Samuel Zachary Levine: An AppreciationWINICK, MYRON
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130043001
References 1. Richardson HB, Levine SZ: Clinical calorimetry: XXXVII. Infection and the ketogenic balance . J Biol Chem 63:465-473, 1925. 2. Richardson HB, Levine SZ: Clinical calorimetry: XXXIX. Exercise and the respiratory quotient in diabetes . J Biol Chem 66:161-183, 1925. 3. Richardson HB, Levine SZ, DuBois EF: Clinical Calorimetry: XLI. The storage of glycogen in exophthalmic goitre . J Biol Chem 67:737-751, 1926. 4. Levine SZ, Wilson JR: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: I. Basal metabolism of children . Amer J Dis Child 31:323-335, 1926.Crossref 5. Wilson JR, Levine SZ, Rivkin H: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: II. Ketosis and the respiratory exchange in children . Amer J Dis Child 31:335-356,1926.Crossref 6. Levine SZ, Wilson JR, Rivkin H: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: III. Glycogen storage in children . Amer J Dis Child 31:496-503,1926.Crossref 7. Levine SZ, Wilson JR: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: IV. Elimination of water through the skin and respiratory passages of children . Amer J Dis Child 33:204-212,1927.Crossref 8. Wilson JR, Levine SZ, Rivkin H, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: V. Effect of moderate exercise on the respiratory quotient . Amer J Dis Child 33:618-629, 1927.Crossref 9. Levine SZ, Wilson JR, Rivkin H, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: VI. The specific dynamic action of food in normal infants . Amer J Dis Child 33:722-731, 1927.Crossref 10. Levine SZ, Wilson JR: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: VII. Elimination of water through the skin and respiratory passages of infants . Amer J Dis Child 35:54-60, 1928.Crossref 11. Levine SZ, Wilson JR, Gottschall G: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: VIII. The respiratory exchange in marasmus: Basal metabolism . Amer J Dis Child 35:615-630, 1928.Crossref 12. 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The calorigenic action of thyroid extracts in normal infants . Amer J Dis Child 43:845-864, 1932.Crossref 17. Wyatt TC, Weymuller LE, Levine SZ: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XIV. The effect of thyroid therapy on the metabolism of protein in normal infants . Amer J Dis Child 43:1544-1551, 1932.Crossref 18. Levine SZ, McEachern TH, Wheatley MA, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XV. Daily energy requirements of normal infants . Amer J Dis Child 50:596-620, 1935.Crossref 19. Gordon H, Levine SZ: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XVI. The effects of intravenous infusions of fat on the energy exchange of infants . Amer J Dis Child 50:894-912, 1935.Crossref 20. Levine SZ, Wheatley MA: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XVII. The daily heat production in infants: Predictions based on the insensible loss compared with direct measurements . Amer J Dis Child 51:1300-1323, 1936.Crossref 21. Gordon H, Levine SZ: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XVII. The respiratory exchange in premature infants: Basal metabolism . Amer J Dis Child 52:810-830, 1936.Crossref 22. Gordon HH, Levine SZ, Wheatley MA, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XX. The nitrogen metabolism in premature infants: Comparative studies of human and cow's milk . Amer J Dis Child 54:1030-1044, 1937.Crossref 23. Levine SZ, Wheatley MA, McEachern TH, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XXI. Daily water exchange of normal infants . Amer J Dis Child 56:83-99,1938.Crossref 24. Gordon HH, Levine SZ, Marples E, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XXII. Water exchange of premature infants: Comparison of metabolic (organic) and electrolyte (inorganic) methods of treatment . J Clin Invest 18:187-194, 1939.Crossref 25. Gordon HH, Levine SZ, Deamer WC, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XXIII. Daily energy requirements of premature infants . Amer J Dis Child 59:1185-1202,1940.Crossref 26. Gordon HH, Levine SZ, McNamara H, et al: Respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood: XXIV. Daily water exchange of premature infants . Amer J Dis Child 61:524-534, 1941.Crossref 27. Levine SZ, Wilson JR, Kelly M: Insensible perspiration in infancy and in childhood: I. Its constancy in infants under standard conditions, and the effect of various physiologic factors . Amer J Dis Child 37:791-806, 1929.Crossref 28. Levine SZ, Wilson JR, Kelly M: Insensible perspiration in infancy and in childhood: II. Proposed basal standards of infants . Amer J Dis Child 39:917-929, 1930.Crossref 29. Levine SZ, Marples E: Insensible perspiration in infancy and in childhood: III. Basal metabolism and basal insensible perspiration of the normal infant: A statistical study of reliability and of correlation . Amer J Dis Child 40:269-284, 1930.Crossref 30. Levine SZ, Wyatt TC: Insensible perspiration in infancy and in childhood: IV. Basal measurements in dehydrated infants . Amer J Dis Child 44:732-741, 1932.Crossref 31. Levine SZ, Wilson JR, Kelly M: Prediction of basal metabolism of infants from the measured insensible perspiration . Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 25:554, 1928.Crossref 32. Marples E, Levine SZ: Creatinuria of infancy and childhood: I. Normal variations: Creatine tolerance tests and the effects of aminoacetic acid in normal infants . Amer J Dis Child 51:30-57, 1936.Crossref 33. Levine SZ: Studies of water exchange of infants . Arch Inter-State Post-Grad Assoc N Amer , 1937. 34. Levine SZ: Recent advances in knowledge of some of the common diseases of childhood . Bull NY Acad Med 14:739-753, 1938. 