1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020248001pmid: 13030001
Abstract WHENEVER a light stimulus is thrown upon a functioning retina, a typical, reproducible action current can be obtained. Until recently the electric responses of the retina to light stimulation have been used almost exclusively as a tool for the study of retinal physiology in animals. Improved methods of derivation of retinal action currents and other methodologic improvements have made it possible to extend this study also to the human electroretinogram. In the past few years this method of investigating retinal function has gained increasing attention among ophthalmologists in the hope that it may contribute toward the understanding and solution of clinical problems. The electroretinogram is a complicated polyphasic response which varies in its properties with the intensity, size, duration, and wave length of the stimulus and with the state of adaptation of the stimulated retina. When stimuli of short duration are employed, the normal electroretinogram consists mainly of a small, References 1. (a) Granit, R.: Sensory Mechanisms of the Retina , London, Oxford University Press, 1947. 2. (b) Karpe, G.: Basis of Clinical Electroretinography , Acta ophth. , (Supp. 24) , 1945. 3. (c) Adler, F. H.: Physiology of the Eye: Clinical Application , St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1950. 4. (d) Bounds, G. W., Jr.: The Electroretinogram: A Review of the Literature , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 49:63-89, 1953.Crossref 5. Karpe, G.: Apparatus and Method for the Clinical Recording of the Electroretinogram ,. Docum. ophthalmologica 2:268-276, 1948. 6. Riggs, L. A.: Continuous and Reproducible Records of the Electrical Activity of the Human Eye , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 48:204-207, 1941. 7. Allen, L., and O'Brien, C. S.: Gonioscopy Simplified by a Contact Prism , Arch. Ophth. 34:413-414, 1945. 8. Motokawa, K., and Mita, T.: Über eine einfachere Untersuchungsmethode und Eigenschaften der Aktionsströme der Netzhaut des Menschen , Tohoku J. Exper. Med. 42:114-133, 1942. 9. (a) Monnier, M., and Jeanneret, R.: Contrôle objectif de la conductibilité des voiesoptiques centrales par l'électro-rétinographie et l'électro-encéphalographie combinées , Ophthalmologica 113:1-11, 1947. 10. (b) Monnier, M., and Boehm, F.: Prüfung der Leistungsfähigkeit des optischen Systems durch kombinierte Elektroretinographie und Elektroencephalographie beim Menschen , Helvet. physiol. et pharmacol. acta 5:C34-35, 1947. 11. (c) Monnier, M.: Mesure du temps rétino-cortical à partir des potentiels corticaux évoqués par stimulation lumineuse chez l'homme , Helvet. physiol. et pharmacol. acta 6:61-62, 1948. 12. Burian, H. M., and Watson, C. W.: Cerebral Electric Response to Intermittent Photic Stimulation in Amblyopia ex Anopsia , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 48:137-143, 1952. 13. Euzière, J.; Passouant, P., and Cazaban, R.: Temps objectifs de fusion et excitations lumineuses doublées en électro-rétinographie , Ann. ocul. 184:865-876, 1951. 14. Babel, M., and Monnier, M.: Détermination objective de la fréquence de fusion par l'électro-rétinographie chez l'homme , Helvet physiol. et pharmacol. acta 7:4-5, 1949. 15. Wirth, A.: (a) Caratteri dell'elettroretinogramma nell'uomo , Ann. ottal. e clin. ocul. 76:109-123, 1951 16. (b) Beiträge zu den Teilströmen des menschlichen Elektroretinogramms , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 151:662-671, 1951. 17. Noell, W. K.: Site of Asphyxial Block in Mammalian Retinae , J. Appl. Physiol. 3:489-500, 1951. 18. Henkes, H. E.: Use of Electroretinography in Measuring the Effect of Vasodilation , Angiology 2:125-131, 1951.
