
A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

American Medical Association
American Medical Association
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030134001pmid: 13064889

Abstract A PRELIMINARY report, in 1950, on the diagnostic and therapeutic use of Streptococcus vaccines in nongranulomatous uveitis was presented at the 16th International Congress of Ophthalmology.1 This report was based on a study of 60 patients with uveitis, 35 of whom had the nongranulomatous and 25 the granulomatous forms. Fourteen of the patients with nongranulomatous uveitis were treated by desensitization with specific bacterial antigens. This preliminary study indicated the value of intracutaneous tests with Streptococcus antigens in the detection of a specific bacterial hypersensitivity, and of intravenous desensitization with the incriminated organisms in the therapy of nongranulomatous uveitis. Since the presentation of this preliminary report, and up to July 15, 1952, similar studies have been made on 148 additional patients with uveitis and specific vaccines prepared for the treatment of 61 of the patients with the nongranulomatous form. It is the purpose of this paper to report the findings References 1. Woods, A. C.: A Clinical Study of Streptococcus Bacterial Sensitivity in Non-Granulomatous Uveitis , Acta XVI Conc. Ophth., London 1:303, 1950. 2. Kolmer, J. A.: The Bacteriological and Immunological Aspects of Iritis, with Special Reference to Its Relationship to Bacterial Allergy , Am. J. Ophth. 14:217, 1931. 3. Amsler, M.: New Clinical Aspects of the Vegetative Eye: Bowman Lecture , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom (1948) 68:45, 1949. 4. Traut, E. F.: Blood-Culture Studies in Iritis , Am. J. Ophth. 17:106, 1934. 5. Woods, A. C.: The Influence of Hypersensitivity on Endogenous Uveal Disease (Jackson Memorial Lecture) , Am. J. Ophth. 30:257, 1947. 6. Nicolle, M., and Abt, G.: Les anticorps et les albuminoïdes des cellules , Ann. Inst. Pasteur 22:132, 1908. 7. Seegal, D., and Seegal, B. C.: Local Organ Hypersensitiveness: Experimental Production in Rabbit Eye , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 27:390-393, 1930. 8. Julianelle, L. A.: Reactions of Rabbits to Intracutaneous Injections of Pneumococci and Their Products: The Development of Eye Reactivity to Derivatives of Pneumococci , J. Exper. Med. 51:633, 1930. 9. Derick, C. L., and Swift, H. F.: Reactions of Rabbits to Nonhemolytic Streptococci: General Tuberculin-Like Hypersensitiveness, Allergy, or Hyperergy Following the Secondary Reaction , J. Exper. Med. 49:615, 1929. 10. Brown, A. L.: Considerations Underlying the Experimental Production of Uveitis , Am. J. Ophth. 15:19, 1932. 11. MacLean, A. L.: Experimental Iritis: The Ocular Reactions in Rabbits Sensitized to Streptococcus Viridans , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 34:324, 1936. 12. Zinsser, H.: Resistance to Infectious Diseases: Exposition of Biological Phenomena Underlying Occurrence of Infection and Recovery of Animal Body from Infectious Disease, with Consideration of Principles Underlying Specific Diagnosis and Therapeutic Measures , Ed. 4, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1931, p. 467. 13. Swift, H.: Rheumatic Fever: Hektoen Lecture, Billings Foundation , J. A. M. A. 92:2071, 1929. 14. Schöne, R., and Steen, R.: Antistreptolysin Titre and Antistaphylolysin Titre in Iridocyclitis Acuta , Acta ophth. 29:201, 1951. 15. Dickenson, T. G., and Leopold, I. H.: Antihyaluronidase and Antistreptolysin Titers in Uveitis, to be published. 16. Woods, A. C.: Endogenous Uveitis , Manual of Am. Acad. of Ophth. & Otol. 1949. 17. Guyton, J. S., and Woods, A. C.: Etiology of Uveitis: Clinical Study of 562 Cases , Arch. Ophth. 26:982, 1941. 18. McEwen, C., and Swift, H. F.: Cutaneous Reactivity of Immune and Hypersensitive Rabbits to Intradermal Injections of Homologous Indifferent Streptococcus and Its Fractions , J. Exper. Med. 62:573, 1935. 19. Wainwright, C. W.: Treatment of Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis with Streptococcus Vaccine on the Basis of Skin Sensitivity , J. A. M. A. 103:1357, 1934. 20. Dawson, M. H., and Olmstead, M.: Agglutination and Precipitation Reactions in Rheumatoid Arthritis with Hemolytic Streptococci Groups A to G , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 34:80, 1936. 21. Wainwright, C. W.: The Presence of Multiple Agglutinins in the Serum of Patients with Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis , Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 61:358, 1937.
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030152002pmid: 13064890