35. Levine SZ, Marples E, Gordon HH: A defect in the metabolism of aromatic amino acids in premature infants: The role of vitamin C . Science 90:620-621, 1939.Crossref 36. Levine SZ, in discussion: Conference on therapy: Treatment of infections of the genitourinary tract . JAMA 112:1584-1590, 1939.Crossref 37. Levine SZ, in discussion, in Convalescent care. New York Academy of Medicine , 1940, p 114. 38. Levine SZ, Marples E, Gordon HH: A defect in the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine in premature infants: I. Identification and assay of intermediary products . J Clin Invest 20:199-207,1941.Crossref 39. Levine SZ, Gordon HH, Marples E: A defect in the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine in premature infants: II. Spontaneous occurrence and eradication by vitamin C . J Clin Invest 20:209-219, 1941.Crossref 40. Levine SZ, Dann M, Marples E: A defect in the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine in premature infants: III. Demonstration of the irreversible conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine in the human organism . J Clin Invest 22:551-562, 1943.Crossref 41. Levine SZ: The expanding role of the doctor. Read before the Opening Exercises, Cornell University Medical College, New York, 1941. 42. Levine SZ, Schmidt WM: Problems of childhood , in Preventive Medicine in Modern Practice , New York Academy of Medicine, Commission on Public Health Relations. New York, Paul B Hoeber Inc, 1942. 43. Levine SZ, Gordon HH: Physiologic handicaps of the premature infant: I. Their pathogenesis . Amer J Dis Child 64:274-296, 1942.Crossref 44. Levine SZ, Gordon HH: Physiologic handicaps of the premature infant: II. Clinical applications . Amer J Dis Child 64:297-312, 1942.Crossref 45. Dann M, Marples E, Levine SZ: Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia: Report of a case in an infant with quantitative chemical studies of the urine . J Clin Invest 22:87-93, 1943.Crossref 46. Levine SZ, Gillett LH: Your child's food and the war, Talk 6, Child Health in Wartime Series, New York Academy of Medicine. Radio Station WABC, 1943. 47. Gordon HH, Levine SZ: The metabolic basis for the individualized feeding of infants, premature and full term . J Pediat 25:464-475, 1944.Crossref 48. Levine SZ: Parenteral repair of dehydration . J Pediat 26:196-201, 1945.Crossref 49. Levine SZ: Protein nutrition in pediatrics . JAMA 128:283-287, 1945.Crossref 50. Levine SZ: Foreword, The premature infant , in Nelson E (ed): Mitchell-Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics , ed 4. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1945, pp 256-260. 51. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . New York, Interscience Publishers Inc, 1946, vol 1. 52. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . New York, Interscience Publishers Inc, 1946, vol 2. 53. Levine SZ: Protein and amino acid nutrition in health and disease , in Brennemann J, Kelley VC (eds): Brennemann's Practice of Pediatrics , vol 3. Hagerstown, Md, WF Prior Company Inc, 1947, (chap 33) . 54. Levine SZ: The metabolism and feeding of premature infants. Read before the inservice training course on the Relation of Nutrition to Maternal and Child Health, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Mich, 1947. 55. Levine SZ: Introduction to the problem of prematurity . Amer J Dis Child 73:694-695, 1947. 56. Levine SZ: Feeding of the premature infant . Bull Linn County Med Soc 16:7, 1947. 57. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . New York, Interscience Publishers Inc, 1948, vol 3. 58. Levine SZ: Protein and amino acid nutrition in pediatrics and in pregnancy , in Sahyun M (ed): Protein and Amino Acids in Nutrition . New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp, 1948, (chap 10) . 59. Levine SZ: Tyrosine and phenylalanine metabolism in infants and the role of vitamin C , in The Harvey Lectures, 1946-47 . Lancaster, Pa, Science Press Printing Co, 1948, p 303. 60. Levine SZ (chairman), Subcommittee of the Committee on Public Health Relations of the New York Academy of Medicine: Standards for convalescent homes for children . J Pediat 33:251-259, 1948.Crossref 61. Levine SZ: Srodki Chemiczne I Antybiotyke: Stosowane W Choroback Dzieci . Przegl Lek , vol 4, series 2, No. (18) ,1948. 62. Levine SZ: Toksoplazmoza . Przegl Lek , vol 4, series 2, No. (17) , 1948. 63. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . New York, Interscience Publishers Inc, 1949, vol 4. 64. Levine SZ, in discussion: Conference at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center . J Pediat 34:763, 1949.Crossref 65. Levine SZ: The premature infant: Physiologic handicaps of the premature infant , in Nelson WE, Mitchell (eds): Textbook of Pediatrics , ed 5. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1951. 66. Levine SZ, Dann M: Feeding of the prematurely born infant . NY Med , 1950. 67. Levine SZ: Leyden and Stockholm seminars on infant metabolism . WHO Chron 4:359, 1950. 68. Levine SZ, Dann M: Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia (phenylpyruvic amentia, phenylketonuria) , in Cecil-Loeb Textbook of Medicine , ed 8. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1951. 69. Barnett HL, Bessey OA, Stearns G, Levine SZ (chairman), American team of the Netherlands and Sweden for World Health Organization seminars on infant metabolism, in discussion: International seminars on infant metabolism . JAMA 145:427-428, 1951.Crossref 70. Levine SZ, Barnett HL, Bierman CW, et al: Effect on ACTH and some adrenocortical steroids on the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine in premature infants . Science 113:311-312, 1951.Crossref 71. Levine SZ, Barnett HL, Bierman CW, et al: Some clinical and metabolic responses of premature infants to corticotropin (ACTH) . Amer J Dis Child 82:236-237,1951. 