Further Studies on Facility of Flow Through the Trabecular MeshworkGRANT, W. MORTON
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080541001pmid: 13582305
Abstract In 1954 and 1955 preliminary results were reported on attempts at measuring directly how much of the normal resistance to outflow of aqueous humor is attributable to the trabecular meshwork in human eyes.1,2 In the more recent of these experiments enucleated human eyes were perfused with sodium chloride solution through a needle which entered the anterior chamber through the cornea and communicated with both anterior and posterior chambers. The facility of outflow was determined by measuring both the rate of flow and the intraocular pressure after a steady state was attained. Then, the trabecular meshwork in one quadrant was curetted with the point of the transcorneal needle, and the facility of outflow was redetermined. In experiments on 19 eyes, no change in facility of outflow was found in 12, but an increase occurred in 6, and a small decrease, in only 1. Microscopic examination of sections of all eyes References 1. On the average, for each tenth of the circumference in which the trabecular meshwork was opened or removed the facility of outflow was found to be increased by 30%. 2. Grant, W. M., and Trotter, R. R.: Factors Responsible for Resistance to Outflow of Intraocular Fluid , Acta XVII Conc. Ophth. (1954) 3:1536-1545, 1955. 3. Grant, W. M.: Facility of Flow Through the Trabecular Meshwork , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 54:245-248, 1955.Crossref 4. Glaucoma, Transactions of the First Conference, Dec. 5, 6, and 7, 1955 , Princeton, N. J., edited by F. W. Newell, New York, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1956. 5. Perkins, E. S.: Pressure in the Canal of Schlemm , Brit. J. Ophth. 39:215-219, 1955.Crossref 6. Grant, W. M., and Trotter, R. R.: Tonographic Meaurements in Enucleated Eyes , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 53:191-200, 1955.Crossref
The Rule of Seven or Fourteen ThirdsNADBATH, RUDOLPH P.
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080552002pmid: 13582306
Abstract Often the refractionist finds the ophthalmometer value varying significantly from that of the proper correcting cylinder of the spectacle lens. Many still use the rule of Javal1 to modify the ophthalmometer reading to approximate the proper cylindrical value of the correcting spectacle lens. In an article2 published by the American Optical Company the rule of Javal is found faulty. The problem is analyzed, and, in a series of algebraic gymnastics, a formula is derived upon which are based the data in the Table, i. e., the upper figures in each row. These data represent corrected cylindrical components as derived from the influence of the spherical component upon the ophthalmometer reading and are for a vertex distance of 13.75 mm. Neither the data of the Table nor the formula upon which they are based is easily committed to memory. The "Rule of 7 or 14 Thirds" is a useful References 1. Ophthalmic Reference Book , Rochester, N. Y., Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, 1953, Chap. 5 , pp. 118 and 119. 2. Correction of Astigmatism, Publications of the Bureau of Visual Science , Southbridge, Mass., American Optical Company, 1950, pp. 63-72.
Polyarteritis Nodosa with Ophthalmic and Neurological ComplicationsSHEEHAN, B.;HARRIMAN, D. G. F.;BRADSHAW, J. P. P.
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080555003pmid: 13582307
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to report on a case of polyarteritis nodosa which has some unusual features of special ophthalmic and neurological interest. Report of a Case A woman was aged 35 years at death. At the age of 11 she had rheumatic fever; at 18 she had an appendectomy, and at 30, in her second pregnancy, she developed hypertensive toxemia necessitating termination during the 30th week. She had no other illnesses. Family history was not significant.Since the age of 30 she had suffered from nocturnal cramps in the limbs of a myoclonic type and some loss of flesh on the left side of her face. At the age of 32 she developed abdominal pain in the epigastrium and vomiting of bilious fluid, which settled within a few weeks, and subsequently she had alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation. She lost weight. Soon afterward she was admitted References 1. Böck, J.: Ztschr. Augenh. 69:225, 1929. 2. Boeck, J.: Am. J. Ophth. 42:1 (Oct., (Pt. 2) ) 1956. 3. Christeller, E.: Arch. Verdauungskr. 37:249, 1926.Crossref 4. Davson, J.; Ball, J., and Platt, R.: Quart. J. Med. 17:175, 1948. 5. Foster, D. B., and Malamud, N.: Univ. Hosp. Bull. Ann Arbor 7:102, 1941. 6. Friedenwald, J. S., and Rones, B.: Arch. Ophth. 5:175, 1931.Crossref 7. Gillman, J., and Gilbert, C.: Brit. J. Exper. Path. 37:6, 1956. 8. Goar, E. L., and Smith, L. S.: Am. J. Ophth. 35:1619, 1952. 9. Goldstein, I., and Wexler, D.: Arch. Ophth. 