Abstract SUPERFICIAL punctuate keratitis is a confusing term which has been applied to numerous superficial changes in the cornea. Fuchs1 first used the term to describe the corneal changes associated with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Since then nearly any type of change in the corneal epithelium and superficial layers of the cornea has been classified by this description. One of us (A. E. B.)2 attempted to differentiate the virus types of keratitis and suggested that the disease was of virus origin. At that time we had isolated a virus in one of the cases, but we had not had sufficient experience to be sure that the virus was the cause of the disease. Thygeson3 has given a full clinical description of 26 cases and a well-prepared differential diagnosis. In this paper, we are discussing a similar clinical entity, although the clinical course in some of our patients has been somewhat References 1. Fuchs, E.: Keratitis Punctata Superficialis , Wein. klin. Wchnschr. 2:837, 1889. 2. Braley, A. E.: Virus Diseases of the Cornea , M. Rec. & Ann. 44:102, 1950. 3. Thygeson, Phillips: Superficial Punctate Keratitis , J. A. M. A. 144:1544, 1950. 4. Braley, A. E.: Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis , Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. 48:153, 1944.
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SCLEREDEMA ADULTORUM: Ocular Manifestations


1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030160003pmid: 13064891

Abstract SCLEREDEMA adultorum, first described by Buschke1 (1900, 1902), is a rare systemic disease characterized by generalized nonpitting edema of the body unassociated with fever, loss of weight, or much evidence of illness. It is preceded by an acute infection, usually respiratory, and of streptococcal origin. There follows an asymptomatic period, varying from a few days to several months, although occasionally there may be a prodrome of malaise, myalgia, and low-grade fever. Then begins a pale, firm swelling of the skin, commencing as a rule at the nape of the neck and referred to by the patient as a "stiff neck." It spreads to the face, chest, trunk, and abdomen, and, to a less extent, the extremities. The evolution of edema is rapid, being sometimes a matter of only two or three weeks. A slow regression commences soon, which may take from one to eight months. Isolated patches or islands References 1. Buschke, A.: (a) Vorstellung eines Falles von Sklerödem vor der Berliner Gesellschaft für Dermatologie , Arch. Dermat. u. Syph. 53:383, 1900 2. (b) Über Sklerödem , Berl. klin. Wchnschr. 39:955, 1902. 3. Vallee, B.: Scleredema: A Systemic Disease , New England J. Med. 235:207, 1946.Crossref 4. Leinwand, I.: Generalized Scleredema: Report with Autopsy Findings , Ann. Int. Med. 34:226, 1951.Crossref 5. Epstein, N.: Scleredema Adultorum (Buschke) , J. A. M. A. 99:820, 1932.Crossref 6. Touraine, A.; Golé, L., and Soulignac, R.: La cellulite sclérodermiforme extensive bénigne: 1. Sclérœdème de Buschke , Ann. dermat. et syph. 8:761, 1937. 7. Sweitzer, S., and Laymon, C.: Scleredema Adultorum (Buschke) , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 37:420, 1938. 8. O'Leary, P.; Waisman, M., and Harrison, M.: Scleredema adultorum , Am. J. M. Sc. 199:458, 1940. 9. Stenbeck, A.: Über einen Fall von Sklerödem mit Augenveränderungen , Acta ophth. 18:76, 1940. 10. This patient was previously reported as Case 3 by Vallee.2 11. Freund, H.: Über Sklerödem (Buschke), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Histologie , Arch Dermat. u. Syph. 161:92, 1930. 12. Helfand, M.: Scleredema Adultorum (Buschke): Its Relationship to Trophedema and Its Pathogenesis , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 37:809, 1938. 13. Sellei, J.: Sklerödema adultorum (Buschke) (Induratio progressiva benigna sub cute) , Dermat. Ztschr. 54:161, 1928. 14. Ehrmann, S., and Brünauer, S.: Sklerödema adultorum (Buschke) , in Jadassohn, J.: Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten , Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1931, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, p. 875. 15. Watson, E., and Pearce, R.: Cutaneous Mucopolysaccharides in Localized (Pretibial) Myxedema , Ann. New York Acad. Sc. 52:1004, 1950. 16. Selye, H.: Effect of Folliculoid Hormones on Abnormal Skin: Further Observations of Effect of Estradiol on Skin of Mice of Rhino, Hairless and Naked Strains , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 50:261, 1944. 17. Duran-Reynals, F.; Bunting, H., and Van Wagenen, G.: Studies on the Sex Skin of Macaca Mulatta , Ann. New York Acad. Sc. 52:1006, 1950. 18. Hechter, O.: Mechanisms of Spreading Factor Action , Ann. New York Acad. Sc. 52:1028, 1950. 19. Seifter, J.; Warter, P., and Fitch, D.: Preliminary Observations on Antiarthritic Effect of 21-Acetoxypregnenolone , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 73:131, 1950. 20. Guy, W., and Amshel, F.: Scleredema , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 29:777, 1934. 21. Frank, L.: Scleredema Adultorum (Buschke): Report of Case Involving Tongue , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 36:1052, 1937. 22. Oliver, E.: Scleredema Adultorum , Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 37:694, 1938. 23. Hoffmann, E.: Das Krankheitsbild des Sklerödema (Skleremia) adultorum (Buschke) , Med. Klin. 23:392, 1927. 24. Adler: Sklerödem vor 30 Jahren , Zentralbl. Haut- u. Geschlechtskr. 20:259, 1926.
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030168004pmid: 13064892

