Retinal Detachment: The Role of the General OphthalmologistAdams, Samuel T.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030263001pmid: 1267634
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract In the last 125 years, retinal detachment surgery has evolved through three eras. It could be entering a fourth. After 1852, when Helmholtz gave the ophthalmoscope to the world, retinal detachments were first observed clinically and treated surgically. The operation was purely empirical and must have inevitably resulted in failure. In the 1920s after Gonin showed that cure depended on closing the leaking retinal hole, he and his followers produced reattachment in about one half of all their cases. After 1948, when Schepens illuminated the path to the oft-hidden holes with his binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and with scleral indentation, and after Custodis and Schepens introduced scleral plombage and encircling procedures, the results in skilled hands took a major turn on the road to improvement. Gradually there began the training of retina specialists, and the last three decades have seen increasing rates of cure. What are the present goals of retinal
Ophthalmoplegia and Dissociated Nystagmus in AbetalipoproteinemiaYee, Robert D.;Cogan, David G.;Zee, David S.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030265002pmid: 1267635
Abstract • A characteristic pattern of acquired exotropia, progressive paresis of the medial rectus muscles, and dissociated nystagmus on lateral gaze was found in three patients with abetalipoproteinemia. Study with electronystagmography of the eye movements of one patient revealed abnormally slow voluntary saccades and slow or absent fast components of vestibular nystagmus, optokinetic nystagmus, and jerk-type, dissociated nystagmus. Defects in central nervous system centers generating saccadic eye movements are postulated. References 1. Bassen FA, Kornzweig AL: Malformation of erythrocytes in a case of atypical retinitis pigmentosa . Blood 5:381-387, 1951. 2. Frederickson DS, Gotto AM, Levy RI: Familial lipoprotein deficiency (abetalipoproteinemia, hypobetalipoproteinemia and Tangier disease) , in Stanbury JB, Wyngaarden JB, Frederickson DS (eds): The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease , ed 3. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1972. 3. Schwartz JF, Rowland LP, Eder H, et al: Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome: Deficiency of serum betalipoprotein . Arch Neurol 8:438-454, 1963.Crossref 4. Kornzweig AL, Bassen FA: Retinitis pigmentosa, acanthocytosis and heredodegenerative neuromuscular disease . Arch Ophthalmol 58:183-187, 1957.Crossref 5. Isselbacher KJ, Scheig R, Plotkin GR, et al: Congenital beta-lipoprotein deficiency: An hereditary disorder involving a defect in the absorption and transport of lipids . Medicine 43:347-361, 1964. 6. Mier M, Schwartz SO, Boshes B: Acanthocytosis, pigmentary degeneration of the retina and ataxic neuropathy: A genetically determined syndrome with associated metabolic disorder . Blood 16:1586-1608, 1960. 7. Von Sallman L, Gelderman AH, Laster L: Ocular histopathological changes in a cases of A-beta-lipoproteinemia (Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome) . Doc Ophthalmol 26:451-460, 1969.Crossref 8. Ways PO, Reed CF, Hanahan DJ: Red-cell and plasma lipids in acanthocytosis . J Clin Invest 42:1248-1260, 1963.Crossref 9. Jampel RS, Falls HF: Atypical retinitis pigmentosa, acanthocytosis, and heredodegenerative neuromuscular disease . Arch Ophthalmol 59:818-820, 1958.Crossref 10. Druez G, Lamy M, Frezal J, et al: L'Acanthocytose: Ses rapports avec l'absence congenitale de beta-lipoproteines . Press Med 69:1546-1547, 1961. 