2:228, 1929.Crossref 10. Harris, A. W.; Lynch, G. W., and O'Hare, J. P.: Arch. Int. Med. 63:1163, 1939.Crossref 11. Hassen, R., and Knack, A. V.: Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 59:263, 1917. 12. Helpern, M., and Trubek, M.: Arch. Path. 15:35, 1933. 13. von Herrenschwand, F.: Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 83:422, 1929. 14. Herson, R. N., and Sampson, R.: Quart. J. Med. 18:123, 1949. 15. Jones, G. M.: Univ. Hosp. Bull. Ann. Arbor 6:91, 1940. 16. Kernohan, J. W., and Woltman, H. W.: Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 39:655, 1938. 17. King, E. F.: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 55:246, 1935. 18. Miller, H. G.: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 42:497, 1949. 19. Miller and Daley, R.: Quart. J. Med. 15:255, 1946. 20. Müller, P.: Festschrift zur Feier des fünfzigjährigen Bestehens des Stadtkrankenhauses zu Dresden-Friedrichstadt , Dresden, W. Baensch, 1899, p. 458 21. Helpern, M., and Trubek, M. (1933). 22. Pagel, W.: J. Clin. Path. 4:137, 1951. 23. Rich, A. R.: Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 71:123; 375, 1942. 24. Rich, A. R., and Gregory, J. E.: Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 72:65, 1943. 25. Sampson, R.: Brit. J. Ophth. 29:282, 1945.Crossref 26. Sorsby, A., Editor: Systemic Ophthalmology , London, Butterworth & Co., Ltd., 1951. 27. Wise, G. N.: A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 48:1, 1952.Crossref
Recovery of Toxoplasma from a Human EyeHOGAN, MICHAEL J.;ZWEIGART, PHYLLIS A.;LEWIS, ANN
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080566004pmid: 13582308
Abstract Following the discovery of human congenital toxoplasmosis, in 1937, it was suspected by ophthalmologists and other investigators that Toxoplasma might be a cause of acquired chorioretinitis. It was not until 1954 that Jacobs1 reported the isolation of these organisms from the enucleated eye of an adult. The strain isolated from his patient was of high virulence for laboratory animals, closely resembling the well-known RH strain. In this paper we report the characteristics of a strain exhibiting low virulence for animals which was recovered from the enucleated eye of a 20-year-old youth. A diagnosis of congenital ocular toxoplasmosis had been made on this patient eight years previously. Report of a Case A white boy aged 12 years was first seen in March, 1948, because he had sudden diminution of vision in his good left eye. During a routine clinic examination at the age of 1½ years he had been References 1. Jacobs, L.; Fair, J. R., and Bickerton, J. H.: Adult Ocular Toxoplasmosis: Report of a Parasitologically Proved Case , A. M.A. Arch. Ophth. 52:63-71 ( (July) ) 1954.Crossref
Some Intraocular and Conjunctival Effects of Amphotericin B in Man and in the RabbitFOSTER, J. B. T.;ALMEDA, E.;LITTMAN, M. L.;WILSON, M. E.
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080573005pmid: 13582309
Abstract Intraocular mycotic infection is rare, and it usually necessitates enucleation of the affected eye. We recently encountered three instances of fulminating fungus endophthalmitis occurring as a postsurgical complication of cataract extraction, in which a pure culture of the Volutella species * was isolated from each of the infected eyes. We believe that these cases are the first of this kind to be reported. In two cases the infection failed to respond to conventional therapy and was terminated only by enucleation of the eye. In an effort to check the progress of infection in the third eye, a new antifungal antibiotic, amphotericin B,† was administered by parenteral, conjunctival, and intraocular routes. This clinical trial of amphotericin B for ocular infection, together with the experimental use of the antibiotic in the eyes of rabbits, is the subject of this report. Amphotericin B is a polyene antifungal antibiotic which was isolated in 1955 by References 1. Dr. G. A. deVries, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, Netherlands, provided the taxonomic identification of the culture. The closest species name that could be applied to this organism was Volutella cinerescens (Cesati) Sacc., belonging to the family Tuberculaceae. 2. The trade name of E. R. Squibb & Sons, Division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, for amphotericin B is Fungizone. 3. Gold, W.; Stout, H. A.; Pagano, J. F., and Donovick, R.: Amphotericins A and B, Antifungal Antibiotics Produced by a Streptomycete: I. In Vitro Studies, Antibiotics Ann., p. 579, 1955-1956. 4. Summary of Information for Clinical Investigators , E. R. Squibb & Sons, Division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 28, 1955. 5. Steinberg, B. A.; Jambor, W. P., and Suydam, L. O.: Amphotericins A and B: Two New Antifungal Antibiotics Possessing High Activity Against Deep-Seated and Superficial Mycoses, Antibiotics Ann., p. 574, 1955-1956. 6. Steinberg, T. H.; Wright, E. T., and Oura, M.: A New Antifungal Antibiotic, Amphotericin B, Antibiotics Ann., p. 566, 1955-1956. 