Abstract ALTHOUGH the clinical diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis is a fairly frequent one, a positive clinical diagnosis is not common. With the exception of such pathognomonic lesions as a conglomerate tubercle of the uveal tract, miliary tuberculosis of the choroid, tuberculosis of the conjunctiva in which biopsy or the finding of tubercle bacilli leaves no doubt of the etiological agent, or the hypersensitivity type of lesion in which a definite focal reaction to the injection of tuberculin occurs, the diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis is usually presumptive. It is generally made on the basis of a clinical picture of a chronic granulomatous disease in the eye when other causes of such disease are believed to have been ruled out. The presence or absence of various forms of supporting evidence, such as hypersensitivity to intradermal injection of tuberculin, calcified lymph nodes, or healed pulmonary lesions, may be used to shade the diagnosis toward References 1. Woods, A. C.: Influence of Sensitivity and Immunity on Ocular Tuberculosis , Pennsylvania M. J. 46:1133-1138, 1943. 2. Weizenblatt, S.: Allergic Ocular Reaction to the Tuberculin Test: Bilateral Cyclitis and Neuroretinitis , Arch. Ophth. 41:436-443, 1949.Crossref 3. Muncaster, S. B., and Allen, H. E.: Bilateral Uveitis and Retinal Periarteritis as Focal Reaction to Tuberculin Test , Arch. Ophth. 21:509-511, 1939.Crossref 4. Linhart, W. O.: Induced Ocular Tuberculosis: Report of a Probable Case , Arch. Ophth. 46:271-276, 1951.Crossref 5. Middlebrook, G., and Dubos, R. J.: Specific Serum Agglutination of Erythrocytes Sensitized with Extracts of Tubercle Bacilli , J. Exper. Med. 88:521-528, 1948.Crossref 6. Gernez-Rieux, C., and Tacquet, A.: Sur une réaction spécifique d'agglutination d'hématies sensibilisées, et sur son application au diagnostic de la tuberculose humaine , Bull. Acad. nat. méd. 133:556-558, 1949. 7. Sohier, R.: Réaction d'hémagglutination, type Dubos Middlebrook réalisée avec une tuberculine purifiée: Résultats obtenus , Ann. Inst. Pasteur 78:283-285, 1950. 8. Rothbard, S.; Dooneief, A. S., and Hite, K. E.: Practical Application of a Hemagglutination Reaction in Tuberculosis , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 74:72-75, 1950. 9. Smith, D. T., and Scott, N. B.: Clinical Interpretation of the Middlebrook-Dubos Hemagglutination Test , Nat. Tuberc. A. Tr. , pp. 77-84, 1950. 10. Fleming, J. W.; Runyon, E. H., and Cummings, M. M.: An Evaluation of the Hemagglutination Test for Tuberculosis , Am. J. Med. 10:704-710, 1951. 11. Kirby, W. M.; Burnell, J. M., and O'Leary, B.: Evaluation of the Hemagglutination Reaction in the Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis , Am. Rev. Tuberc. 64:71-76, 1951. 12. Adcock, J.; Haley, R. R., and Davey, W. N.: The Middlebrook Hemagglutination Test for Tuberculosis: An Evaluation in Normal Subjects and in Patients with Tuberculosis , J. Lab. & Clin. Med. 38:736-741, 1951. 13. Young, R. M., and Leonard, W. A., Jr.: Clinical Evaluation of the Middlebrook-Dubos Hemagglutination Test , Am. J. Clin. Path. 21:1045-1050, 1951. 14. Belz, A.; Sohier, R.; Bouchel, J., and Juillard, J.: La réaction d'hémagglutination type Middlebrook-Dubos dans les tuberculose oculaires: Premier résultats obtenus , Ann. ocul. 184:586-605, 1951. 15. Bunn, P.; Drobeck, B.; Gino, J., and Adair, C.: Some Observations upon the Middlebrook-Dubos Hemagglutination Test in Man and Animals , Ann. Int. Med. 37:84-95, 1952. 16. The hemagglutination tests were performed in the clinical laboratory, Veterans Administration Hospital, San Francisco, under supervision of T. V. Feichtmeir, M.D., Director.
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CHANGES IN SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF THE GROWING CRYSTALLINE LENS: A Technique for Investigation of Pathogenesis of Cataract


