
Archives of Ophthalmology

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United Kingdom Ophthalmological Society Anniversary

Miller, Stephen

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040055002pmid: 7396770

This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract In April of this year, the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding under the presidency of Prof Norman Ashton, FRS. The centenary meeting of the society will be inaugurated by a thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey, London, on the morning of Wednesday, April 16. The Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom was founded in 1880 with Sir William Bowman, baronet, LLD, FRS, as its first president. The object of the society is the cultivation and promotion of ophthalmology. An annual congress is held, and the date and place of the meeting are chosen by the council; when an ophthalmic surgeon from the extrametropolitan area is the president, it is customary for him to hold one of the two meetings in his hometown. The president is usually chosen alternately from the ophthalmic surgeons practicing in London and from those practicing in the provinces.
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Incidence of Retinoblastoma in the United States

Pendergrass, Thomas W.;Davis, Scott

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040056003pmid: 7396771

Abstract • Data from the population-based Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program of the National Cancer Institute were used to calculate the incidence of retinoblastoma for the years 1974 through 1976. Each year 3.58 cases occurred for each million children under the age of 15 years. Incidence was markedly age related, with over 90% of the cases being diagnosed before the age of 5 years. Although no difference in incidence was found for whites and blacks, other nonwhites had rates greater than four times those of whites. Twenty percent of patients had bilateral disease. Treatment patterns revealed that surgery remains the most common treatment modality. Review of patterns of survival suggested that children in the other nonwhite category with unilateral disease had poorest survival rates. References 1. Ellsworth RM: The practical management of retinoblastoma . Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 67:462-534, 1969. 2. Sorsby A: Bilateral retinoblastoma: A dominantly inherited affection . Br Med J 2:580-583, 1972.Crossref 3. Knudson AG Jr: Mutation and cancer: Statistical study of retinoblastoma . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 68:820-823, 1971.Crossref 4. Hethcote HW, Knudson AG Jr: Model for the incidence of embryonal cancers: Application to retinoblastoma . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75:2453-2457, 1978.Crossref 5. Jensen RD, Miller RW: Retinoblastoma: Epidemiologic characteristics . N Engl J Med 285:307-311, 1971.Crossref 6. Newell GR, Roberts JD, Baranovsky A: Retinoblastoma: Presentation and survival in Negro children compared with whites . J Natl Cancer Inst 49:989-992, 1972. 7. Devesa SS: The incidence of retinoblastoma . Am J Ophthalmol 80:263-265, 1975. 8. Snedecor GW, Cochran WG: Statistical Methods , ed 6. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1976. 9. Berkson J, Gage RP: Calculation of survival rates for cancer . Proc Mayo Clin 25:270-286, 1950. 10. Lee ET, Desu MM: A computer program for comparing K samples with right-censored data . Comput Programs Biomed 2:315-321, 1972.Crossref 11. Macklin MT: A study of retinoblastoma in Ohio . Am J Hum Genet 12:1-43, 1960. 12. Schappert-Kimmijser J, Hemmes GD, Nijland R: The heredity of retinoblastoma . Ophthalmologica 151:197-213, 1966.Crossref 13. Stallard HB: Multiple islands of retinoblastoma: Incidence rate and time span of appearance . Br J Ophthalmol 39:241-243, 1955.Crossref 14. Cassady JR, Sagerman RH, Tretter P, et al: Radiation therapy in retinoblastoma: An analysis of 230 cases . Radiology 93:405-409, 1969.Crossref 15. Bedford MA, Bedotto C, Macfaul PA: Retinoblastoma: A study of 139 cases . Br J Ophthalmol 55:19-27, 1971.Crossref
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Ocular Microbial Flora in Immunodeficient Patients

Friedlaender, Mitchell H.;Masi, Robert J.;Osumoto, Masao;Smolin, Gilbert;Ammann, Arthur J.