7. Vandeputte, J.; Wachtel, J. L., and Stiller, E. T.: Amphotericins A and B, Antifungal Antibiotics Produced by a Streptomycete: II. The Isolation and Properties of the Crystalline Amphotericins, Antibiotics Ann., p. 587, 1955-1956. 8. Dutcher, J. D.; Young, M. B.; Sherman, J. H.; Hibbits, W., and Walters, D. R.: Chemical Studies on Amphotericin B: I. Preparation of the Hydrogenation Product and Isolation of Mycosamine, an Acetolysis Product, Antibiotics Ann., p. 866, 1956-1957. 9. Louria, D. B.; Feder, N., and Emmons, C. W.: Amphotericin B in Experimental Histoplasmosis and Cryptococcosis, Antibiotics Ann., p. 870, 1956-1957. 10. Baum, G. L.; Rubel, H., and Schwarz, J.: Treatment of Experimental Histoplasmosis, Antibiotics Ann., p. 878, 1956-1957. 11. Summary of Information for Clinical Investigators , E. R. Squibb & Sons, Division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, New Brunswick, N. J., March 8, 1957. 12. Fungizone for Injection: Squibb Amphotericin B Desoxycholate Complex for Injection , E. R. Squibb & Sons, Division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, New Brunswick, N. J., June 26, 1957. 13. Fiese, M. J.: Treatment of Disseminated Coccidioidomycosis with Amphotericin B: Report of a Case , California Med. 86:119, 1957. 14. Littman, M. L.: Preliminary Observations on the Intravenous Use of Amphotericin B, an Antifungal Antibiotic, in the Therapy of Acute and Chronic Coccidioidal Osteomyelitis, read in the Conference on Coccidioidomycosis, Phoenix, Ariz., U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and Arizona State Health Department, Feb. 11-13, 1957, p. 86. 15. Littman, M. L.; Pisano, M. A., and Lancaster, R. M.: Induced Resistance of Candida Species to Nystatin and Amphotericin B, Antibiotics Ann., p. 981, 1957-1958. 16. Littman, M. L.; Horowitz, P. L., and Swadey, J. G.: Coccidioidomycosis and its Treatment with Amphotericin B , Am. J. Med. 24:568-592, 1958.Crossref
The Character of the B-Wave in the Human ElectroretinogramJOHNSON, E. PARKER
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080585006pmid: 13582310
Abstract Introduction It is now nearly 100 years since Frithiof Holmgren placed recording electrodes on an eye and discovered that a momentary change in potential accompanies the: reaction of the eye to light. The electrical response that he found paralleled subjective aspects of vision in several ways. Research since Holmgren's time has been directed toward fuller exploration of these parallels.The electroretinogram, or ERG, has proved to be a complex phenomenon. The search still continues for ways in which aspects of the responses may be used as objective indices of visual processes. For the physiologist this electrical behavior is interesting both for itself and for what it reveals of neural activity within the eye. To the psychologist there occurs the hope that it may enable him to bypass some of the tortuous paths of psychophysics. And to the clinician the ERG presents itself as a possible means of diagnosing particular functional References 1. As the response is typically recorded with the active electrode on the cornea, a positive component is one characterized by positivity of the cornea with respect to the fundus. 2. Even though, in work with animals, such responses have appeared after the iris has been removed24 or paralyzed,21 iris artifacts are occasionally taken for retinal responses. Karpe 52 has demonstrated clearly the appearance of this artifact in the human ERG. 3. B-wave complications had been reported animals since the time of Gotch.37 4. The discovery of two positive components has led to a confusion in nomenclature. Adrian refers to the earlier merely as the postive phase of the photopic response. Granit,40 in discussing Adrian's results, refers to both positive components as b-waves, one photopic and one scotopic. Motokawa and Mita,57 however, in a prior, independent discovery of the photopic component, dubbed it the "x-wave." This designation has been taken up by some other experimenters, but a sampling of recent literature shows no clear decision regarding terminology. It would seem to me that Granit's instincts in the matter were sound. It would be preferable to refer to the two as photopic and scotopic b-waves, perhaps abbreviated as the bp-wave and bs-wave. This would permit the noncommittal designation, b-wave, to indicate either uncertainty or indifference to the distinction. Certainly in the past, particularly in work with animals, the term b-wave has been used thus to allude indiscriminately to photopic responses, scotopic responses, or admixtures of the two. Recent work 9,13,16 has indicated that the a-wave has a similar dual nature. Here again, where possible, differentiation might be made between the photopic ap-wave and the scotopic as-wave. 5. Karpe's electrode, though similar in principle to that of Riggs, was independently conceived. 6. It should be noted that Karpe did not regularly employ the condition of full dark adaptation in his studies. 