
Archives of Ophthalmology

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New Role of the Ophthalmologist in Prevention of Retrolental Fibroplasia

Patz, Arnall

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030567001pmid: 6072296

Abstract Retrolental fibroplasia (RLF), which became the largest cause of child blindness in the United States, was virtually eliminated with the discovery of oxygen overuse as its cause in the early 1950's. Recent data on the respiratory distress syndrome, a condition affecting approximately 40,000 premature infants in this country yearly, indicate the need for high oxygen therapy in many of these cases. The pendulum which swung in the 1950's toward a rigid curtailment of oxygen to prevent RLF may swing back as the need for high oxygen for the respiratory distress infant becomes more abundantly documented. Ophthalmoscopic examination for the presence of severe retinal vasoconstriction is advocated as a method of monitoring premature infants that require high oxygen therapy to minimize the risk of blindness. References 1. Terry, T.L.: Extreme Prematurity and Fibroblastic Overgrowth of Persistent Vascular Sheath Behind Each Crystalline Lens: I. Preliminary Report , Amer J Ophth 25:203 ( (Feb) ) 1942. 2. Avery, M.E., and Oppenheimer, E.H.: Recent Increase in Mortality From Hyaline Membrane Disease , J Pediat 57:553, 1960.Crossref 3. Strang, L.B., and MacLeish, M.H.: Ventilatory Failure and Right to Left Shunt in Newborn Infants With Respiratory Distress , Pediatrics 28:17, 1961. 4. Warley, M.A., and Gairdner, D.: Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn—Principles in Treatment , Arch Dis Child 37:455, 1962.Crossref 5. Prod'ham, S., et al: Adjustment of Ventilation, Intrapulmonary Gas Exchange, and Acid-Base Balance During the First Day of Life , Pediatrics 35:662, 1965. 6. Rudolph, A.J.; Desmond, M.M.; and Pineda, R.G.: Clinical Diagnosis of Respiratory Difficulty in the Newborn , Pediat Clin N Amer 13:672, 1966. 7. Gruenwald, P.: Pulmonary Pathology in the Respiratory Distress Syndrome , Pediat Clin N Amer 13:703, 1966. 8. Klaus, M., and Meyer, B.P.: Oxygen Therapy for the Newborn , Pediat Clin N Amer 13:731, 1966. 9. Tizard, J.P.M.: Indications for Oxygen Therapy in the Newobrn , Pediatrics 34:771-786, 1964. 10. Patz, A.; Hoeck, L.E.; and De La Cruz, E.: Oxygen Studies in Retrolental Fibroplasia: I. Nursery Observations , Amer J Ophthal 35:1248, 1952.
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Effect of Posture on Retinal Ischemia From Temporal Arteritis

Hollenhorst, Robert W.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030571002pmid: 6050841

Abstract Four cases are reported in which patients with temporal arteritis had impaired vision which was further compromised when they assumed the sitting or standing position. The possible complication of atheromatous stenosis of the cervical arteries in temporal arteritis is discussed. The use of the supine or shock position in treating recent loss of vision due to arterial occlusive disease is advised. References 1. Hollenhorst, R.W., et al: Neurologic Aspects of Temporal Arteritis , Neurology 10:490-498 ( (May) ) 1960.Crossref 2. Hollenhorst, R.W.; Kublin, J.G.; and Millikan, C.H.: Ophthalmodynamometry in the Diagnosis of Intracerebral Orthostatic Hypotension , Proc Mayo Clin 38:532-547 ( (Nov 20) ) 1963.
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Potassium, Acetazolamide, and Intraocular Pressure

Spaeth, George L.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030580003pmid: 6050842