1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030179005pmid: 13064893

Abstract A CATARACT may be defined as a loss of transparency of the crystalline lens, or an opacification occurring at any place in the lens or its capsule.1 The mechanism for this opacification has been the subject of extensive research. Since the lens is a living, cellular organ, we may expect that changes in its protein structure are primarily involved in any alteration of its optical behavior. The optical properties of protein systems in general have excited only minor interest, as such data are of vital concern only in the cornea, lens, and vitreous body of the eye. It has been shown, however, that physical and chemical alterations of such proteins as muscle myosin, gelatin, and fibrin produce marked alterations in such optical properties as polarization of light, transparency, and absorption in various portions of the energy spectrum.2 It has been shown that the cornea owes its transparency to References 1. Town, A. E.: Ophthalmology , Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1951, p. 292. 2. Chemistry of the Amino Acids and Proteins , edited by C. L. A. Schmidt, Springfield, Ill., Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1938. 3. Hart, W. M., and Chandler, B. F.: The Cornea: I. Swelling Properties of the Fibrous. Tunic of the Eye , Arch. Ophth. 40:601-611, 1948Crossref 4. II. Factors Affecting the Transmission of Visible Light by the Fibrous Tunic of the Eye , Hart Arch. Ophth. 40:612-623, 1948.Crossref 5. Hart, W. M., and Peckham, R. H.: Unpublished data. 6. Mirsky, A. E., and Anson, M. L.: Suflhydryl and Disulfide Groups of Proteins: Methods of Estimation , J. Gen. Physiol. 18:307-323, 1935.Crossref 7. Bellows, J. G.: Cataract and Anomalies of the Lens , St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1944. 8. Lowry, O. H., and Hunter, T. H.: Determination of Serum Protein Concentration with a Gradient Tube , J. Biol. Chem. 159:465-474, 1945. 9. Salit, P. W.: Water Content and Solids of the Cataractous and Sclerosed Human Lenses , Am. J. Ophth. 21:755-762, 1938.
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030184006pmid: 13064894