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040063004pmid: 7396772

Abstract • The eyes of 20 patients with primary immunodeficiency syndromes were examined, and microbial cultures of their lids and conjunctivae were made. Nine patients had a history of recurrent external ocular infections, and six of these had active blepharitis or blepharoconjunctivitis at the time of examination. A single pathogenic bacterium was isolated from the lids and conjunctivae of six patients with a history of infection; a mixture of two possible pathogens was cultured from eyes of three other patients. Three of the nine patients with infections had impaired B-cell and intact T-cell immunity, whereas three patients had impaired B-cell and T-cell immunity. Two patients had chronic granulomatous disease in which a defect in phagocytosis was the predominant immunologic abnormality, and one patient (with mucocutaneous candidiasis) had intact B- and T-cell function at the time of testing. Although the immunodeficient patients had a higher incidence of lid or conjunctival infection than 20 age-matched controls, the microbial flora of the lids and conjunctivae did not differ between the two groups. References 1. Lurie HI, Duma RS: Opportunistic infections of the lungs . Hum Pathol 1:233-257, 1970.Crossref 2. Miller B, Ellis PP: Conjunctival flora in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs . Arch Ophthalmol 95:2012-2014, 1977.Crossref 3. Franklin RM, Winkelstein JA, Seto DSY: Conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis associated with primary immunodeficiency diseases . Am J Ophthalmol 84:563-566, 1977. 4. Rose NR, Friedman H: Manual of Clinical Immunology . Washington, DC, American Society for Microbiology, 1976. 5. Ammann AJ, Borg D, Kondo L, et al: Quantitation of B cells in peripheral blood by polyacrylamide beads coated with antihuman chain antibody . J Immunol Methods 17:365-371, 1977.Crossref 6. Wara DW, Goldstein AL, Doyle NE, et al: Thymosin activity in patients with cellular immunodeficiency . N Engl J Med 292:70-74, 1975.Crossref 7. Hyndiuk RA, Seidman S: Clinical and laboratory techniques in external ocular disease and endophthalmitis , in Fedukowicz HB (ed): External Infections of the Eye . New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1978. 8. Oh JO, Kimura SJ, Ostler HB: Acute ocular infection by type 2 herpes simplex virus in adults . Arch Ophthalmol 93:1127-1129, 1975.Crossref 9. Schachter J: Chlamydial infections . N Engl J Med 298:540-549, 1978.Crossref 10. Cason L, Winkler CH: Bacteriology of the eye: I. Normal flora . Arch Ophthalmol 51:196-199, 1954.Crossref 11. Khorazo D, Thompson R: The bacterial culture flora of the normal conjunctiva . Am J Ophthalmol 18:1114-1116, 1935.
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Haemophilus influenzae Ophthalmia Neonatorum

Cohen, Kenneth L.;McCarthy, Laurence R.