ROENTGEN-RAY CATARACT: Effects of Shielding of the Lens and Ciliary BodyALTER, A. J.;LEINFELDER, P. J.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020264002
Abstract THE OCCURRENCE of cataract following exposure of the lens to ionizing radiations has been demonstrated on numerous occasions, both in man and in experimental animals. Cataract occurs in varying degree, depending upon the quality of the radiation, the total number of roentgens given, and the interval of time during which the exposure is made. Thus, a specific amount of the longer roentgen rays given in a single dose is more cataractogenic than the same r dosage of short rays given in divided doses over a period of several days or weeks. In addition, the cataractous reaction in the lens, which becomes visible only after a variable latent period, depends upon the species and the age of the animal exposed to radiation. These circumstances have resulted in considerable confusion concerning not only the ultimate occurrence of cataract and the relationship to radiation, but likewise the fundamental cause of the lens opacification. References 1. This size was determined after in situ measurement of a number of lenses of control eyes.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020270003pmid: 13030002
Abstract MENINGIOMAS constitute approximately 15% of all intracranial tumors. They appear to arise from clusters of arachnoid cells and tend to occur in specific sites. Meningiomas, because of their pathologic appearance and their lack of invasive properties, are considered benign tumors. However, their slow and frequently silent growth permits them to attain considerable size before surgical intervention is required because of obvious neurologic disturbance. To prevent a recurrence of the tumor, its complete extirpation is desirable. The size of the tumor frequently precludes its complete removal. The mass frequently becomes attached to important blood vessels and parasellar structures, making its removal hazardous (Fig. 1). The relatively high incidence of postoperative complications and the relatively high mortality rate associated with the removal of meningiomas situated in certain portions of the brain offer a challenge to the clinician and the neurologic surgeon. If the tumor is situated at certain places within the cranial References 1. Cushing, H., and Eisenhardt, L.: Meningiomas: Their Classification, Regional Behaviour, Life History, and Surgical End Results , Springfield, Ill., Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1938. 2. Grant, F. C.: Intracranial Meningiomas: Surgical Results , Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 85:419-431 ( (Oct.) ) 1947. 3. Weyand, R. D.; MacCarty, C. S., and Wilson, R. B.: Effect of Pregnancy on Intracranial Meningiomas Occurring About the Optic Chiasm , S. Clin. North America 31:1225-1233 ( (Aug.) ) 1951. 4. Camp, J. D.: Osteoma of the Sphenoid Bone and Dural Endothelioma: Report of a Case , Am. J. Roentgenol. 11:523-524 ( (June) ) 1924. 5. Sosman, M. C., and Putnam, T. J.: Roentgenological Aspects of Brain Tumours: Meningiomas , Am. J. Roentgenol. 13:1-10 ( (Jan.) ) 1925. 6. Pendergrass, E. P.; Hope, J. W., and Perryman, C. R.: Roentgen Diagnosis of Meningiomas of Sphenoidal Ridge , Radiology 53:675-706 ( (Nov.) ) 1949. 7. Gardner, W. J.: Control of Bleeding During Operation by Induced Hypotension , J. A. M. A. 132:572-574 ( (Nov. 9) ) 1946. 8. Lundy, J. S.: Balanced Anesthesia , Minnesota Med. 9:399-404 ( (July) ) 1926 9. Progress, in Balanced Anesthesia , Journal-Lancet 51:743-745 ( (Dec. 15) ) 1931. 10. Cushing, H.: Meningiomas Arising from the Olfactory Groove and Their Removal by the Aid of Electro-Surgery , Lancet 1:1329-1339 ( (June 25) ) 1927. 11. Poppen, J. L.: Ligation of the Left Anterior Cerebral Artery: Its Hazards and Means of Avoidance of Its Complications , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 41:495-503 ( (March) ) 1939. 12. Bailey, P., and Bucy, P. C.: Origin and Nature of Meningeal Tumors , Am. J. Cancer 15:15-54 ( (Jan.) ) 1931. 13. Cushing, H.: The Meningiomas (Dural Endotheliomas): Their Source and Favoured Seats of Origin , Brain 45:282-316 ( (Oct.) ) 1922.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020280004pmid: 13030003