11. Friedman IS, Cohn H, Zymaris M, et al: Hypocholesteremia in idiopathic steatorrhea . Arch Intern Med 105:112-120, 1960.Crossref 12. Sperling MA, Hiles DA, Kennerdell JS: Electroretinographic responses following vitamin A therapy in A-beta-lipoproteinemia . Am J Ophthalmol 73:342-351, 1972. 13. Stephens J, Hoover ML, Denst J: On familial ataxia, neural amotrophy, and their association with progressive external ophthalmoplegia . Brain 81:556-566, 1958.Crossref 14. Brion S, de Recondo J: Ophthalmoplegie nuclearire progressive et heredo-degenerescence spino-cerebelleuse: Etude d'un cas anotomoclinique . Rev Neurol 116:383-400, 1967. 15. Glaser JS: Myasthenic pseudo-internuclear ophthalmoplegia . Arch Ophthalmol 75:363-366, 1966.Crossref 16. Westheimer G: Mechanism of saccadic eyemovements . Arch Ophthalmol 52:710-724, 1954.Crossref
Migratory White-Without-Pressure Retinal LesionsNagpal, Krishan C.;Huamonte, Felipe;Constantaras, Alexander;Asdourian, George;Goldberg, Morton F.;Busse, Bruce
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030270003pmid: 1267636
Abstract • Nine patients had white-without-pressure retinal lesions. These lesions were seen in areas of vitreoretinal adhesions. The configuration and location of these lesions changed over variable periods of time. The cause of this peculiar migration is unknown, but may be related to separation and re-creation of vitreoretinal adhesions. The migratory nature of white-without-pressure areas has not, to our knowledge, previously been reported in the literature. References 1. Schepens CL: Subclinical retinal detachments . Arch Ophthalmol 47:593-606, 1952.Crossref 2. Rutnin U, Schepens CL: Fundus appearance in normal eyes: IV. Retinal breaks and other findings . Am J Ophthalmol 64:1063-1078, 1967. 3. Shea M, Schepens CL, Von Pirguet SR: Retinoschisis: I. Senile type: A clinical report of 101 cases . Arch Ophthalmol 63:1-9, 1960.Crossref 4. Karlin B, Curtin BJ: Axial length measurements and peripheral fundus changes in the myopic eye , in Pruett RC, Reagan CDJ (eds): Retina Congress . New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1973, pp 629-642. 5. Watzke RC: The ophthalmoscopic sign "white with pressure": A clinicopathologic correlation . Arch Ophthalmol 66:812-923, 1961.Crossref 6. Condon PI, Serjeant GR: Ocular findings in homozygous sickle cell anemia in Jamaica . Am J Ophthalmol 73:533-543, 1972.
Treatment of Behçet Disease With Chlorambucil: A Follow-Up ReportMamo, Jubran G.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030274004pmid: 1267637
Abstract • In Behçet disease the eyes are involved in most cases, and progression to blindness is almost the rule. When the central nervous system is involved, the prognosis for life is grave. In a preliminary report, 11 patients had the disease arrested as a result of treatment with chlorambucil. Some of these patients had long-term follow-up and are included in this report. Nine others received the same treatment, resulting in arrest of the disease in eight and pronounced improvement in one. Long-term follow-up, in some patients for more than five years after arrest of the disease, has not disclosed any recurrence. These results may appear more