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Risk Factors for Rate of Progression of Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss: A Computer-Based Analysis

Wilson, Roy;Walker, Alexander M.;Dueker, David K.;Crick, R. Pitts

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030741002pmid: 6979327

Abstract • Factors affecting the progression of visual field loss were examined in 57 patients with bilateral open angle glaucoma. Patients who already had marked visual field loss experienced further field loss at a greatly accelerated rate. Family history of glaucoma, sex, and initial registration intraocular pressure were also important prognostic factors for progressive visual field loss, whereas age and systemic blood pressure were not found to affect rate of visual field loss. Followup data from these patients were drawn from a computer-based clinic record system that may serve as a prototype for the collection of information on the natural history of ophthalmic diseases. References 1. Crick RP: Chronic glaucoma: A preventable cause of blindness . Lancet 1974;1:205-207.Crossref 2. Crick RP: Prevention of blindness from glaucoma using the King's College Hospital computerized problem oriented medical record . Br J Ophthalmol 1975;59:236-248.Crossref 3. Cowan EC, Linton D, Bryars JH: Design and planning of a specialized glaucoma unit . Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 1974;94:1055-1057. 4. Greenfield R, Kass M, Livingston J: A computerized glaucoma data base . Arch Ophthalmol 1977;95:1365-1367.Crossref 5. Metz HS, Madden EE, Williams VR, et al: Use of a computer in a glaucoma clinic . Arch Ophthalmol 1969;81:155-158.Crossref 6. Stockdill PC, Coulthard WJ, Drance SM: A computer-based method for the storage and retrieval of glaucoma records . Can J Ophthalmol 1974;9:106-112. 7. Gross AJ, Clark VA: Survival Distributions: Reliability Applications in the Biomedical Sciences . New York, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1975. 8. Cox DR: Regression models and life tables . J R Statist Soc B 1972;34:187-220. 9. Armaly MF: Ocular pressure and visual fields: A ten-year follow-up study . Arch Ophthalmol 1969;81:25-40.Crossref 10. Becker B, Kolker A, Roth D: Glaucoma family study . Am J Ophthalmol 1960;50:557-567. 11. Perkins ES: The Bedford glaucoma survey: I. Long-term follow-up of borderline cases . Br J Ophthalmol 1973;57:179-185.Crossref 12. Wilensky JT, Podos SM, Becker B: Prognostic indicators in ocular hypertension . Arch Ophthalmol 1974;91:200-202.Crossref 13. Wilensky JT, Podos SM: Prognostic parameters in primary open-angle glaucoma , in Anderson DR, Drance SM, Galin MA (eds): Symposium on Glaucoma: New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1975, pp 7-30. 14. Hayreh SS: Pathogenesis of optic nerve damage and visual field defects , in Heilmann K, Richardson KT (eds): Glaucoma: Conceptions of a Disease . Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1978, pp 105-137. 15. Armaly MF: The heritable nature of dexamethasone induced ocular hypertension . Arch Ophthalmol 1966;75:32-35.Crossref 16. Becker B: Intraocular pressure response to topical corticosteroids . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1965;4:198-205. 17. Becker B, Hahn KA: Topical corticosteroids and heredity in primary open-angle glaucoma . Am J Ophthalmol 1964;57:543-551. 18. Phelps CD, Podos SM: Glaucoma , in Goldberg MF (ed): Genetic and Metabolic Eye Disease . Boston, Little Brown & Co, 1974, pp 237-259. 19. Armaly MF: On the distribution of applanation pressure: I. Statistical features and the effect of age, sex, and family history of glaucoma . Arch Ophthalmol 1965;73:11-18.Crossref 20. Miller SJH, Paterson GD: Studies on glaucoma relatives . Br J Ophthalmol 1962;46:513-522.Crossref 21. Becker B, Ross M: Phenlythiourea taste testing and glaucoma . Arch Ophthalmol 1964;72:323-326.Crossref 22. Kass MA, Kolker AE, Becker B: Prognostic factors in glaucomatous visual field loss . Arch Ophthalmol 1976;94:1274-1276.Crossref 23. Schwartz B: Primary open-angle glaucoma , in Duane T (ed): Clinical Ophthalmology . Hagerstown, Md, Harper & Row Publishers Inc, 1976, vol 3, p 145. 24. Hollows FC, Graham PA: Intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and glaucoma suspects in a defined population . Br J Ophthalmol 1966;50:570-586.Crossref 25. Graham PA: Epidemiology of simple glaucoma and ocular hypertension . Br J Ophthalmol 1972;56:223-229.Crossref 26. Armaly MF, Krueger D, Maundes L: Biostatistical Analysis of the Collaborative Glaucoma Study: Final Report on Contract 1-EY-4-2167 , report PB 80-135502. Washington, DC, National Technical Information Service, US Dept of Commerce, 1977. 27. Drance SM, Morgan RW, Sweeney VP: Shock-induced optic neuropathy: A cause of nonprogressive glaucoma . N Engl J Med 1973;288:392-395.Crossref 28. Harrington DO: The pathogenesis of the glaucoma field . Am J Ophthalmol 1959;47:177-185. 29. Lobstein A, Herr FS: L'ophtalmodynamometre dans le glaucome . Ann Oculist 1966;199:38-69. 30. Dobree JH: Calibre changes in retinal vessels occurring in raised ocular tension: Circulatory compensation in chronic glaucoma . Br J Ophthalmol 1956;40:1-13.Crossref
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Timolol and Epinephrine: Long-term Evaluation of Concurrent Administration

