1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020493001pmid: 13039636
Abstract THE VALUE of individualized preanesthetic medication to produce effective sedation and analgesia for eye surgery is well recognized. This is particularly true of intraocular surgery done with local anesthesia. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of good anesthesia and akinesia, and to obtain them careful attention to the details of the preanesthetic preparation of the patient is essential. Although the need for this is well known, many surgeons fail to give it the attention it deserves. Thus many operations are made more hazardous and eyes are needlessly damaged. With the improved anesthesia and operative technique now generally practiced. it becomes increasingly difficult to decrease appreciably the number of mishaps in operations, such as those for cataract extraction. However, any measure that will improve our percentage of good results by even a fraction of 1% seems worthy of consideration. Hartmann1 has recently emphasized the importance of careful psychologic preparation References 1. Hartmann, E.: Préparation préopératoire de malade et du chirurgien en ophthalmologie , Ann. ocul. 184:48-63 ( (Jan.) ) 1951. 2. "Nargenol" has the following composition: Dihydroxycodeinone camphorsulfonate....................................... 0.02 gm. Scopolamine camphorsulfonate................................................ 0.5 mg. Ephedrine camphorsulfonate................................................... 0.02 gm. Sparteine camphorsulfonate................................................... 0.05 gm. Physiologic serum q. s........................................................... 2.00 gm. 3. "S. E. E." contains the following drugs in two strengths: Scopolamine hydrochloride.................................. 0.5 mg. 1 mg. Eucodal (dihydrohydroxycodeinone hydrochloride)....... 0.01 gm. 0.02 gm. "Ephetonin" (synthetic racemic ephedrine hydrochloride) 25 mg. in each cc. 0.05 gm. 4. Goodman, L., and Gilman, A.: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics , New York, The Macmillan Company, 1941. 5. Seevers, M. H.: The Preparation of the Patient , Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. 53:281-287 ( (March-April) ) 1949. 6. Tatum, A. L.; Atkinson, A. J., and Collins, K. H.: Acute Cocain Poisoning: Preliminary Report of an Experimental Study , J. A. M. A. 84:1177 ( (April 18) ) 1925.Crossref 7. Quigley, J. P., and Phelps, K. R.: Observations Regarding Mechanism of GastroIntestinal Inhibition by Barbituric Acid Compounds , J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap. 50:420-424 ( (April) ) 1934. 8. Jensen, C. D. F.; Haffly, G. N., and Sarro, L. J.: Use of Intravenous Morphine in Ocular Surgery , Am. J. Ophth. 33:98-106 ( (Jan.) ) 1950. 9. Gilman, A.: Personal communication to the author. 10. Nickerson, M., and Smith, S. M.: Protection Against Cyclopropane-Epinephrine Arrhythmias by Dibenamine and Other Agents , Anesthesiology 10:562-576 ( (Sept.) ) 1949. 11. Rovenstine, E. A., and Batterman, R. C.: Utility of Demerol as Substitute for Opiates in Preanesthetic Medication , Anesthesiology 4:126-134 ( (March) ) 1943. 12. Wiener, H.: Personal communication to the author. 13. Guttman, S. A.: Demerol: Caution in Administration to Patients with Intracranial Lesions , J. A. M. A. 124:155-157 ( (Jan. 15) ) 1944. 14. Avomine is promethazine-8-chlorotheophyllinate, marketed by May & Baker, Ltd., Dagenham, England. 15. "Phenergan" hydrochloride is 10-(2-dimethylaminoisopropy1)-phenothiazine hydrochloride, marketed by Wyeth Inc., Philadelphia. 16. Cohen, E. N., and Beecher, H. K.: Narcotics in Preanesthetic Medication: A Controlled Study , J. A. M. A. 147:1664-1668 ( (Dec. 22) ) 1951. 17. Keats, A. S., and Beecher, H. K.: Pain Relief with Hypnotic Doses of Barbiturates and Hypothesis , J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap. 100:1-13 ( (Sept.) ) 1950.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020503002pmid: 13039637
Abstract ANOXIA THE EFFECTS of anoxia on the normal visual apparatus are well known,1 and my collaborators and I have made a number of contributions to this field.2 I should like only to recall that anoxia is able to produce changes in the neurosensory activity, in the intraocular circulation, in the intrinsic and extrinsic ocular motility, and in the normal transparency of the ocular media. As a general rule, one may assume that anoxia has a twofold influence on the visual organ: a direct one, and an indirect one, through general, nervous, and circulatory mechanisms. Neurosensory Activity. —It is known, first of all, that there is in anoxia a reduction of the central visual acuity,3 which is especially pronounced at low illumination.4 I noted a comparable reduction in the resolving power of the retina.2z The visual field shows a slight concentric narrowing,5 whereas the blind spot, References 1. (a) McFarland, R. A.; Evans, J. N., and Halperin, M. H.: Ophthalmic Aspects of Acute Oxygen Deficiency , Arch. Ophth. 