important if it is noted that blindness in Behçet disease occurs an average of 3.36 years after onset of eye symptoms. References 1. Mamo JG, Azzam SA: Treatment of Behçet's disease with chlorambucil . Arch Ophthalmol 84:446-450, 1970.Crossref 2. Rosselet E, Saudan Y, Zenklusen G: Les effets de l'azathioprine (Imuran) dans la maladie de Behçet . Ophthalmologica 156:218-226, 1968.Crossref 3. Wong VG: Immunosuppressive therapy of ocular inflammatory diseases . Arch Ophthalmol 81:628-637, 1969.Crossref 4. Pivetti-Pezzi P, Bisantis C, Moschini GB, et al: La nostra esperienza sulla terapia immunosopressiva nella malattia di Behçet . Boll Oculist 48:886-895, 1969. 5. Buckley CE, Gills JP: Cyclophosphamide therapy of Behçet's disease . J Allergy 43:273, 1969.Crossref 6. Abdalla M, el-D Bahoat N: Long-lasting remission of Behçet's disease after chlorambucil therapy . Br J Ophthalmol 57:706-711, 1973.Crossref 7. Godfrey WA, Epstein WV, O'Connor GR, et al: The use of chlorambucil in intractable idiopathic uveitis . Am J Ophthalmol 78:415-428, 1974. 8. Mamo JG, Baghdassarian A: Behçet's disease: A report of 28 cases . Arch Ophthalmol 71:4-14, 1964.Crossref 9. Nazzaro P: Cutaneous manifestations of Behçet's disease: Nonspecific skin sensitivity , in Monacelli M, Nazzaro P (eds): Behçet's Disease . Basel, Switzerland, S. Karger, 1966, p 23. 10. Mamo JG: The rate of visual loss in Behçet's disease . Arch Ophthalmol 84:451-452, 1970.Crossref
CORRECTION1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030277005
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract Wrong Scale. —In the CLINICAL SCIENCE article, "Nanophthalmos With Uveal Effusion: A New Clinical Entity," published in the December Archives (93:1289-1299, 1975), an error occurred in Fig 18 on p 1295. The measurement on the superimposed scale in the illustration should have read "5 mm," not "4 cm." Coincidentally, the last line of the legend for Fig 18 should have ended "... with 5-mm scale superimposed."
Herpes Simplex Keratitis in a Developing Country: Natural History and Treatment of Epithelial Ulcers in TunisiaWhitcher, John P.;Dawson, Chandler R.;Hoshiwara, Isao;Daghfous, Toufique;Messadi, Mohammed;Triki, Fethi;Oh, Jang O.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030279006pmid: 1267638
Abstract • Herpes simplex keratitis was found to be a common ophthalmic problem in Tunisia. Dendritic and geographic ulcers were complicated by deep stromal keratitis in 31 % of patients, two thirds of whom were known to have been treated previously with corticosteroids. Herpes simplex virus was isolated from 41% of patients from whom corneal material wascultured. To develop an effective program for management of epithelial herpes in developing countries, treatment with idoxuridine was compared with debridement and patching. Average healing time for 31 ulcers treated with idoxuridine was 13 days, with three treatment failures; average healing time for 20 ulcers treated with debridement and patching was five days, with one failure. Debridement and patching of herpetic ulcers was an efficient way to treat herpes simplex keratitis within the context of overall medical care in Tunisia. References 1. Duke-Elder S: System of Ophthalmology: Diseases of the Outer Eye . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1965, vol 8, part 1, p 309. 2. Jovicevic B, Nabli B: Observations cliniques dans le traitement de la kératite herpétique avec le 5-iodo-2′ deoxyuridine (IDU) . Tunisie Med 41:321-325, 1963. 