Korey, Michael S.;Hodapp, Elizabeth;Kass, Michael A.;Goldberg, Ivan;Gordon, Mae;Becker, Bernard

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030746003pmid: 7044351

Abstract • Thirty-two ocular hypertensive subjects were treated for 90 days with either 0.5% timolol maleate or 2% epinephrine hydrochloride twice daily to one eye and both drugs to the fellow eye. The ocular hypotensive effects of timolol and epinephrine were partially additive throughout the course of this study. On the 91st day, eyes treated with epinephrine had a 25.8% mean reduction of intraocular pressure from baseline, whereas their fellow eyes treated with epinephrine and timolol had a 33.9% reduction. Eyes treated with timolol had a 27.2% mean reduction of IOP, whereas fellow eyes treated with timolol and epinephrine had a 29% reduction. These results suggest that the majority of patients being treated with either drug are unlikely to have a substantial long-term reduction in IOP when the other drug is added to their therapeutic regimen. References 1. Goldmann H: L'origine de l'hypertension oculaire dans le glaucome primitif . Ann Oculist 1951;184:1086-1105. 2. Weekers R, Prijot E, Gustin J: Recent advances and future prospects in the medical treatment of ocular hypertension . Br J Ophthalmol 1952;38:742-746.Crossref 3. Becker B, Ley AP: Epinephrine and acetazolamide in the therapy of the chronic glaucomas . Am J Ophthalmol 1958;45:639-643. 4. Garner LC, Johnstone WW, Ballintine EJ, et al: Effect of 2% levo-rotary epinephrine on the intraocular pressure of the glaucomatous eye . Arch Ophthalmol 1959;62:230-238.Crossref 5. Sears ML: Catecholamines in relation to the eye , in section 7, Endocrinology: Adrenal Glands, in Geiger SR (ed): Handbook of Physiology-Endocrinology . Washington, DC, American Physiological Society, 1975, vol 6, pp 553-590. 6. Richards JSF, Drance SM: The effect of 2% epinephrine on aqueous dynamics in the human eye . Can J Ophthalmol 1976;2:259-265. 7. Becker B, Pettit TH, Gay AJ: Topical epinephrine therapy of open-angle glaucoma . Arch Ophthalmol 1961;66:219-225.Crossref 8. Katz IM, Hubbard WA, Getson AJ, et al: Intraocular pressure decrease in normal volunteers following timolol ophthalmic solution . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1976;15:489-492. 9. Zimmerman TJ, Kaufman HE: Timolol, a β-adrenergic blocking agent for the treatment of glaucoma . Arch Ophthalmol 1977;95:601-604.Crossref 10. Zimmerman TJ, Kaufman HE: Timolol: Dose response and duration of action . Arch Ophthalmol 1977;95:605-607. 11. Zimmerman TJ, Kass MA, Yablonski ME, et al: Timolol maleate: efficacy and safety . Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97:656-658. 12. Nielsen NV: Timolol: Hypotensive effect, used alone or in combination for treatment of increased intraocular pressure . Acta Ophthalmol 1978;56:504-509. 13. Obstbaum SA, Galin MA, Katz IM: Timolol: Effect on intraocular pressure in chronic open-angle glaucoma . Ann Ophthalmol 1978;10:1347-1351. 14. Keates EU: Evaluation of timolol maleate combination therapy in chronic open angle glaucoma . Am J Ophthalmol 1979;88:565-571. 15. Thomas JV, Epstein DL: Timolol and epinephrine in primary open-angle glaucoma: Transient additive effect . Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:91-95. 16. Boger WP III, Puliafito CA, Steinert RF, et al: Long-term experience with timolol ophthalmic solution in patients with open angle glaucoma . Ophthalmology 1978;85:259-267. 17. Goldberg I, Ashburn FS, Palmberg PF, et al: Timolol and epinephrine: A clinical study of ocular interactions . Arch Ophthalmol 1980;98:484-486. 18. Higgins RG, Brubaker RF: Acute effect of epinephrine on aqueous humor formation in the timolol-treated normal eye as measured by fluorophotometry . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1980;19:420-423. 19. Helwig JT, Council KA: Statistical Analysis System Users Guide . Cary, NC, SAS Institute Inc, 1979. 20. Yablonski ME, Zimmerman TJ, Waltman SR, et al: A fluorophotometric study of topical timolol on aqueous humor dynamics . Exp Eye Res 1978;27:135-142. 21. Radius R, Diamond GR, Pollack IP, et al: Timolol: A new drug for the management of chronic simple glaucoma . Arch Ophthalmol 1978;96:1003-1008. 22. Neufeld AH, Zawistowski KA, Page ED, et al: Influences on the density of the β-adrenergic receptors in cornea and iris ciliary body of the rabbit . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1978;17:1069-1075. 23. Neufeld AH: Experimental studies on the mechanism of action of timolol . Surv Ophthalmol 1979;23:363-370.Crossref 24. Townsend DJ, Brubaker RF: Acute effect of epinephrine on aqueous humor formation in the normal eye as measured by fluorophotometry . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1980;19:420-423. 25. Lee PF: The influence of epinephrine and phenylephrine on intraocular pressure . Arch Ophthalmol 1958;60:863-867.Crossref 26. Leydhecker W: Sympathikomimetika und sympathikolytika in der glaucomtherapie . Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1977;171:538-546.
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1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030749004

