1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030313001
Abstract Facial palsy is serious not because it endangers the patient directly but because, the face being "the mirror of the soul," the afflicted creature loses what Duel1 so aptly named "the language of facial expression." That this may have far reaching psychic, social and economic consequences needs no explanation. It is therefore understandable that in the past many attempts have been made by many different routes to come to the aid of patients with facial paralysis, but only the intratemporal surgical approach to the facial nerve seems to have brought the surgeon near the goal. Chief credit for this treatment must be given to the Englishman Sir Charles Ballance and the American Dr. Arthur B. Duel, who by their comprehensive animal experiments and subsequent operations on human beings have created the foundation on which present day surgeons build. The results achieved by Ballance and Duel2 and later by a whole References 1. Duel, A. B.: History and Development of the Surgical Treatment of Facial Palsy , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 56:382, 1933. 2. Ballance, C., and Duel, A. B.: The Operative Treatment of Facial Palsy , Arch. Otolaryng. 15:1-70 ( (Jan.) ) 1932. 3. Tickle, T. G.: The Surgical Treatment of Facial Paralyses , in Kopetzky, S.: Surgery of the Ear , New York, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1939. 4. Sullivan, J. A.: A Modification of Ballance-Duel Technique in the Treatment of Facial Paralysis , Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. 41:282, 1936. 5. Ney, K. W.: Facial Paralysis and the Surgical Repair of the Facial Nerve , Laryngoscope 32:327, 1922. 6. Martin, R. C.: (a) Intratemporal Suture of the Facial Nerve , Arch. Otolaryng. 13:259 ( (Feb.) ) 1931 7. Surgical Repair of the Facial Nerve , Martin Arch. Otolaryng. 23:458 ( (April) ) 1936 8. Recent Experiences with Operation on Facial Nerve , Martin Arch. Otolaryng. 32:1071 ( (Dec.) ) 1940. 9. Bunnell, S.: Surgical Repair of the Facial Nerve , Arch. Otolaryng. 25:235 ( (March) ) 1937. 10. Kettel, K.: Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis, Ugesk. f. læger, to be published. 11. Morris, W. M.: Surgical Treatment of Facial Paralysis: A Review of Forty-Six Cases , Lancet 2:558, 1939. 12. Sewall, E. C.: Decompression of the Facial Nerve , Arch. Otolaryng. 18:746 ( (Dec.) ) 1933. 13. Watson-Williams, E.: Facial Paralysis Occurring During Mastoid Operation; Decompression of Facial Nerve; Complete Recovery , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. (Sect. Otol.) 22:98, 1929 14. abstracted, Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 14:856, 1930. 15. Sandor: Two Cases of Facial Palsy "e Frigore" Cured by Decompression , J. Laryng. & Otol. 49:503, 1934. 16. Bauer, G.: Nerve Graft in Facial Palsy , Acta chir. Scandinav. 81:130, 1938. 17. Bergström, E.: Good Result After Operation for Traumatic Defect of the Facial Nerve , Nord. med. (Hygiea) 8:2102, 1940. 18. Hall, I. S.: Two Cases Illustrating Ballance-Duel Technique , J. Laryng. & Otol. 52:648, 1937 19. abstracted, Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:672, 1938. 20. Cardwell, E. P.: Direct Implantation of Free Nerve Grafts Between Facial Musculature and Facial Trunk , Arch. Otolaryng. 27:469 ( (April) ) 1938. 21. Poppen, cited by Eagleton.18 22. Eagleton, W. P.: Intradural Conditions in Relation to Rhinology and Otology: Critical Survey of Literature , Arch. Otolaryng. 32:109 ( (July) ) 1940. 23. Bunnell, S., and Boyes, J. H.: Nerve Grafts , Am. J. Surg. 44:64, 1939. 24. Brooke: A Case of Facial Paralysis Treated by Facial Grafts , Brit. J. Surg. 20:523, 1933.Crossref 25. Collier, D. J.: Facial Paralysis: Ballance-Duel Nerve Graft , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 29:1679, 1936. 26. Kisch, H.: Facial Paralysis: Ballance-Duel Nerve Graft; Recovery , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 29:1679, 1936 27. abstracted, Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:54, 1938. 28. Lindsay, J. R.: Transplantation of Facial Nerve , Arch. Otolaryng. 27:131 ( (Jan.) ) 1938.Crossref 29. McArthur, G. A. D.: Repair of Facial Nerve Lesion by Nerve Graft , M. J. Australia 2:1123, 1939. 30. Scott, S.: Nerve-Graft in the Treatment of Facial Paralysis: Ballance and Duel Method , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 28:236, 1935 31. abstracted, Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 25:61, 1936. 32. Rosenthal, W.: Ueber muskuläre Neurotisation bei Facialislähmungen , Zentralbl. f. Chir. 43:489, 1916. 33. Doroschenko, S. T.: Verbesserungen bei der Paralyse des Gesichtes , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 70:1303, 1936. 34. Cistjakov: Ueber operative Behandlung der Fazialisparalyse mittels Muskelplastik nach Rosenthal , Nov. khir. 12:222, 1931 35. abstracted, Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 18:110, 1932. 36. Jaritzin, A. A.: Muscle Neurotisation in the Case of Facial Palsy , Folia neuropath. eston. 15-16:131, 1936 37. abstracted, Zentralbl. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 27:226, 1937. 38. Eden, R.: Ueber die chirurgische Behandlung der peripheren Fazialislähmung , Beitr. z. klin. Chir. 73:116, 1911. 