7. A detailed description of the corneal electrode may be found in papers by Riggs.62,63 The fullest description of the apparatus used in our earliest studies, and used with but minor modifications in much of the later work, is in a paper by Johnson.47 8. Though this procedure appears straightforward, the concept of electrically determined "sensitivity" needs to be considered for a moment. Psychophysical functions (visibility curves, darkadaptation curves, etc.) are determined either by measuring variations in the subjective lightthreshold with varying conditions or by stimulusequation techniques. We look for some sort of "electrical response threshold" or equivalent effect whose variations may be examined under the same sets of conditions. But there is nothing in the electrical record that may be accepted a priori as the perfect analogue of the sensory threshold. We might specify a "detectable response," but this merely allows the criterion level to be determined by the exigencies of recording; any change in the "noise level" will alter the criterion. The custom has been, then, to specify some amplitude of response (usually a "small" one, in recognition of the concept of the threshold as a minimum value) which can be reproduced in a succession of circumstances so as to trace out the function. But a comparison of these functions with those obtained through psychophysical procedures rests on the assumption that the subjective threshold (regardless of the wavelength of the stimulus or the state of adaptation of the eye) reflects a constant or standard physiological response. But our "b-wave of standard amplitude" is by no means a "standard response." Responses of equal amplitude may vary in latency and in duration, indicating differences in underlying physiological processes. Further, the electrical response curves, in the typical ERG study, are drawn with reference to stimuli well above psychophysical thresholds in intensity and represent the eye at a different level of function. Such things must be borne in mind as we examine the data. 9. Similar logic may be applied to the scotopic component of the negative a-wave (as-wave), which has a similar spectral sensitivity.9 10. Armington follows Motokawa in speaking of the "x-wave." To determine amplitude he measures from the trough of the a- to the top of the b-wave. 11. Schubert and Bornschein67 and Riggs63 have also demonstrated that this component is to be found in the responses of the night-blind, with reduction of scotopic responses. Schubert and Bornschein67 and Armington5 have described its impairment in protanopes. Vukovich70 remarked the absence of any "x-wave" and also the diminution of the a-wave in a totally color-blind subject. 12. Because the latency of the bs-wave decreases at high intensities, it must be supposed to cut into the course of the a-wave earlier, effectively "clipping" its peak and reducing the appropriateness of the a-wave amplitude as a measure of the negative potential. 13. See discussion of the rationale of the "standard response" technique in footnote on p. 571. 14. The "unit response" to a 10-millisecond stimulus of unit intensity is presumed, throughout this paper, to have the following form: Msec. After Amplitude of Beginning of Response, μv. Stimulus 10-90...... 0 100....... 8 110 120 130 140 150 15 21 27 29 27 Msec. After Beginning of Stimulus 160.. 170.. 180.. 190.. 200.. 210—.. Amplitude of Response, 23 18 13 8 4 0 15. Adrian, E. D.: Rod and Cone Responses in the Human Eye , Nature, London 154:361-362, 1944.Crossref 16. Adrian, E. D.: The Electrical Response of the Human Eye , J. Physiol. 104:84-104, 1945. 17. Alpern, M., and Faris, J. J.: Note on the Electrical Response of the Human Eye During Dark Adaptation , J. Optic. Soc. America 44:74-79, 1954.Crossref 18. Alpern, M., and Faris, J. J.: Luminance-Duration Relationship in the Electric Response of the Human Retina , J. Optic. Soc. America 46: 845-850, 1956.Crossref 19. Armington, J. C.: A Component of the Human Electroretinogram Associated with Red Color Vision , J. Optic. Soc. America 42:393-401, 1952.Crossref 20. Armington, J. C.: Electrical Responses of the Light-Adapted Eye , J. Optic. Soc. America 43:450-456, 1953.Crossref 21. Armington, J. C.: Amplitude of Response and Relative Spectral Sensitivity of the Human Electroretinogram , J. Optic. Soc. America 45:1058-1064, 1955.Crossref 22. Armington, J. C., and Biersdorf, W. R.: Flicker and Color Adaptation in the Human Electroretinogram , J. Optic. Soc. America 46:393-400, 1956.Crossref 23. Armington, J. C.; Johnson, E. P., and Riggs, L. A.: The Scotopic a-Wave in the Electrical Response of the Human Retina , J. Physiol. 118: 289-298, 1952. 24. Armington, J. C., and Thiede, F. C.: Selective Adaptation of Components of the Human Electroretinogram , J. Optic. Soc. America 44:779-786, 1954.Crossref 25. Asher, H.: The Electroretinogram of the Blind Spot , J. Physiol. 112:40P, 1951. 