This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract In a recent article by Rudy et al (Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:2030-2033), an error occurred in the reported dose fed to the mice. The dose of allopurinol fed was 0.05 mg per mouse per day (or 2.5 mg/kg/day).
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Aphakic Cystoid Macular Edema: Occurrence in Infants and Children After Transpupillary Lensectomy and Anterior Vitrectomy

Hoyt, Creig S.;Nickel, Bonnie

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030750005pmid: 7082204

Abstract • Twenty-seven children and infants underwent surgery for bilateral infantile cataracts. In each infant, the lens in one eye was removed by discission and aspiration, and the other lens was removed by lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy. Ten of 27 eyes undergoing lensectomy and vitrectomy developed aphakic cystoid macular edema; in only one eye that underwent discission and aspiration did macular edema develop. Six of the eyes of the first group developed persistent cystoid macular edema, of which four seem to be visually important. Further long-term studies of the prevalence and functional importance of cystoid macular edema after lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy in children are needed. We do not presently advocate this technique except in the treatment of complicated infantile cataracts. References 1. Tolentino FI, Schepens CL: Edema of posterior pole after cataract extraction: A biomicroscopic study . Arch Ophthalmol 1965;74:781-786.Crossref 2. Gehring JR: Macular edema following cataract extraction . Arch Ophthalmol 1968;80:626-631.Crossref 3. Gass JD, Norton EWD: Follow-up study of cystoid macular edema following cataract extraction . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1969;73:665-669. 4. Jacobson DR, Dellaporta A: Natural history of cystoid macula edema after cataract extraction . Am J Ophthalmol 1974;77:445-447. 5. Hitchings RA, Chisholm IH, Bird AC: Aphakic macular edema: Incidence and pathogenesis . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1975;14:68-72. 6. Poer DV, Helveston EN, Ellis FD: Aphakic cystoid macular edema in children . Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:249-252.Crossref 7. Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Rose M, et al: Vitrophage in management of congenital cataracts . Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 1977;202:305-308.Crossref 8. Offret H, Saraux H, Limon S, et al: Vitréophagie par la pars-plana de deux cas de persistance du vitré primitif . Arch Ophthalmol 1977;37:473-478. 9. Malbran E, Dodds R, Hulsbus R: The influence of new surgical procedures on retinal pathology in aphakia after congenital cataract surgery . Mod Probl Ophthalmol 1977;18:511-517. 10. Benson WE, Blankenship GW, Machemer R: Pars plana lens removal with vitrectomy . Am J Ophthalmol 1977:84:150-152. 11. Girard LJ: Lensectomy through the pars plana by ultrasonic fragmentation . Ophthalmology 1979;86:1985-1989.Crossref 12. Odom JV, Hoyt CS, Marg E: Effect of natural deprivation and unilateral eye patching on visual acuity of infants and children . Arch Ophthalmol 1981;99:1412-1416.Crossref 13. Beller R, Hoyt CS, Marg E, Odom JV: Good visual function in monocular congenital cataracts with neonatal surgery . Am J Ophthalmol 1981;91:559. 14. Trese MT, Foos RY: Infantile cystoid maculopathy . Br J Ophthalmol 1980;64:206-209.Crossref 15. Hiles DA, Chotiner B: Vitreous loss following infantile cataract surgery . Int Ophthalmol Clin 1977;17:167-171. 16. Irvine AR: Review cystoid maculopathy . Surv Ophthalmol 1976;21:1-17.Crossref 17. Maumenee AE: Clinical entities in uveitis: An approach to the study of intraocular inflammation: XXIV. Edward Jackson Memorial Lecture . Am J Ophthalmol 1970;69:1-27. 18. Ryan SI: Cystoid maculopathy in phakic retinal detachment procedures . Am J Ophthalmol 1973;76:519-521. 19. Michels RG, Maumenee AE: Cystoid macular edema associated with topically applied epinephrine in aphakic eyes . Am J Ophthalmol 1975;80:379-385. 20. Brownstein S, Orton R, Jackson B: Cystoid macular edema with equatorial choroidal melanoma . Arch Ophthalmol 1978;96:2105-2107.Crossref 21. Fishman GA, Goldberg MF, Troutman JC: Dominantly inherited cystoid macular edema . Ann Ophthalmol 1979;11:21-27. 22. Aaberg TM: Pars plana vitrectomy for persistent aphakic cystoid macular edema secondary to vitreous incarceration in the cataract wound , in McPherson A (ed): New and Controversial Aspects of Vitreoretinal Surgery . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1977, pp, 230-239. 23. Federman JL, Annesley WH, Sarkin LK, et al: Vitrectomy and cystoid macular edema . Ophthalmology 1980;87:622-627.Crossref 24. Kramer SG: Cystoid macular edema after aphakic penetrating keratoplasty. Ophthalmology, to be published. 25. Gass JDM, Norton EWD: Cystoid macular edema and papilledema following cataract extraction: A fluorescein fundoscopic and angiographic study . Arch Ophthalmol 1966;76:646-661.Crossref 26. Martin NF, Green WR, Martin LW: Retinal phlebitis in the Irvine-Gass syndrome . Am J Ophthalmol 1977;83:377-386. 27. Tso MOM, Shih CY: Experimental macular edema after lens extraction . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1977;16:381-392.
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Neovascular Fundus Abnormalities in Peripheral Uveitis

Felder, Kenneth S.;Brockhurst, Robert J.