39. Nühsmann, T.: Diagnose, Prognose und Therapie der otogenen Fazialislähmung , in Denker, A., and Kahler, O.: Handbuch der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926, vol. 8, pt. 3. 40. Momburg: Die kosmetische Behandlung der Fazialislähmung nach Busch , Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 47:1115, 1910. 41. Moszkowicz: Faszienplastik bei Fazialislähmung , Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 41:1151, 1928. 42. Kirschner, M.: Die gegenwärtige Stand und die nächsten Aussichten der autoplastischen freien Fascienübertragung , Beitr. z. klin. Chir. 86:45, 1913. 43. Demel, R.: Ein Beitrag zur Fascienplastik bei Facialislähmung , Zentralbl. f. Chir. 61:1445, 1934. 44. Gillies, H.: Experiencs with Fascia Lata Grafts in the Operative Treatment of Facial Paralysis , J. Laryng. & Otol. 49:743, 1934. 45. Gomoin, cited by Eden.30 46. Halle, M.: The Occurrence of Facial Paralysis and Methods for Its Correction , Laryngoscope 48:225, 1938. 47. Lexer, E.: Zur Gesichtsplastik , Arch. f. klin. Chir. 92:786, 1910. 48. Perthes: Ist die Nervenpropfung oder die Muskelplastik für die Behandlung irreparabler Facialislähmungen vorzuziehen? Zentralbl. f. Chir. 51:2073, 1924. 49. Sanvenero-Roselli, G.: Paralisi del facciale e sua cura chirurgica , Atti clin. otol., Univ. Torino 2:299, 1935. 50. Leriche and Hesse, cited by Doroschenko.27 51. Fowler, E. P., Jr.: (a) Abnormal Movements Following Injury to the Facial Nerve , J. A. M. A. 113:1003 ( (Sept. 9) ) 1939Crossref 52. The Management and Treatment of Afflictions of the Facial Nerve Within the Fallopian Canal , Acta oto-laryng. 27:615, 1939.Crossref 53. van Gielse, P. H. G.: Le clignement dans la paralysie faciale périphérique otogène , Acta oto-laryng. 24:162, 1936.Crossref 54. Howe, H. A.; Tower, S. S., and Duel, A. B.: Facial Tic in Relation to Injury of Facial Nerve: Experimental Study , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 38:1190 ( (Dec.) ) 1937. 55. Hofmann, L.: Der Faserverlauf im Nervus facialis , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 10:86, 1924. 56. Szende: Untersuchungen über die Geschmacksempfindungen nach Ohroperationen , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 69:737, 1935. 57. Wohlfeil, M.: Ueber Geschmacksstörungen nach Mittelohrerkrankungen und Radikaloperationen, Inaug. Dissert., Königsberg, 1936. 58. Ho, W. Y. H.: Disturbances of Taste of Otitic Origin with Special Reference to Operations on the Ear , Arch. Otolaryng. 26:146 ( (Aug.) ) 1937. 59. Pöllmann: Fazialisparesen , Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. 71:1068, 1937. 60. Persky, A. H.: Facial Palsy of Otitic Origin , Arch. Otolaryng. 27:395 ( (April) ) 1938. 61. Körner, O.: Ueber Fazialislähmung infolge von Operationen im Mittelohr und am Schläfenbein , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 72:186, 1915. 62. Björk, H.: Peripheral Facial Paralysis Following Acute Otitis , Finska läk.- sällsk. handl. 79:622, 1936. 63. McCaskey, C. H.: The Etiology and Treatment of Seventh Nerve Paralysis , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 49:199, 1940. 64. Morwitz, S. M.: Facial Paralysis Associated with Acute Otitis Media , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 37:1263, 1928. 65. Lillie, H. I.: The Diagnostic Significance of Partial Paralysis of the Facial Nerve in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media and Mastoiditis , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 50:38, 1941. 66. Pollak, E.: Die Erkrankungen des facialis , in Alexander, G., and Marburg, O.: Handbuch der Neurologie des Ohres , Berlin, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1924, vol. 2, pt. 1, pp. 1-76. 67. Danelius, B. D.: Die Fazialislähmung als Indikation für die Aufmeiselung von Processus mastoideus bei akuter Mittelohrsuppuration , Acta oto-laryng. 2:355, 1920. 68. Lund, R.: Die Facialisparese bei suppurativen Mittelohrleiden mit besonderem Hinblick auf ihre Verbindung mit labyrinthären Komplikationen und ihre Bedeutung als Operationsindikation. Die postoperative Facialisparese , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 23:296, 1929. 69. Vogt, H.: Die Paralyse des Nervus facialis im Anschlusse an Otitis media acuta, Inaug. Dissert., Heidelberg, 1899 70. Pollak.57 71. Canuyt, G.: Fait clinique sur un cas d'otite moyenne aiguë suppurée gauche avec mastoïdite et paralysie faciale périphérique gauche d'origine otogène. Trépanation mastoïdienne. Guérison , Oto-rhino-laryng. internat. 6:260, 1922. 72. Baranger, A.: Du pronostic et des indications opératoires apportés par la paralysie faciale périphérique au cours d'unne otite myoenne purulente aiguë , Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx 45:1024, 1926. 73. Manasse, P.: Fazialislähmung bei akuter Otitis media , Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 52:532, 1926.Crossref 74. Sirelius, U.: Facial Palsy as Indication for Trepanation in Acute Otitis , Duodecim 51:329, 1935. 75. Dintenfass, H.: Facial Paralysis from Acute Middle Ear Suppuration , Pennsylvania M. J. 38:854, 1935. 76. Vermes, E.: Zur pathologischen Anatomie der otogenen Facialislähmung , Ztschr. f. Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenh. 29:290, 1931. 77. Fremel, F.: Zur Pathologie der otogenen Gesichtslähmung . Monatschr. f. 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1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030359002
