaccinal Eruptions , J. Cutan. Dis. 22:495, 1904. 112. Shelmire, J. B.: Pemphigoid Eruptions Following Vaccination , Texas State J. Med. 13:358, 1918. 113. Williams: A Case of Postvaccinal Pemphigus , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 14:358 ( (Sept.) ) 1926. 114. Davis, R. H.: Postvaccinal Pemphigus , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 8:246 and 255 ( (Aug.) ) 1923 115. A Case of Postvaccinal Pemphigus , Davis Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 9:412 ( (March) ) 1924. 116. Pusey, W. A.: A Case of Dermatitis Herpetiformis Following Vaccination , J. Cutan. Dis. 15:158, 1897. 117. Dyer, quoted by Mook (footnote 91). 118. Martin, in Allbutt, T. C., and Rolleston, H. D.: System of Medicine , New York, The Macmillan Company, 1906, vol. 2, p. 683. 119. Michelson, H. E.: Erythema Multiforme in Six Months' Fetus , Arch. Dermat & Syph. 12:417 ( (Sept.) ) 1925. 120. Michelson, H. E., and Ikeda, Kano: Microscopic Changes in Variola , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 15:138 ( (Feb.) ) 1927. 121. Lillie, R. D.: Smallpox and Vaccinia , Arch. Path. 10:241 ( (Aug.) ) 1930. 122. Greenway, A. S.: Congenital Small Pox Verified by Microscopic Examination , Brit. M. J. 1:848, 1880. 123. Turnbull, H. M., and McIntosh, J.: Encephalomyelitis Following Vaccination , Brit. J. Exper. Path. 7:181, 1926. 124. Jenner, E.: Two Cases of Small Pox Infection Communicated to the Fetus in Utero Under Peculiar Circumstances , Med.-Chir. Tr., London 1:271, 1809. 125. Tellegen, R. J.: Natürliche Pocken bei einem Neugeborenen , Schmidt's Jahrb. 84:329, 1854. 126. Siebold, quoted by Behm (footnote 57) ; quoted by Gast (footnote 53). 127. McSherry, R.: Vaccination and Small Pox in Regard to Child-Bearing Women and the Fetus in Utero , Am. J. M. Sc. 26:549, 1853.Crossref 128. Aulsebrook, R.: Small Pox Occurring in the Fetus in Utero , Lancet 2: 189, 1854.Crossref 129. Legros: Gaz. méd. de Paris 20:493, 1865. 130. Franklin, J. H.: Case of Small Pox in the Fetus , M. Rec. 64:377, 1903. 131. Rothwell, W. A.: Small Pox in Utero , Northwest Med. 16:265, 1917. 132. Puig y Roig, P.: Cas de variole foetale sans variole maternalle , Gynéc. et obst. 6:176, 1922. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology American Medical Association


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References (23)