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030754006pmid: 6177305

Abstract • Neovascular fundus abnormalities are an unusual complication of peripheral uveitis. Peripheral retinal neovascularization was seen in 11 patients, six of whom had retinal angioma-like lesions. Most of the patients had loss of vision caused by vitreous hemorrhage. In four additional patients with peripheral uveitis, neovascularization developed either at the disc or elsewhere in the posterior pole. References 1. Schepens CL: L'inflammation de la region de l'ora serrata et ses sesqueles . Bull Soc Ophtalmol Fr 1950;63:113-124. 2. Schlaegel TF: Ocular Toxoplasmosis and Pars Planitis . New York, Grune & Stratton Inc, 1978, pp 263-360. 3. Brockhurst RJ, Schepens CL, Okamura ID: Uveitis: II. Peripheral uveitis: Clinical description, complications and differential diagnosis . Am J Ophthalmol 1960;49:1257-1266. 4. Brockhurst RJ, Schepens CL, Okamura ID: Uveitis: III. Peripheral uveitis: Pathogenesis, etiology and treatment . Am J Ophthalmol 1961;51:19-26. 5. Shorb SR, Irvine AR, Kimura SJ: Optic disc neovascularization associated with chronic uveitis . Am J Ophthalmol 1976;82:175-178. 6. Cardosa RD, Brockhurst RJ: Perforating diathermy coagulation for retinal angiomas . Arch Ophthalmol 1976;94:1702-1715.Crossref 7. Pruett RC, Brockhurst RJ, Letts N: Fluorescein angiography of peripheral uveitis . Am J Ophthalmol 1974;77:448-453. 8. Auerbach R, Kubai L, Sidky Y: Angiogenesis induction by tumors embryonic tissues and lymphocytes . Cancer Res 1976;36:3435-3440. 9. Doxanas MT, Kelley JS, Prout TE: Sarcoidosis with neovascularization of the optic nerve head . Am J Ophthalmol 1980;90:347-351. 10. Aaberg TM, Cesarz TJ, Flickinger RR: Treatment of peripheral uveo-retinitis by cryotherapy . Am J Ophthalmol 1973;75:685-688.
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Ocular Signs of Cerebellar Disease

Cogan, David G.;Chu, Fred C.;Reingold, Douglas B.