Abstract In the preceding paper we1 attempted to review the most important pioneer observations on meningitis, in particular those reports of meningitis which might, with some degree of probability, be regarded as examples of staphylococcic infection, up to and including the convincing demonstrations of staphylococcic meningitis in 1890 and 1892. In the present paper we continue the review of outstanding contributions to the study of meningitis after 1892, but now with particular attention to the reported recoveries from staphylococcic meningitis. Unfortunately, even in this modern period of medicine one may find published reports of meningitis in which the specific bacteriologic data are inadequately recorded and the nature of the infectious agent can be recognized only with some uncertainty or not at all. In the critical evaluation of case reports of meningitis one has to recognize that pleocytosis and symptoms of meningeal irritation may exist without actual bacterial infection of the cerebrospinal References 1. MacNeal, W. J.; Frisbee, F. C., and Blevins, A.: Staphylococcic Meningitis from Hippocrates to Le Gendre and Beaussenat: A Mortal Disease , Arch. Otolaryng. 37:199 ( (Feb.) ) 1943.Crossref 2. Macewen, W.: Pyogenic Infective Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord , Glasgow, James Maclehose & Sons, 1893. 3. Luc: Méningite suppurée aiguë traumatique enrayée par l'ouverture hâtive du crâne et le lavage antiseptique de la pia-mère , Arch. internat. de laryng. 10:131-143 ( (March) -April) 1897. 4. Lesné: Un cas d'infection staphylococcique du sang et du liquide céphalorachidien , Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf. 16:281-288 ( (June) ) 1898. 5. Josias and Netter: Méningite cérébro-spinale suppurée due au staphylococcus pyogènes aureus. Hémiplégie droite. Herpès labial en rapport avec une altération du ganglion de Gasser correspondant , Bull. et mém. Soc. méd. d. hôp. de Paris 16:437-443 ( (May 5) ) 1899. 6. von Bergmann, E.: Die chirurgische Behandlung von Hirnkrankheiten , ed. 3, Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1899. 7. Poirier: Fracture de l'étage antérieur du crâne, méningite consécutive, trépanation double, guérison , Bull. et mém. Soc. de chir. de Paris 27:17-20 ( (Jan. 16) ) 1901. 8. Barth: Operative Behandlung der eitrigen Meningitis (mit Krankenvorstellung) , Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. 30:51-54, 1901. 9. Léri, A.: Méningite cérébro-spinale à forme ambulatoire ayant évolué pendant huit mois , Arch. gén. de méd. 7:395-414, 1902. 10. Göbell: Ätiologie und Diagnose der Meningitis spinalis purulenta , Zentralbl. f. Chir. 36:1179-1180 ( (Aug. 21) ) 1909. 11. Preysing, H.: Bericht über die Heilbarkeit der otogenen Meningitis , Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch. 21:23-62, 1912. 12. Bourges, H.: Méningite cérébro-spinale suppurée et primitive à staphylocoques purs, sans autre localization purulente , Rev. gén. de clin. et de thérap. 30:68-72 ( (Jan. 29) ) 1916. 13. Niles, W. L.: Meningitis: Three Cases; Two of Meningococcic and One of Staphylococcic Origin , M. Clin. North America 1:745-765 ( (Nov.) ) 1917. 14. Rocaz: Méningite à staphylocoques traitée avec succés par les injections intrarachidiennes d'étain colloidal , Gaz. hebd. d. sc. méd. 41:218-219 ( (May 9) ) 1920. 15. Schönbauer, L., and Brunner, H.: Zur Behandlung der Meningitis mit Staphylokokkenvakzine , Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 33:491-492 ( (June 3) ) 1920. 16. Lewkowicz, K.: Guérison par un vaccin spécifique d'un abcés cérébrale et d'une méningite générale à staphylocoques , Arch. de méd. d. enf. 23:540-545 ( (Sept.) ) 1920. 17. Lortat-Jacob, L., and Grivot, M.: Deux cas de méningites généralisées à staphylocoques—Utilité des vaccinations staphylococciques associées à la trépanation et aux rachicentéses. Guérison , Bull. et mém. Soc. méd. d. hôp. de Paris 44:1555-1559 ( (Dec. 16) ) 1920. 18. Ayer, J. B.: A Brief Review of Certain Mechanical Considerations in the Treatment of Meningitis , New York State J. Med. 24:389-391 ( (March 21) ) 1924. 19. Dandy, W. E.: The Treatment of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus Meningitis by Continuous Drainage of the Cisterna Magna , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 39:760-774 ( (Dec.) ) 1924. 20. Day, E. W.: Indications for and Results of Operative Treatment of Otitic Meningitis , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 16:369-376 ( (April) ) 1913. 21. Barker, L. F.: Recovery from Staphylococcus Septocaemia with Meningitis, Thrombophlebitis, Embolic Pneumonia and Nephritis , Internat. Clin. 1:1-13, 1925. 22. Sicard and Paraf: Épidurite ascendante à staphylocoque. Radio-lipiodol. Laminectomie. Guérison , Bull. et mém. Soc. méd. d. hôp. de Paris 49:50-52 ( (Jan. 16) ) 1925. 23. Dupérié, R.; Rocher, H. L., and Auriat: Méningite aiguë à staphylocoques consecutive à une ostéo-myélite d'un arc vertébral. Guérison , Gaz. hebd. d. sc. méd. 46:196-197 ( (March 29) ) 1925. 24. Garber, F. W.: Staphylococcus Meningitis Limited to the Spinal Canal: Puncture of Cisterna Magna , J. Michigan State M. Soc. 24:597-599 ( (Nov.) ) 1925. 