Abstract MANY STUDIES have been made of the "amplitude of accommodation" in presbyopia, but there has been little attempt to measure its component parts. Since it is a complex of active accommodation, depth of focus, and interpretation or suppression of blur fringes, the old term should be changed to "range of clear vision." Many textbooks contain figures for depth of focus of the human eye derived mathematically from the dimensions of a foveal cone, but to my knowledge there are no subjective data except those of Ogle1 (1927) and Burian and Schubert2 (1936). They used the same method and obtained results similar to those to be described here. References 1. Ogle, K. N.: Measurement of the Depth of Focus of Human Eyes, Thesis, Dartmouth College, 1927. 2. Burian, H., and Shubert, G.: Das Wesen der Naheeinstellungs-Reaktion der Pupillen , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 136:377-386, 1936.Crossref 3. Herzau, W.: Über das Verhältnis von erzwungener Vertikaldivergenz und Rollung bei der Fusion , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 122:59-74, 1929.Crossref 4. Bannon, R. E., and others: The Stigmatoscopy Method of Determining the Binocular Refractive Status , Am. J. Optom. 27:371-384, 1950.Crossref 5. Made by William F. Fuchs, of Washington University Mechanical Shop, by aid of a grant from the Univis Lens Company. 6. Ames, A., Jr., and Gliddon, G. H.: Ocular Measurements , Tr. Sect. Ophth. A. M. A. , pp. 102-168, 1928. 7. Ogle, K. N., and others: Repeatability of Ophthalmoeikonometer Measurements , Arch. Ophth. 24:1179, 1940.Crossref 8. Luckiesh, M., and Moss, F. K.: Functions of Relative Accommodation , Am. J. Ophth. 24:423-428, 1941. 9. Sheard, C.: Dynamic Skiametry and Methods of Testing the Accommodation and Convergence of the Eyes , in the American Encyclopedia of Ophthalmology , Chicago, Cleveland Press, 1920. 10. Miles, P. W.: An Experiment in Which 50 Presbyopes Were Provided with Trifocal Glasses , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 46:542-548, 1951.Crossref 11. Hartridge, G.: The Refraction of the Eye , Ed. 14, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Company, 1907, p. 194. 12. (b) Hartmann, E.: Hétérophorie et changement de verres ou de l'advantage d'avoir parfois de mauvais verres , Ann ocul. 182:57, 1949.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020289005pmid: 13030004
Abstract A SEVERE form of secondary glaucoma, usually called hemorrhagic glaucoma, often follows occlusion of the central retinal vein. Occlusion of the central retinal artery has been reported to be followed by glaucoma in extremely rare instances. The recent observation of two patients in whom sudden severe unilateral glaucoma developed a few weeks after an occlusion of the central retinal artery seems of sufficient importance to warrant the presentation of an analysis. In 1927 Opin reported clinical and pathological observations on this condition.1 A man aged 76, under treatment for mitral insufficiency and hypertension, lost the sight of his right eye suddenly and without pain. The characteristics of occlusion of the central retinal artery were seen ophthalmoscopically. No specific treatment was prescribed. Four and one-half weeks later the patient's right eye became painful. Intraocular tension was 40 mm. Hg. There were slight circumcorneal injection and epithelial edema. Physostigmine drops in References 1. Opin: Embolie de l'artére centrale de la rétine et glaucome secondaire (Examen anatomique) , Arch. d'opth. 44:321-341, 1927. 2. Bussola, E.: Embolia dell'arteria centrale della retina e glaucoma secondario , Boll. ocul. 9:495-512, 1930. 3. Duke-Elder, W. S.: Text-Book of Ophthalmology , Vol. 3, St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1940, p. 2566. 4. Sommers, I. G.: Histology and Histopathology of the Eye and Its Adnexa , New York, Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1949, p. 698.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020294006pmid: 13030005