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030759007pmid: 7082205

Abstract • Ocular signs of cerebellar disease have been increasingly appreciated with the advent of means for quantitative recording of eye movements. The graphs in this article illustrate ocular flutter, dysmetria, abnormal (nonsmooth) pursuit, instability of fixation, faulty vestibular suppression, impaired optokinetic response, end-position nystagmus, and rebound nystagmus. The signs may be categorized as follows: (1) proprioceptive abnormalities manifest by flutter, dysmetria, and instability of gaze and (2) defects of vision-dependent functions manifest by abnormalities of pursuit, vestibular suppression, optokinetic response, and nystagmus. References 1. Robinson DA: How the oculomotor system repairs itself . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1975; 14:413-415. 2. Gauthier GM: Bio-engineering Studies of Cerebellar Influences on Oculomotor Control, thesis. University of Illinois, Chicago, 1970. 3. Holmes G: Clinical symptoms of cerebellar disease and their interpretation . Lancet 1922; 2:59-65. 4. Whitteridge D: Central control of eye movements , in Neurophysiology, vol 2, in Handbook of Physiology . Baltimore, Waverly Press Inc, 1960, pp 1089-1109. 5. Ocular deviations , in Neuro-ophthalmology, vol 12, in Duke-Elder S, Scott GI (eds): System of Ophthalmology . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1966, pp 848-849. 6. Robinson DA: A method of measuring eye movements using a scleral search coil in a magnetic field . IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1963;10:137-145. 7. Reingold DB, Chu FC, Cogan DG, et al: A computerized testing facility for clinical study of versional eye movement control , in Greenfield RH (ed): Computers in Ophthalmology . Silver Spring, Md, IEEE Computer Society, 1979, pp 220-222. 8. Goldberg RT, Jampel RS: Flutterlike oscillations of the eyes in cerebellar disease . Am J Ophthalmol 1963;55:1229-1233. 9. Cogan DG: Ocular dysmetria; flutter-like oscillations of the eyes, and opsoclonus . Arch Ophthalmol 1954;51:318-335.Crossref 10. Higgins DC, Daroff RN: Overshoot and oscillation in ocular dysmetria . Arch Ophthalmol 1966;75:742-745.Crossref 11. Solingen LD, Baloh RW, Myers L, et al: Subclinical eye movement disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis . Neurology 1977;27:614-619.Crossref 12. Monday LA, Lemieux B, St Vincent H, et al: Clinical and electronystagmographic findings in Friedreich's ataxia . Can J Neurol Sci 1978; 5:71-73. 13. Kirkham TH, Guitton D, Katsarkas A, et al: Oculomotor abnormalities in Friedreich's ataxia . Can J Neurol Sci 1979;6:167-172. 14. Jung R, Kornhuber HH: Results of electronystagmography in man: The value of optokinetic, vestibular, and spontaneous nystagmus for neurologic diagnosis and research , in Bender MB (ed): The Oculomotor System . New York, Harper & Row Publishers Inc, 1964, p 440. 15. Dell'Osso LF, Troost BT, Daroff RB: Macro square wave jerks . Neurology 1975;25:975-979.Crossref 16. Daroff RB, Hoyt WF: Supranuclear disorders of the ocular control systems in man , in Bach-y-Rita P, Collins CC, Hyde JE (eds): The Control of Eye Movements . New York, Academic Press Inc, 1971, pp 175-235. 17. Selhorst JB, Stark L, Ochs AL, et al: Disorders in cerebellar ocular motor control: I. Saccadic overshoot dysmetria: An oculographic control system and clinico-anatomical analysis . Brain 1976;99:497-508.Crossref 18. Dale RT, Kirby AW, Jampel RS: Square wave jerks in Friedreich's ataxia . Am J Ophthalmol 1978;85:400-406. 19. Takemori S, Cohen B: Loss of visual suppression of vestibular nystagmus after flocculus lesions . Brain Res 1974;72:213-224.Crossref 20. Hassul M, Daniels PD, Kimm J: Effects of bilateral flocculectomy on the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the chinchilla . Brain Res 1976;118:339-343.Crossref 21. Takemori S: Visual suppression test . Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1977;86:80-85. 