25. Wharry, H. M.: Three Cases of Middle-Ear Disease with Intracranial Complications , Brit. M. J. 1:85-87 ( (Jan. 16) ) 1926.Crossref 26. Moise, T. S.: Staphylococcus Meningitis Secondary to a Congenital Sacral Sinus , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 42:394-397 ( (March) ) 1926. 27. Emerson, K.: Staphylococcal Infection of the Spinal Meninges , Boston M. & S. J. 196:465-467 ( (March 24) ) 1927. 28. Lamp, F. H.: Report of a Case of Staphylococcus Meningitis Treated with Intraventricular Injections of Gentian Violet , Arch. Pediat. 45:306-309 ( (May) ) 1928. 29. Baranger, J.: Deux observations d'ostéomyélites aiguës de la colonne vertébrale , Bull. et mém. Soc. nat. de chir. 54:789-795 ( (June 9) ) 1928. 30. Manicatide, M.; Popovici-Lupa, M., and Constantinesco, C.: Sur la méningite purulente à staphylocoques chez l'enfant , Rev. franç. de pédiat. 4:633-645 ( (Oct.) ) 1928. 31. Bezançon, F.; Weismann-Netter, R., and Destouches: Un cas de staphylococcémie avec méningite suppurée ayant abouti a la guerison , Bull. et mém. Soc. méd. d. hôp. de Paris 44:1764-1768 ( (Dec. 20) ) 1928. 32. Chavany, J. A., and George, P.: Sur une forme spéciale de méningite staphylococcique. La forme rachidienne primitive , Presse méd. 37:826-864 ( (July 3) ) 1929. 33. Benoit, M.: Contribution à l'étude de la méningite à staphylocoques, Thesis, Toulouse, Henri Cléder, 1929. 34. Laporte, Calazel and Benoit: Méningite cérébro-spinale purulente aiguë à staphylocoques, suivie de guérison , Bull. et mém. Soc. méd. d. hôp. de Paris 45:1367-1370 ( (Dec. 2) ) 1929. 35. Sciaroni, G. H.: Surgical Treatment of Staphylococcus Meningitis , California & West. Med. 32:186 ( (March) ) 1930. 36. Ballenger, H. C.: Meningitis (Staphylococcus Aureus) Secondary to Frontal Sinusitis: Operation and Recovery , J. A. M. A. 94:1040-1043 ( (April 5) ) 1930. 37. Lewis, E. R.: Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Recovery , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 40:341-347 ( (June) ) 1931 38. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Recovery Confirmed by Necropsy Three Years Later , Tr. Am. Laryng., Rhin. & Otol. Soc. 40:378-385, 1934. 39. Stout, B. F.: Septic Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Report of Two Cases with Recovery of One Following Bacteriophage Therapy , J. Lab. & Clin. Med. 17:28-39 ( (Oct.) ) 1931. 40. Rosamond, E.: Epidural Abscess Complicated by Staphylococcic Meningitis: Report of a Case with Complete Recovery Following Operation , J. Pediat. 1:230-232 ( (Aug.) ) 1932. 41. Schless, R. A.: Staphylococcus Aureus Meningitis: Treatment with Specific Bacteriophage , Am. J. Dis. Child. 44:813-822 ( (Oct.) ) 1932. 42. Stout, B. F.: Bacteriophage Therapy , Texas State J. Med. 29:205-209 ( (July) ) 1933. 43. Bourrel, M.: Étude du lavage ventriculo-spinal à propos de toris cas de méningites post-traumatiques, Thesis, Toulouse, J. Castellir, 1934. 44. Arauz, S. L., and Tato, J. M.: Meningitis otógena a estreptococo. Operación. Curación. Recidiva meníngea a estafilococo. Revisión operatoria. Curación , Rev. Asoc. méd. argent. 49:198-201 ( (Feb.) ) 1935. 45. Barthélemy: Méningite traumatique à staphylocoques. Injection intrarachidienne de bactéstaphyphages. Guérison , Bull. et mém. Soc. nat. de chir. 61:321-322 ( (March 9) ) 1935. 46. Dmitriev, I. P.: Meningitis Developing After War Wounds , Khirurgiya , 1939, nos. (2) and 3, pp. 111-113. 47. Dunlap, J. E.: Staphylococcic Meningitis with Recovery , J. A. M. A. 104:1594-1595 ( (May 4) ) 1935.Crossref 48. Kulowski, J.: Pyogenic Osteomyelitis of the Spine , J. Bone & Joint Surg. 18:343-364 ( (April) ) 1936. 49. Blitz, R. L., and Hermann, E.: Staphylococcic Septicemia with Meningitis and Multiple Abscesses Treated with Gentian Violet Intravenously: A Case Report , J. Med. 17:247-248 ( (July) ) 1936. 50. Furlow, L. T., and Reynolds, F. C.: Pyogenic Meningitis , South. M. J. 30:624-632 ( (June) ) 1937. 51. Wade, E. M., and O'Neil, F. H.: Staphylococcus Spinal Leptomeningitis , U. S. Nav. M. Bull. 35:329-331 ( (July) ) 1937. 52. Jackson, R. L.: Staphylococcus Aureus Meningitis: Report of a Case with Recovery , J. Pediat. 11:518-520 ( (Oct.) ) 1937. 53. Block, H., and Pacella, B. L.: Staphylococcic Meningitis: Report of a Case in a Seventeen Day Old Infant Successfully Treated with Sulfanilamide , J. A. M. A. 110:508 ( (Feb. 12) ) 1938. 54. Fritz, M., and Hollister, W.: Meningitis Due to Staphylococcus Aureus Haemolyticus: Report of a Recovery , Arch. Otolaryng. 27:317-322 ( (March) ) 1938. 55. Michels, M. W., and Gonne, W. S.: Meningitis Due to Staphylococcus Aureus Haemolyticus Treated with Sulfanilamide , Am. J. Dis. Child. 57:1379-1385 ( (June) ) 1939. 56. Pewterbaugh, D. C.: Staphylococcus Aureus Meningitis , Arch. Pediat. 56:623-627 ( (Oct.) ) 1939. 57. Findlay, H. V., and Hammel, M.: Staphylococcus Aureus Meningitis: Report of Case; Treatment with Sulfanilamide—Recovery , California & West. Med. 51:324-325 ( (Nov.) ) 1939. 58. Fitch, T. S. P.: Sulfathiazole in Staphylococcus Aureus Epidural Abscess with Septicemia and Pyemia , Arch. Pediat. 57:119-124 ( (Feb.) ) 1940. 59. Gill, A. M.: Staphylococcal Meningitis Treated with Sulfapyridine: Recovery , Brit. M. J. 1:810 ( (May 18) ) 1940. 60. Dietel, F. W., and Kaiser, A. D.: Staphylococcus Aureus Meningitis Successfully Treated with Sulfathiazole , J. A. M. A. 115:601 ( (Aug. 24) ) 1940. 