Abstract IT SEEMS that Worth1 considered fusion essentially as a mental process and made no distinction between the motor part of the fusion (the fusional movements) and the mental process of uniting two uniocular impressions into one single impression. This distinction was clearly indicated by Roelofs,2 who also pointed out that binocular vision and fusion are different words to designate the same thing. Binocular vision is fusion, and this fusion should be differentiated into motor fusion (fusional movements) and sensory fusion, or the process of uniting the two retinal images into a unitary perception. The same distinction between motor and sensory fusion was recently stressed by Burian.3 The work of Chavasse4 has largely contributed to the present concept of binocular vision and fusion as reflexes, or, rather, as conditioned reflexes. This concept has been elaborated most completely along ontogenetic lines by Zeeman.5 When we apply this References 1. Worth, C.: Squint: Its Causes, Pathology, and Treatment , Ed. 6, London, Ballière, Tindall & Cox, 1929. 2. Roelofs, C. O., cited in discussion at Strabismus Symposium , Ophthalmologica 110:85 ( (July-Aug.) ) 1945. 3. Burian, H. M.: Place of Peripheral Fusion in Orthoptics , Am. J. Ophth. 30:1005 ( (Aug.) ) 1947. 4. Chavasse, F. B.: Worth's Squint, or the Binocular Reflexes and the Treatment of Strabismus , Ed. 7, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co. 1939. 5. Zeeman, W. P. C.: (a) Strabismus Symposium , Ophthalmologica 110:81 ( (July-Aug.) ) 1945 6. Keiner, G. B. J.: New Viewpoints on the Origin of Squint , 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1951. 7. Duke-Elder, W. S.: Text-book of Ophthalmology , Vol. 1, London, Henry Kimpton, 1938, p. 1038. 8. Burian, H. M.: Fusional Movements: Role of Peripheral Retinal Stimuli , Arch. Ophth. 21:486 ( (March) ) 1939.Crossref 9. Winkelman, J. E.: De motorische component van de netvliesprikkel, Thesis, Amsterdam, 1946 10. The Significance of Peripheral Fusion , Ophthalmologica 115:62 ( (Jan.) ) 1948. 11. Parsons, J. H.: An Introduction to the Theory of Perception , New York, The Macmillan Company, 1927. 12. Roelofs, C. O.: Die optische Lokalisation , Arch. Augenh. 109:395, 1935. 13. Winkelman, J. E.: The Motor Impulse Elicited by the Retinal Stimulus and the Binocular Optical Reflexes , Brit. J. Ophth. 33:629 ( (Oct.) ) 1949.Crossref 14. Hartridge, H.: The Visual Perception of Fine Detail , Philosophical Tr. Roy. Soc. London 232:519, 1947.Crossref 15. Winkelman, J. E.: Projection Tachystoscope for Orthoptic Treatments: A Preliminary Report , Am. J. Ophth. 33:461 ( (March) ) 1950 16. Peripheral Fusion , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 45:425 ( (April) ) 1951.Crossref 17. Visual acuity at this region of the retina was sufficient to see the contours of the peripheral images. 18. Hagedoorn, A.: Strabismus Symposium , Ophthalmologica 110:73 ( (July-Aug.) ) 1945.Crossref 19. Burian, H. M.: Fusional Movements in Permanent Strabismus: A Study of the Role of Central and Peripheral Retinal Regions in the Act of Binocular Vision in Squint , Arch. Ophth. 26:626 ( (Oct.) ) 1941.Crossref
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030189007pmid: 13064895

Abstract EVEN BEFORE the days of general or local anesthesia it was the custom to give some sort of a sedative to a patient who was about to undergo operation. Although the agents employed at present are highly satisfactory, it is still not easy to predict the best dosage of an analgesic and hypnotic to be used in conjunction with local anesthesia. This is especially true in the case of the elderly, for whom an overdose must be avoided. Just as one cannot reason with a child, so it is sometimes difficult to do so when a person in his second childhood, and fairly heavy sedation must sometimes be used in order that the operation may proceed. Moreover, when the patient is already on the operating table, it may be too late to obtain adequate sedation. The purpose of this paper is to present a method of sedation which is more References 1. Fitch, R. H.; Waters, R. M., and Tatum, H. L.: Intravenous Use of the Barbituric Acid in Surgery , Am. J. Surg. 9:112 ( (July) ) 1950. 2. Carron, H.: Nembutal in the Fenestration Operation , Anesthesiology 12:465-469 ( (July) ) 1951.Crossref 3. Ausherman, H. M., and Crawford, O. B.: Uses of Pentobarbital Intravenously , Postgrad. Med. 8:287-289 ( (Oct.) ) 1950. 4. Farquharson, H., and Murphy, F. J.: Use of Pentothal Sodium-Pentobarbital Sodium Combination in Prolonged Surgical Procedures , Anesthesiology 11:489-494 ( (July) ) 1950.Crossref 5. Coviello, V.; Goldberg, S., and Robertazzi, R. W.: Intravenous Pentobarbital Sodium-Ethylene Anesthesia , New York J. Med. 51:1815-1818 ( (Aug. 1) ) 1951.
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030193008pmid: 13064896