Abstract IT IS ONLY on rare occasions that one is afforded an opportunity for the histologic study of an eye removed very soon after operation, particularly cataract extraction. Concepts of ocular wound healing are based mainly on studies of animal eyes,1 recently summarized by Dunnington.2 The healing process in cataract incisions begins anteriorly and proceeds posteriorly. Wounds covered by a conjunctival flap are first sealed by a fibrovascular plug from the surrounding episclera, the plug filling the outer half of the incision by the end of the second day; proliferation of endothelium begins after the fifth day. In the absence of a flap, corneal epithelium surrounding the incision proliferates to form a plug, which first bridges the anterior surface and then extends into the lips of the wound. Healing is firm in 10 to 12 days and is supposedly complete by the end of the 3d week. Abnormalities in References 1. Purtscher, E.: Histologische Frühuntersuchungen nach intracapsulärer Staroperation , Arch. Ophth. 144:669, 1942 2. Dunnington, J., and Regan, E.: Effect of Sutures and of Thrombin upon Ocular Wound Healing , Am. J. Ophth. 35:167, 1952. 3. Maggiore, L.: Ricerche istologische, con deduzioni cliniche, sui processi riparativi normali ed anormali della ferita corneale e sul decorso ed esito delle varie complicanze negli occhi operati di cataratta , Ann. ottal. e clin. ocul. 68:561, 641, 721, and 881, 1940 4. 69:1 and 65, 1941 5. Dunnington, J., and Regan, E.: Effect of Sutures and of Thrombin upon Ocular Wound Healing , Am. J. Ophth. 35:167, 1952. 6. Linnen, H. J.: Beobachtungen an der Spaltlampe über den Verschlussmechanismus von Hornhautwunden an Meerschweinchenaugen nach zentraler Trepanation , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 117:606, 1950. 7. Buschke, W.: Morphologic Changes in Cells of Corneal Epithelium in Wound Healing , Arch. Ophth. 41:306, 1949.Crossref 8. Dunnington, J. H., and Regan, E. F.: Effect of Sutures and of Thrombin upon Ocular Wound Healing , Am. J. Ophth. 35:167, 1952. 9. Fuchs, A.: Über seltene pathologische Befunde nach Verletzungen , Klin. Monatsbl. Augenh. 95:721, 1935. 10. Davis, F. A.: Incision and Closure of Wound in Cataract Operations: Study of Graefe Knife Versus Keratome-Scissors Incision and Method of Suture of Deep Wound , Arch. Ophth. 44:175, 1950.Crossref 11. Mann, I.: Developmental Abnormalities of the Eye , London, Cambridge University Press, 1937, Chap. 7 . 12. Hughes, W. L.; Guy, L. P., and Romaine, H. H.: Use of Absorbable Sutures in Cataract Surgery , Arch. Ophth. 32:362, 1944.Crossref 13. Farris, J. M.: Tissue Reactions to Suture Materials: A Preliminary Report , Ann. Surg. 114:159, 1941.Crossref
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020302007pmid: 13030006
Abstract EPIDEMIC keratoconjunctivitis is a distinct entity which is characterized principally by sudden onset of acute follicular conjunctivitis, glandular adenopathy, and the occurrence of small infiltrates in the deeper epithelium and Bowman's membrane. As the name implies, it occurs in epidemic form, and it was recently prevalent throughout the world. There was considerable uncertainty as to the exact nature of the etiologic agent of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Wright,1 who in 1930 isolated a filter-passing agent which would produce keratitis in human volunteers, was the first of the advocates of the viral etiology. The identity of a specific virus as the etiologic agent of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis was established in 1943 by Sanders.2 He was able to isolate the agent from two patients by inoculating mice intracerebrally. The virus became attenuated in serial passage in mice but was increased in potency when it was passed through special tissue culture media for several References 1. Wright, R. E.: Superficial Punctate Keratitis , Brit. J. Ophth. 14:257, 1930.Crossref 2. Sanders, M., and Alexander, R. C.: Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis , J. Exper. Med. 77:71, 1943.Crossref 3. Dresel, E. G.; Weineck, E., and Meding, B.: Über die Virusnatur der epidemischen Keratoconjunctivitis , Klin. Wchnschr. 20:999, 1941.Crossref 4. Calkins, H. E., and Bond, G. C.: Adaptation of Virus of Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis to the Development in Extra-Embryonic Fluids of the Chick Embryo , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 56:46, 1944. 5. Kirber, H. P.; Kirber, M. W., and Henle, W.: Transplantation of Cornea to Chorio-Allantoic Membrane, with Observations on Virus Inoculation , Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 73:481, 1950. 6. Sezer, F. N.: Cultivation of Conjunctival and Corneal Tissue on the Chorio-Allantoic Membrane , Arch. Ophth. 44:703, 1950.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020312008pmid: 13030007