61. Lyons, C.: The Treatment of Staphylococcal Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlebitis with Heparin and Chemotherapy , Ann. Surg. 113:113-117 ( (Jan.) ) 1941. 62. Sadusk, J. F., and Nielsen, A. E.: Use of Sulfathiazole in Staphylococcic Meningitis with Recovery , J. A. M. A. 116:298-300 ( (Jan. 25) ) 1941. 63. Cohen, B. M., and Galpern, M.: Sulfathiazole for Treatment of Staphylococcic Meningitis , Arch. Otolaryng. 33:414-420 ( (March) ) 1941. 64. Donovan, T. J.: Staphylococcal Meningitis Treated with Sodium Sulfathiazole , J. Pediat. 18:518-523 ( (April) ) 1941. 65. MacNeal, W. J.: Recent Developments in Bacteriophage Therapy , New York State J. Med. 41:1531-1536 ( (Aug. 1) ) 1941. 66. Street, B.: Staphylococcus Aureus Meningitis with Recovery After Combined Therapy with Sulfanilamide and Its Derivative Sulfathiazole , Minnesota Med. 24:658-661 ( (Aug.) ) 1941. 67. Weary, W. B., and Lyons, J. J. A.: The Chemotherapy of Pyogenic Meningitis with the Sulfonamides , New York State J. Med. 41:2124-2131 ( (Nov. 1) ) 1941. 68. MacNeal, P. S., and Foster, D. B.: Two Cases of Staphylococcic Meningitis Treated with Asparagin Bacteriophage , Am. J. M. Sc. 202:874-879 ( (Dec.) ) 1941.Crossref
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030381003
Abstract The treatment of victims of poison gas is a subject that members of the medical profession, particularly otolaryngologists, should be thinking about and investigating at this time. The available literature offers considerable food for thought and points the way to some of the preparations and plans that we in this country should be making if the need to cope with this emergency should arise. However remote gas warfare now seems, it is a possibility we must face, because the Japanese have used poison gas, particularly lewisite, on the Chinese, and they will do the same to us, if they ever get the chance; the Germans, moreover, may be forced to resort to gas warfare as a measure of desperation. It is not the purpose of this paper to present in detail the various phases of the problem with which one should familiarize oneself. These include the different types of chemicals References 1. Treatment of Casualties from Chemical Agents, Technical Manual 8-285, United States War Department, 1941. 2. Jackson, C., and Jackson, C. L.: Bronchoscopy, Esophagoscopy and Gastroscopy , ed. 3, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1934. 3. Underhill, F. P.: The Lethal War Gases: Physiology and Experimental Treatment , New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1920. 4. Serra, G.: First Aid for Victims of Gas , Gior. di. med. mil. 88:530 ( (July) ) 1940 5. abstracted, War Med. 1:114 ( (Jan.) ) 1941. 6. Diagnosis and Treatment of Gas Casualties , Brit. M. J. 1:723-724 ( (May 10) ) 1941.Crossref 7. Eckert-Möbius, A.: Diseases of Upper Respiratory Tract Due to Poison Gases and Their Treatment , Med. Welt 14:313 ( (March 30) ) 1940 8. abstracted, War Med. 1:115-116 (Jan.) 1941. Footnote 1.
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030387004
Abstract Skeletal deformities about the head are frequently the first manifestation of generalized osseous disease; hence the otolaryngologist is often called on to diagnose these syndromes. In 1891 von Recklinghausen1 described in detail the condition which bears his name. He believed the disease resembled that described by Engel2 in 1864 and Langendorff3 in 1877. In 1884 Davies-Colley4 described a typical case of osteitis fibrosa cystica. Erdheim5 was the first to suggest the relationship of the parathyroid glands to this condition. He believed, however, that the changes in the parathyroid were secondary and that changes in the bone were primary. Mandl6 in 1925 transplanted parathyroid tissue into the abdominal wall of a man who had this disease, hoping to prove Erdheim's theory. Nothing resulted from this procedure, but an exploratory operation on the neck revealed a parathyroid tumor, proving the causation of this disease. Though this condition has been considered comparatively rare, References 1. von Recklinghausen, F.: Die Fibrose oder deformirende Ostitis , in Festschrift Rudolf Virchow zu seinem 71. Geburtstage gewidmet von den früheren und jetzigen Assistenten des Berliner , pathologischen Instituts, Berlin, G. Reimer, 1891, pp. 1-39. 2. Engel, G.: Ein Fall von cystoider Entartung des gesammten Skelets, Thesis, Giessen, F. C. Pietsch, 1864. 3. Langendorff, O., and Mommsen, J.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Osteomalazie , Virchows Arch. f. path. Anat. 69:442-487, 1877.Crossref 4. Davies-Colley, N.: Juvenile Osteomalacia , Brit. M. J. 1:667, 1884. 5. Erdheim, J.: Ueber Epithelkörperbefunde bei Osteomalacie , Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math-naturw. Cl. 116:311-370, 1907. 6. Mandl, F.: Therapeutische Versuch bei einem Falle von Ostitis fibrosa generalista mittels Exstirpation eines Epithelkörperchentumors , Zentralbl. f. Chir. 53:260-264 ( (Jan.) ) 1926. 7. Wilder, R. M., and Howell, L. P.: Etiology and Diagnosis in Hyperparathyroidism: Review of One Hundred and Thirty-Five Proved Cases , J. A. M. A. 106:427-431 ( (Feb. 8) ) 1936.Crossref 8. Albright, F.; Drake, T. G., and Sulkowitch, H. W.: Renal Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica , Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 60:377-399 ( (June) ) 1937. 