72. Levine SZ, Barnett HL, Bierman CW, et al: Some clinical and metabolic responses of premature infants to ACTH including its effect on aromatic amino acid metabolism , in Proceedings of the Second Clinical ACTH Conference . New York, Blakiston Co, 1952, vol 1, p 242. 73. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics , Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1952, vol 5. 74. Levine SZ, Dann M: Feeding of the prematurely born infant, in Problems of Fetal and Neonatal Mortality , abstracted, NY State J Med 52:476, 1952. 75. Levine SZ, Dann M: Feeding of the prematurely born infant , in Problems of Fetal and Neonatal Mortality , (pt 2) , New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, 1952, p 28. 76. Levine SZ: Pediatric impressions gained on a medical mission to Israel . Pediatrics 9:642, 1952. 77. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1953, vol 6. 78. Levine SZ: Some recent advances in pediatrics . Indian J Child Health 2:317, 1953. 79. Levine SZ, Dann M: The feeding of premature infants . Courrier Centre Int Enfance 8:429, 1953. 80. Levine SZ: The handicaps of prematurity . Indian J Child Health 2:401,1953. 81. Levine SZ: The facts about ACTH and cortisone . WHO Newsletter 6:4, 1953. 82. Levine SZ: The feeding of premature infants . Indian J Child Health 2:453, 1953. 83. Levine SZ: The facts about ACTH and cortisone BRA Review . J Brit Rheum Assoc 2:394, 1954. 84. Levine SZ: Some impressions of teaching medical missions of the World Health Organization . New Eng J Med 251:813, 1954.Crossref 85. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1955, vol 7. 86. Levine SZ, Dann M: Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia (phenylpyruvic amentia phenylketonuria) , in Cecil-Loeb Textbook of Medicine , ed 9. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1955. 87. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1956, vol 8. 88. Levine SZ, Barnett HL, Shibuya M, et al: Isosexual precocity in boys including a case of a gonadotropin-producing teratoma . Adv Pediat 8:53-95, 1956. 89. Levine SZ (editor-in-chief): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, 1957, vol 9. 90. Levine SZ: Study Group on Pediatric Education , Report No. (119) . Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization, 1957. 91. Levine SZ, in discussion, Lanman JT (ed): Transactions of the First Conference on Physiology of Prematurity , (March 21) , 22, 23, 1956. New York, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1957. 92. Levine SZ, Dann M: Survival rates and weight gains in premature infants weighing 1,000 grams or less: 24 years' experience at the New York Hospital . Ann Pediat Fenn 3:185-192, 1957. 93. Levine SZ: The personal side of medical exchange . Unitarian Register , (November) , 1957. 94. Levine SZ, in discussion: Conference on Teaching Rehabilitation to Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Students February 24, 26, 1957, Bandera, Tex. New York, The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. 95. Levine SZ (ed): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1958, vol 10. 96. Levine SZ, moderator, Special Committee on Infant Mortality, in discussion: Respiratory difficulties of newborn infants . NY State J Med 58:372, 1958. 97. Levine SZ: Problemas nutricionales en la epoca del destete , in Simposios Sobre Nutricion Infantil en America del Sur en 1958 . Montevideo, Uruguay, Instituto Interamericano del Nino con el Unitarian Service Committee, Inc, 1958, p 13. 98. Levine SZ, Dann M, New EV: The development of prematurely born children with birth weights or minimal postnatal weights of 1,000 grams or less . Pediatrics 22:1037, 1958. 99. Levine SZ: Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia , in Cecil-Loeb Textbook of Medicine , ed 10. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1959, p 584. 100. Levine SZ, Luckey EH, Landesman R, et al: Problems of the newborn: Presented at the Practitioners Conference . New York Med , vol 15, (Jan 5) ,1959. 101. Levine SZ, Davidson M: The institutes for physicians and nurses in the care of premature infants . Pediat Int 10:867, 1960. 102. Levine SZ (ed): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1960, vol 11. 103. Levine SZ: The Department of Pediatrics: Its origin and evolution . Cornell University Medical College Alumni Bulletin , (winter) issue, 1960. 104. Levine SZ, in discussion, Lanman JT (ed): Transactions of the Fourth Conference on Physiology of Prematurity , (March 25) , 26 and 27, 1959. New York, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1960. 105. Levine SZ: Careers in pediatrics , in 36th Ross Conference on Pediatric Research . Columbus, Ohio, Ross Laboratories, 1960. 106. Levine SZ: Pediatric education at the crossroads . Amer J Dis Child 100:651-656, 1960.Crossref 107. Levine SZ: Seven ages of medical man. Read before the Opening Exercises, Cornell University Medical College, 1958. 108. Levine SZ: Care of premature infants . J Med Educ 36:1606, 1961. 109. Levine SZ: World nutrition problems . Ann Rev Med 13:41,1962.Crossref 110. Levine SZ (ed): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1962, vol 12. 111. Levine SZ: Research on premature infants: Some perspectives . Pediatrics 32:319, 1963. 112. Levine SZ: A long term follow-up study of small premature infants . Pediatrics 33:945, 1963. 113. Levine SZ (ed): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1964, vol 13. 114. Levine SZ: Child health abroad: Some personal observations . J Pediat 65:1002,1964.Crossref 115. Levine SZ (ed): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1966, vol 14. 116. Levine SZ: Feeding Studies in low-birth-weight infants . J Pediat 70:695, 1967.Crossref 117. Levine SZ (ed): Advances in Pediatrics . Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers Inc, 1968, vol 15.