26:886, 1941.Crossref 2. (b) Mercier, A., and Duguet, J.: Physio-Pathologie oculaire de l'aviateur , Bull. Soc. opht. Paris , pp. 440, (Nov.-Dec.) , 1947. 3. (c) Giardini, A.: Il comportamento dell'apparato oculare alle alte quote , Boll. ocul. 28:649, 1949 4. Riv. med. aeronaut. 12:565, 1949. 5. (a) Bietti, G. B.: L'occhio ed il volo (Note informative per l'aviatore) , Riv. med. aeronaut. 9:43, 1946. 6. (b) Bietti, G. B., and Scano, A.: Influenza dell'anossia sui movimenti oculari: I. Azione sui movimenti dell'occhio nella lettura , Riv. med. aeronaut. 9:12, 1946 7. (c) Contributo allo studio della circolazione retinica nella visione nera degli aviatori , Bietti Riv. med. aeronaut. 9:138, 1946 8. (d) Ricerche di pupillografia in anossia , Bietti Riv. med. aeronaut. 11:117, 1948. 9. (e) Bietti, G. B., and Lo Monaco-Croce, T.: Variazioni della pressione arteriosa retinica e omerale, del tono endo-oculare e del quadro endo-otto-scopico nella anossia , Riv. med. aeronaut. 4:177, 1941. 10. (f) Bietti, G. B., and Giardini, A.: Influenza dell'anossia sui movimenti oculari: II. Ricerche comparative sull'azione dell'anossia e dell'alcool da soli o associati , Riv. med. aeronaut. 12:198, 1949 11. (g) Influenza dell'anossia sui movimenti oculari: III. Azione dell'anossia sul potere di fusione delle immagini retiniche , Bietti Riv. med. aeronaut. 12:339, 1949. 12. (h) Bietti, G. B., and Ferraris de Gaspare, P. F.: Gli effetti dell'inalazione di ossigeno su zone scotomatose del campo visivo , Boll. ocul. 29:29, 1950. 13. (i) Bietti, G. B.: L'action de l'oxygène sur les fonctions rétinniennes: Son emploi en clinique , Bull. et mém. Soc. Franc. opht. 63:195, 1950 14. (j) L'azione dell'ossigeno su alcune funzioni oculari: Possibilità di una utilizzazione pratica , Riv. med. aeronaut. 14:42, 1951. 15. (k) Boles Carenini, B., and Brognoli, C.: Sulla possibilità di influenzare con mezzi medicamentosi le alterazioni della macchia cieca e degli angioscotomi da anossia , Riv. med. aeronaut. 15:274, 1952. 16. (l) Boles Carenini B., and Cima, V.: Studi cul comportamento del senso cromatico (equazione de Rayleigh) all' anomaloscopio di Nagel sotto alterato apporto di Ossigeno all'apparato oculare , Riv. med. aeronaut. 15:527, 1952. 17. (m) Ferraris de Gaspare, P. F. and Boles Carenini, B.: Dell'azione del tabacco e dell'alcool sulla sensibilità retinica rilevata con lo scotoma artificiale di Goldman: Effetti della loro associazione con l'anossia , Carenini Riv. med. aeronaut. 15:388, 1952 18. (n) Del meccanismo d'azione dello ossigeno sulla funzionalità retinica , Carenini Riv. med. aeronaut. 14:3, 1951. 19. (o) Ferraris de Gaspare, P. F., G.: Variazioni audiometriche del soggetto glau- comatoso in anossia , Minerva otorinolaring . 14:178, 1951. 20. (p) Giardini, A.: Ricerche sui rapporti intercorrenti fra senso luminoso, anossia e glicemia , Riv. med. aeronaut. 11:351, 1948 21. (q) Ricerche sugli effetti della associazione alcool-anossia sul senso luminoso , Giardini Riv. med. aeronaut. 11:531, 1948. 22. (r) Giardini, A., and Nižetić, B.: Ricerche sulla permeabilità della barriera ematooftalmica in rapporto all'anossia , Atti Soc. oftal. ital. 111:444, 1949. 23. (s) Giardini, A.: Faticabilità del meccanismo: Accomodazione-convergenza in anossia acuta , Riv. med. aeronaut. 12:511, 1949. 24. (t) Giardini, A., and Pisano, E.: Azione dell'ossigeno sul potere di fusione delle immagini retiniche , Riv. med. aeronaut. 14:655, 1951. 25. (u) Giardini, A.: Permeabilità della barriera ematooftalmica alla fluorescina in anossia acuta: (indagini sull'uomo) , Riv. med. aeronaut. 15:49, 1952. 26. (v) Leonardi, F.: Sensibilità corneale in anossia acuta , Riv. med. aeronaut. 14:416, 1951 27. (w) Gli effetti dell'inalazione de ossigeno sul meccanismo di accomodazione e convergenza , Leonardi Riv. med. aeronaut. 14:420, 1951. 28. (x) Morone, G., and Citroni, M.: Indagini sugli intorbidamenti lenticolari da anossia: I. (a') Condizioni di insorgenza della cosidetta catarata da anossia e suoi aspetti morfologici; (b') Attività glicolitica anaerobica del cristallino in anossia; (c') Influenza di condizioni varie sullo stato anossico della lente , Riv. med. aeronaut. 13:655, 1950 29. II. Morone Riv. med. aeronaut. 14:464, 1951. 30. (y) Nižetić, B., Jr.: Influenza dell'anossia sulla migrazione del pigmento retinico , Riv. med. aeronaut. 11:516, 1948. 31. (z) Scano, A.; Bietti, G. B., and Schupfer, F.: Influenza dell'anossia sul potere risolutivo retinico , Riv. med. aeronaut. 10:490, 1947. 32. Baertschi, W.: Physiologisch-pathologische Beobachtungen im Hohenflugzeug , Schweiz. med. Wchnschr. 60:965, 1930. 33. McFarland, R. A., and Halperin, M. H.: Relation Between Foveal Visual Acuity and Illumination Under Reduced Oxygen Tension , J. Gen. Physiol. 