9. Helfet, A. J.: A New Conception of Parathyroid Function and Its Clinical Application , Brit. J. Surg. 27:651-677 ( (April) ) 1940.Crossref 10. Kyser, F. A.: Hyperparathyroidism , Proc. Staff Meet., Mayo Clin. 15:179-181 ( (March 20) ) 1940. 11. Albright, F.; Aub, J. C., and Bauer, W.: Hyperparathyroidism: Common and Polymorphic Condition as Illustrated by Seventeen Proved Cases from One Clinic , J. A. M. A. 102:1276 ( (April 21) ) 1934.Crossref 12. Gutman, A. B.; Tyson, T. L., and Gutman, E. B.: Serum Calcium, Inorganic Phosphorus, and Phosphatase Activity in Hyperparathyroidism, Paget's Disease, Multiple Myeloma and Neoplastic Disease of the Bones , Arch. Int. Med. 57:379-413 ( (Feb.) ) 1936.Crossref 13. Bodansky, A., and Jaffe, H. L.: Phosphatase Studies: III. Serum Phosphatase in Diseases of the Bone; Interpretation and Significance , Arch. Int. Med. 54:88-110 ( (July) ) 1934.Crossref 14. Franseen, C. C.; Simmons, C. C., and McLean, R.: The Phosphatase Determination in the Differential Diagnosis of Bone Lesions , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 68:1038-1046 ( (June) ) 1939. 15. Shelling, D. H.: The Parathyroids in Health and in Disease , St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1935 16. Kyser.10 17. Lichtenstein, L.: Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia , Arch. Surg. 36:874-898 ( (May) ) 1938. 18. Jaffe, H. L., in discussion on Garlock, J. H.: The Differential Diagnosis of Hyperparathyroidism with Special Reference to Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia (Lichtenstein-Jaffe) , Ann. Surg. 108:347-361 ( (Sept.) ) 1938. 19. Adams, C. O.; Compere, E. L., and Jerome, J.: Regional Fibrocystic Diseases , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 71:22-32 ( (July) ) 1940. 20. Albright, F.; Allan, M. B.; Hampton, A. O., and Smith, P.: Syndrome Characterized by Osteitis Fibrosa Disseminata, Areas of Pigmentation and Endocrine Dysfunction, with Precocious Puberty in Females , New England J. Med. 216:727-745 ( (April 29) ) 1937. 21. Charlton, T. J.: Multiple Myeloma , Arch. Int. Med. 40:98-109 ( (July) ) 1927 22. Moore, A. B.: Roentgenologic Study of Metastatic Malignancy of Bones , Am. J. Roentgenol. 6:589-593 ( (Dec.) ) 1919. 23. Nicholas, D. R.: Osteitis Deformans (Paget's Disease of Bone): Report of Case , Proc. Staff Meet., Mayo Clin. 15:182-184 ( (March 20) ) 1940. 24. Maxwell, J. P.: Further Studies in Adult Rickets , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 32:287-297 ( (Feb.) ) 1939. 25. Hills, R. J., and McLanahan, S.: Brittle Bones and Blue Scleras in Five Generations , Arch. Int. Med. 59:41-55 ( (Jan.) ) 1937.Crossref 26. Babcock, W. W.: A Textbook of Surgery for Students and Physicians , Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1935, p. 203. 27. Shelling, D. H., and Remsen, D.: Renal Rickets: Report of a Case Showing Four Enlarged Parathyroids and Evidence of Parathyroid Hypersecretion , Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 57:158-181 ( (Sept.) ) 1935. 28. Ollier: De la dyschondroplasie , Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon 3:22, 1899 29. Sanderson, G. H., and Smyth, F. S.: Chondrodysplasia (Ollier's Disease): Report of a Case Resembling Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica , J. Bone & Joint Surg. 20:61-67 ( (Jan.) ) 1938. 30. Bentzon, P. K. G.: Roentgenological and Experimental Studies on the Pathogenesis of Dyschondroplasia (Ollier's Disease) , Acta radiol. 3:89-112, 1924. 31. Mahorner, H. R.: Dyschondroplasia , J. Pediat. 10:1-26 ( (Jan.) ) 1937. 32. Williams, R. H., and Morgan, H. J.: Thyrotoxic Osteoporosis , Internat. Clin. 2:48-60 ( (June) ) 1940 33. Bauer, W.; Aub, J. C., and Albright, F.: Studies of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism: Study of Bone Trabeculae as Readily Available Reserve Supply of Calcium , J. Exper. Med. 49:145-161 ( (Jan.) ) 1929 34. Albright, F.; Bauer, W.; Cockrill, J. R., and Ellsworth, R.: Studies on Physiology of Parathyroid Glands: Relation of Serum Calcium to Serum Phosphorus at Different Levels of Parathyroid Activity , J. Clin. Investigation 9:649-677 ( (Feb.) ) 1931 35. Aub, J. C.; Bauer, W.; Heath, C., and Ropes, M.: Studies of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism: Effects of Thyroid Hormone and Thyroid Disease , J. Clin. Investigation 7:97-137 ( (April) ) 1929 36. Albright, F.; Bauer, W., and Aub, J. C.: Studies of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism: Influence of Thyroid Gland and Parathyroid Hormone upon Total Acid-Base Metabolism , J. Clin. Investigation 10:187-219 ( (April) ) 1931. 37. Lederer, F. L.: Idiopathic Hyperostosis of the Skull , Arch. Otolaryng. 34:88-98 ( (July) ) 1941. 38. Mayer, E. G.: Ueber Röntgenbefund bei retrobulbären Erkrankungen unklarer Aetiologie und ihre differential diagnostische Wertung , Acta radiol. 9:383-398, 1928. 39. Ewing, J.: Neoplastic Diseases , ed. 3, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company. 1929. p. 213. 40. Swift, W. E., and Hallock, H.: Treatment of Localized Fibrocystic Cavities in Bone by Curettage and Packing with Bone Chips , J. Bone & Joint Surg. 20:411-418 ( (April) ) 1938.