Seven Ages of Medical ManLevine, Samuel Z.
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130047002pmid: 5542857
Abstract It is a great privilege for me to greet you, the entering class of 1962, and to welcome back you upper classmen of this 61st year of the Cornell Medical College. On behalf of my colleagues on the faculty, may I extend to you a most cordial welcome to join our academic circle. May I also express our common hope that the next four years will be fruitful and rewarding ones. You have begun a course of study which will in time qualify you for membership in an ancient and honorable profession just as I did 42 years ago in this same medical school. In the interim the medical curriculum has undergone incredible changes. Instrumental refinements coupled with advances in biological knowledge have so extended the frontiers of scientific medicine that many new areas have already eluded my comprehension despite frantic efforts to keep abreast. I am grateful that
International Health— Impressions of a Medical Research Team in NigeriaKretchmer, Norman
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130051003pmid: 5542858
Abstract It is usually expected that the author of a contribution to a special issue should present an essay which indicates a clinical or scientific path stimulated by the recipient of the special issue, in this case S. Z. Levine, MD. To remain within the realm of the usual, such a directive has been accepted even though the result is more narrative and philosophic than scientific. Dr. Levine has devoted a major portion of his life toward the goal of international understanding. In recognition of his efforts, and in order to preserve this most important objective, his students, family, and friends contributed time and money to form the Foundation for International Child Health in 1962. Although it has remained relatively small, the Foundation has gained international recognition for its work in the area of training, care, and research projects related to maternal and child health in the developing nations of References 1. Bohannon L: Ethnographic survey of Africa: VIII. Western Africa , The Tiv of Central Nigeria . London, International African Institute, 1953. 2. Flint JE: Nigeria and Ghana . New Jersey, PrenticeHall Inc, 1966. 3. Forde D: Ethnographic survey of Africa: III. Western Africa , The Ibo and Ibibio-Speaking Peoples of South-Eastern Nigeria . London, International African Institute, 1950. 4. Forde D: Ethnographic Survey of Africa: IV. Western Africa , The Yoruba-Speaking Peoples of South-Western Nigeria . London, International African Institute, 1951. 5. Murdock GP: Africa: Its People and Their Culture History . New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co Inc, 1959. 6. Ojo GJA: Yoruba Culture, a Geographical Analysis . London, University of London Press Ltd, 1966. 7. Seligman CG: Races of Africa . London, Oxford University Press, 1966. 8. Stenning DJ: Savannah Nomads . London, Oxford University Press, 1959. 9. Wilson-Haffenden JR: The Red Men of Nigeria , ed 2. London, Frank Cass & Co Ltd, 1967.
CommentaryBarnett, Henry L.
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130058004
Abstract In the foregoing essay, Norman Kretchmer, MD, PhD, has described the origin, goals, and some of the extraordinary accomplishments of the Foundation for International Child Health, founded in 1962 in honor of Samuel Z. Levine, MD, to whom this special issue is dedicated. Commendable modesty precluded a full assessment of Dr. Kretchmer's own outstanding role in furthering the aims of the Foundation, especially through his recent unique contributions in Nigeria. The remarkable productivity of the Foundation during its early years stemmed directly from Dr. Levine's personal role in identifying programs deserving support. In his earlier wide-ranging international travels on medical missions—the last as recent as April 1970—Dr. Levine actually sought out applications from health professionals who, in his keen judgment, were doing important and unique work. This extensive and perceptive acquaintance with men and institutions assured the continued excellence of the Foundation's activities. Prudently, Dr. Levine has decelerated the pace
International Trends in Postperinatal MortalityWegman, Myron E.