3. El Korashy B: Herpes simplex (febrilis) of cornea . Bull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt 35:112-115, 1942. 4. Mukherjee M, Munsi N: Herpetic keratitis treated with idoxuridine and corticosteroids . Proc All-India Ophthalmol Soc 24:76-86, 1967. 5. Swartz J: Report on 36 patients with dendritic corneal ulceration treated with IDU ("Stoxil") . So Afr Med J 37:552-553, 1963. 6. Duke-Elder S: System of Ophthalmology: Diseases of the Outer Eye . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1965, vol 8, part 2, pp 733-735. 7. Hogan M, Kimura S, Thygeson P: Signs and symptoms of uveitis: I. Anterior uveitis . Am J Ophthalmol 47( (Part II) ):155-170, 1959. 8. Tokumaru T: Herpesviruses , in Blair, Lennette, Traunt (eds): Manual of Clinical Microbiology . Bethesda, Md, American Society for Microbiology, 1970, pp 562-567. 9. Norn MS: Dendritic (herpetic) keratitis: I. Incidence—seasonal variations—recurrence rate—visual impairment—therapy . Acta Ophthalmol 48:91-107, 1970.Crossref 10. Coleman VR, Thygeson P, Dawson CR, et al: Isolation of virus from herpetic keratitis: Influence of idoxuridine on isolation rates . Arch Ophthalmol 81:22-24, 1969.Crossref 11. Hanna L, Jawetz E, Coleman VR: Studies on herpes simplex: VIII. The significance of isolating herpes simplex virus from the eye . Am J Ophthalmol 32( (Part II) ):126-131, 1957. 12. Kaufman HE: Epithelial erosion syndrome: Metaherpetic keratitis . Am J Ophthalmol 57:983-987, 1964. 13. Dohlman CH, Zucker BB: Long-term treatment with idoxuridine and steroids: A complication in herpetic keratitis . Arch Ophthalmol 74:172-176, 1965.Crossref 14. Wellings P, Awdry P, Bors F, et al: Clinical evaluation of trifluoro-thymidine in the treatment of herpes simplex corneal ulcers . Am J Ophthalmol 73:932-942, 1972. 15. Mackenzie AD: A comparison of IDU solution, IDU ointment, and carbolization in the treatment of dendritic corneal ulcer . Br J Ophthalmol 48:274-276, 1964.Crossref 16. Ibrahim A: Evaluation of IDU in the treatment of dendritic ulcer . Bull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt 60:245-249, 1967. 17. Gundersen T: Herpes corneae: With special reference to its treatment with strong solution of iodine . Arch Ophthalmol 15:225-249, 1936.Crossref
Developing Eye in an Ovarian TeratomaMercur, Leon;Farkas, Tibor G.;Anker, Peter M.;Brill, Robert;Mund, Michael L.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030285007pmid: 1267639
Abstract • A malignant teratoma of the ovary was resected in a 14-year-old girl. Within the tumor, a partially developed eye was found. References 1. Willis RA: Pathology of Tumours . Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967, chap 61 . 2. Anderson WAD: Pathology . St. Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1966, chap 38 . 3. Novack ER, Woodruff JD: Novack's Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology . Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1967, chap 24 . 4. Breinin GM: The eye in teratomas . Arch Ophthalmol 43:482-499, 1950.Crossref 5. Lewis WH: Experimental studies on the development of the eye in amphibia: I. On the origin of the lens . Am J Anat 3:505, 1904.Crossref 6. Mann I: The Development of the Human Eye . New York, Grune & Stratton, Inc, 1950, chap 3 . 7. Coulombre AJ: Lens development: I. Role of lens in eye growth . J Exp Zool 156:39-47, 1964.Crossref 8. Coulombre AJ: Regulation ocular morphogenesis . Invest Ophthalmol 8:25-31, 1969.