23:613, 1939-1940.Crossref 34. (a) Livingston, P. C.: Visual Problems of Aerial Warfare (Moyhihan Lectures) , Lancet 2:33, 1944.Crossref 35. (b) Halstead, W. C.: Chronic Intermittent Anoxia and Impairment of Peripheral Vision , Science 101:615, 1945Crossref 36. (c) Chronic Intermittent Anoxia and the Dynamic Visual Field , J. Psychol. 20:49, 1945.Crossref 37. Goldmann, H., and Schubert, G.: Untersuchungen über das Gesichtsfeld bei herabgestztem Sauerstoffdruck der Atmungsluft , Arch. Augenh. 107:216, 1933. 38. Batenko, P. M., and Belostovskiy, E. M.: Effects of Altitude on the Blind Spot , Vestnik. oftal. 13:816, 1938. 39. Evans, J. N., and McFarland, R. A.: Effects of Oxygen Deprivation on the Central Visual Field , Am. J. Ophth. 21:968, 1938. 40. Seitz, C. P., and Rosenthal, C. M.: Effect of Oxygen Deprivation and Strychnine Administration on Visual Function: A Study of the Angioscotomas , Arch. Ophth. 26:276, 1941.Crossref 41. (c) Bunge, E.: Verlauf der Dunkeladaptation bei Sauerstoffmangel , Arch. Augenh. 110:189, 1936. 42. (d) Clamann, H. G.: Die Dunkeladaptationskurve des Auges bei Sauerstoffmangel , Luftfahrtmedizin 2:223, 1937-1938. 43. (e) Fischer, F. P., and Jongbloed, S.: Dark Adaptation of the Retina Under Oxygen Deficiency , Acta brev. neerland. 5:182, 1935. 44. (f) Livingston, P. C.: Studies on Night Vision and Night Visual Judgment as It Concerns the Ophthalmology of Flying , Irish J. M. Sc. 6:177, 1942.Crossref 45. (g) McDonald, R., and Adler, F. H.: Effect of Anoxemia on the Dark Adaptation of the Normal and Vitamin A-Deficient Subject , Arch. Ophth. 22:980, 1939.Crossref 46. (h) McFarland, R. A., and Evans, J. M.: Alterations in Dark Adaptation Under Reduced Oxygen Tension , Am. J. Physiol. 127:37, 1939. 47. (i) McFarland, R. A. and Forbes, W. H.: Effects of Variations in the Concentration of Oxygen and Glucose on Dark Adaptation , J. Gen. Physiol. 24:69, 1940.Crossref 48. (j) Posternak, J.: L'adaptation visuelle à l'obscurité au Jungfraujoch , Helvet. physiol. et pharmacol. acta 6:516, 1948. 49. (k) Wilmer, W. H., and Berens, C.: Medical Studies in Aviation: V. Effect et aptitude ñ la differentiation des couleurs , Compt. rend. Soc. biol. 138:966, 1944. 50. (b) Velhagen, K., Jr.: Die Hypoxämische Farbenasthenopie, eine latente Stöhrung des Farbensinnes , Arch. Augenh. 109:605, 1936. 51. (c) Fichter, H.: Über des Verhalten der normalen und anormalen Trichromasie bei Hypoxämie , Luftfahrtmedizin 5:341, 1941. 52. (d) Malmejac, G. L.; Ruffieux, R.; Chardon, G.,and Serrell, E.: Anoxie et aptitude à la différentation des couleurs , Compt. rend. Soc. biol. 138:966, 1944. 53. Seitz, C. P.: Effect of Anoxia on Visual Functions: A Study of Critical Frequency , Arch. Psychol. 36:1, 1940. 54. Bietti, G. B.; Grignolo, A., and Boles Carenini, B.: Comportamento della frequenza critica di fusione in condizioni di modificato apporto di ossigeno all'apparato visivo, Riv. med. aeronaut., to be published. 55. Gellhorn, E., and Spiesman, I. G.: Influence of Hyperpnea and of Variations of O2- and CO2-Tension in the Inspired Air upon After-Images , Am. J. Physiol. 112:620, 1935. 56. McFarland, R. A.; Hurvich, L. M., and Halperin, M. H.: Effect of Oxygen Deprivation on the Relation Between Stimula Intensity and the Latency of Visual After-Images , Am. J. Physiol. 140:354, 1943. 57. Heinke, E.: Raumsehen im Unterdruck , Luftfahrtmedizin 2-3: 174, 1942. 58. Duguet, J.: Le comportement de la parallaxe stéréoscopique en anoxie , Méd. aéronaut. 2:36, 1947. 59. Zwahlen, P., and Grandjean, E.: Variation des sensibilités corneénne et cutanée à l'altitude , Helvet. physiol. et pharmacol. acta 6:471, 1948. 60. (b) Duguet, J.; Dumont, P., and Bailliart, J. P.: Action de l'anoxémie et de l'inhalation d'oxygèn sur la circulation rétinienne , La Méd. aéronaut. 2:201, 1947. 61. (c) Grandjean, E., and Zwahlen, P.: Modifications de l'ophtalmotomus et de la préssion artérielle rétinienne en haute montagne , Helvet. physiol. et pharmacol. acta 6:560, 1948. 62. Giardini, A., and Swanljung, H.: Effects of Anoxia on Fluorescein Permeability of the Blood-Aqueous Barrier , Brit. J. Ophth. 35:114, 1951.Crossref 63. Bellows, J., and Nelson, D.: Cataract Produced by Anoxia , Arch. Ophth. 31:250, 1944.Crossref 64. Wiesinger, K.: Untersuchungen über die Bulbuslagen in der Orbita , Helvet. physiol. et pharmacol. acta 6:617, 1948. 65. Mercier and Duguet.1b Livingston.5a Wilmer and Berens.7k 66. (d) Sauer, W.: Effects of Altitude on the Eyes of Aviators and Observers (and' comment by Weldon) , Ohio M. J. 20:629, 1924. 67. (e) Scobee, R. G.: Effect of Exhaustion and Moderate Anoxia on Ocular Muscle Balance, U. S. Air Force School Aviat. Med., Randolph Field, Proj. 292, Res. Rep. 1, July 18, 1944. 68. (f) Adler, F. H.; Effect of Anoxia on Heterophoria and Its Analogy with Convergent Concomitant Squint , Arch. Ophth. 34:227, 1944.Crossref 69. McFarland, R. A.; Knehr, C., and Berens, C.: Effects of Oxygen Deprivation on Eye Movements in Reading , J. Exper. Psychol. 