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130059005pmid: 5542847
Abstract Study of the postperinatal infant mortality offers certain advantages for international comparison, because the problems of differences of definition and confusion between stillborn and liveborn infants are largely eliminated. Furthermore, the postperinatal rates concentrate on the area in which environmental influences and the quality of care given the infant are predominant. Data available for comparison of rates between 1956 and 1966 suggest that while there are wide variations internationally, some countries with very high rates have been able to improve dramatically. Most countries with rates between 15 and 50 have improved substantially and a large proportional improvement occurred even among countries with quite low rates. In the latter group the position of the United States has become substantially worse in the decade under study. References 1. International Comparison of Perinatal and Infant Mortality: The United States and Six West European Countries . Vital and Health Statistics Analytical Studies, National Center for Health Statistics, Public Health Service publication 1000, series 3, No. (6) , 1967. 2. Shapiro S, Schlesinger ER, Nesbitt REL Jr: Infant, Perinatal, Maternal, and Childhood Mortality in the United States . Vital and Health Statistics monographs, Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press, 1968. 3. Falkner F: Infant mortality: An urgent national problem . Children 17:83-87,1970. 4. Demographic Yearbook , New York, United Nations, 1966. 5. Demographic Yearbook , New York, United Nations, 1967. 6. Vital Statistics of the United States . Public Health Service, 1956, vol 1. 7. Vital Statistics of the United States . Public Health Service, 1966, vol 2.
Practical Implications of Doctor-Patient Interaction Analysis for Pediatric PracticeKorsch, Barbara M.;Freemon, Barbara;Negrete, Vida Francis
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130064006pmid: 5542848
Abstract There is a need for physicians and other health workers to attempt to speak the patient's language and, if not to accept, then at least to understand the patient's value system. Attention must be given to patients' own ideas about the presenting illness, and their expectations of the physician must be dealt with explicitly. Parents need specific information about the nature and causation of illness in their children. In addition, direct attention must be given to the emotional and social components of child health, especially during visits for well-baby care and health supervision. Patients appreciate a physician who is friendly, who expresses solidarity and support to them, who devotes some time to nonmedical and social subjects, and who treats them with warmth, humanity, and respect. References 1. Korsch BM, Gozzi EK, Francis V: Gaps in doctor-patient communication: I. Doctor-patient interaction and patient satisfaction . Pediatrics 42:855-871, 1968. 2. Francis V, Korsch BM, Morris MJ: Gaps in doctor-patient communication: Patients' response to medical advice . New Eng J Med 280:535-540, 1969.Crossref 3. Balint M: The doctor and His Patient and the Illness . New York, International University Press, 1957. 4. Deisher R, Engel W, Spielholz R, et al: Mothers' opinions of their pediatric care . Pediatrics 35:82-90, 1965. 5. Silver HK: Use of new types of allied health professions in providing care for children . Amer J Dis Child 116:486-490, 1968. 6. Siegel E, Bryson SC: A redefinition of the role of the public health nurse in child health supervision . Amer J Pub Health 53:1015-1024, 1963. 7. Starfield B, Sharp E: Ambulatory pediatric care: The role of the nurse . Med Care 6:507-515, 1968.Crossref 8. Bales RF: Interaction Process Analysis . Cambridge, Mass, Addison-Wesley Press Inc, 1950. 9. Freemon B, Negrete VF, Davis M, et al: Doctor-patient communication: Doctor-patient interaction analysis . Pediat Res , 1971, to be published. 10. Davis MS, Eichhorn RL: Compliance with medical regimens: Panel study . J Health Human Behav 4:240-249, 1963.Crossref
Impairment of Cold-Stimulated Lipolysis by Acute HypoxiaBaum, David;Anthony, Courtney L.;Stowers, Carol
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130069007pmid: 5542849
Abstract Cold stress led to elevated plasma glycerol and free fatty acid (FFA) levels in 12 airventilated puppies. In contrast to persisting high plasma glycerol and FFA levels in the control group, marked falls of these plasma constituents occurred in six animals made hypoxic. Returning the hypoxic puppies to air breathing resulted in partial recovery of prehypoxic elevations of plasma glycerol and FFA. These observations in puppies indicate that lipolysis stimulated by cold stress was inhibited by hypoxia. Since FFA is a major fuel for heat production, reduced lipolysis at low oxygen tensions may contribute to impaired thermogenesis in young hypoxic mammals. References 1. Dawkins MJR, Hull D: Brown adipose tissue and the response of newborn rabbits to cold . J Physiol 172:216-238, 1964. 2. Hill JR: The oxygen consumption of newborn and adult mammals: Its dependence on oxygen tension in the inspired air and on the environmental temperature . J Physiol 149:346-372, 1959. 3. Baum D, Mullins GL: Core temperature in infants undergoing cardiac catheterization . Pediatrics 38:88-93, 1965. 4. Scopes JW, Ahmed I: Indirect assessment of oxygen requirements in newborn babies by monitoring deep body temperature . Arch Dis Child 41:25-33, 1966.Crossref 5. Masoro EJ: Effect of cold on metabolic use of lipids . Physiol Rev 46:67-101, 1966. 6. Ball EC, Jungas RL: Net gas exchange and oxygen consumption , in Renold AE, Cahill GF, Jr (eds): Adipose Tissue . Washington, DC, American Physiological Society, 1966, pp 355-361. 7. Baum D: Inhibition of lipolysis by hypoxia in puppies . Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 125:1190-1194, 1967.Crossref 8. Baum D: The inhibition of norepinephrinestimulated lipolysis by acute hypoxia . J Pharmacol Exp Ther 169:87-94,1969. 