Senile Macular Degeneration: A Clinicopathologic Correlation of Two Cases With Neovascularization Beneath the Retinal Pigment EpitheliumSmall, Mary L.;Green, William R.;Alpar, John J.;Drewry, Richard E.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030287008pmid: 1267640
Abstract • The histopathologic findings in two cases of senile macular degeneration were correlated with the premortem clinical studies, from the onset in both cases and through the disciform stage in one case. In case 2, the postmortem eyes were obtained only one month after ophthalmoscopic, fluorescein angiographic, and fundus photographic studies were performed, all on the same day. Our report not only adds to the few clinicopathologic correlations of the lesions in senile macular degeneration reported in the literature, but also presents the first reconstruction to scale of subretinal pigment epithelial (sub-RPE) neovascularization. Our results confirm the diagnosis of sub-RPE neovascularization and serous detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium. Drusen were correlated as to number and general location but not individually. Serous detachment of the neurosensory retina was found histopathologically but not clinically. References 1. Green WR, Gass JDM: Senile disciform degeneration of the macula: Retinal arterialization of the fibrous plaque demonstrated clinically and histopathologically . Arch Ophthalmol 86:487-494, 1971.Crossref 2. Frank RN, Green WR, Pollack IP: Senile macular degeneration: Clinicopathologic correlations of a case in the predisciform stage . Am J Ophthalmol 75:587-594, 1973. 3. Gass JDM, Clarkson JG: Angioid streaks and disciform macular detachment in Paget's disease (osteitis deformans) . Am J Ophthalmol 75:576-586, 1973. 4. Gold D, Friedman A, Wise GN: Predisciform senile macular degeneration . Am J Ophthalmol 76:763-768, 1973. 5. Sarks SH: New vessel formation beneath the retinal pigment epithelium in senile eyes . Br J Ophthalmol 57:951-965, 1973.Crossref 6. Smith RE, Kelley JS, Harbin TS: Late macular complications of choroidal ruptures . Am J Ophthalmol 77:650-658, 1974. 7. Gass JDM: Options in the treatment of macular diseases . Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 92:449-468, 1972. 8. Bird AC, Teeters VW: The evolution of subpigment epithelial neovascularization in senile disciform macular degeneration . Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 92:413-417, 1972. 9. Gass JDM: Pathogenesis of disciform detachment of the neuroepithelium: IV. Fluorescein angiographic study of senile disciform macular degeneration . Am J Ophthalmol 63:645-659, 1967. 10. Teeters VW, Bird AC: The development of neovascularization of senile disciform macular degeneration . Am J Ophthalmol 76:1-18, 1973. 11. Gass JDM: Choroidal neovascular membranes—their visualization and treatment . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 77:310-320, 1973. 12. Teeters VW, Bird AC: A clinical study of the vascularity of senile disciform macular degeneration . Am J Ophthalmol 75:53-65, 1973. 13. Gass JDM: Pathogenesis of disciform detachment of the neuroepithelium: III. Senile disciform macular degeneration . Am J Ophthalmol 63:617-644, 1967. 14. Maumenee AE: Macular diseases. Clinical manifestations . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 69:605-613, 1965. 15. Maumenee AE: Fluorescein angiography in the diagnosis and treatment of lesions of the ocular fundus . Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 88:529-556, 1968. 16. Zauberman H, Ivry M, Sachs U: The macular vessels in predisciform and disciform senile macular degeneration . Am J Ophthalmol 70:499-504, 1970. 17. Verhoeff FH, Grossman HP: Pathogenesis of disciform degeneration of the macula . Arch Ophthalmol 18:561-585, 1937.Crossref 18. Kornzweig AL, Eliasoph I, Feldstein M: The retinal vasculature in macular degeneration . Arch Ophthalmol 75:326-333, 1966.Crossref
Ocular Findings Six Years After Intravitreal Silicone InjectionSugar, H. Saul;Okamura, Ichiro D.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030296009pmid: 1267641