Abstract THE INTRAVENOUS use of corticotropin (ACTH) in the treatment of optic neuritis merits serious consideration. It is my purpose in this paper to review the current literature on the subject and to illustrate the use of the drug by reporting my experience in the successful treatment of a patient with intravenous administration of corticotropin. The case presented itself shortly after publication of the recent article by Gordon and associates1 on their experiences with corticotropin and cortisone therapy in acute ocular conditions, in which they stated that "intravenous drip ACTH is the most effective weapon available today," and after Dr. Allan Wood's report at a meeting of the New York Academy of Medicine, Section of Ophthalmology, on the effectiveness of the intravenous use of corticotropin. Current literature on the use of corticotropin in all fields of medicine is voluminous, but relatively few articles are concerned with its intravenous use.2 References 1. Gordon, D. M., and others: Use of ACTH and Cortisone in Ophthalmology , Am. J. Ophth. 34:1675-1686 ( (Dec.) ) 1951. 2. (b) Gordon, E., in Proceedings of the Second Clinical ACTH Conference , edited by J. R. Mote, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Company, 1951. 3. (c) McIntosh, H. W., and Holmes, C. B.: Intravenous Use of ACTH , Canad. M. A. J. 65:33-35 ( (July) ) 1951. 4. (d) Mandel, W., and others: Intravenous Use of Pituitary Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH): A Report on Its Administration in 25 Patients , J. A. M. A. 146:546-551 ( (June 9) ) 1951.Crossref 5. (e) Renold, A. E., and others: Intravenously Administered ACTH: A Preliminary Report , New England J. Med. 244:796-798 ( (May 24) ) 1951.Crossref 6. Sayers, G., and others: Metabolic Actions and Fate of Intravenously Administered Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in Man , J. Clin. Endocrinol. 9:593-641 ( (July) ) 1949.Crossref 7. Ingle, D. J.: Biologic Properties of Cortisone-Review , J. Clin. Endocrinol. 10:1312-1354 ( (Oct.) ) 1950.Crossref 8. The term "intravenous" in this paper refers to continuous drip administration over approximately eight hours or more. 9. Best, W. R., and Santer, M.: Variation and Error in Eosinophile Counts of Blood and Bone Marrow , Blood 6:61-74 ( (Jan.) ) 1951. 10. Elmadjian, F., and Pincus, G.: A Study of the Diurnal Variations in Circulating Lymphocytes in Normal and Psychotic Subjects , J. Clin. Endocrinol. 6:287-294 ( (April) ) 1946.Crossref 11. Harvey, A. McG.: Third Clinical ACTH Conference, April 25 to 26, 1952. 12. Gordon, D.: Personal communication to the author. 13. Duke-Elder, W. S.: Text-Book of Ophthalmology , Vol. 3, St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1940, pp. 2967-3058. 14. Carroll, F. D.: Optic Neuritis: A 15-Year Study , Am. J. Ophth. 35:75-82 ( (Jan.) ) 1952. 15. Hogan, M. J., and others: Effect of ACTH and Cortisone on Ocular Disease , Am. J. Ophth. 34:73-86 (May, (Pt. 2) ) 1951. 16. Olson, J. A., and others: Use of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Cortisone in Ocular Disease , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 45:274-300 ( (March) ) 1951.Crossref 17. Scheie, H. G., and others: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) and Cortisone in Ophthalmology , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 45:301-316 ( (March) ) 1951.Crossref 18. Fitzgerald, J. R., and others: Early Clinical Results of ACTH and Cortisone Treatment of Ocular Diseases , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 45:320-333 ( (March) ) 1951.Crossref 19. Woods, A. C.: The Present Status of ACTH and Cortisone in Clinical Ophthalmology , Am. J. Ophth. 34:945-960 ( (July) ) 1951. 20. Personal communication to the author from Cornell residents. 21. Frazier, C. N.; Lever, W. F., and Keuper, C. S.: Response of Patients with Malignant and Benign Pemphigus to Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Cortisone, Cortisone Investigator, No. 28, Nov. 1, 1951; Abstract 929. 22. McLean, J. M.; Gordon, D. M., and Koteen, H.: Clinical Experiences with ACTH and Cortisone in Ocular Diseases , Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. 55:565-572 ( (May-June) ) 1951.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020322009pmid: 13030008