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Abstract We have attempted to develop a reasonable approach to the diagnosis of a case that we are reporting, that of a 6 months fetus presenting a generalized bullous eruption. The usual diagnoses of syphilis, pemphigus neonatorum and epidermolysis bullosa could apparently be excluded. The study has been made under the following divisions : 1. A classification and brief review of fetal dermatology. 2. The relation of the infectious diseases to pregnancy and the fetus. 3. A review of forty-seven reported cases of fetal variola and presentation of a case believed to be pemphigoid fetal vaccinia. DERMATOLOGIC CONDITIONS OF THE FETUS Most examples of fetal cutaneous pathology are due to genetic imperfections. Unna1 pointed out that the group which he calls "Missbildungen" is constantly expanding. Tumors form another large percentage of cutaneous conditions in the fetus. Only a small number of bullous eruptions are seen. A review References 1. Unna, P. G.: Histopathology of Diseases of the Skin , translated by Norman Walker, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1896. 2. Hallopeau, quoted by Bettmann, in Schwalbe, Ernst: Die Morphologie der Missbildungen des Menschen und der Tiere , Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1912, p. 640. 3. Kramer, quoted by Bettmann (footnote 2, p. 698). 4. Düttel, P. J.: Dissertatio inauguralis medica-practica de morbis fœtuum in utero materno, Thèse, 1702 5. Ballantyne, J. W.: Teratologia 1:37, 1894. 6. Madge, H. M.: Diseases of the Fetus . London, H. Renshaw, 1854 7. Ballantyne, J. W.: Teratologia , 1895, vol. 2. 8. Roberts, W. C.: On Diseases of the Fetus , Am. J. M. Sc. 26:371, 1839. 9. Ballantyne, T. W.: The Diseases and Deformities of the Fœtus , Edinburgh. Oliver & Boyd, 1895. 10. Ballantyne, J. W.: Manual of Antenatal Pathology and Hygiene: The Fœtus , Edinburgh. W. Green & Sons, 1902. 11. Bettmann: Die Missbildungen der Haut , in Schwalbe, Ernst: Die Morphologie der Missbildungen des Menschen und der Tiere , Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1912, pt. 3, no. (7) , sect. 2. 12. Hinselmann, H.: Ueber angeborene Sekretstauung in den Talg- und Schweissdrüsen , Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph. 111:611, 1912.Crossref 13. Leiner, C., in Jadassohn: Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1930, vol. 14, pt. (1) , p. 462. 14. Engel, I.: Zur Kenntnis der Urticaria pigmentosa , Arch. f. Kinderh. 43: 156, 1906. 15. Ballantyne, J. W.: Fibroma of the Scalp in a Newborn Infant , Edinburgh M. J. 1:339, 1897. 16. James, W. D.: Case of Congenital Xanthoma Multiplex , Brit. M. J. 2:805, 1894.Crossref 17. Bedford, G. V.: Case of Carcinoma of the Thymus with Extensive Metastases in a New-Born Child , Canad. M. A. J. 23:197, 1930. 18. Ohmann-Dumesnil: The Human Epitrichium , Teratologia , 1894, vol. 1. 19. Streeter, G. L.: Focal Deficiencies in Fetal Tissues and Their Relation to Intra-Uterine Amputation , Contrib. Embryol. 22:1, 1930. 20. MacKee, G. M., and Andrews, G. C.: Congenital Ectodermal Defect , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 10:673 ( (Dec.) ) 1924. 21. Goeckermann, W. H.: Congenital Ectodermal Defect, with Report of a Case , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 1:396 ( (April) ) 1920. 22. Gordon, W. H., and Jamieson, R. C.: Hereditary Ectodermal Dysplasia of the Anhidrotic Type , Ann. Int. Med. 5:358, 1931. 23. Christ, J.: Ueber die Korrelationen der kongenitalen Defekte des Ektoderms untereinander, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zum Auge , Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskr. 40:1, 1932. 24. Knowles, F. C.: Family Albinism , Interstate M. J. 23:555, 1916. 25. Kraus, A.: Ueber Akne neonatorum , Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph. 116:704, 1913. 26. Gäbert, E.: Ueber Epithelverhornung der Gaumenmandeln , München. med. Wchnschr. 69:431, 1922. 27. Freeman, C. D.: Pemphigus Neonatorum Congenitus or Impetigo Neonatorum Congenita , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 24:1058 ( (Dec.) ) 1931. 28. Labhardt, A., and Wallart, J.: Ueber Pemphigus neonatorum simplex , Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynäk. 61:600, 1908. 29. Weidman, F. D.: Necropsy Findings in a Case of Congenital Scleroderma and Sclerodactylia , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 1:375 ( (April) ) 1920. 30. Eggert, C.: Ein Fall von angeborener Sklerodermie , Ztschr. f. Kinderh. 8:99, 1914. 31. Watson, W.: Some Accounts of the Fetus in Utero, Being Differently Affected by the Small Pox , Phil. Tr., London 46:693, 1749. 32. Runge, M.: Die acuten Infectionskrankheiten in ätiologischer Beziehung zur Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung , Samml. klin. Vortr. , vol. 174, p. 1367. 33. Koubassoff, quoted by Wolff, M.: Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 105:192, 1886.Crossref 34. Wolff, M.: Ueber erbliche Uebertragung parasitärer Organismen , Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 105:192, 1886.Crossref 35. Lehmann : Weitere Mitteilungen über Placentatuberculose , Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 31:646, 1894. 36. Wardell, W. L.: Case of Erysipelas Complicating Pregnancy , Am. J. M. Sc. 87:349, 1884.Crossref 37. Bidone: Teratologia 1:182, 1894. 38. Schadow, H.: Impfmalaria als Ursache kongenitaler Malaria , München. med. Wchnschr. 78:947, 1931. 39. Dattner, B., and Kauders, O.: Malariatherapie , Vienna, Franz Deuticke, 1927. 40. Klautsch, A.: Die acuten Infectionskrankheiten in ihrer Wirkung auf die Schwangerschaft , München. med. Wchnschr. 41:1049, 1894. 41. Lubarsch, O.: Ueber die intrauterine Uebertragung pathogener Bakterien , Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 124:47, 1891.Crossref 42. Grindon, J.: Apparent Case of Varicella in Utero , J. Cutan. Dis. 19:237, 1901. 43. Pridham, F. C.: Chicken Pox During Intrauterine Life , Brit. M. J. 1:1054, 1913.Crossref 44. Ballantyne, J. W.: Congenital Measles with Report of a Case , Arch. Pediat. 10:301, 1893. 45. Ballantyne, J. W., and Milligan, D.: Case of Scarlet Fever in Pregnancy with Infection of the Fetus , Edinburgh M. J. 39:13, 1893. 46. Weiss, M.: Ueber das Wesen der sogenannten spontanen Nabelblutung der Neugeborenen , Prag. med. Wchnschr. 4:289, 1879. 47. Bollinger : Ueber Menschen- und Thierpocken, über den Ursprung der Kuhpocken und über intrauterine Vaccination , Samml. klin. Vortr. , vol. 116, p. 1021. 48. Underhill, A. S.: Influence of Vaccination on the Fetus in Utero , Brit. M. J. 2:811, 1874 49. 2:928, 1879. 50. Burckhardt, quoted by Palm, H.: Arch. f. Gynäk. 62:348, 1901.Crossref 51. Morawetz, G.: Variolerkrankungen bei Neugeborenen , Wien. med. Wchnschr. 71:321, 1921. 52. Franz and Kuhner, quoted by Morawetz (footnote 48). 53. Perrould, quoted by Palm, H.: Arch. f. Gynäk. 62:348, 1901.Crossref 54. Piery: Note statistique sur l'immunité vaccinale et sa transmission intrautérine , Lyon méd. 94:37, 1900. 55. Kollock, C.: Protective Influence of Vaccination During Intra-Uterine Life , Am. J. 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Archives of Dermatology and SyphilologyAmerican Medical Association

Published: Dec 1, 1932

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