Abstract • A case of giant retinal tear treated by injection with dimethicone 350 (medical fluid silicone) was observed for six years before enucleation. About four months after the injection, signs of anterior segment ischemia were evident. A year after the injection, an injury resulted in displacement of dimethicone 350 into the anterior chamber. Enucleation was done because of pain. References 1. Blodi FC: Injection and impregnation of liquid silicone into ocular tissues . Am J Ophthalmol 71:1044-1051, 1971. 2. Cibis PA, Becker B, Okun E, et al: The use of liquid silicone in retinal detachment surgery . Arch Ophthalmol 68:590-599, 1962.Crossref 3. Dufour R: L'injection intra-vitréene de silicone liquide dans le décollement rétinien désepéré . Ophthalmologica 147:160-166, 1964.Crossref 4. Niesel P, Fankhauser F: Zur retrovitrealen Silikoninjektion bei der Behandlung der Netzhautablösung . Ophthalmologica 147:167-175, 1964.Crossref 5. Cibis PA: Vitreoretinal Pathology and Surgery in Retinal Detachment . St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1965, pp 201, 219-251. 6. Rosengren B: Intravitreous injection of liquid silicone for retinal detachment . Acta Ophthalmol 44:975-976, 1966. 7. Armaly MF: Ocular tolerance to silicones: I. Replacement of aqueous and vitreous by silicone fluids . Arch Ophthalmol 68:390-395, 1962.Crossref 8. Stone WJ: Alloplasty in surgery of the eye . N Engl J Med 258:486-533, 1958.Crossref 9. Schepens CL, Regan CDJ: Controversial Aspects of the Management of Retinal Detachment . Boston, Little Brown & Co, 1965, p 190. 10. Schepens CL, Regan CDJ: Controversial Aspects of the Management of Retinal Detachment . Boston, Little Brown & Co, 1965, p 190. 11. Mukai N, Lee PF, Schepens CL: Intravitreous injection of silicone: An experimental study: II. Histochemistry and electron microscopy . Ann Ophthalmol 4:273-287, 1972. 12. Mukai N: Peroxidase diffusion in the normal sensory retina . Can J Ophthalmol 8:582-590, 1973. 13. Watzke RC: Silicone retinopoiesis for retinal detachment: A long-term clinical evaluation . Arch Ophthalmol 77:185-196, 1967.Crossref 14. Watzke RC: Silicone retinopoiesis for retinal detachment: A pathologic report . Survey Ophthalmol 12:333-337, 1967.
Cellular Blue Nevus of the ScleraSmith, Taylor R.;Brockhurst, Robert J.
1976 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1976.03910030302010pmid: 1267642
Abstract • An isolated cellular blue nevus of the sclera was discovered and removed during a retinal detachment operation. Such benign tumors may be misdiagnosed clinically as an extension of a melanoma of the choroid or histologically as melanoma. References 1. Johnson B: Ocular combined nevus: Report of a case of scleral blue nevus associated with a choroidal nevus . Arch Ophthalmol 83:594-597, 1970.Crossref 2. Scheie HG, Yanoff M: Pseudomelanoma of the ciliary body: Report of a patient . Arch Ophthalmol 77:81-83, 1967.Crossref 3. Hagler W, Brown C: Malignant melanoma of the orbit arising in a nevus of Ota . Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 70:817-822, 1966. 4. Boniuk M: Unusual orbital tumor. Read before the meeting of the Verhoeff Society, Washington, DC, April 22-23, 1974. 5. Tieche M: Uber benign malanome ("chromatophorome") der Haut "blaue naevi." Virchows Arch Pathol Anat 186:212-229, 1906.Crossref 6. Webster JP, Stevenson TW, Stout AP: The surgical treatment of malignant melanoma of the skin . Surg Clin North Am 24:319-339, 1944. 7. Dorsey CS, Montgomery H: Blue nevus and its distinction from morphian spot and the nevus of Ota . J Invest Dermatol 22:225-236, 1957.Crossref 8. Gartmann H: Neuronaevus bleu Masson—cellular blue nevus Allen . Arch Klin Exp Dermatol 221:109-121, 1965.Crossref 9. Simard C, Rogmon LM, Pilorce G: Le probleme du naevus bleu prostatique . Ann Anat Pathol 9:469-474, 1964. 10. Harper JC, Waldron CA: Blue nevus of the palate . Oral Surg 20:145-149, 1965.Crossref 11. Goldman RL, Friedman NB: Blue nevus of the uterine cervix . Cancer 20:210-214, 1967.Crossref 12. Rodriguez HA, Ackerman LV: Cellular blue nevus: Clinicopathologic study of forty-five cases . Cancer 21:393-405, 1968.Crossref 13. Allen AC, Spitz S: Malignant melanoma . Cancer 6:1-45, 1953.Crossref 14. Masson P: Neuro-nevi "bleu." Arch Vecchi Anat Pat 14:1-28, 1950.