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040066005pmid: 6967307

Abstract • Haemophilus influenzae is an occasional cause of ophthalmia neonatorum. Recently, this organism has exhibited a change in its epidemiology and has been identified as a cause of severe neonatal infections. Ophthalmologists should be aware of the changing susceptibility of neonates to severe infections with H influenzae and the possibility that H influenzae ophthalmia neonatorum can be associated with these infections. References 1. Gonin J: De la nature microbienne des conjunctivitis observeé a l'hospital ophtalmique de Lausanne avec quellques remarques sur leur classification . Rev Med Suisse Romande 19:89-105, 1899. 2. Haupt M: Ueber gonorrhoische and nichtgonorrhische Bidehautentzündungen bei Neugeborenen . Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 41:447-471, 1903. 3. Axenfeld T: The special forms of conjunctival infection , in MacNab A (trans): Bacteriology of the Eye . London, Bailliere Tindall & Cox, 1908, chap 6. 4. Thygeson P: Ophthalmia neonatorum: A study of 261 cases . Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 34:340-371, 1936. 5. Sorsby A: The incubation period of ophthalmia neonatorum . Br J Obstet Gynecol 54:842-847, 1947.Crossref 6. Armstrong JH, Zacarias F, Rein MF: Ophthalmia neonatorum: A chart review . Pediatrics 57:884-892, 1976. 7. Thornsberry C, Gavan TL, Gerloch EH: Cumitech 6: New Developments in Antimicrobial Agent Susceptibility Testing , Sherris JC (ed). Washington, DC, American Society for Microbiology, 1977, pp 3-4. 8. Fothergill LD, Wright J: Influenzal meningitis: The relation of age incidence to the bactericidal power of blood against the causal organism . J Immunol 24:273-284, 1933. 9. Graber CD, Gershanik JJ, Levkoff AH, et al: Changing pattern of neonatal susceptibility of Haemophilus influenzae . J Pediatr 70:539-547, 1971. 10. Collier AM, Conner JC, Nyhan WL: Systemic infection with Haemophilus influenzae in very young infants . J Pediatr 70:539-547, 1967.Crossref 11. Nicholls S, Yuille TD, Mitchell RG: Perinatal infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae . Arch Dis Child 50:739-741, 1975.Crossref 12. Lilien LD, Yeh TF, Novak GM, et al: Early-onset Haemophilus sepsis in newborn infants: Clinical, roentgenographic, and pathologic features . Pediatrics 62:299-303, 1978. 13. Khuri-Bulos N, Mclntosh K: Neonatal Haemophilus influenzae infection . Am J Dis Child 129:57-62, 1975.Crossref 14. Fedukowicz HB: Bacteria , in External Infections of the Eye, Bacterial, Viral, and Mycotic , ed 2. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1978, chap 2. 15. Pittman M, Davis J: Identification of the Koch-Weeks bacillus (Haemophilus aegyptius) . J Bacteriol 59:413-426, 1950. 16. Davis DJ, Pittman M, Griffiths JJ: Hemagglutination by the Koch-Weeks bacillus . J Bacteriol 59:427-431, 1950. 17. Sneath PHA, Johnson R: Numerical taxonomy of Haemophilus and related bacteria . Int J System Bacteriol 23:405-418, 1973.Crossref 18. Kilian M, Modhorst CH, Dawson CR, et al: The taxonomy of Haemophilus isolated from the conjunctiva . Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand B 84:132-138, 1976. 19. Zinnemann K, Biberstein EL: Genus Haemophilus , in Buchanan RE, Gibbons NE (eds): Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology , ed 8. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co, 1974, pp 364-365. 20. Bone FJ: Meningitis due to an unusual type of Haemophilus influenzae . Scot Med J 20:19-21, 1975.
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Therapy of Endogenous Fungal Endophthalmitis: Miconazole or Amphotericin B for Coccidioidal and Candidal Infection

Blumenkranz, Mark S.;Stevens, David A.

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040068006pmid: 6967308

Abstract • Three patients with endogenous fungal endophthalmitis were treated intravenously with miconazole. Two patients had disseminated coccidioidomycosis, and one patient had disseminated candidiasis. Intraocular mycotic infections developed in one patient undergoing therapy, and progressed in two others also undergoing therapy. All three patients' ocular infections improved after therapy was switched to intravenous amphotericin B administration. Previous experience with miconazole and amphotericin B therapy for fungal endophthalmitis is reviewed. Whereas several failures have been noted with amphotericin B and success with miconazole, our experience suggests systemic administration of amphotericin B may be superior to systemic administration of miconazole for intraocular mycoses, although further clinical data are urgently needed. References 1. Bennett JE: Chemotherapy of systemic mycoses . N Engl J Med 290:30-32, 320-322, 1974.Crossref 2. Clarkson JG, Green WR: Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis , in Duane TD (ed): Clinical Ophthalmology . Hagerstown, Md, Harper & Row Publishers Inc, 1978, vol 3, chap 11. 3. Collins M, Pappagianis D: Uniform susceptibility of various strains of Coccidioides immitis to amphotericin B . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 11:1049-1055, 1977.Crossref 4. Scholer HJ: Flucytosine , in Speller DCE (ed): Antifungal Chemotherapy . New York, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1980, chap 4. 5. Stevens DA: Miconazole in the treatment of systemic fungal infections . Am Rev Respir Dis 116:801-806, 1977. 6. Jones DB: Therapy of postsurgical fungal endophthalmitis . Ophthalmology 85:357-373, 1978.Crossref 7. Van den Boscche H, Willemsens G, Cools W, et al: Biochemical effects of miconazole on fungi: II. Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis in Candida albicans . Chem Biol Interact 21:59-78, 1978.Crossref 8. Miller GC, Witwer MW, Braude AI, et al: Rapid identification of Candida albicans septicemia in man by gas-liquid chromatography . J Clin Invest 54:1235-1240, 1974.Crossref 9. Lutwick LI, Galgiani JN, Johnson RH, et al: Visceral fungal infections due to Petriellidium boydii (Allescheria boydii): In vitro drug sensitivity studies . Am J Med 61:632-640, 1976.Crossref 10. Hagele AJ, Evans DJ, Larwood TR: Primary endophthalmic coccidioidomycosis: Report of a case of exogenous, primary coccidioidomycosis of the eye diagnosed prior to enucleation , in Ajello L (ed): Coccidioidomycosis . Tucson, Ariz, University of Arizona, 1967, pp 37-39. 11. Rainin EA, Little HL: Ocular coccidioidomycosis: A clinicopathological case report . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 76:645-651, 1972. 12. Zakka KA, Foos RY, Brown WJ: Intraocular coccidioidomycosis . Survey Ophthalmol 22:313-321, 1978.Crossref 13. Cutler JE, Binder PS, Paul TO, et al: Metastatic coccidioidal endophthalmitis . Arch Ophthalmol 96:689-691, 1978.Crossref 14. Blumenkranz MS, Stevens DA: Endogenous coccidioidal endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology, to be published. 15. Green WR, Bennett JE, Goos RD: Ocular penetration of amphotericin B: A report of laboratory studies and a case report of postsurgical cephalosporum endophthalmitis . Arch Ophthalmol 73:769-775, 1965.Crossref
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Gentamicin-Resistant Serratia marcescens Endophthalmitis