9. Carlson LD: The role of catecholamines in cold adaptation . Pharmacol Rev 18:291-301, 1966. 10. McIntyre DG, Ederstrom HE: Metabolic factors in the development of homeothermy in dogs . Amer J Physiol 194:293-296, 1958. 11. Mott JC: Oxygen consumption in the newborn . Fed Proc 22:115-126, 1963. 12. Wieland O: Glycerol, in Bergmeyer HE (ed): Methods of Enzymatic Analysis . New York, Academic Press Inc, 1965, pp 211-214. 13. Novak M: Colorimetric ultramicro method for the determination of free fatty acids . J Lipid Res 6:431-433, 1965. 14. Huggett A St. G, Nixon DA: Enzymatic determination of blood glucose . Biochem J 66:12P, 1957. 15. Hohorst HJ: L-(+)-lactate , in Bergmeyer HE (ed): Methods of Enzymatic Analysis . New York, Academic Press Inc, 1965, pp 266-277. 16. Poyart C, Nahas GG: Metabolic effects of theophylline and norepinephrine in the dog at normal and acid pH . Amer J Physiol 212:1247,1254, 1967. 17. Miller HI, Issekutz B Jr, Paul P, et al: Effect of lactic acid on plasma free fatty acids in pancreatectomized dogs . Amer J Physiol 207:1226,1230, 1964. 18. Baum D, Porte D Jr: Effect of acute hypoxia on circulating insulin levels . J Clin Endocr 29:991-994, 1969.Crossref 19. Mott JC: The ability of young mammals to withstand total oxygen lack . Brit Med Bull 17:144-147, 1961. 20. Butcher RW, Ho RJ, Meng HC, et al: Adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate in biological materials: II. The measurement of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate in tissues and the role of the cyclic nucleotide in the lipolytic response of fat to epinephrine . J Biol Chem 240:4515-4523, 1965.
Leukocyte Function and the Development of Opsonic and Complement Activity in the NeonateMcCracken, George H.;Eichenwald, Heinz F.
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130074008pmid: 5542850
Abstract Phagocytic and bactericidal functions of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the development of serum opsonic activity in newborn infants were studied using Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa as the test organisms. Ingestion and intracellular killing of the bacteria were normal in leukocytes from 18 infants as was the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium by phagocytizing leukocytes from 41 infants. Opsonic activity for the three bacteria was deficient in infants under 3,000 gm (6 lb 10 oz) with 10% and 2.5% concentrations of cord sera. Seventy-five percent to 100% of the opsonic activity of cord sera was heat-labile. Total hemolytic complement activity and the third component of complement (C′3) were measured and found to be related to birth weight. A significant relationship between C′3 levels and opsonic activity for S aureus and P aeruginosa was observed. References 1. Tunnicliff R: Observations on antiinfectious power of blood of infants . J Infect Dis 7:698-707, 1910.Crossref 2. Matoth Y: Phagocytic and ameboid activities of the leukocytes in the newborn infant . Pediatrics 9:748-754, 1952. 3. Gluck L, Silverman WA: Phagocytosis in premature infants . Pediatrics 20:951-957,1957. 4. Cocchi P, Marianelli L: Phagocytosis and intracellular killing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in premature infants . Helv Paediat Acta 1:110-118,1967. 5. Edwards MS, Griffiths LL, Swift PN: Cellular immunity at birth . Arch Dis Child 33:512-519, 1958.Crossref 6. Forman ML, Stiehm ER: Impaired opsonic activity but normal phagocytosis in low-birth-weight infants . New Eng J Med 281:926-931, 1969.Crossref 7. Fireman P, Zuchowski DA, Taylor PM: Development of human complement system . J Immun 103:25-31, 1969. 8. Hirsch JG, Strauss B: Studies on heat-labile opsonin in rabbit serum . J Immun 92:145-154,1964. 9. Quie PG, White JG, Holmes B, et al: In vitro bactericidal capacity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes: Diminished activity in chronic granulomatous disease of childhood . J Clin Invest 46:668-679,1967.Crossref 10. Windhorst DB, Holmes B, Good RA: A newly defined X-linked trait in man with demonstration of the Lyon effect in carrier females . Lancet 1:737-739, 1967.Crossref 11. McCracken GH, Hardy JB, Chen TC, et al: Evaluation of a radial diffusion plate method for determining serum immunoglobulin levels in normal and congenitally infected infants . J Pediat 75:1204-1209, 1969.Crossref 12. Mayer MM: Complement and complement fixation , in Kabat and Mayer's Experimental immunochemistry , ed 2. Springfield, Ill, Charles C Thomas Publisher, 1961, p 133. 13. Dossett JH, Quie PG: Opsonins and polymorphonuclear leukocyte function in mothers and newborns. Abstracts of the Society for Pediatric Research, Atlantic City, NJ, May, 1968, p 135. 14. Park BH, Holmes B, Good RA: Metabolic activities in leukocytes of newborn infants . J Pediat 76:237-241, 1970.Crossref 15. Quie PG, Messner RP, Williams RC: Phagocytosis in subacute bacterial endocarditis . J Exp Med 128:553-570, 1968.Crossref 16. Smith JW, Barnett JA, May RP, et al: Comparison of the opsonic activity of gamma-G and gamma-M-antiproteus globulins . J Immun 98:336-342, 1967. 17. Johnston RB, Klemperer MR, Alper CA, et al: The enhancement of bacterial phagocytosis by serum . J Exp Med 129:1275-1290, 1969.Crossref 18. Rabinovitch M: Phagocytosis: The engulfment stage . Seminars Hemat 5:134-155, 1968. 19. Gewurz H: The immunologic role of complement . Hosp Pract , pp 45-56,1967. 20. Alper CA, Abramson N, Johnston RB, et al: Increased susceptibility to infection associated with abnormalities of complement-mediated functions and of the third component of complement (C′3) . New Eng J Med 282:349-354, 1970.Crossref 21. Propp RA, Alper CA: C′3 synthesis in the human fetus and lack of transplacental passage . Science 162:672-673, 1968.Crossref 22. Fishel CW, Pearlman DS: Complement components of paired mother-cord sera . Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 107:695-699,1961.Crossref
Bleeding Disorders Due to Platelet DysfunctionHathaway, William E.