Abstract The effect of long-term administration of acetazolamide on the potassium balance of 15 glaucoma patients was studied. Average duration of treatment was two years. No total body potassium depletion was noted; serum potassium was below normal in one case (3.1 mEq/liter). Administration of potassium chloride (average dose, 58 mEq daily) did not cause a lowering of intraocular pressure; nor did it appear to alter potassium balance. Patients receiving long-term treatment with acetazolamide were unable to excrete concentrated urine (serum osmolarity per urine osmolarity ratio of 1:2.3 after an 18-hour fast). Three of 15 patients developed urinary tract disease. Patients on long-term acetazolamide therapy rarely need supplemental potassium. Where advisable, it is best provided by a diet high in potassium-rich foods, as enteric-coated preparations may cause small-bowel ulceration. References 1. Becker, B., and Middleton, W.H.: Long-Term Acetazolamide (Diamox) Administration in Therapy of Glaucomas , Arch Ophthal 54:187-192, 1955.Crossref 2. Campbell, D.A., et al: Combined Action of Diamox and Potassium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Chronic Glaucoma , Brit J Ophthal 31:746-754 ( (Dec) ) 1957.Crossref 3. Draeger, J.; Grüttner, R.; and Theilmann, W.: Avoidance of Side-Reactions and Loss of Drug Efficacy During Long-Term Administration of Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors by Concomitant Supplemental Electrolyte Administration , Brit J Ophthal 47:457-469 ( (Aug) ) 1963.Crossref 4. Maren, T.H.; Mayer, E.; and Wadsworth, B.: Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition , Bull Hopkins Hosp 95:199-243, 1954. 5. Streeten, D.H.P., and Vaughn Williams, E.M.: Loss of Cellular Potassium as a Cause of Intestinal Paralysis in Dogs , J Physiol 118:149-170, 1952. 6. Snively, W.D., Jr., and Westerman, R.L.: Serum Potassium Determination , JAMA 197:579 ( (Aug 15) ) 1966.Crossref 7. Andrews, H.L., et al: An Organic Plastic, Localizing Whole-Body Counter , J Nucl Med 6:667-678, 1965. 8. Berliner, R.W., et al: Dilution and Concentration of the Urine and the Action of Antidiuretic Hormone , Amer J Med 24:730-743 ( (May) ) 1958.Crossref 9. Reiman, A.S., and Schwartz, W.B.: The Kidney in Potassium Depletion , Amer J Med 24:764-773 ( (May) ) 1958.Crossref 10. Green, H., et al: Effect of Acetazolamide (Diamox) on Carbonic Anhydrase Activity of Anterior Uvea of the Rabbit Eye , Arch Ophthal 52:758-768 ( (Nov) ) 1954.Crossref 11. Davson, H., and Luck, C.P.: The Effect of Acetazolamide on the Chemical Composition of the Aqueous Humour and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Some Mammalian Species and on the Rate of Turnover of 24Na in These Fluids , J Physiol 137:279-293, 1957. 12. Macri, F.J.: Acetazolamide and the Venous Pressure of the Eye , Arch Ophthal 63:953-965 ( (June) ) 1960.Crossref 13. Baker, D.R.; Schrader, W.H.; and Hitchcock, C.R.: Small Bowel Ulceration Apparently Associated With Thiazide and Potassium Therapy , JAMA 190:580-590 ( (Nov 16) ) 1964.Crossref 14. Boley, S.J., et al: Potassium-Induced Lesions of the Small Bowel , JAMA 193:997-1000 ( (Sept 20) ) 1965.Crossref 15. How to Use Potassium Supplements Without Causing Intestinal Injury , Med Letter Drugs Ther 7:26-27 ( (Mar 26) ) 1965.
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Anaphylactic Reaction to Mannitol

Spaeth, George L.;Spaeth, Edmund B.;Spaeth, Philip G.;Lucier, Alfred C.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030585004pmid: 6050843