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030401005
Abstract If one disregards the auditory hallucinations occurring in organic diseases of the brain and in the psychoses, there are two kinds of tinnitus: (1) vibratory, caused by actual autogenous vibrations reaching the ear from any part of the body, and (2) nonvibratory, caused by biochemical irritation of the auditory neural mechanism.1 Either of these two kinds of tinnitus may be superimposed on the other, in which case either one with sufficient intensity and proper frequency can diminish or increase the loudness and change the timbre and therefore the degree of annoyance of the other. It is important to recognize these distinctions, because successful treatment of the disorders causing tinnitus, like successful treatment of the diseases or disorders causing deafness, depends on an understanding of the various factors involved. It is clear that any treatment that claims to be just for tinnitus or deafness is on its face unscientific and that References 1. Fowler, E. P.: Head Noises and Deafness: Peripheral and Central , Laryngoscope 49:1011 ( (Oct.) ) 1939Crossref 2. Tinnitus Aurium in the Light of Recent Research , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 50:139 ( (March) ) 1941. 3. A constant tinnitus long endured surely threatens an increasing and permanent nerve deafness. 4. Dandy, W. E.: Partial Section of the Eighth Nerve , Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. 27:393, 1937. 5. Footnote deleted by author. 6. Guild, S. R.: Studies on Human Temporal Bones: I. Discussion from the Point of View of Human Temporal Bones , Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. 25:37, 1935.
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030409006
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract Otolaryngologists are frequently called on to manage the common cold and in so doing occasionally see the diagnosis of this condition undergo a startling metamorphosis. The alteration is usually in the direction of an acute contagious disease. A diagnosis of coryza often obscures a more important background, the serious nature of which may not be suspected for a week or ten days. The exact turning point at which significant differences occur is seldom sudden or obvious to the extent that patients outside the scope of hospital observation are sometimes separated from their original diagnosis at a time when adequate therapeutic measures are instituted too late for maximum benefits. There are roughly two types of pulmonary tuberculosis—the "wet" and the "dry" type. The latter type may be in a rather advanced stage without producing suspicion. The former, usually displaying signs and symptoms which will eventually arouse suspicion, has an onset which
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030414007
Abstract Despite the fact that the annual consumption of cigarets by the American public has been continually increasing, little substantial scientific research on the effect of cigaret smoke on the upper respiratory tract of normal persons has been recorded in the medical literature. Recently, the role of the hygroscopic agent—glycerin or diethylene glycol—in irritation of the respiratory tract has received some interest. Various approaches to the problem have been used in the published reports. Mulinos and Osborne1 and Haag2 studied the edema-producing properties of smoke solutions in the conjunctival sacs of rabbits. Flinn3 and Ballenger and Johnson4 made clinical observations on irritation of the pharyngeal mucous membranes. Holck and Carlson5 used the salivary response as their index of irritation. All these investigators used glycerin-treated cigarets and diethylene glycol-treated cigarets. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION In this study I have utilized a silver-silver chloride glass electrode in conjunction with the Coleman electrometer for the purpose References 1. Mulinos, M. G., and Osborne, R. L.: Pharmacology of Inflammation: III. Influence of Hygroscopic Agents on Irritation from Cigarette Smoke , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 32:241, 1934 2. Irritating Properties of Cigarette Smoke as Influenced by Hygroscopic Agents , New York State J. Med. 35:590, 1935. 3. Haag, H. B.: Studies on the Physiologic Action of Di Ethylene Glycol , J. Lab. & Clin. Med. 22:341, 1937. 4. Flinn, F. B.: Some Clinical Observations on the Influence of Certain Hygroscopic Agents in Cigarettes , Laryngoscope 45:149, 1935. 5. Ballenger, H. C., and Johnson, V. H.: Effects on the Throat and Conjunctiva of the Hygroscopic Agent Used in Cigarets , Arch. Otolaryng. 25:75 ( (Jan.) ) 1937. 6. Holck, H. G. O., and Carlson, A. J.: Alleged Influence of Glycerine and Diethylene Glycol upon the Irritating Qualities of Cigarette Smoke , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 36:302, 1937. 7. Fabricant, N. D.: Significance of the pH of Nasal Secretions in Situ , Arch. Otolaryng. 34:150 ( (July) ) 1941 8. Further Studies: Significance of the pH of Nasal Secretions in Situ , Fabricant Arch. Otolaryng. 34:297 ( (Aug.) ) 1941 9. Effect of Silver Preparations and Antiseptics on the pH of Nasal Secretions in Situ , Fabricant Arch. Otolaryng. 34:302 ( (Aug.) ) 1941 10. An Introduction to the pH of the Throat , Fabricant Arch. Otolaryng. 37:169 ( (Feb.) ) 1943. 11. Menkin, V.: Dynamics of Inflammation: An Inquiry into the Mechanism of Infectious Processes , New York, The Macmillan Company, 1940. 12. Hansel, F. K.: (a) Allergy of the Upper and Lower Respiratory Tracts in Children , Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 49:579, 1940 13. Cytologic Observations on the Secretions of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses in Allergy , Tr. Am. Laryng. A. 62:292, 1940.