Abstract THE VERTICAL prism vergences (variously called vertical fusional amplitudes and maximal vertical divergences) of most subjects are of the order of ±2.5 to ±3 Δ.1 With repeated or prolonged testing it may sometimes be possible to increase these limits a little.2 Ophthalmologists usually regard this range of vertical prism vergences as implying fixed limits in the ability of neuromuscular apparatus and the fusion powers of the two eyes to make vertical divergences. Hyperphorias are considered of real significance so far as their magnitudes encroach upon these limits of divergence. Yet, clinically speaking, if small hyperphorias were thought to be the cause of symptoms, they were corrected by prisms, even though the vertical prism vergences were equal and normal. In this paper it will be shown that the eyes of most persons are capable of compensating for, or adapting to, much larger degrees of vertical divergence. With this adaptation References 1. Fink, W. H.: Surgery of the Oblique Muscles of the Eye , St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1951, p. 260. 2. (a) Herzau, W.: Über das Verhältnis von erzwungener Vertikaldivergenz und Rollung bei der Fusion , von Graefes Arch. Ophth. 122:59-74, 1929.Crossref 3. (b) Ellerbrock, V. J.: Experimental Investigation of Vertical Fusional Movements , Am. J. Optom. 26:327-337 ( (Aug.) ) 1949Crossref 4. (c) Experimental Investigation of Vertical Fusion , Ellerbrock Am. J. Optom. 26:388-399 ( (Sept.) ) 1949.Crossref 5. (a) Ogle, K. N.; Mussey, F., and Prangen, A. deH.: Fixation Disparity and the Fusional Processes in Binocular Single Vision , Am. J. Ophth. 32:1069-1087 ( (Aug.) ) 1949. 6. (b) Ogle, K. N., and Prangen, A. deH.: Further Considerations of Fixation Disparity and the Binocular Fusional Processes , Am. J. Ophth. 34:57-72 (May, (Pt. 2) ) 1951. 7. Hofmann, F. B., and Bielschowsky, A.: Über die der Willkür entzogenen Fusionsbewegungen der Augen , Arch. ges. Physiol. 80:1-40, 1900.Crossref 8. Shepherd, J. S.: Study of the Relationship Between Fixation Disparity and Target Size , Am. J. Optom. 28:391-404 ( (Aug.) ) 1951.Crossref 9. Bielschowsky, A.: Lectures on Motor Anomalies , Hanover, N. H., Dartmouth College Publications, 1940, p. 17. 10. Schubert, G.: Grundlagen der beidäugigen motorischen Koordination , Arch. ges. Physiol. 247:279-291, 1943.Crossref 11. Ellerbrock, V. J.: Tonicity Induced by Fusional Movements , Am. J. Optom. 27:8-20 ( (Jan.) ) 1950.Crossref 12. (b) Bielschowsky, A.: Disturbances of the Vertical Motor Muscles of the Eyes , Arch. Ophth. 20:175-200 ( (Aug.) ) 1938.Crossref 13. (c) Hofmann, F. B.: Physiologische Optik (Raumsinn) , in von Graefe, A. C., and Saemisch, E. T.: Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1925, Vol. 3, Pt. 2, p. 309. 14. Ogle, K. N.: Distortion of the Image by Ophthalmic Prisms , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 47:121-131 ( (Feb.) ) 11952Crossref 15. Distortion of the Image by Prisms , J. Optic. Soc. America 41:1023-1028 ( (Dec.) ) 1951.Crossref 16. Eckardt, L. B.; McLean, J. M., and Goodell, H.: Experimental Studies on Headache: Genesis of Pain from the Eye , A. Res. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Proc. (1942) 23:209-227, 1943. 17. Wolff, H. G.: Headache and Other Head Pain , New York, Oxford University Press, 1948, pp. 478-481. 18. It is, of course, impossible for most subjects to fuse the images when prisms of a total of 6 Δ are introduced at once. The compensation for higher degrees of vertical divergence must be taken in steps of not greater than 2 Δ. 19. Cusick, P. L., and Hawn, H. W.: Prism Compensation in Cases of Anisometropia , Arch. Ophth. 25:651-654 ( (April) ) 1941. 20. Ellerbrock, V., and Fry, G. A.: Effects Induced by Anisometropic Corrections , Am. J. Optom. 19:444-459 ( (Nov.) ) 1942. 21. We use the term "effective hyperphoria" here to mean the hyperphoria measured when the subject is wearing the vertical prisms. 22. We attempted to find what effect the type of distortion described here had upon fixation disparity. Before each eye was placed a pair of prisms, the first being a flat prism, the second a prism ground on a 9 D. base curve. The base of one was placed to the apex of the other, the flat prism being nearest the eye. For each eye the prismatic deviations of the two prisms offset one another, but the greater, unsymmetrical magnification introduced by the flat prism remained.10 The meridian of this unsymmetrical magnification was suitably oriented in the vertical meridian in both eyes. No consistent effect upon fixation disparity was measurable, but, of course, the periods of observation were relatively short and the strength of the prisms was only 3 Δ.