26. Auerbach, E., and Burian, H. M.: Studies on the Photopic-Scotopic Relationship in the Human Electroretinogram , Am. J. Ophth. 40:42-60 (Nov., (Pt. 2) ) 1955. 27. Best, W.: Das menschliche Elektroretinogramm während der Dunkeladaptation , Acta ophth. 31:95-116, 1953.Crossref 28. Best, W., and Bohnen, K.: Vergleichende Untersuchungen über den Knick in der Dunkeladaptationskurve bei Verwendung des Elektroretinogramms und der subjektiven Schwellenreizleuchtdichte , Docum. ophth. 10:351-363, 1956.Crossref 29. Biersdorf, W. R., and Armington, J. C.: Response of the Human Eye to Sudden Changes in the Wave Length of Stimulation , J. Optic. Soc. America 47:208-215, 1957.Crossref 30. Bornschein, H.: Der Einfluss von Adaptationszustand und Reizintensität auf die Komponenten des menschlichen Elektroretinogramms , Ztschr. Biol. 105:454-463, 1953. 31. Bornschein, H.; Goodman, G., and Gunkel, R. D.: Temporal Aspects of the Human Electroretinogram: Study of the Implicit Time-Amplitude Relationship of the B-Wave , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 57:386-392, 1957.Crossref 32. Boynton, R. M.: Stray Light and the Human Electroretinogram , J. Optic. Soc. America 43:442-449, 1953.Crossref 33. Boynton, R. M., and Riggs, L. A.: The Effect of Stimulus Area and Intensity upon the Human Retinal Response , J. Exper. Psychol. 42: 217-226, 1951.Crossref 34. Brindley, G. S.: Responses to Illumination Recorded by Microelectrodes from the Frog's Retina , J. Physiol. 134:360-384, 1956. 35. Brossa, A., and Kohlrausch, A.: Die Aktionsströme der Netzhaut bei Reizung mit homogenen Lichtern , Arch. Physiol. , pp. 449-492, 1913. 36. Brücke, E. T. V., and Garten, S.: Zur vergleichenden Physiologie der Netzhautströme , Arch. ges. Physiol. 120:290-348, 1907.Crossref 37. Burian, H. M.: Electric Responses of the Human Visual System , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 51:509-524, 1954.Crossref 38. Chaffee, E. L.; Bovie, W. T., and Hampson, A.: The Electrical Response of the Retina Under Stimulation by Light , J. Optic. Soc. America 7:1-44, 1923.Crossref 39. Chaffee, E. L., and Hampson, A.: Effect of Varying the Wave-Length of the Stimulating Light upon the Electrical Response of the Retina , J. Optic. Soc. America 9:1-25, 1924.Crossref 40. Crampton, G. H., and Armington, J. C.: Area-Intensity Relation and Retinal Location in the Human Electroretinogram , Am. J. Physiol. 181:47-53, 1955. 41. Creed, R. S., and Granit, R.: Observations on the Retinal Action Potential with Special Reference to the Response to Intermittent Stimulation , J. Physiol. 78:419-441, 1933. 42. De Haas, H. K.: Lichtprikkels en retinastroomen in hun quantitatief verband , Leiden, E. Ijdo, 1903 43. Dewar, J.: The Physiological Action of Light , Nature, London 15:433-435, 1877.Crossref 44. Dewar, J., and McKendrick, J. G.: On the Physiological Action of Light: I , J. Anat. Physiol. 7:275-278, 1873. 45. Dewar, J., and McKendrick, J. G.: On the Physiological Action of Light: II , J. Anat. Physiol. 7:278-282, 1873. 46. Dewar, J., and McKendrick, J. G.: Recent Researches on the Physiological Action of Light , Nature, London 8:204-205, 1873.Crossref 47. Dodt, E.: Cone Electroretinography by Flicker , Nature, London 168:738, 1951.Crossref 48. Dodt, E.: Beiträge zur Elektrophysiologie des Auges: II. Über Hemmungsvorgänge in der menschlichen Retina , von Graefe's Arch. Ophth. 153:152-162, 1952.Crossref 49. Einthoven, W., and Jolly, W. A.: The Form and Magnitude of the Electrical Response of the Eye to Stimulation by Light at Various Intensities , Quart. J. Exper. Physiol. 1:373-416, 1908. 50. Fry, G. A., and Bartley, S. H.: The Relation of Stray Light in the Eye to the Retinal Action Potential , Am. J. Physiol. 111:335-340, 1935. 51. Gotch, F.: The Time Relations of the Photo-Electric Changes in the Eyeball of the Frog , J. Physiol. 29:388-410, 1903. 52. Graham, C. H., and Riggs, L. A.: The Visibility Curve of the White Rat as Determined by the Electrical Response to Lights of Different Wave-Lengths , J. Gen. Psychol. 7:279-295, 1935.Crossref 53. Granit, R.: The Components of the Retinal Action Potentials in Mammals and Their Relation to the Discharge of the Optic Nerve , J. Physiol. 77:207-239, 1933. 54. Granit, R.: Sensory Mechanisms of the Retina , London, Oxford University Press, 1947. 55. Granit, R.: Receptors and Sensory Perception , New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1955. 56. Granit, R., and Munsterhjelm, A.: The Electrical Responses of Dark-Adapted Frog's Eyes to Monochromatic Stimuli , J. Physiol. 88: 436-458, 1937. 57. Granit, R., and Wrede, C. 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Neurophysiol. 1:87-108, 1949. 71. Motokawa, K., and Mita, T.: Über eine einfachere Untersuchungsmethode und Eigenschaften der Aktionsströme der Netzhaut des Menschen , Tohoku J. Exper. Med. 42:114-133, 1942. 72. Müller-Limmroth, H. W.: Der Einfluss der Dauer des Reizlichtes auf das Elektroretinogramm , Arch. ges. Physiol. 257:35-47, 1953. 