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030421008
Abstract Although Hippocrates knew the dangers to the brain in aural disease, the association of aural suppuration with abscess of the brain was regarded for many centuries as purely accidental. Morgagni, in the eighteenth century, was one of the first to voice the opinion that aural suppuration was primary and abscess of the brain secondary. Previous to this, even Valsalva had regarded the abscess as primary. Morand,1 in the "Opuscules de Chirurgie" published in Paris in 1768, as quoted by Scott, published the first case report of otitic abscess of the brain, with recovery after operation. In 1873 Luther Holden,2 in the St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, recorded an operative recovery from otitic abscess of the brain. After this, Gowers and Barker,3 Schondorff4 Truckenbrod,5 Schwartze6 and Horsley7 reported successful operations on the brain for abscess. In a classic monograph published in 1893, Macewen8 reported 15 cases of abscess of the brain with References 1. Morand, S. F.: Opuscules de chirurgie , Paris, G. Desprez & P. A. Le Prieur, 1768, p. 161 2. Scott, S.: J. Laryng. & Otol. 50:106, 1935. 3. Holden, L.: St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 9:96, 1873. 4. Gowers, W. R., and Barker, A. E.: Brit. M. J. 2:1154, 1886.Crossref 5. Schondorff: Arch. f. klin. Chir. 31:316, 1884-1885. 6. Truckenbrod, C.: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. 15:186, 1885-1886. 7. Schwartze, cited by Braun, E.: Arch. f. Ohrenh. 29:163, 1890.Crossref 8. Horsley, V.: Tr. Clin. Soc. , London 19:290, 1886. 9. Macewen, W.: Pyogenic Infective Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord , Glasgow, J. Maclehose & Sons, 1893. 10. Courville, C. B., and Nielsen, J. M.: Acta oto-laryng. 21:19, 1934.Crossref 11. Evans, W.: Lancet 1:1231, 1931.Crossref 12. Eagleton, W. P.: Brain Abscess , New York, The Macmillan Company, 1922. 13. Wittmaack, K., in Henke, F., and Lubarsch, O.: Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie und Histologie , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926, vol. 12, p. 102. 14. Heine, B., and Beck, J., in Denker, A., and Kahler, O.: Handbuch der Hals-, Nasen- Ohrenheilkunde , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927, vol. 8, pt. 3, p. 201. 15. Atkinson, M.: Ann. Otol., Rhin. & Laryng. 47:1020, 1938. 16. Piquet, J.: Cong. franç. d. oto-rhino-laryng. , 1935. 17. Koerner, O.: Die otitischen Erkrankungen des Hirns, der Hirnhäute und der Blutleiter , ed. 2, Frankfurt, J. Alt, 1896. 18. Carmichael, F. A., Jr.; Kernohan, J. W., and Adson, A. W.: Histopathogenesis of Cerebral Abscess , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 42:1001 ( (Dec.) ) 1939. 19. Evans, W.: Lancet 1:1289, 1931. 20. Pfeifer, R. A.: Die Angioarchitektonik der Grosshirnrinde , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1928. 21. Cobb, S., in Penfield, W.: Cytology and Cellular Pathology of the Nervous System , New York, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1932. 22. Lorente de Nó, R.: J. f. Psychol. u. Neurol. 35:19, 1927. 23. Homén, E. A.: Arch. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Helsingfors 1:1, 1913. 24. Alpers, B. J.: Abscess of Brain: Relation of Histologic to Clinical Features , Arch. Otolaryng. 29:199 ( (Feb.) ) 1939. 25. Brunner, H.: Otogene endokranielle Erkrankungen , in Bumke, O., and Foerster, O.: Handbuch der Neurologie , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1936, vol. 10. p. 194. 26. Neumann, H.: Otitic Cerebellar Abscess , London, H. K. Lewis, 1909. 27. Yaskin, J. C.: Neurologic Complications of Infections of Temporal Bone and Paranasal Sinuses: Summary of Twenty Years' (1919 to 1938) Experience , Arch. Otolaryng. 30:174 ( (Sept.) ) 1939. 28. Coleman, C. C.: Treatment of Abscess of the Brain , Arch. Surg. 18:100 ( (Jan.) , pt. 1) 1929. 29. Grant, F. C.: Prognosis for Abscess of the Brain , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 40:603 ( (Sept.) ) 1938. 30. Bucy, P. C.: Ann. Surg. 108:961, 1938. 31. Rowe, S. N.: Ann. Surg. 107:620, 1938. 32. Grant, F. C.: Internat. Abstr. Surg. 72:118, 1941 33. Surg., Gynec. & Obst. , (February) 1941. 34. Friesner, I., and Druss, J. G.: Osteitis of Petrous Pyramid of Temporal Bone, Associated with Paralysis of External Rectus , Arch. Otolaryng. 12:342 ( (Sept.) ) 1930.Crossref
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030431009
Abstract Foreign bodies in the bronchi are not rare. A foreign body such as was found in this case usually lodges in the esophagus or the larynx rather than in the bronchus. This case is presented because of the following unusual features: the extraordinarily large size and the location of the foreign body; the asymptomatic course; the difficulty of roentgenographic visualization, and the mechanical difficulty of removal. REPORT OF A CASE E. W., a 60 year old man, presented himself to the otolaryngology outpatient department of the Metropolitan Hospital, with a history of having swallowed a beef bone three weeks ago. At that time he had a short coughing spell and a sharp pain in the left side of the chest. Since then he had complained of coughing spells associated with mild pains in the chest. Examination at the clinic of the hypopharynx and larynx revealed nothing abnormal. The patient was References 1. Jackson, C., and Jackson, C. L.: Bronchoscopy, Esophagoscopy and Gastroscopy , ed. 3, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1934. 2. Piersol, G. A.: Human Anatomy , ed. 9, Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1930. 3. Aeby, C. F.: Der Bronchialbaum der Säugethiere und des Menschen , Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1880.
1943 Archives of Otolaryngology
doi: 10.1001/archotol.1943.00670030435010
Abstract Malignant tumors of the larynx rarely occur in infants. They are of interest to the pediatrician and to the laryngologist alike because of the rapidity with which they may produce laryngeal obstruction. The following case is worthy of note because of the age of the infant, the type of tumor and its point of origin. REPORT OF A CASE R. E., a 17 day old white boy, was admitted to the Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago, on June 23, 1941, because of a loud inspiratory crow and "blue" spells which had been present since birth. Oxygen had been administered at frequent intervals when the inspiratory crow persisted or was associated with the "blue" spells. These attacks occurred repeatedly when the infant cried or exerted himself. Roentgen treatments had been given for suspected enlargement of the thymus, but no improvement was observed.Physical examination revealed that the infant was well developed and References 1. The postmortem examination and histologic studies were carried out by Dr. William G. Hibbs and Dr. Marion Barnes, of the Children's Memorial Hospital. 2. Figi, F. A.: Sarcoma of the Larynx , Arch. Otolaryng. 18:21-33 ( (July) ) 1933.Crossref 3. New, G. B.: Sarcoma of the Larynx , Arch. Otolaryng. 21:648-652 ( (June) ) 1935.Crossref 4. Havens, F. Z., and Parkhill, E. M.: Tumors of the Larynx Other than Squamous Cell Epithelioma , Arch. Otolaryng. 34:1113-1122 ( (Dec.) ) 1941.Crossref 5. Ewing, J.: Neoplastic Diseases , ed. 4, Philadelphia. W. B. Saunders Company, 1940.