Abstract Mannitol administered intravenously produced a severe reaction resembling anaphylaxis in a healthy 65-year-old woman with glaucoma and a positive allergic history, who had never knowingly received the medication before. Skin testing suggested an immediate-type hypersensitivity of the patient to mannitol. Since mannitol is an important component of most fungi it is possible that the initial sensitizing episode occurred 40 years previously when the patient received "allergy shots." References 1. Barry, K.G.; Doberneck, R.C.; and McCormick, G.J.: The Effect of Hypertonic Mannitol Infusion on Renal Clearance of PAH (cPAH) and Inulin (cI) in Man: A Comparison With Water Loading , Clin Res 10:245, 1962. 2. Bohr, V.C.; Ralls, R.J.; and Westermeyer, R.E.: A Reversal of the Anuria Occurring During Diffusion Respiration , Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 87:124-125, 1954.Crossref 3. Dudley, H.A.F.; Batchelor, A.D.R.; and Sutherland, A.B.: The Management of Haemoglobinuria in Extensive Burns , Brit J Plast Surg 9:275-285, 1957.Crossref 4. Barry, K.G.; Cohen, A.; and LeBlanc, P.C. Jr.: Mannitolization: I. Prevention and Therapy of Oliguria Associated With Cross-Clamping of Abdominal Aorta , Surgery 50:335-340, 1961. 5. Bernstein, L.M.; Blumberg, B.; and Arkin, M.C.: Osmotic Diuretic Treatment of Refractory Edema , Circulation 17:1013, 1958.Crossref 6. Friedberg, C.K.: Treatment of Heart Failure With Emphasis on the Use of Diuretics , JAMA 174:2129-2131, 1960.Crossref 7. Wise, B.L., and Chater, N.: Effect of Mannitol on Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure , Arch Neurol 4:200-202, 1961.Crossref 8. Weiss, D.I.; Shaffer, R.N.; and Wise, B.L.: Mannitol Infusion to Reduce Intraocular Pressure , Arch Ophthal 68:341-347, 1962.Crossref 9. Stecher, P.G. (ed.): The Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs , ed 7, Rahway, NJ: Merck & Co., Inc., 1960, p 637.
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Macular Retinopathy After Separation of Vitreoretinal Adherence

Jaffe, Norman S.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030587005pmid: 6050844

Abstract A vitreoretinal traction syndrome at the posterior pole of the fundus occurs as a rare complication of posterior vitreous separation. Residual vitreoretinal adherence at the macula may be diagnosed by slit-lamp microscopy using a fundus contact lens. The symptoms usually disappear after the adherence separates. Permanent cystic degeneration results if the adherence persists. A late wrinkling or contraction of the inner layer of the retina may occur as a sequel to vitreoretinal traction. A characteristic appearance results consisting of wrinkling at the level of the internal limiting membrane, increased tortuosity of the perimacular vessels, and a preretinal membrane. The cause of this late maculopathy remains speculative but probably results from a proliferation of residual vitreous remaining on the retina after posterior vitreous separation. This causes contraction or wrinkling of the inner retinal layers. References 1. Jaffe, N.S.: Vitreous Traction at the Posterior Pole of the Fundus Due to Alterations in the Posterior Vitreous, Trans Amer Acad Ophthal Otolaryng, to be published. 2. Zimmerman, L.E., and Straatsma, B.R.: " Anatomic Relationship of the Retina to the Vitreous Body and to the Pigment Epithelium ," in Schepens, C.L. (ed.), Importance of the Vitreous Body in Retina Surgery With Special Emphasis on Reoperations , St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company, 1960, pp 15-28. 3. Gärtner, J.: Histologische Beobachtungen über die Struktur der vireoretinalen Grenzschicht , Klin Mbl Augenheilk 141:261, 1962 4. Duke-Elder, W.S.: Textbook of Ophthalmology , vol 1. London: Henry Kimpton, 1946, p 117. 5. Iwanoff, A.I.: Beiträge zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des Auges: A. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Retina: B. Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des Glaskörpers , Graefe Arch Ophthal 11:135-170, 1865.Crossref 6. Duke-Elder, W.S.: Textbook of Ophthalmology , vol 3. London: Henry Kimpton, 1947, p 2625. 7. Schepens, C.L.: Lecture at the Florida Midwinter Seminar in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Bal Harber, Fla, Feb 12, 1967. 8. Balazs, E.A.: " Molecular Morphology of the Vitreous Body ," in Smelser, G.K. (ed.): The Structure of the Eye , New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1961. 9. Gartner, J.: Histologische Beobachtungen über Glaskörperrindenzellen und Hyalitis , Graefe Arch Ophthal 164:473m1962.Crossref
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Benign Intracranial Hypertension: Pseudotumor Cerebri From Obstruction of Dural Sinuses