73. Noell, W. K.: Studies on the Electrophysiology and the Metabolism of the Retina , U. S.A. F. School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas, 1953. 74. Piper, H.: Über die Netzhautströme , Arch. Physiol. 83:85-132, 1911 75. Riggs, L. A.: Dark Adaptation in the Frog Eye as Determined by the Electrical Response of the Retina , J. Cell. & Comp. Physiol. 9:491-510, 1937. 76. Riggs, L. A.: Continuous and Reproducible Records of the Electrical Activity of the Human Retina , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 48:204-207, 1941. 77. Riggs, L. A.: Electroretinography in Cases of Night Blindness , Am. J. Ophth. 38:70-78 (July, (Pt. 2) ) 1954. 78. Riggs, L. A.: Electrical Phenomena in Vision , in Radiation Biology , edited by A. Hollaender, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1956, Vol. 3, Chap. 13. 79. Riggs, L. A.; Berry, R. N., and Wayner, M.: A Comparison of Electrical and Psychophysical Determinations of the Spectral Sensitivity of the Human Eye , J. Optic. Soc. America 39: 427-436, 1949. 80. Riggs, L. A., and Johnson, E. P.: Electrical Responses of the Human Retina , J. Exper. Psychol. 39:415-424, 1949. 81. Schubert, G., and Bornschein, H.: Beitrag zur Analyse des menschlichen Elektroretinogramms , Ophthalmologica 123:396-413, 1952. 82. Tansley, K.: Some Observations on Mammalian Cone Electroretinograms, in Hamburger Symposium 1956 , Bibl. ophth. 48:7-14, 1957. 83. Therman, P. O.: The Neurophysiology of the Retina in the Light of Chemical Methods of Modifying Its Excitability , Acta Soc. Sc. fenn. 2:1-74, 1938. 84. Vukovich, V.: Das ERG des Achromaten , Ophthalmologica 124:354-359, 1952.Crossref 85. Wald, G.: Human Vision and the Spectrum , Science 101:653-658, 1945.Crossref 86. Waller, A. D.: On the Double Nature of the Photoelectrical Response of the Frog's Retina , Quart. J. Exper. Physiol. 2:169-185, 1909. 87. Weale, R. A.: The Foveal and Para-Central Spectral Sensitivities in Man , J. Physiol. 114:435-446, 1951. 88. Wirth, A.: La durata della stimolo come mezzo di separazione delle componenti fotopica e scotopica dell'elettroretinogramma , Arch. sc. biol. 40:163-178, 1956.
The Electrical Response of the Human Eye in Far-to-Near AccommodationALPERN, MATHEW;ELLEN, PAUL;GOLDSMITH, ROBERT I.
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080612007pmid: 13582311
Abstract I. Introduction Schubert1 has recently shown that the accommodation of the normal human eye from far to near is accompanied by a direct-current change in potential which may be recorded from suitable electrodes placed on the conjunctiva in the region of the limbus. Schubert used the shell of a contact lens, from which the corneal section had been removed, onto which a silversilver chloride electrode was attached. With suitable anesthesia of the cornea, this technique is probably satisfactory for making a few measurements. However, when a large number of measurements are required, over extended periods of time, we have found that severe damage to the corneal surface can result because the cornea of the eye rubs against the border of the lens, from which the corneal section was removed, whenever the eye chances to look to one side or the other. The present paper will describe a safer technique References 1. Schubert, G.: Aktionpotentiale des M. ciliaris beim Menschen , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 157: 116-121, 1955.Crossref 2. Alpern, M., and Ellen, P.: A Quantitative Analysis of the Horizontal Movements of the Eyes in the Experiment of Johannes Mueller: Part I , Am. J. Ophth. 42:290-291 (Oct., (Pt. 2) ) 1956. 3. Alpern, M.: Testing Distance Effect on Phoria Measurement at Various Accommodation Levels , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 54:906-915, 1955.Crossref 4. Noell, W.: Personal communication to the authors. 5. Bornschein, H., and Schubert, G.: Bestandpotential und Akkommodationzustand des menschlichen Auges , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 159: 45-51, 1957.Crossref 6. Sperelakis, N., and Prosser, C. L.: Intracellular Recording from Smooth Muscle Cells of Cat Intestine , Fed. Proc. 16:122, 1957. 7. Daniel, E. E.: Membrane Potential Changes During Activation of Smooth Muscle , Fed. Proc. 16:290, 1957. 8. Holman, M. E.: The Effect of Changes in Potassium Chloride Concentration on the Membrane Potential, Electrical Activity and Tension of Intestinal Smooth Muscle , J. Physiol. 137:77P, 1957. 9. Bülbring, E., and Hooten, I. N.: Membrane Potentials of Smooth Muscle Fibres in the Rabbits Sphincter Pupillae , J. Physiol. 125:292-301, 1954. 10. Bülbring, E.: Membrane Potentials of Smooth Muscle Fibres of the Taenia Coli of the Guinea Pig , J. Physiol. 125:302-315, 1954. 11. Brindley, G. S.: Resting Potential of the Lens , Brit. J. Ophth. 40:385-391, 1956.Crossref 12. Fleming, D. G.: A Distance Accommodation Mechanism, presented at the 4th Invitational Conference for Visual Research Specialists Sponsored by Lamp Division, General Electric Company, Nela Park, Ohio, April 23, 1956.