22. Zee DS: Suppression of vestibular nystagmus . Ann Neurol 1977;1:207.Crossref 23. Baloh RW, Konrad HR, Honrubia V: Vestibulo-ocular function in patients with cerebellar atrophy . Neurology 1975;25:160-168.Crossref 24. Zee DS, Yee RD, Cogan DG, et al: Ocular motor abnormalities in hereditary cerebellar ataxia . Brain 1976;99:207-234.Crossref 25. Baloh RW, Jenkins HA, Honrubia V, et al: Visual-vestibular interaction and cerebellar atrophy . Neurology 1979;29:116-119.Crossref 26. Leech J, Gresty M, Hess K, et al: Gaze failure, drifting eye movements and centripetal nystagmus in cerebellar disease . Br J Ophthalmol 1977;61:774-781.Crossref 27. Hood JD, Kayan A, Leech J: Rebound nystagmus . Brain 1973;96:507-526.Crossref 28. Westheimer G, Blair SM: Functional organization of primate oculomotor system revealed by cerebellectomy . Exp Brain Res 1974;21:463-472.Crossref 29. Daroff RB, Dell'Osso LF, Abel LA: Pursuit defect nystagmus . Ann Neurol 1979;6:458-459.Crossref 30. Mauritz KH, Dichgans J, Hufschmidt A: Quantitative analysis of stance in late cortical cerebellar atrophy of the anterior lobe and other forms of cerebellar ataxia . Brain 1979;102:461-482.Crossref 31. Ron S, Robinson DA: Eye movements evoked by cerebellar stimulation in the alert monkey . J Neurophysiol 1973;36:1004-1022. 32. Raybourn MS, Keller EL: Colliculoreticular organization in primate oculomotor system . J Neurophysiol 1977;40:861-878. 33. Richie L: Effects of cerebellar lesions on saccadic eye movements . J Neurophysiol 1976; 39:1246-1256. 34. Fuchs AF, Kornhuber HH: Extraocular muscle afferents to the cerebellum of the cat . J Physiol 1969;200:713-722. 35. Baker R, Precht W, Llinas R: Mossy and climbing fiber projections of extraocular muscle afferents to the cerebellum . Brain Res 1972; 38:440-445.Crossref 36. Berthoz A, Llinas R: Afferent neck projection to the cat cerebellar cortex . Exp Brain Res 1974;20:385-401.Crossref 37. Aschoff JC, Cohen B: Changes in saccadic eye movements produced by cerebellar cortical lesions . Exp Neurol 1971;32:123-133.Crossref 38. Llinas R, Wolfe JW: Functional linkage between the electrical activity in the vermal cerebellar cortex and saccadic eye movements . Exp Brain Res 1977;29:1-14.Crossref 39. Burde RM, Stroud MH, Roper-Hall G, et al: Ocular motor dysfunction in total hemicerebellectomized monkeys . Br J Ophthalmol 1975; 59:560-565.Crossref 40. Yamazaki A, Zee DS: Rebound nystagmus: EOG analysis of a case with floccular tumour . Br J Ophthalmol 1979;63;782-786.Crossref 41. Lisberger SG, Fuchs AF: Response of flocculus Purkinje cells to adequate vestibular stimulation in the alert monkey: Fixation vs compensatory eye movements . Brain Res 1974;69:347-353.Crossref 42. Miles FA, Fuller JH: Visual tracking and the primate flocculus . Science 1975;189:1000-1002.Crossref 43. Dow RS: Effect of lesions in the vestibular part of the cerebellum in primates . J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1938;47:500-520. 44. Carrea RME, Mettler FA: Physiologic consequences following extensive removals of the cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei and effect of secondary cerebral ablations in the primate . J Comp Neurol 1947;87:169-288.Crossref 45. Maekawa K, Natsui T: Climbing fiber activation of Purkinje cells in rabbit's flocculus during light stimulation of the retina . Brain Res 1973;59:417-420.Crossref 46. Lisberger SG, Fuchs AF: Role of primate flocculus during rapid behavioral modification of vestibulo-ocular reflex: I. Purkinje cell activity during visually guided horizontal smooth-pursuit eye movements and passive head rotation . J Neurophysiol 1978;41:733-763. 47. Zee DS, Namazaki A, Butler PH, et al: Effects of ablation of flocculus and paraflocculus on eye movements in primates . J Neurophysiol 1981;46:878-899. 48. Gonshor A, Jones GM: Extreme vestibuloocular adaptation induced by prolonged optical reversion of vision . J Physiol 1976;256:381-414. 49. Robinson DA: The effect of cerebellectomy on the cat's vestibulo-ocular integrator . Brain Res 1974;71:195-207.Crossref
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Combined Use of Neostigmine and Ocular Motility Measurements in the Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis

Miller, Neil R.;Morris, Jacqueline E.;Maquire, Maureen

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030765008pmid: 7082206

Abstract • Forty-four patients with diplopia caused by myasthenia gravis, ocular myopathies, and ocular motor nerve palsies underwent complete orthoptic evaluations before and after intramuscular injection of neostigmine (Prostigmin) methylsulfate. A test score combining the results of binocular and uniocular measurements was developed that allowed correct classification of 70% (31) of patients studied. References 1. Drachman DB: Myasthenia gravis . N Engl J Med 1978;298:136-142.Crossref 2. Osserman KE: Ocular myasthenia gravis . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1967;6:277-279. 3. Miller NR: Myasthenia gravis: Systemic and ocular considerations . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1979;86:2165-2174. 4. Fambrough DM, Drachman DB, Satyamurti S: Neuromuscular junction in myasthenia gravis: Decreased acetylcholine receptors . Science 1973;182:293-295.Crossref 5. Drachman DB, Kao L, Pestronk A, et al: Myasthenia gravis as a receptor disorder . Ann NY Acad Sci 1976;274:226-234.Crossref 6. Pestronk A, Drachman DB, Josifek LF: Measurement of junctional ACh receptors in myasthenia gravis: Diagnostic value and clinical correlates . Neurology 1981;31:83.Crossref
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Prolongation of the Retinal Mean Circulation Time in Diabetes

Blair, Norman P.;Feke, Gilbert T.;Morales-Stoppello, Julian;Riva, Charles E.;Goger, Douglas G.;Collas, Gail;McMeel, J. Wallace

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030768009pmid: 7044352

Abstract • Retinal mean circulation time (MCT) and vascular sizes were measured in 21 normal individuals and 32 individuals with diabetes, and segmental blood flow (SBF) was calculated. The MCT was similar in the normal individuals (4.0 ± 1.1 s) and the individuals with diabetes (4.2 ± 1.9 s) when seven individuals with diabetes with prolonged but not quantifiable MCT were excluded. Including them by nonparametric statistics revealed that MCT was significantly longer in individuals with diabetes with proliferative retinopathy than in normal individuals or in individuals with diabetes with nonproliferative retinopathy. The prolonged MCT correlated significantly with advanced retinopathy as judged by leakage, neovascularization, and the need for photocoagulation therapy. Reduced SBF may account for the prolonged MCT, since the increase in vascular sizes observed failed to do so. However, pathologic vascular changes may alter the relation between SBF and MCT. Irrespective of implications about SBF, prolonged MCT, which indicates marked circulatory disturbance, represents an important new observation in diabetic retinopathy. References 1. Hickam JB, Frayser R: A photographic method for measuring the mean retinal circulation time using fluorescein . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1965;4:876-884. 2. Bulpitt CJ, Dollery CT: Estimation of retinal blood flow by measurement of the mean circulation time . Cardiovasc Res 1971;5:406-412.Crossref 3. Kohner E: Retinal blood flow in diabetes mellitus , in Lynn JR, Snyder WB, Vaiser A (eds): Diabetic Retinopathy . New York, Grune & Stratton Inc, 1974, pp 71-79. 4. Kohner EM, Hamilton AM, Saunders SJ, et al: The retinal blood flow in diabetes . Diabetologia 1975;11:27-33.Crossref 5. Kohner EM: The problems of retinal blood flow in diabetes . Diabetes 1976;25( (suppl 2) ):839-844.Crossref 6. 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journal article
LitStream Collection
Idiopathic Juxtafoveolar Retinal Telangiectasis