Gills, James P.;Kapp, John P.;Odom, Guy L.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030594006pmid: 6050845

Abstract Four cases of thrombosis of the right transverse sinus are presented. The patients had no otologic disease, and the signs, symptoms, and clinical course in the patients were indistinguishable from other cases of pseudotumor cerebri. Diagnosis was made by late serial angiography in about one third of the cases diagnosed as pseudotumor cerebri. Deterioration of neurologic or visual function may make specific therapy necessary. References 1. Nonne, M.: Ueber falle vom symptomenkomplex "tumor cerebri" mit ausgang in heilung (pseudotumor cerebri): Uener lethal verlaufene falle von "pseudotumor cerebri" mit sektionobefund , Deutsch Z Nervenheilk 27:169-216, 1904.Crossref 2. Wagener, H.P.: Pseudotumor Cerebri , Amer J Med Sci 227:214-225, 1954.Crossref 3. Woodhall, B.: Anatomy of the Cranial Blood Sinuses With Particular Reference to the Lateral , Laryngoscope 49:966-1010 ( (Oct) ) 1939.Crossref 4. Symonds, C.: Intracranial Thrombophlebitis , Ann Roy Coll Surg Eng 10:347-356, 1942. 5. Ford, F.: Diseases of the Nervous System in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence , ed 5, Springfield, Ill: Charles C Thomas, Publishers, 1966. 6. Ray, B.S., and Dunbar, H.S.: Thrombosis of the Dural Sinuses As a Cause of "Pseudotumor Cerebri," Ann Surg 134:367-386 ( (Sept) ) 1951.Crossref 7. Walsh, F.B.: Ocular Signs of Thrombosis of the Intracranial Venous Sinuses , Arch Ophthal 17:46-65, 1937.Crossref 8. Woodhall, B.: Variations of the Cranial Venous Sinuses in the Region of the Torcular Herophili , Arch Surg 33:297-314, 1936.Crossref 9. Dunn, J., and Baker, G.S.: Pseudotumor Cerebri , Mayo Clin Proc 30:505-517, 1955. 10. Davidoff, L.M., and Dyke, C.G.: Hypertensive Meningeal Hydrops , Amer J Ophthal 20:908-927 ( (Sept) ) 1937. 11. Greer, M.: Benign Intracranial Hypertension , Neurology 12:472-476, 1962.Crossref 12. Walsh, F.B.: Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology , ed 2, Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1957. 13. Marr, W.G., and Chambers, R.G.: Occlusion of the Cerebral Dural Sinuses—By Tumor Simulating Pseudotumor Cerebri , Amer J Ophthal 61:45-49, 1966. 14. Marr, W.G., and Chambers, R.G.: Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome Following Unilateral Radical Neck Dissection , Amer J Ophthal 51:605, 1961.
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Accidental Q-Switched Laser Lesion of Human Macula

Zweng, H. Christian

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030598007pmid: 4293001

Abstract A case is reported of accidental macular burn from a Q-switched laser. Reconstruction of the accident indicates that 1 to 3 millijoules of energy entered the pupil. A single intramuscular injection of 80 units of corticotropin (ACTH [Britian]; Acthar, comparable US product) was given. The visual acuity recovered from 20/25-2 to 20/15-2.
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Newer Compounds in Therapy of Herpes Simplex Keratitis

Hyndiuk, Robert A.;Kaufman, Herbert E.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030602008pmid: 4293002