21:1, 1937.Crossref 70. Bellows and Nelson.15 Morone and Citroni.2x 71. Goldmann, H.: Beitrag zur Angioskotometrie , Ophthalmologica 114:147, 277, 1947.Crossref 72. Other dynamometers, e. g., the dynamometer of H. K. Müller, may be used. 73. Bailliart, P.: Circulation artérielle rétinienne: Essais de détermination de la tension dans l'artére centrale de la rétine , Ann. ocul. 154:257, 1917. 74. Evans, J. N.: Introduction to Clinical Scotometry , New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1938 75. Sorsby, A., Editor: Modern Trends in Ophthalmology , Ed. 2, New York, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1948, Vol. 2, p. 141. 76. Andina, F.: Über Schwarzsehen als Ausdruck von Blutdruckschwankungen bei Sturzflügen , Schweiz, med. Wchnschr. 67:753, 1937. 77. Cibis, P., and Hochgeschürz, G.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung der durch künstliche Steigerung des intraokularen Druckes hervorgerufene Ischämie auf die Funktion der Netzhaut , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 148:752, 1948.Crossref 78. Best, W., and von Glasenapp, I.: Über die Wirkung kurzdauernder experimenteller Steigerung des i. o. Druckes auf die Netzhautfunktion , Ber. Versamml. deutsch. ophth. Gesellsch. 55:232, 1949. 79. Wegner, W.: Kann Skotombildung allein durch Erhöhung des intraokularen Druckes bedingt sein? Ztschr. Augenh. 56:48, 1925. 80. Samojloff, A.: Weitere Untersuchungen über die Skotombildung , Ztschr. Augenh. 58:282, 1926. 81. Nižetić, B., Jr.: Del portere di ripristino esercitato da alcune sostanze sull'abbassamento del senso luminoso provocato dalla compressione sperimentale del globo oculare , Atti Soc. oftal. ital. 11:492, 1949. 82. Bietti, G. B.: Di un nuovo test per la diagnosi precoce del glaucoma , Acta XVI Conc. Ophth., London 2:895, 1950. 83. Bietti and Ferraris de Gaspare.2h Bietti, footnotes 2 i and j. 84. Rosenthal, C. M.: Changes in Angioscotomas Associated with Inhalation of Oxygen , Arch. Ophth. 22:385, 1939.Crossref 85. Duguet, J.: Dumont, P., and Bailliart, J. P.: Action de l'anoxémie et de l'inhalation d'oxygène sur la circulation retinienne , Méd. aeronaut. 2:201, 1947. 86. Polte, F.: Subkonjunktivale Lufteinspritzung als neue Behandlung bei Augenhintergrundsblutungen , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 117 , 2:186, 1950. 87. Sharkovski, I.: Oxygen Therapy in Ophthalmology , Sovet. med. 2:29, 1950. 88. For example, the comparison of the oxygen level in the eye according to the amount of compression and the severity of anoxia.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020526003pmid: 13039638
Abstract APRERETINAL vascular loop, or vascular loop in the vitreous, occurring in an otherwise normal fundus and participating in the blood supply of that fundus is a congenital vascular anomaly that is uncommon and distinct from remnants of the hyaloid artery. The terms prepapillary or preretinal artery (or vein) and vascular or spiral loops in the vitreous have been used interchangeably in the literature to describe this condition. Such loops in the vitreous are most commonly arterial and unilateral, although they may be venous and, more rarely, bilateral. They arise from one of the main branches of the central retinal vessel. These vascular loops may have various shapes, sizes, and forms; they may project a short way into the vitreous or very far. These loops are frequently accompanied by a thin glistening veil of connective tissue, which has variously been described as (a) remnants of the supportive tissue of the hyaloid References 1. Whalman, H. F.: Preretinal Artery , Arch. Ophth. 14:481, 1935.Crossref 2. Liebreich, R.: Demonstration of Diseases of the Eye: Persistent Hyaloid Artery and Vein , Tr. Path. Soc. London 22:222, 1871. 3. (a) Hirschberg, J.: Ein Fall von präpapillarer Gefässschlinge der Netzhautschlagader , Zentralbl. prakt. Augenh. 9:205, 1885. 4. (b) Moll, A.: Glaskörperarterie: Pupillamembran , Zentralbl. prakt. Augenh. 20:75, 1896. 5. (c) Mann, I.: The Development of the Human Eye , Ed. 2, New York, Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1950. 6. Little, W. S.: A Case of Persistent Hyaloid Artery , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 3:211, 1881. 7. Kipp, C. J.: Two Cases of Anomalies of the Vascular System of the Optic Papilla , Arch. Ophth. 34:256, 1905. 8. Leber, T., in von Graefe, A., and Saemisch, E. T.: Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde , Ed. 2, Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1915, Vol. 7, p. 78. 9. Goldstein, I., and Wexler, D.: The Preretinal Artery: An Anatomic Study , Arch. Ophth. 1:324, 1929.Crossref 10. (b) Kipp, C. J.: Ein Fall von persistierender A. hyaloidea in beiden Augen , Arch. Augenh. 3:190, 1873. 11. (c) Galezowski, J.: Persistance congénitale des vaiseaux hyaloïdiens , Rec. opht. 1:350, 1874. 12. (d) Schapringer, A.: Ein Fall von persistierender A. hyaloidea , Arch. Augenh. 