Gammon, J. Allen;Schwab, Ivan;Joseph, Patrick

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040073007pmid: 6994702

Abstract • In a case of metastatic Gram-negative endophthalmitis caused by Serratia marcescens, the bacterial isolate was resistant to gentamicin sulfate and tobramycin but sensitive to amikacin sulfate, a new semisynthetic aminoglycoside approved for systemic use. The importance of antibiotic-resistant S marcescens as a systemic and ocular pathogen is reviewed. References 1. Lazachek GW, Boyle GL, Schwartz AL, et al: Serratia marcescens, an ocular pathogen . Arch Ophthalmol 86:599-603, 1971.Crossref 2. Fulton M, Forney CE, Leifson E: Identification of Serratia occurring in man and animals . Can J Microbiol 5:269-275, 1959.Crossref 3. Atlee WE, Burns RP, Oden MS: Serratia marcescens keratoconjunctivitis . Am J Ophthalmol 70:31-33, 1970. 4. Davis JT, Foltz E, Blakemore WS: Serratia marcescens: A pathogen of increasing clinical importance . JAMA 214:2190-2192, 1970.Crossref 5. Traub WH, Kleber I, Puhler A, et al: Characterization of a nosocomially significant, multiple drug-resistant strain of Serratia marcescens . Chemotherapy 22:297-312, 1976.Crossref 6. Verbist L, Spaepen J, Vandepitte J: In vitro sensitivity of hospital strains of Serratia marcescens to chemotherapeutic agents . Chemotherapy 22:43-54, 1976.Crossref 7. Serratia marcescens infections in general hospitals, editorial . Br Med J 1:1177-1178, 1977. 8. Guerrant RL, Strausbaugh LJ, Wenzel RP, et al: Nosocomial bloodstream infections caused by gentamicin-resistant Gram-negative bacilli . Am J Med 62:894-901, 1977.Crossref 9. Leonard JM, McGee ZA, Alford RH: Gentamicin-resistant bacillary infection . Arch Intern Med 138:201-205, 1978.Crossref 10. Bauer AW, Kirby WMM, Sherris JC, et al: Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standard single disk method . Am J Clin Pathol 45:493-496, 1966. 11. Washington JA, Barry AL: Dilution test procedures , in Lennette EH, Spaulding EH, Truant JP (eds): Manual of Clinical Microbiology . Washington, DC, American Society for Microbiology, 1974, pp 410-417. 12. Traub WH, Raymond EA, Startsman TS: Bacteriocin (marcescen) typing of clinical isolates of Serratia marcescens . Appl Microbiol 21:837-840, 1971. 13. Stenderup A, Faergeman 0, Ingerslev M: Serratia marcescens infections in premature infants . Acta Path Microbiol Scand 68:157-160, 1966. 14. Bigger JF, Meltzer G, Mandell A, et al: Serratia marcescens endophthalmitis . Am J Ophthalmol 72:1102-1105, 1971. 15. Salceda SR, Lapuz J, Vizconde R: Serratia marcescens endophthalmitis . Arch Ophthalmol 89:163-166, 1973.Crossref 16. Daschner F, Senska-Euringer C: Kontaminierte Infusionen als Ursache Nosokomialer Serratia marcescens Sepsis bei Kindern . Dtsch Med Wochenschr 100:2324-2328, 1975.Crossref 17. Traub WH: Antibiotic susceptibility of clinical isolates of Serratia marcescens compared with sensitivity to group A (phage tail) bacteriocins . Chemotherapy 24:301-313, 1978.Crossref 18. Maki DG, Hennekens CG, Phillips CW, et al: Nosocomial urinary tract infection with Serratia marcescens: An epidemiologic study . J Infect Dis 128:579-587, 1973.Crossref 19. Davies J, Courvalin P: Mechanisms of resistance to aminoglycosides . Am J Med 62:868-872, 1977.Crossref 20. Gooding PG, Berman E, Lane AZ, et al: A review of results of clinical trials with amikacin . J Infect Dis 134( (suppl) ):441-445, 1976.Crossref 21. Doughty SC, Martin RR, Greenberg SB: Treatment of hospital-acquired infections with amikacin . Am J Med 62:889-893, 1977.Crossref 22. Craven PC, Jorgensen JH, Kaspar RL, et al: Amikacin therapy of patients with multiple antibiotic-resistant Serratia marcescens infections . Am J Med 62:902-910, 1977.Crossref 23. Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Crouch ER, et al: Clinical use of intravitreal antibiotics to treat bacterial endophthalmitis . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 78:862-875, 1974. 24. Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Meisels HI: The experimental and clinical use of intravitreal antibiotics to treat bacterial and fungal endophthalmitis . Doc Ophthalmol 39:183-201, 1975.Crossref 25. Baum JL, Peyman GA: Antibiotic administration in the treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis: I and II . Surv Ophthalmol 21:332-346, 1977. 26. Nelsen P, Peyman GA, Bennett TO: BBK8: A new aminoglycoside for intravitreal injection in bacterial endophthalmitis . Am J Ophthalmol 78:82-89, 1974.
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Pseudomonas pseudomallel in an Anophthalmic Orbit