Abstract The antiviral activity of idoxuridine (5-iodo-2'deoxyuridine, IDU), trifluorothymidine (F3TDR), and 5-methylamino-2'deoxyuridine (MADU) were compared on a double-blind basis by noting the effect of topical administration of the drugs on the severity of epithelial herpetic keratitis in rabbits. F3TDR was clearly more effective in eliminating herpetic lesions than either idoxuridine or MADU. The virus content of infected corneas was determined while under treatment with idoxuridine and F3TDR, after antiviral treatment, and throughout placebo treatment. The F3TDR was more effective in lowering the virus titer, and this lowering appeared to be correlated with the epithelial healing. Prolonged treatment prevented a rise in virus titer, which had been seen after shorter periods of idoxuridine therapy. There was no evidence of corneal toxicity after treatment with high concentration of F3TDR in man and animals. References 1. Kaufman, H.E.; Nesburn, A.B.; and Maloney, E.D.: IDU Therapy of Herpes Simplex , Arch Ophthal 67:583-591, 1962.Crossref 2. Kaufman, H.E.; Martola, E.L.; and Dohlman, C.H.: Use of 5-Iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IDU) in the Treatment of Herpes Simplex Keratitis , Arch Ophthal 68:235-239, 1962.Crossref 3. Burns, R.P.: A Double-Blind Study of IDU in Human Herpes Simplex Keratitis , Arch Ophthal 70:381-384, 1963.Crossref 4. Jepson, C.N.: Treatment of Herpes Simplex of the Cornea With IDU , Amer J Ophthal 57:213-217, 1964. 5. Laibson, P.R., and Leopold, I.H.: An Evaluation of Double-Blind IDU Therapy in 100 Cases of Herpetic Keratitis , Trans Amer Acad Ophthal Otolaryng 68:22, 1964. 6. Heidelberger, C.; Parsons, D.G.; and Remy, D.C.: Synthesis of 5-Trifluoromethyluracil and 5-Trifluoromethyl-2'deoxyuridine , J Med Chem 7:1-5, 1964.Crossref 7. Kaufman, H.E., and Heidelberger, C.: Therapeutic Antiviral Action of 5-Trifluoromethyl-2'-deoxyuridine , Science 145:585-586, 1964.Crossref 8. Nemes, M.M., and Hilleman, M.R.: Effective Treatment of Experimental Herpes Simplex Keratitis With New Derivative, 5-Methylamino-2'-deoxyuridine (MADU) , Proc Soc Exp Bio Med 119:515-520, 1965.Crossref 9. Engle, C.G., and Stewart, R.C.: Pathogenesis of Herpes Simplex Virus in the Rabbit Eye , J Immunol 92:730-733, 1964. 10. Jawetz, E., et al: Studies on Herpes Simplex , J Immunol 95:635-642, 1965. 11. Carroll, J.M., et al: The Recurrence of Herpetic Keratitis Following Idoxuridine Therapy , Amer J Ophthal 63:103-107, 1967. 12. Huebner, R.J., et al: Inhibition by 5-iododeoxyuridine of the Oncogenic Effects of Adenovirus Type 12 in Hamsters , Science 142:488-490, 1963.Crossref
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Bilateral Vertical Retraction Syndrome: A Family Study

Khodadoust, Ali A.;von Noorden, Gunter K.