3:146, 1874. 13. (e) Becker, O.: Krankheiten des Glaskörpers , Jahresb. Leistung. Fortschr. Geb. Ophth. , p. 500, 1874. 14. (f) Riebau, J.: Arteria hyaloidea persistens , Charité-Ann. 1:648, 1876. 15. (h) Griffith, A. H.: Persistent Hyaloid Arteries in Each Eye , Ophth. Rev. 1:246, 1882. 16. (i) Czermak, W.: Ein Fall einer in den Glaskörper vordringenden arteriellen Gefässschlinge und Sehnervenausbreitung , Zentralbl. prakt. Augenh. 7:292, 1883. 17. (j) Hirschberg, J.: Über die Angeborene—Ein Fall von Persistenz der tötalen Glaskörper-Gefässe , Zentralbl. prakt. Augenh. 7:325, 1883. 18. (k) Szili, A.: Merkwürdige Schlinge der Netzhautschlagader , Zentralbl. prakt. Augenh. 9:230, 1885. 19. (m) Frost, W. A.: Abnormal Course of a Branch of the Arteria Centralis Retinæ , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 7:171, 1887. 20. (n) Bock, E.: Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Augenheilkunde , Wien. J. Šafář , 1891, p. 60. 21. (o) Michel, J.: Lehrbuch der Augenheilkunde , Ed. 2, 1890, p. 360. 22. (p) Wachtler, G.: Ein Fall von beiderseitiger in der Glaskörper vordringender Arterienschlinge , Wien. med. Wchnschr. 10:340, 1896. 23. (r) Günsburg, F.: Ein Fall von in den Glaskörper vordringender Arterienschlinge , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 37:173, 1899. 24. (s) Bondi, H.: Zwei Fälle einer den Glaskörper vordringender Arterienschlinge , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 37:339, 1899. 25. (t) Hirsch, C.: Ein Fall von in den Glaskörper vordringender Gefässschlinge der Netzhautschlagader , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 37:341, 1899. 26. (u) Wintersteiner, H.: Bericht über die deutsche ophthalmologische Litteratur: II. Semestre 1899 , Ztschr. Augenh. 4:611, 1900. 27. (v) Bâr, C.: Ein Fall von in den Glaskörper vordringender Arterienschlinge in einem durch Embolie der Zentralarterie erblindeten Auge , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 39:307, 1901. 28. (w) Fehr, R.: Eine Gefässanomalie auf der Sehnervenscheibe , Zentralbl. prakt. Augenh. 26:234, 1902. 29. (x) Alexander, L.: Ein weiterer Fall von in den Glaskörper vordringender Arterienschlinge , Ztschr. Augenh. 10:188, 1903. 30. (y) van Geuns, J. R.: Ein Fall von in den Glaskörper vordringender Arterienschlinge , Ztschr. Augenh. 11:316, 1904. 31. (z) Felix, H.: Een vaatlis in het glasvocht , Geneesk tijdschr. Nederl.-Indië 44:319, 1904. 32. (b') Crampton, G. S.: Retinal Vessels Extending Forward in Vitreous , Tr. & Stud. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia 37:424, 1915. 33. (c') Walker, C. H.: Thrombosis of the Inferior Temporal Branch of the Arteria Centralis in an Eye with a Persistent Hyaloid Artery and Vein Caused by Exposure to Direct Sunlight , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 23:279, 1902. 34. (d') Segal, L. M.: Congenital Abnormal Arteries in the Vitreous Body , Vestnik oftal. 23:357, 1906. 35. (e') Worton, R.: A Case of Congenital Arterial Loop Projecting into the Vitreous , Ophth. Rev. 29:191, 1910. 36. (f') Nomura, S.: Vessels in Vitreous, Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, 1913 37. abstracted, Ophth. Year-Book 11:251, 1914. 38. (g') Márquez, M.: Tronco arterioso penetrante nel vitreo, di fronte al disco ottico , Arch. oftal. hispano-am. 14:25, 1914. 39. (h') Rönne, H.: Venenschlinge auf der Papille , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 56:570, 1916. 40. (i') Francis, L. M.: Anomalous Spiral Looping of Retinal Artery , Am. J. Ophth. 4:202, 1921. 41. (j') Musy, E.: Trois cas d'anomalies congénitales de l'oeil , Rev. gén. opht. 34:467, 1920. 42. (k') Aust, O.: Ein Fall in den Glaskörper verdringender Arterienschlinge und Versuch der Erklärung dieser Anomalien , Ztschr. Augenh. 51:45, 1923. 43. (l') Merrill, U. H., and Wagener, H. P.: Anomalous Spiral Looping of a Retinal Vein , Am. J. Ophth. 7:177, 1924. 44. (m') Hoeg, N.: Über prominente arterielle Gefässschlinge auf der Papille und die Windungsrichtung, bei der Drekung von Retinalgefässen , Verhandl. Ophth. Gesellsch. , 1925. 45. (n') Coats, G.: Peculiar Appearance of a Retinal Vein , Ophth. Rev. 24:27, 1905. 46. (o') Menacho, M.: Gefässanomalien des Augenhintergrundes , Arch. oftal. hispanoam. 26:253, 1926. 47. (p') Yudkin, A. M.: Bilateral Prepapillary Vascular Loops of the Retinal Artery , Arch. Ophth. 56:474, 1927. 48. (r') Hartmann-Sourdille: Anomalie vasculaire de la retine chez une malade opérée d'un tumeur cérébrale , Bull. Soc. opht. Paris 4:187, 1930. 49. (s') Fischer, F.: Beitrag zu den Fehlbildungen des Auges (Netzhautarterienschlinge-Linsenektopie) , Ztschr. Augenh. 70:158, 1932. 50. (t') Androgue-Pereira: Su di un raro aspeto del fondo oculare , Arch. oftal. Buenos Aires 7:335, 1932. 51. (u') Tillé, H.: Anses vasculaires artérielles et veineuses pénétrant dans le corps vitré ou reliquats d'artére hyaloide: Colobomes bilatéraux de l'iris , Bull. Soc. opht. Paris 6:452, 1933. 