Nussbaum, Julian J.;Hull, David S.;Carter, Mary Jo

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040076008pmid: 7396773

Abstract A 21-year-old man sustained multiple facial fractures and skin lacerations during an automobile accident, with resultant necrosis of the left upper eyelid and exposure of the cornea. Bacterial and secondary fungal corneal ulceration and perforation occurred, leading to enucleation. Cultures from the noninfected anophthalmic orbit approximately eight weeks after enucleation yielded Pseudomonas pseudomallei. This is the second isolate of this organism in the United States and the first apparent association with the ocular adnexa. References 1. Buchanan RE, Gibbons NE: Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology , ed 8. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co, 1974. 2. Duke-Elder S: Systems of Ophthalmology . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, pt 2, vol 8, p 782. 3. Fedukowicz HB: External Infections of the Eye: Bacterial, Viral, and Mycotic , ed 2. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1978. 4. Ben-Tovim T, Eylan E, Romano A, et al: Gram-negative bacteria isolated from external eye infections . Infection 2:162-165, 1974.Crossref 5. Brinser JH, Torczynski E: Unusual Pseudomonas corneal ulcers . Am J Ophthalmol 84:462-466, 1977. 6. Rapkin RH: Pseudomonas cepacia in an intensive care nursery . Pediatrics 57:234-243, 1976. 7. Joy RJT, Sclettar R, Sodee DB: Optic and peripheral neuritis . JAMA 173:185-188, 1960.Crossref 8. Biegeleisen JZ Jr, Mosquera R, Cherry WB: A case of human melioidosis: Clinical, epidemiological and laboratory findings . Am J Trop Med Hyg 13:89-99, 1964. 9. McCormick JB, Weaver RE, Hayes PS, et al: Wound infection by an indigenous Pseuodmonas pseudomallei-like organism isolated from the soil: Case report and epidemiologic study . J Infect Dis 135:103-107, 1977.Crossref 10. McDowell F, Varney PL: Clinical notes, suggestions, and new instruments: Melioidosis: Report of first case from the Western Hemisphere . JAMA 134:361-362, 1947.Crossref 11. Beamer PR, Varney PL, Brown WG, et al: Melioidosis: Report of second case from the Western Hemisphere, with bacteriologic studies on both cases . Am J Pathol 24:717-718, 1948. 12. Beamer PR, Varney PL, Brown WG, et al: Studies on Malleomyces pseudomallei isolated from melioidosis originating in the Western Hemisphere . Am J Clin Pathol 24:1231-1240, 1954. 13. McCormick JB, Sexton DJ, McMurray CE, et al: Human-to-human transmission of Pseudomonas pseudomallei . Ann Intern Med 83:512-513, 1975.Crossref 14. Osteraas GR, Hardman JM, Bass JW, et al: Neonatal melioidosis . Am J Dis Child 122:446-448, 1971.
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Penetrating Keratoplasty: Changing Indications, 1947 to 1978