Gass, J. Donald;Oyakawa, Ray T.

1982 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1982.01030030773010pmid: 7082207

Abstract • Twenty-seven healthy adult patients had visual loss in one or both eyes because of exudation from juxtafoveolar retinal capillary telangiectasis of uncertain cause. These patients were subdivided as follows: group 1, men with uniocular involvement, intraretinal lipid exudation, and telangiectasis largely confined to the temporal half of the juxtafoveolar area; group 2, mostly men with symmetric areas of telangiectasis affecting the temporal half of the juxtafoveolar areas and minimal intraretinal exudation; group 3, both sexes with symmetric involvement of all of the parafoveolar capillary bed and minimal exudation; and group 4, one case of telangiectasis with occlusive perifoveolar capillary changes and familial optic disc pallor. The visual acuity prognosis in groups 1 through 3 is relatively good. Photocoagulation may be of some value in the treatment of patients in group 1. References 1. Gass JDM: A fluorescein angiographic study of macular dysfunction secondary to retinal vascular disease: V. Retinal telangiectasis . Arch Ophthalmol 1968;80:592-605.Crossref 2. Gass JDM: Macular distinction caused by retinal vascular disease , in Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases , ed 2. St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1977, pp 234-292. 3. Gass JDM: Photocoagulation of macular lesions . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1971;75:580-608. 4. Gass JDM: Retinal telangiectasis , in Differential Diagnosis of Intraocular Tumors: A Stereoscopic Presentation . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1974, pp 248-310. 5. Gass JDM: Treatment of retinal vascular anomalies . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1977;83:432-442. 6. Gass JDM: Macular dysfunction caused by retinal vascular diseases , in Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases , ed 2. St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1977, pp 262-271. 7. Chopdar A: Retinal telangiectasis in adults: Fluorescein angiographic findings and treatment by argon laser . Br J Ophthalmol 1978;63:243-250.Crossref 8. Yannuzzi LA, Gitter KA, Schatz H: The Macula: A Comprehensive Text and Atlas . Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co, 1979, pp 118-126. 9. Reese AB: Telangiectasia of the retina and Coats' disease . Am J Ophthalmol 1956;42:1-8. 10. Leber T: Üeber eine durch VorKommen multipler Milaraneurysmen charakterizierte Form von Retinal degeneration . Arch Ophthalmol 1912;81:14. 11. Gass JDM: Cavernous hemangioma of the retina: A neuro-oculo-cutaneous syndrome . Am J Ophthalmol 1971;71:799-814. 12. Hutton WL, Snyder WF, Fuller D, et al: Focal parafoveal telangiectasis . Arch Ophthalmol 1978;96:1362-1367.Crossref 13. Fishman GA, Trimble S, Rabb MF, et al: Pseudovitelliform macular degeneration . Arch Ophthalmol 1977;95:73-76.Crossref 14. Gass JDM: Macular dysfunction secondary to diseases of the pigment epithelium , in Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases , ed 2. St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1977, pp 170-175. 15. Gass JDM: A clinicopathologic study of a peculiar foveomacular dystrophy . Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1974;72:139-156. 16. Ehlers N, Jensen VA: Hereditary central retinal angiopathy . Acta Ophthalmol 1973;51:171-178.Crossref 17. Gass JDM: Macular dysfunction caused by retinal vascular diseases , in Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases , ed 2. St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1977, p 285.
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