Penetration of Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) into Ocular Tissues of RabbitsCHOI, CHANG S.
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080623008pmid: 13582312
Abstract Chemically, pyrimethamine (Daraprim) is 2,4-diamino-5-p-chlorophenyl-6-ethylpyrimidine, with the empirical formula C12H13N4Cl. This chemical was synthesized by the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Tuckahoe, N. Y., as an antimalarial drug which arrests plasmodial development at those stages involving nuclear division. Besides this antimalarial activity, pyrimethamine has been shown to have an extraordinarily potent antimetabolite activity. To my limited knowledge, the mode of action of the preparation against toxoplasmosis has not been entirely elucidated. However, Eyles and his associate,1 in 1952, reported antitoxoplasminic action of the drug in mice and, in 1953, showed that pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine were synergistic to each other against experimental toxoplasmosis in the mouse.2 Since these reports, the drug has been widely used in the treatment of presumptive toxoplasmic infections of man as well as of experimental toxoplasmosis of animals. In the past years, numerous papers on the subject have been published, creating References 1. Eyles, D. E., and Coleman, N.: Tests of 2,4-Diaminopyrimidines on Toxoplasmosis , Pub. Health Rep. 67:249 ( (March) ) 1952.Crossref 2. Eyles, D. E., and Coleman, N.: Synergistic Effect of Sulfadiazine and Daraprim Against Experimental Toxoplasmosis in the Mouse , Antibiotics & Chemother. 3:483 ( (May) ) 1953. 3. Cook, M. K., and Jacobs, L.: The Effect of Pyrimethamine and Sulfadiazine on Toxoplasma in Tissue Culture , Am. J. Trop. Med. 5:376 ( (March) ) 1956. 4. Whitman, E. N., Burroughs Wellcome & Company., Inc.: Personal communication to the author. 5. Smith, C. H., cited in Pyrimethamine in Uveitis, Editorials , Lancet 2:963 ( (Nov. 5) ) 1955. 6. Cassady, J. V.; Culbertson, C. S., and Bahler, J. W.: The Etiology of Retinochoroiditis and Uveitis: Importance of the Dye (Methylene Blue) Cytoplasm-Modifying Antibody Test for Toxoplasmosis , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 54:28 ( (July) ) 1955. 7. Cassady, J. V.: Toxoplasmic Uveitis , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 58:259 ( (Aug.) ) 1957. 8. Hogan, M. J.: Ocular Toxoplasmosis: Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis; Evaluation of Immunologic Tests; Treatment , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 55:333 ( (March) ) 1956. 9. Hogan, M. J.: Ocular Toxoplasmosis: Clinical and Experimental Observations , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 53:916 ( (June) ) 1955. 10. Wettingfeld, R. F.; Rowe, J., and Eyles, D. E.: Treatment of Toxoplasmosis with Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) and Triple Sulfonamide , Ann. Int. Med. 44:557 ( (March) ) 1956. 11. Burnham, C. J., and Beverman, V. A.: Toxoplasmic Uveitis: Treatment with Pyrimethamine and Sulfadiazine , Am. J. Ophth. 42:217 ( (Aug.) ) 1956. 12. Perkins, E. S.; Smith, C. H., and Schofield, P. B.: Treatment of Uveitis with Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) , Brit. J. Ophth. 40:577 ( (Oct.) ) 1956. 13. Frenkel, J. K., in discussion on Ryan, R. W., et al.: Diagnosis and Treatment of Toxoplasmic Uveitis , Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. 58:867 ( (Nov.-Dec.) ) 1954. 14. Jacobs, L., and Melton, M. L.: The Production and Treatment of Acute Toxoplasmic Uveitis in the Anterior Segment of the Rabbit Eye , Am. J. Trop. Med. 5:375 ( (March) ) 1956. 15. Sabin, A. B.: Human Toxoplasmosis—with Special Reference to Intraocular Inflammation: A Critical Review , Am. J. Ophth. 41:600 ( (April) ) 1956. 16. Difco Manual , Ed. 9, Detroit, Difco Laboratories, Inc., 1953, pp. 225-226.
Visual Functions in Patients with Retinal Pigmentary Degeneration Following the Use of NP 207BURIAN, HERMANN M.;FLETCHER, MARY C.