Smith, Ronald E.;McDonald, H. Richard;Nesburn, Anthony B.;Minckler, Donald S.

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040078009pmid: 6994703

Abstract • Corneal buttons submitted to the Estelle Doheny Eye Foundation from 1947 through 1978 were studied. According to a study of 710 corneal specimens processed during 31 years, the leading indications for penetrating keratoplasty were aphakic bullous keratopathy, regrafts, keratoconus, and Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy. Intraocular lenses were associated with 22% of all specimens of aphakic bullous keratopathy in 1974, increasing to 68% of all aphakic bullous keratopathy corneas in 1978. Histopathologic appearance of aphakic bullous keratopathy corneas with or without an intraocular lens was similar. References 1. Arentsen JJ, Morgan B, Green WR: Changing indications for keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 81:313-318, 1976. 2. Chandler JW: Indications for keratoplasty and management of cases . Trans Pac Coast Otoophthalmol Soc 57:97-104, 1976. 3. Rabb MF, Fine M: Penetrating keratoplasty in interstitial keratitis . Am J Ophthalmol 67:907-919, 1969. 4. Sanders N: Penetrating keratoplasty in treatment of fungus keratitis . Am J Ophthalmol 70:24-30, 1970. 5. Brown SI, Tragakis MP, Pearce DB: Corneal transplantation for severe alkali burns . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 76:1266-1274, 1972. 6. Tragakis MP, Rosen J, Brown SI: Transplantation of the perforated cornea . Am J Ophthalmol 78:518-522, 1974. 7. Fine M, Cignetti FE: Penetrating keratoplasty in herpes simplex keratitis . Arch Ophthalmol 95:613-616, 1977.Crossref 8. DeVoe AG: The present status of keratoplasty , in King JH, McTigue JW (eds): The Cornea: World Congress . Washington, DC, Butterworth Inc, 1965, pp 332-337. 9. Hughes WF: The treatment of corneal dystrophies by keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 50:1100-1114, 1960. 10. Wood TO, West C, Kaufman HE: Control of intraocular pressure in penetrating keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 74:724-728, 1972. 11. Paton D: Advances in keratoplasty, 1971 . Ophthalmic Surg 2:236-242, 1971. 12. Olson RJ, Kaufman HE: Intraocular pressure and corneal thickness after penetrating keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 86:97-100, 1978. 13. Stark WJ, Paton D, Maumenee AE, et al: The results of 102 penetrating keratoplasties using 10-0 mono-filament nylon suture . Ophthalmic Surg 3:11-25, 1972. 14. Crock GW, Pericic L, Chapman-Smith JS, et al: A new system of microsurgery for human and experimental corneal grafting: I. The contact lens corneal cutter, stereotaxic eye holder, donor disc chuck, and frame . Br J Ophthalmol 62:74-80, 1978.Crossref 15. Stark WJ, Maumenee AE, Kenyon KR: Intermediate-term corneal storage for penetrating keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 79:795-802, 1975. 16. Damiano RE, Van Horn DL, Schultz RO: Trephination of donor corneal buttons: A scanning electron microscopic study . Ann Ophthalmol 10:479-485, 1978. 17. Lempert SL, Jenkins MS, Brown SI: Prevention of vitreous loss in aphakic keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 86:59-60, 1978. 18. Brodrick JD: The cornea and intraocular lenses . Am Intraocular Implant Soc J 4:30-33, 1978.Crossref 19. Taylor DM: Keratoplasty and intraocular lenses . Ophthalmic Surg 7:31-42, 1976. 20. Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Lieberman HL: Endothelial cell loss and trauma during intraocular lens implantation: A specular microscopic study . Am Intraocular Implant Soc J 4:107-109, 1978.Crossref 21. Fine M: Keratoplasty for bullous keratopathy with intraocular lens . Am Intraocular Implant Soc J 4:12-13, 1978.Crossref 22. Worst JGF: Extracapsular surgery and lens implantation . Ophthalmic Surg 8:33-36, 1977. 23. Drews RC, Waltman SR: Endothelial cell loss in intraocular lens placement . Am Intraocular Implant Soc J 4:14-16, 1978.Crossref 24. Owens WC, Frank JJ, Leahey B, et al: Symposium: Corneal transplantation: V. Results . Am J Ophthalmol 31:1394-1399, 1948. 25. Smith EL: A review of retrograft membranes, Vancouver General Hospital, 1960-1968 . Can J Ophthalmol 5:127-136, 1970. 26. Chi HH, Teng CC, Katzin HM: Histopathology of corneal endothelium: A study of 176 pathologic discs removed at keratoplasty . Am J Ophthalmol 53:215-235, 1962. 27. Hales RH, Spencer WH: Unsuccessful penetrating keratoplasties: Correlation of clinical and histologic findings . Arch Ophthalmol 70:805-810, 1963.Crossref 28. Kurz GH, D'Amico RA: Histopathology of corneal graft failures . Am J Ophthalmol 66:184-199, 1968. 29. Waring GO, Laibson PR, Rodrigues M: Clinical and pathological alterations of Descemet's membrane: With emphasis on endothelial metaplasia . Surv Ophthalmol 18:325-368, 1974. 30. Sherrard ES, Rycroft PV: Retrocorneal membranes: I. Their origin and structure . Br J Ophthalmol 51:379, 1967.Crossref 31. Sherrard EC, Rycroft PV: Retrocorneal membranes: II. Factors influencing their growth . Br J Ophthalmol 51:387, 1967.Crossref 32. Snip RC, Kenyon KR, Green WR: Retrocorneal fibrous membrane in the vitreous touch syndrome . Am J Ophthalmol 79:233, 1975. 33. Brown SI, Kitano S: Pathogenesis of the retrocorneal membrane . Arch Ophthalmol 75:518, 1966.Crossref 34. Michels RG, Kenyon KR, Maumenee AE: Retrocorneal fibrous membrane . Invest Ophthalmol 11:822, 1972.
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Incidence of Cystoid Macular Edema Following Scleral Buckling Procedure