52. (v') Dalsgaard-Nielsen, E.: On Arterial Loops in the Vitreous , Acta ophth. 12:385, 1934.Crossref 53. (x') Yagamata, S., and Fukushima, S.: Einige Fälle von angeborener Netzhautgefässanomalie , Chuo. Gank-Iho. 28:25, 1936. 54. (y') di Marzio, Q.: Fundus oculi: Diagnostica oftalmoscopica , Rome, L. Salomone, 1937. 55. (s') Mózzetti, M.: Sulle anomalie dei vasi retinicie in particolare modo sull'aneurisma cirsoide della retina , Boll. ocul. 17:455, 1939. 56. (a") Shimizu, M.: A Case of Congenital Vascular Anomaly of the Retina , Acta Soc. Ophth. Japan 45:572, 1941. 57. (b") Oxilia, E.: Anomalie vascolari della retina: Ansa arteriosa prepapillare , Ann. ottal. e clin. ocul. 72:408, 1946. 58. Scarlett, H. W.: New Vessel Formation in the Vitreous , Am. J. Ophth. 9:521, 1926. 59. Levitt, J., and Lloyd, R. I.: Congenital Prepapillary Cyst Containing a Moving Vascular Loop , Am. J. Ophth. 22:760, 1939. 60. Fehr.8w Crampton.8b' Walker.8c' Nomura.8f' Rönne.8h' Merrill.8l' Coats.8n' Tillé.8u' Yagamata and Fukushima.8x' Mózzetti.8z' Shimizu.8a" 61. Griffith.8h Wachtler.8p Yudkin.8p' Tillé.8u' Whalman.1 62. Günsburg.8r Crampton.8b' Dalsgaard-Nielsen.8v' 63. Fehr.8w Nomura.8f' Tillé.8u' 64. Kipp.5 Leber.6 65. Wyburn-Mason, R.: Arteriovenous Aneurysm of Mid-Brain and Retina: Facial Nævi and Mental Changes , Brain 66:163, 1943.Crossref
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020542004pmid: 13039639
Abstract THE RECENT development of optically clear plastics marks the first basic change in materials used for spectacle lenses since their introduction. Some of the more recent compounds bid well to supersede crown glass. Beginning with Celluloid, in 1870, the organic plastic industry has crossed many hurdles: (1) optical clarity, (2) water absorption, (3) light stability, (4) thermal expansion, (5) thermoplasticity, (6) shrinkage, and (7) warping. Plastics may be divided into two groups according to their reaction to heat: thermolabile (thermoplastics), or those that soften under heat, and thermosetting, or those which once hardened under heat cannot be softened by it. Methyl methacrylates, such as Plexiglas, Lucite, Perspex, Transpex I, and the Tulca lens (California, 1937-1939), and most contact lenses are thermoplastics with softening points from 122 to 254 F. More complex allyl resins (C. R. 39; allyl diglycol carbonate), as used in present Armorlite lenses, are thermosetting. Softness has been References 1. Van Portfliet, P., and Fralick, F. B.: Inflammability of Plastic Eyeglass Frames , Am. J. Ophth. 34:1727-1729 ( (Dec.) ) 1951. 2. Durham, D. G.: Plastic Lenses in Industry , Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. 53:680-682 ( (July-Aug.) ) 1949. 3. Bernhardt, E. C.: History of Hardness Tests , Bull. Am. Soc. Testing Materials 157:49-53 ( (March) ) 1949. 4. Boor, L.: Indentation Hardness of Plastics , Proc. Am. Soc. Testing Materials 44:969-991, 1944. 5. Lysaght, V. E.: Indentation Hardness Testing , New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1949. 6. Knoop, F.; Peters, C. G., and Emerson, W. P.: A Sensitive Pyramidal Diamond Tool for Indentation Measurements, Research Paper 1220 U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards, July, 1939. 7. American Standard Safety Code Z 26.1, 1950, Tests No. 17 and 18, New York, American Standards Association, May, 1950. 8. Bernhardt, E. C.: Scratch Resistance of Plastics , Mod. Plastics 26:123-126 ( (Oct.) ) 1948. 9. Boor, L.: Mar Resistance of Plastics to Abrasive Particles , Mod. Plastics 20:79 ( (Sept.) ) 1942. 10. Schiefer, H. F.; Crean, L. E., and Krasney, J. P.: Improved Single-Unit Schiefer Abrasion Testing Machine , Journal of Research, U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards, 1949, Vol. 42, pp. 481-497. 11. Starkie, D.: Hardness and Scratch Resistance of Plastics , J. Soc. Glass Technol. 26:130-144 ( (June) ) 1942. 12. Boor, L.; Ryan, J. D.; Marks, M. E., and Bartce, W. F.: Hardness and Abrasion Resistance of Plastics , Bull. Am. Soc. Testing Materials 145:68-73 ( (March) ) 1947. 13. Transpex I is produced by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Hertfordshire, England. 14. Manufactured by Wilson Mechanical Instrument Division of American Chain and Cable Co., Inc., 230 Park Ave., New York 17. 15. Mr. L. S. Churchill and Mr. W. R. McIntosh gave technical assistance in the actual performance of these tests. 16. Specimens were supported horizontally on a wooden tube having an internal diameter of 31 mm. and an external diameter of 40 mm., with a rubber packing washer 1/8 in. in thickness between tube and specimen. The apparatus was manufactured by the Precision Cosmet Co., Inc., Minneapolis. The testing procedure was modified from Federal Specification GGG-G-501 b, Section F 2c (July 13, 1944) by reduction in diameter of the supporting tube, in order to accommodate lenses of smaller diameter.