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130081009pmid: 5100795
Abstract Abnormalities of platelet function can result in defective hemostasis and a prolonged bleeding time in spite of a normal platelet count. Platelet function tests including platelet adhesiveness, platelet aggregation to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen, and thrombin, clot retraction, and platelet factor 3 (PF3) release were performed in 16 patients who had mild to moderately severe bleeding diathesis. Hereditary platelet functional diseases which are reported include von Willebrand's disease, ADP release defect, PF3 release defect, and Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. Platelet dysfunction is described in association with the following diseases: connective tissue disorders, glycogen storage diseases, biliary cirrhosis, disseminated lupus erythematosus, thalassemia major, streptococcal infection, intravascular coagulation, and acyanotic congenital heart disease. A tentative classification of hereditary and acquired disorders of platelet function is presented. References 1. Maupin B: Blood Platelets in Man and Animals . Oxford, England, Pergamon Press, 1969. 2. Cronberg S: Investigations in haemorrhagic disorders with prolonged bleeding time but normal number of platelets with special reference to platelet adhesiveness . Acta Med Scand 486 (suppl) :5,1968. 3. Mustard JF: Recent advances in molecular pathology: A review: Platelet aggregation, vascular injury and atherosclerosis . Exp Molec Path 7:366-377, 1967.Crossref 4. Marcus AJ, Zucker MB: The Physiology of Blood Platelets . New York, Grune & Stratton Inc, 1965. 5. Call KE, Mull MM, Hathaway WE: Platelet function in classical hemophilia: Report of a case with defective platelet function . Blood 33:26-36,1969. 6. Mull MM, Hathaway WE: Altered platelet function in newborns . Pediat Res 4:229-239, 1970.Crossref 7. Baldini MG, Steiner M: Thrombocytopathies with or without thrombocytopenia . New Eng J Med 281:904-905, 1969.Crossref 8. Caen JP, Castaldi PA, Leclerc JC, et al: Congenital bleeding disorders with long bleeding time and normal platelet count: I. Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (report of 15 patients) . Amer J Med 41:4-26,1966.Crossref 9. Hirsh J, Castelan DJ, Loder PB: Spontaneous bruising associated with a defect in the interaction of platelets with connective tissue . Lancet 2:18-21,1967.Crossref 10. Sahud MA, Aggeler PM: Platelet dysfunction—differentiation of a newly recognized primary type from that produced by aspirin . New Eng J Med 280:453-459,1969.Crossref 11. Weiss HJ: Platelet aggregation, adhesion, and adenosine diphosphate release in thrombopathia (platelet factor 3 deficiency) . Amer J Med 43:570-578,1967.Crossref 12. Weiss HJ, Chervenik PA, Zalusky R, et al: A familiar defect in platelet function associated with impaired release of adenosine diphosphate . New Eng J Med 281:1264-1270, 1969.Crossref 13. Ulutin ON: Primary thrombocytopathy . Israel J Med Sci 1:857-860, 1965. 14. 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Nilsson IM, Öckerman PA: The bleeding disorder in hepatomegalic forms of glycogen storage disease . Acta Paediat Scand 59:127-133, 1970.Crossref 27. Stewart JH, Castaldi PA: Uraemic bleeding: A reversible platelet defect corrected by dialysis . Quart J Med 36:409-423, 1967. 28. Horowitz HI, Cohen BD, Martinez P, et al: Defective ADP-induced platelet factor 3 activation in uremia . Blood 30:331-340, 1967. 29. Stein IM, Cohen BD, Kornhauser RS: Guanidinosuccinic acid in renal failure, experimental azotemia, and inborn errors of the urea cycle . New Eng J Med 280:926-903, 1969.Crossref 30. Brons K, Gormsen J: Studies on platelet factor 3 activity . Scand J Haemat 5:300-312, 1968.Crossref 31. Thomas DP, Ream VJ, Stuart RK: Platelet aggregation in patients with Laennec's cirrhosis of the liver . New Eng J Med 276:1344-1348, 1967.Crossref 32. Rozenberg MC, Dintenfass L: Platelet aggregation in Waldenström's macroglobulinemia . Thromb Diath Haemorrh 14:202-208, 1965. 33. McClure PD, Ingram GIC, Stacey RS, et al: Platelet function tests in thrombocythaemia and thrombocytosis . Brit J Haemat 12:478-498,1966.Crossref 34. Spaet TH, Lejnieks I, Gaynor E, et al: Defective platelets in essential thrombocythemia . Arch Intern Med 124:135-141, 1969.Crossref 35. Kowalski E, Kopek M, Wegrzynowicz Z: Influence of fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) on platelet aggregation, adhesiveness, and viscous metamorphosis . Thromb Diath Haemorrh 10:406-423,1963. 