Lobes, Louis A.;Grand, M. Gilbert

1980 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1980.01020040082010pmid: 7396774

Abstract • Sixty eyes of 58 patients who underwent scleral buckling procedures were prospectively evaluated with postoperative fluorescein angiograms. Forty-three percent of these eyes showed angiographic cystoid macular edema (CME). Aphakic patients showed a 64% incidence of cystoid compared with phakic patients, who had a 28% incidence. Cystoid macular edema did not affect the final visual acuity of aphakic patients but significantly reduced the visual recovery in the phakic group. The incidence of CME was not related to preoperative foveal detachment, duration of aphakia, duration of detachment, surgical approach, or refraction. References 1. Reece AB: Defective central vision following successful operations for detachment of the retina . Am J Ophthalmol 20:591-598, 1937. 2. Ryan SJ: Cystoid maculopathy in phakic retinal detachment procedures . Am J Ophthalmol 76:519-522, 1973. 3. Cleary PE, Leaver PK: Macular abnormalities in the reattached retina . Br J Ophthalmol 62:595-603, 1978.Crossref 4. Vogt A: Weitere ophthalmoskopische Beobachtungen im rotfreien licht: Echte netzhautfaltschen: Cystiche Degeneration der Macula Lutea . KlinMonatsbl Augenheilkd 61:379-392, 1918. 5. Machemer R: Experimental retinal detachment in the owl monkey: Histology of retina and pigment epithelium . Am J Ophthalmol 66:396-410, 1968. 6. Yoshioka H, Sugita T, Kawashima K: Cystoid macular edema after cataract or retinal detachment surgery and contusion . Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jap 75:1027-1033, 1971. 7. Kimball RW, Morse PH, Benson WE: Cystoid macular edema after cryotherapy . Am J Ophthalmol 86:572-573, 1978.
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