NUTRITIONAL DYSTROPHY OF CORNEAL EPITHELIUM: Preliminary Report of Patients Reacting Favorably to Vitamin TherapyNAÑAGAS, PABLO J.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020548005
Abstract LESIONS of the corneal epithelium vary in appearance from minute changes in J the individual epithelial cells to massive exfoliations of the whole covering, and in etiology from those with obscure and conjectural causes to those of proved and definite origin. One of these lesions of the corneal epithelium of a nature and of an origin both obscure and conjectural has lately been observed with increased frequency in ophthalmological practice in the region around Lucena, Quezon Province, Philippines. It appears to be morphologically identical with the lesions of the corneal epithelium described by Ocampo,1 in 1941, as dystrophy of the corneal epithelium and with noninflammatory lesions of the corneal epithelium which appeared in great numbers in the Philippines during the war years from 1942 to 1944 inclusive. The report is a clinical study of cases of this lesion seen in private practice within a four-year period and is an References 1. de Ocampo, G.: Epithelial Corneal Dystrophy Due to Hypovitaminosis , Acta med. Philippina 3:105-123 ( (July-Sept.) ) 1941. 2. Nañagas, P. J.: Nutritional Corneal Epithelial Dystrophy: Report of Additional Cases with Biochemical Examinations, read before the Philippine Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Society, November, 1951, to be published. 3. The daily injection dose of vitamin B complex which was used in all these cases consisted of thiamine hydrochloride, 10 mg.; riboflavin, 4 mg.; nicotinamide, 150 mg.; pantothenic acid, 5 mg., and pyridoxine hydrochloride, 10 mg. (betalin®). 4. The vitamin B complex tablets administered in all these cases supplied, per tablet, 10 mg. of thiamine hydrochloride, 5 mg. of riboflavin; 150 mg. of nicotinamide, and 150 mg. of ascorbic acid (Squibb basic formula vitamin tablets, now known as vitretin®). 5. Duke-Elder, W. S.: Text-Book of Ophthalmology , Vol. 2, St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1946. 6. Kirwan, E. W. O.: Tropical Ophthalmology , in Stallard, H. B., Editor: Modern Practice in Ophthalmology, 1949 , New York, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1949. 7. Ayuyao, C. D.: Corneal Lesion in Beriberi , J. Philippine M. A. 13:158-161 ( (March) ) 1933. 8. Fernando, A. S.; Ayuyao, C. C., and Cruz, J. N.: Ocular Symptoms and Signs Associated with Multiple Vitamin Deficiency, Conference on Medical Sciences, Manila, Dec. 21, 1943. 9. Weekly Clinical Conference Reports of the Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippine Islands. 10. The Vitamins: A Symposium Arranged Under the Auspices of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry and the Council on Foods of the American Medical Association, Chicago, American Medical Association, 1939. 11. Burch, H. B.; Salcedo, J.; Carrasco, E.; Intengan, C. L., and Caldwell, A. B.: Nutrition Survey and Tests in Bataan, Philippines , J. Nutrition 42:9-29 ( (Sept.) ) 1950. 12. de Ocampo, G.; Yambao, C. V.; Nañagas, P. J., and Sevilla, C. L.: Epidemic Retrobulbar Neuritis in the Philippines During the Japanese Occupation , Am. J. Ophth. 30:698-704 ( (June) ) 1947. 13. Pannabecker, C. L., cited in The 1943 Year Book of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat , Edited by L. Bothman, and others, Chicago, Year Book Publishers, Inc., 1943. 14. Doggart, J. H.: Corneal Dystrophy , Ophth. Soc. Australia , 9:122-138, 1949. 15. Arrangements have been made for biochemical examinations of the blood in subsequent cases with the Republic of the Philippine Institute of Nutrition, Manila. These cases are the basis of a second report, which is being prepared for publication.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020565006
References 1. Terry, T. L.: Extreme Prematurity and Fibroblastic Overgrowth of Persistent Vascular Sheath Behind Each Crystalline Lens: I. Preliminary Report , Am. J. Ophth. 25:203, 1942. 2. Zacharias, L.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: A Survey , Am. J. Ophth. 35:1426, 1952. 3. von Winning, C. H. O. M.: Retrolental Fibroplasia and the Other Forms of Pseudoglioma, Thesis, The Hague, Netherlands, 1952. 4. M & R Laboratories, Pediatrics Research, Second Conference on Retrolental Fibroplasia, New York, New York University, April 28, 1951. 5. Friedenwald, J. S.; Owens, W. C., and Owens, E. U.: Retrolental Fibroplasia in Premature Infants: III. Pathology of the Disease , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 49:207, 1951. 6. Reese, A. B.; Blodi, F. C., and Locke, J. C.: Pathology of Early Retrolental Fibroplasia: An Analysis of the Histologic Findings in the Eyes of Newborn and Stillborn Infants , Am. J. Ophth. 35:1407, 1952. 7. Reese, A. B., and Blodi, F. C.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: Fifth Francis I. 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M.: Problem of Retrolental Fibroplasia in the City of Birmingham , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 71:609, 1951. 16. (h) Huggert, A.: Appearance of the fundus Oculi in Premature Infants, with Special Reference to the Early Stages of Retrolental Fibroplasia , Acta pædiat. 