36. Coopland AT, Israels ED, Zipursky A, et al: The pathogenesis of defective hemostasis in abruptio placentae . Amer J Obstet Gynec 100:311-318,1968. 37. Born GVR, Wright HP: Platelet adhesiveness in experimental scurvy . Lancet 1:477-478, 1967.Crossref 38. Weiss HJ: The effect of clinical dextran on platelet aggregation, adhesion, and ADP release in man: In vivo and in vitro studies . J Lab Clin Med 69:37-46,1967. 39. O'Brien JR: Effects of salicylates on human platelets . Lancet 1:779-783,1968.Crossref 40. Kaneshiro MM, Mielke CH, Kasper CK, et al: Bleeding time after aspirin in disorders of intrinsic clotting . New Eng J Med 281:1039-1042,1969.Crossref 41. Pegrum CG, Harrison KM, Shaw S, et al: Effect of prolonged exercise on platelet adhesiveness . Nature 213:301-302, 1967.Crossref 42. Hovig T: The ultrastructure of blood platelets in normal and abnormal states . Series Haematologica 1:3-64, 1968. 43. Karpatkin S, Siskind GW: In vitro detection of platelet antibody in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and systemic lupus erythematosus . Blood 33:795-812,1969. 44. Strong WB: Petechiae and streptococcal pharyngitis . Amer J Dis Child 117:156-160,1969. 45. Mielke CH, Britten AFH: Use of aspirin or acetaminophen in hemophilia . New Eng J Med 282:1270,1970.Crossref 46. Corby CG, Zirbel CL, Gibson MS, et al: Effect of antenatal drug administration on aggregation of platelets in newborn infants , in Proceedings of the Society for Pediatric Research , 1970, p 17.
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome in a Child with Hodgkin's DiseaseTan, Charlotte;Etcubanas, Erlinda;Lieberman, Philip;Isenberg, Hazel;King, Oscar;Murphy, M. Lois
1971 American Journal of Diseases of Children
doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1971.02100130089010pmid: 5100796
Abstract Hodgkin's disease developed in a girl 8 years 9 months of age with the physical and hematologic stigmata of Chediak-Higashi syndrome. The association of malignant lymphoma with Chediak-Higashi syndrome has been reported previously, but to our knowledge, no case of Hodgkin's disease has been described to date. References 1. Beguez-Cesar A: Neutropenia cronica maligna familiar con granulaciones atipicas de los leucocitos . Bol Soc Cub Pediat 15:900, 1943. 2. Steinbrinck W: Über eine Neve Granulations-Anomalie der Leukocyten . Deutsch Arch Klin Med 193:577, 1948. 3. Chediak M: Nouvelle anomalie leucocytaire de caractere constitutional et familia . Rev Hemat 7:362, 1952. 4. Higashi O: Congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules . Tohoku J Exp Med 59:315, 1954.Crossref 5. Dent PB, Fish LA, White JG, et al: Chediak-Higashi syndrome: Observations on the nature of the associated malignancy . Lab Invest 15:1634-1642, 1966. 6. Leader RT, Padgett GA, Gorham JR: Studies of abnormal leucocyte bodies in mink . Blood 22:477-484, 1963. 7. Padgett GA, Leader RW, Gorham JR, et al: The familial occurrence of the Chediak-Higashi syndrome in mink and cattle . Genetics 49:505, 1964. 8. Lutzner MA, Lourie CT, Jordan HW: Giant granules in leucocytes of the beige mouse . J Hered 58:299, 1967. 9. Padgett GA, Reiquam CW, Gorham JR, et al: Comparative studies of the Chediak-Higashi syndrome . Amer J Path 51:553-571, 1967. 10. Windhorst DB, Zelickson AS, Good RA: A human pigmentary dilution based on a heritable subcellular structural defect, the Chediak-Higashi syndrome . J Invest Derm 50:9-18,1965. 11. Zelickson AS, Windhorst DB, White JG, et al: The Chediak-Higashi syndrome: Formation of giant melanosomes and the basis of hypopigmentation . J Invest Derm 49:575-581, 1967.Crossref 12. Bedoya V, Grimley PM, Duque O: Chediak-Higashi syndrome . Arch Path 88:340-349, 1969. 13. Mauri C, Silingardi V: A cytological and cytochemical study of Chediak's leukocytic anomaly . Acta Haemat 33:114-126, 1964.Crossref 14. White JG: The Chediak-Higashi syndrome: Cytoplasmic sequestration in circulating leukocytes . Blood 33:821-832, 1969. 15. Bennett JM, Blume RS, Wolff SM: Characterization and significance of abnormal leukocyte granules in the beige mouse: A possible homologue for Chediak-Higashi Aleutian trait . J Lab Clin Med 73:235-243, 1969. 16. Page AR, Berendes H, Warner J, et al: The Chediak-Higashi syndrome . Blood 20:330-343, 1962.