1953 A.M.A. Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1953.00920020344010pmid: 13030009
Abstract WHEN A conventional contact lens is worn, the subject notes a haze or mistiness in his vision (Sattler's veil1), which can be shown to be due to corneal turbidity. Evidence has been produced indicating that contact lenses interfere with the normal water-removing function of the cornea,2 which, being extraordinarily hydrophilic, tends constantly to imbibe water.3 This water is continuously being removed, and recent experiments suggest that this is done, in part at least, by metabolic activity of corneal elements. Should this process fail, the cornea thickens4 and becomes hazy.5 It appears unlikely that changes caused by contact lenses could occur without morphologic modifications. Corneal metabolism is based essentially on carbohydrates, and the epithelium, which normally contains much glycogen, is responsible for the major part of the total metabolic activity of the cornea.6 It was thought that a histologic study of the cornea of animal References 1. Mann, I.: The History of Contact Lenses , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 58:109-136, 1938. 2. Dallos, J.: Sattler's Veil , Brit. J. Ophth. 30:607-613, 1946.Crossref 3. Haas, E.: Les verres de contact , Bull. Soc. opht. Paris 49:i-clx (Nov., (Pt. 1) ) 1937. 4. Smelser, G. K.: Relation of Factors Involved in Maintenance of Optical Properties of Cornea to Contact-Lens Wear , A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 47:328-343, 1952.Crossref 5. Cogan, D. G., and Kinsey, V. E.: The Cornea: Physiologic Aspects , Arch. Ophth. 28:661-669, 1942.Crossref 6. Kinsey, V. E.: An Explanation of the Corneal Haze and Halos Produced by Contact Lenses , Am. J. Ophth. 35:691-695, 1952. 7. Smelser, G K., and Ozanics, V.: Importance of Atmospheric Oxygen for Maintenance of the Optical Properties of the Human Cornea , Science 115:140-145, 1952.Crossref 8. Langham, M.: Utilization of Oxygen by the Component Layers of the Living Cornea , J. Physiol. 117:461-470, 1952. 9. The contact lenses were made from these molds by the Obrig Laboratories, Inc., New York, and fitted by Mrs. M. Bergman, of that company. 10. Friedenwald, J. S.; Scholz, R. O.; Snell, A., Jr., and Moses, S. G.: II. Primary Reaction of Mustard with the Corneal Epithelium , Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 82:102-120, 1948. 11. Simpson, W. L.: Experimental Analysis of the Altman Technic of Freezing-Drying , Anat. Rec. 80:173-189, 1941.Crossref 12. Hotchkiss, R. D.: A Microchemical Reaction Resulting in the Staining of Polysaccharide Structures in Fixed Tissue Preparations , Arch. Biochem. 16:131-141, 1948. 13. Caspersson, T., and Engström, A.: Hornhinnevävnadens transparens , Nord. med. 30: 1279-1282, 1946. 14. von Bahr, G.: Measurements of the Effect of Solutions of Different Osmotic Pressure on the Thickness of the Living Cornea , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom (1948) 68:515-524, 1949. 15. Finkelstein, I. S.: Biophysics of Corneal Scatter and Diffraction of Light Induced by Contact Lenses, Thesis, Columbia University, 1951.