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030608009pmid: 6050846

Abstract A vertical retraction syndrome was present in both eyes of two children of a sibship of five. Ocular motility was normal in the remainder of this family; however, incomplete situs inversus of the optic nerve-head was present in one of the children with the vertical retraction syndrome and in an otherwise normal brother. The clinical features of the vertical retraction syndrome are similar to Duane's syndrome although they affect different muscles. The results of the forced duction test indicate that structural rather than neurogenic anomalies are probably the cause of the vertical retraction syndrome in these cases. References 1. Scassellati-Sforzolini, G.: Una sindrome molto rara: difetto congenito monolaterale della elevazione con retrazione del globo , Riv Otoneurooftal 33:431-439 ( (July-Aug) ) 1958. 2. Duane, A.: Congenital Deficiency of Abduction, Associated With Impairment of Adduction, Retraction Movements, Contraction of the Palpebral Fissure, and Oblique Movements of Eye , Arch Ophthal 34:133-159, 1905. 3. Bielschowsky, A.: Lectures on Motor Anomalies: VIII. Paralysis of Individual Eye Muscles: Abducens-Nerve Paralysis , Amer J Ophthal 22:357-367, 1939. 4. Aebli, R.: Retraction Syndrome , Arch Ophthal 10:602-610, 1933.Crossref 5. Papst, W., and Esslen, E.: Symptomatology and Therapy in Ocular Motility Disturbances , Amer J Ophthal 58:275-291, 1964. 6. Alexander, C.M.: Bilateral Duane's Retraction Syndrome , Amer J Ophthal 60:907-910, 1965. 7. Gifford, H.: Congenital Defects of Abduction and Other Ocular Movements and Their Relation to Birth Injuries , Amer J Ophthal 9:3-22, 1926. 8. Walsh, F.B.: Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology , Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Company, 1957, pp 231-234. 9. Duke-Elder: " Congenital Deformities ," in System of Ophthalmology , vol 3, St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company, 1963, p 991. 10. Türk, S.: Bemerkungen zu einem Fall von Retraktionsbewegung des Auges , Zbl Prakt Augenheilk 23:14, 1899. 11. Wolff, J.: The Occurrence of Retraction Movements of the Eyeball Together With Congenital Defects in the External Ocular Muscles , Arch Ophthal 29:297-309, 1900. 12. Mayou, M.S.: Presidential Address and Discussion on Squint , Trans Ophthal Soc UK 54:3-75, 1934. 13. Breinin, G.M.: Electromyography—A Tool in Ocular and Neurologic Diagnosis: II. Muscle Palsies , Arch Ophthal 57:165-175, 1957.Crossref 14. Blodi, F.C.; Van Allen, M.W.; and Yarbrough, J.C.: Duane's Syndrome: A Brain Stem Lesion: An Electromyographic Study , Arch Ophthal 72:171-177, (part 2) , 1964.Crossref 15. Hoyt, W.F., and Nachtigäller, H.: Anomalies of Ocular Motor Nerves: Neuroanatomic Correlates of Paradoxical Innervation in Duane's Syndrome and Related Congenital Ocular Motor Disorders , Amer J Ophthal 60:443-448, 1965.
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Epithelization of the Anterior Chamber Following Penetrating Keratoplasty

Leibowitz, Howard M.;Elliott, James H.;Boruchoff, S. Arthur

1967 Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1967.00980030615010pmid: 4860776

Abstract EPITHELIZATION of the anterior chamber is a well recognized complication of traumatic perforation of the globe and of cataract extraction.1-3 However, to our knowledge, it has not previously been reported as a complication of penetrating keratoplasty. It is the purpose of this communication to report a histologically documented case of epithelial invasion of the anterior chamber following penetrating keratoplasty. Report of a Case The patient. a 32-year-old white woman, was first seen at the Cornea Service of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in February of 1965. She gave a history of "skintrouble" of many years duration with prominent facial involvement. Subsequent dermatologic consultation confirmed the suspected diagnosis of acne rosacea.Three years prior to admission, the patient began to experience difficulty with intermittent meibomitis and blepharitis of the left eye. Approximately six months prior to admission, a corneal ulcer was noted in this eye. The patient was treated References 1. Sullivan, G.L.: Epithelization of the Anterior Chamber Following Cataract Extraction: A New Approach to Treatment , Trans Amer Ophthal Soc 56:606-654, 1958. 2. Perera, C.A.: Epithelium in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye After Operation and Injury , Trans Amer Acad Ophthal Otolaryng 42:142-164, 1937. 3. Calhoun, F.P.: The Clinical Recognition and Treatment of Epithelization of the Anterior Chamber Following Cataract Extraction , Trans Amer Ophthal Soc 47:498-533, 1949. 4. Terry, T.J.; Chisholm, Jr., J.A.; and Schonberg, A.L.: Studies on the Surface-Epithelium Invasion of the Anterior Segment of the Eye , Amer J Ophthal 22:1083-1110, 1939. 5. Theobold, G., and Haas, J.: Epithelial Invasion of the Anterior Chamber Following Cataract Extraction , Trans Amer Acad Ophthal Otolaryng 61:51-57, 1957. 6. Christensen, L.: Epithelization of the Anterior Chamber , Trans Amer Ophthal Soc 58:284-296, 1960. 7. Regan, E.F.: Epithelial Invasion of the Anterior Chamber , Arch Ophthal 60:907-927, 1958.Crossref 8. Patz, A.; Wulff, L.; and Rogers, S.: Experimental Production of Epithelial Invasion of the Anterior Chamber , Amer J Ophthal 47:815-827, 1959.
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