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080632009
Abstract Introduction During the year 1956 there appeared in the ophthalmic literature two reports concerned with toxic effects produced upon the retina by a new drug belonging to the group of so-called tranquilizers (Verrey,1 Goar and Fletcher2). The new drug, 3-chloro-10- [2-N-(methylpiperidyl)ethyl] phenothiazine, designated by its producer, Sandoz Pharmaceutical, as NP 207, was developed in an effort to reduce the systemic effects of chlorpromazine hydrochloride. This goal was, indeed, achieved, and the tranquilizing effect of NP 207 proved to be as good as, or better than, that of chlorpromazine, from which it was derived. However, it soon appeared that NP 207 caused very undesirable visual disturbances. Subjectively they expressed themselves in a more or less severe impairment of dark adaptation and in a loss of visual acuity. Objectively one found in the early stages a hyperemia of the disc and some edema of the retina and in the later References 1. Verrey, F.: Dégénérescence pigmentaire de la rétine d'origine medicamenteuse , Ophthalmologica 131:296, 1956.Crossref 2. Goar, E. L., and Fletcher, M. C.: Toxic Chorioretinopathy Following the Use of NP 207 , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 54:129, 1956. 3. Rintelen, F., in discussion on Verrey.1 4. Heim, M., in discussion on Verrey.1 5. Rucker, C. W.: in discussion of paper by Goar and Fletcher.2 6. Wagner, P.: Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Phenothiazinderivaten auf den Augenhintergrund des Tieres , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 129:772, 1956. 7. Sloan, L. L.: The Threshold Gradients of the Rods and the Cones in the Dark Adapted and the Partially Light Adapted Eye , Am. J. Ophth. 33: 1077, 1950. 8. Gunkel, R. D.: Personal communication to the authors. 9. Wald, G.: Rods and Cones in Visual Threshold and Adaptation , J. Optic. Soc. America 31: 461, 1941.Crossref 10. Zeavin, B. H., and Wald, G.: Rod and Cone Vision in Retinitis Pigmentosa , Am. J. Ophth. 42: 253 (Oct., (Pt. 2) ) 1956. 11. Sloan, L. L.: Instruments and Techniques for the Clinical Testing of Light Sense: III. An Apparatus for Studying Regional Differences in Light Sense , Arch. Ophth. 22:233, 1939.Crossref 12. Mandelbaum, J.: Dark Adaptation: Some Physiologic and Clinical Considerations , Arch. Ophth. 26:203, 1941.Crossref 13. Arnott, G. P.: Time Lapse Indicator for Pen and Oscilloscope Recording , Electroencephalog. & Clin. Neurophysiol. 9:731, 1957. 14. Burian, H. M., and Allen, L.: A Speculum Contact Lens Electrode for Electroretinography , Electroencephalog. & Clin. Neurophysiol. 6:509, 1954. 15. Noell, W. K.: Studies on the Electrophysiology and the Metabolism of the Retina, USAF School of Medicine, Project No. 21-1201-0004, Report No. 1, Randolph Field, Texas, October, 1953. 16. Riggs, L. A.: Electroretinography in Cases of Night Blindness , Am. J. Ophth. 38:70 (July, (Pt. 2) ) 1954. 17. Motokawa, K., and Mita, T.: Über eine einfache Untersuchungsmethode und Eigenschaften der Aktionsströme der Netzhaut des Menschen , Tokoku J. Exper. Med. 42:114, 1942. 18. Adrian, E. D.: The Electric Response of the Human Eye , J. Physiol. 104:84, 1945. 19. Adrian, E. D.: Rod and Cone Components in the Electric Response of the Eye , J. Physiol. 105: 24, 1946. 20. Armington, J. C.: A Component of the Human Electroretinogram Associated with Red Color Vision , J. Optic. Soc. America 42:393, 1952. 21. Schubert, G., and Bornschein, H.: Beitrag zur Analyse des menschlichen Elektroretinogramm , Ophthalmologica 123:396, 1952. 22. Armington, J. C., and Schwab, G. J.: Electroretinogram in Nyctalopia , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 52:725, 1954. 23. Vukovich, V.: Das ERG des Achromaten , Ophthalmologica 124:354, 1952. 24. François, J.; Verriest, G., and De Rouck. A.: Pathology of the x-Wave of the Human Electroretinogram: I. Red-Blindness and Other Congenital Functional Anomalies , Brit. J. Ophth. 40: 439, 1956. 25. Henkes, H. E.: Differentiation and Evaluation of Rod and Cone Responses in the Human Electroretinogram , Ophthalmologica 135:138, 1958.
A Simplified Method of Stereophotography of the EyeGOODSTEIN, SEYMOUR;GOELLER, JOHN
1958 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1958.00940080650010pmid: 13582314
Abstract In 1954 Donaldson1 described the latest modification of his camera for medical stereophotography. With his unit, excellent stereophotographs of the external eye, anterior segment, and angle of the anterior chamber could be obtained. Fundamentally, the Donaldson camera is two reflex cameras mounted side by side and connected to a common reflex housing, with use of rhomboid prisms in front to provide a satisfactory interlens distance. There is a mechanism which permits independent adjustment of the interlens distance and parallax displacement. It is well conceived and has produced beautiful pictures. However, the camera is difficult to obtain and is very expensive. For these reasons, it does not fully answer the needs of the average office or eye clinic which desires to improve its photographic records by adding stereoscopy. In 1955 Goodstein and his co-workers2 described a method of taking pictures through a gonioscopic lens, with use of a hand References 1. Donaldson, D. D.: A New Camera for Medical Stereophotography with Special Reference to the Eye ; A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 52:564-570 ( (Oct.) ) 1954.Crossref 2. Goodstein, S.; Cinotti, A. A.; Cholst, M., and Goeller, J. P.: A Technique for Goniophotography , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 53:649-650 ( (May) ) 1955.Crossref