41:453, 1952.Crossref 17. (b) Owens, W. C., and Owens, E. U.: Retrolental Fibroplasia , Tr. Pennsylvania Acad. Ophth. & Otol. 5:139, 1952. 18. Reese, A. B.; Blodi, F. C.; Locke, J. C.; Silverman, W. A., and Day, R. L.: Results of the Use of Corticotropin (ACTH) in the Treatment of Retrolental Fibroplasia , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 47:551, 1952. 19. Patz, A.; Hoeck, L. E., and de la Cruz, E.: Oxygen Administration in Retrolental Fibroplasia , Am. J. Ophth. 35:1248, 1952. 20. Szewczyk, T. S.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: Etiology and Prophylaxis , Am. J. Ophth. 35:301, 1952. 21. Ryan, H.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: A Clinicopathologic Study , Am. J. Ophth. 35:329, 1952. 22. Bousquet, F. P., Jr., and Laupus, W. E.: Studies on the Pathogenesis of Retrolental Fibroplasia , Am. J. Ophth. 35: (no. (5) , Pt. 2)64, 1952. 23. Goldman, H., and Tobler, W.: Etiology of Retrolental Fibroplasia , Schweiz. med. Wchnschr. 82:381, 1952. 24. Rubinstein, K.: Mechanism of Retrolental Fibroplasia , Brit. J. Ophth. 36:303, 1952.Crossref 25. Ingalls, I. H.; Tedeschi, C. G., and Helpern, M. M.: Congenital Malformations of the Eye Induced in Mice by Maternal Anoxia, with Particular Reference to the Problem of Retrolental Fibroplasia in Man , Am. J. Ophth. 35:311, 1952. 26. Michaelson, I. C.: Mode of Development of the Vascular System of the Retina, with Some Observations on Its Significance for Certain Retinal Diseases , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 68:137, 1948. 27. Campbell, F. W.: Influence of a Low Atmospheric Pressure on the Development of the Retinal Vessels in the Rat , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 71:287, 1951. 28. Silverman, W. A.; Blodi, F. C.; Locke, J. E.; Day, R. L., and Reese, A. B.: Incidence of Retrolental Fibroplasia in a New York Nursery , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 48:698, 1952.Crossref 29. Houlton, A. C. L.: Study of Cases of Retrolental Fibroplasia Seen in Oxford , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 71:583, 1951. 30. Hepner, W. R., Jr., and Krause, A. C.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: Clinical Observations , Pediatrics 10:433, 1952. 31. Locke, J. C., and Reese, A. B.: Retrolental Fibroplasia: The Negative Role of Light, Mydriatics, and Ophthalmoscopic Examination in Its Etiology , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 48:44, 1952.Crossref 32. Equal numbers of blue and white marbles of the same size were placed in a box. When a case of retrolental fibroplasia progressed to the stage of early progressive edema (Stage 2), a marble was drawn, and the decision to treat was made by its color. 33. LaMotte, W. O., Jr.; Tyner, G. S., and Scheie, H. G.: Treatment of Retrolental Fibroplasia with Vitamin E, Corticotropin (ACTH) and Cortisone , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 47:556, 1952.Crossref 34. 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1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020599007
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract To the Editor: —In the paper by Harry L. Birge, entitled Ocular Aspects of Mycotic Infection, published in the March 1952 issue of the Archives, pages 354 to 382, a few errors appeared. Their correction should increase the value of this comprehensive review.
Current Therapy—1953.1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020602010
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract As in the other volumes of this useful book, an attempt has been made to bring information needed by the practicing physician from all authoritative sources in a form practicable for his use. Occasionally several methods are presented for the treatment of a specific disease, and, while these methods may represent different views of therapy or different conceptions of the disease, each is the opinion of a recognized authority. The list of contributors is a notable one, ophthalmology being represented by P. J. Leinfelder, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Iowa. There is no single chapter on the treatment of diseases of the eyes, with the exception of a small section on the treatment of retrobulbar and optic neuritis, written by Dr. Leinfelder and Dr. Bernard Alpers, professor of neurology at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. However, throughout the book there is much valuable information for ophthalmologists in the
News and Comment1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020602009
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract GENERAL NEWS American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. —The Home Study Courses in the basic sciences related to ophthalmology and otolaryngology, offered as a part of the educational program of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, will begin on Sept. 1 and continue for a period of 10 months. Registrations must be completed before Aug. 15. Detailed information and application forms may be secured from Dr. William L. Benedict, executive secretary-treasurer of the Academy, 100 First Ave., Bldg., Rochester, Minn. PERSONAL NEWS Appointment of Dr. Harold G. Scheie. —Dr. Scheie has been appointed Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, effective March 1, 1953.