Abstract IN A RECENT publication, the use of penicillin in the lacrimal sac for the treatment of acute dacryocystitis was reported.1 It was surprising to note that the penicillin was introduced into the sac by means of a No. 20 hypodermic needle entered through the skin over the sac, after anesthetizing it with an injection of procaine hydrochloride. The introduction of the antibiotic into the sac can usually be accomplished by means of a curved lacrimal cannula introduced through the lower canaliculus without puncturing the skin, and with relatively little discomfort. It does take longer to anesthetize the punctum and canaliculus when the tissues are acutely inflamed, but with care it can be accomplished. A cocaine or tetracaine-soaked pledget sufficiently large to fill the medial canthus and cover the lower punctum thoroughly is left in contact for five minutes, and this procedure is repeated three times for the same length References 1. Cusick, P. L., and Michael, M. J.: Penicillin in Dacryocystitis , Kresge Eye Inst. Bull. 3:62 ( (Feb.) ) 1952.
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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology

doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920030197010pmid: 13064898

References 1. Marshall, E. K.: The Dosage Schedule of Chemotherapeutic Agents , Pharmacol. Rev. 4:85-105, 1952 2. Birnbaum, D., and Hollander, F.: Inhibition of Pancreatic Secretion by the Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor, 2-Acetylamino-1,3,4-Thiadiazole-5-Sulfonamide (Compound #6063) , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 81:23, 1952. 3. Janowitz, H. D.; Colcher, H., and Hollander, F.: Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition and Gastric Secretion , Tr. New York Acad. Sc. 15:54, 1952. 4. Maren, T. H.: Pharmacological and Renal Effects of Diamox (6063) a New Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor , Tr. New York Acad. Sc. 15:53, 1952. 5. McGowan, J. A.; Stanley, M. M., and Powell, J. J.: Effect of 2-Acetylamino-1,3,4-Thiadiazole-5-Sulfonamide (6063: Diamox) on the Secretion of Gastric Hydrochloric Acid in Man , Bull. New England M. Center 14:117-121, 1952. 6. Wyss, O.; Smith, G. N.; Hobby, G. L.; Oginsky, E. L., and Pratt, R.: Symposium on the Mode of Action of Antibiotics , Bact. Rev. 17:17-49, 1953. 7. Sacks, L. E.: Subtilin Considered as a Germicidal Surface-Active Agent , Antibiotics & Chemother. 2:79-85, 1952. 8. Tolstoouhov, A. V.: Physical-Chemical Approach to the Problems of Chemotherapy , Tr. New York Acad. Sc. 14:260, 1952. 9. Bergmann, E. D., and Sicher, S.: Mode of Action of Chloramphenicol , Nature, London 170:931-932, 1952. 10. Bernheim, F., and De Turk, W. E.: Effect of Chloramphenicol and Certain Other Drugs on the Oxidation of Aromatic Amino Acids by a Strain of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa , J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap. 105:246, 1952. 11. Long, P. H.: Mode of Action of Antibiotics , New York J. Med. 52:1637-1639, 1952. 12. Miura, Y.; Nakamura, Y.; Matsudaira, H., and Komeiji, T.: Mode of Action of Terramycin , Antibiotics & Chemother. 2:152-158, 1952. 13. Umbreit, W. W., and Oginsky, E. L.: Mode of Action of Antibiotics: Penicillin and Streptomycin , J. Mt. Sinai Hosp. 19:175, 1952. 14. Van Meter, J. C.; Spector, A.; Oleson, J. J., and Williams, J. H.: In Vitro Action of Aureomycin on Oxidative Phosphorylation in Animal Tissues , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 81:215, 1952. 15. Eagle, H.; Levy, M., and Fleishman, R.: Effect of the pH of the Medium on the Antibacterial Action of Penicillin, Streptomycin, Chloramphenicol, Terramycin, and Bacitracin , Antibiotics & Chemother. 2:563-575, 1952. 16. Weinberg, E. D.: Influence of Various Sources of Nitrogen on the Activity of Antibiotics , Antibiotics & Chemother. 2:130-134, 1952. 17. Levaditi, C.: Pour quelles raisons les antibiotiques n'agissent-ils pas sur les ultravirus? Presse méd. 60:133-134, 1952. 18. Haight, T. H., and Finland, M.: Observations on Mode of Action of Erythromycin , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 81:188, 1952. 19. Eagle, H.: Experimental Approach to the Problem of Treatment Failure with Penicillin: I. Group A Streptococcal Infection in Mice , Am. J. Med. 13:389-399, 1952. 20. Schoenhard, D. E., and Stafseth, H. 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