1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090013001
Abstract The obscure condition of uveitis with poliosis, vitiligo, alopecia and dysacousia (known also as the Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome) is definitely accepted as a clinical entity. The disease is characterized by severe spontaneous bilateral uveitis accompanied by canities, white areas in the skin and falling of the hair and is often associated with disturbances of hearing. It has a protracted course, responds poorly to treatment and usually ends in partial or complete blindness. HISTORICAL REVIEW The first case report was made by Vogt1 in 1906. He described the association of nontraumatic idiopathic uveitis with poliosis. His patient also had alopecia, though only brief mention was made of the fact. Vogt considered the conditions present as constituting one disease. In 1929 Koyanagi,2 after having observed 6 cases, published an article containing a full description of the disease and a table of 16 cases reported by him and other writers. Babel3 References 1. Vogt, A.: Frühzeitiges Ergrauen der Zilien und Bemerkungen über den sogenannten plötzlichen Eintritt dieser Veränderung , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 44:228-242, 1906. 2. Koyanagi, Y.: Dysakusis, Alopecia und Poliosis bei schwerer Uveitis nicht traumatischen Ursprungs , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 82:194-211, 1929. 3. Babel, J.: Syndrome de Vogt-Koyanagy (uvéite bilatérale, poliosis, alopécie, vitiligo et dysacousie) , Schweiz. med. Wchnschr. 69:1136-1140 ( (Nov. 4) ) 1939. 4. Ogawa, U.: Ueber die pathologische Anatomie der sog. idiopathischen Uveitis mit Dysakusis und Poliosis , Acta Soc. ophth. jap. 38:1005-1014, 1934 5. German abstract, Ogawa Ueber die pathologische Anatomie der sog. idiopathischen Uveitis mit Dysakusis und Poliosis Acta Soc. ophth. jap. 193438, pp. 68-69. 6. Sugimoto, S., and Kodama, T.: Beiträge für den klinischen und histologischen Befund von sog. idiopathischer Uveitis mit Leucoderma und Poliosis , Acta Soc. ophth. jap. 41:1526-1544, 1937 7. 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1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090047002
Abstract INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the origin and development of the conception of the cortical representation of the macula, with especial reference to the theory of bilateral representation of both halves of the macula. A large number of observations bearing on the subject have been recorded, and more are constantly being reported, often without adequate survey of what has gone before. It appears somewhat unlikely that further new cases will radically alter the broad outlines of the situation. The type of study which seems at present most likely to illuminate the question is a critical and unprejudiced evaluation of the data now available. 1. The Definition of the Macula and of the Fovea. —Among perimetrists, there appears to be a tendency to ascribe a somewhat elastic value to the size of the macula. Thus, Bunge suggested that it subtends 7 degrees; Wilbrand (1890), References 1. Adler, F. 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A.: Visual Pathways in Man with Particular Reference to Macular Representation , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 33:816-834 ( (April) ) 1935. 61. Pfeifer, R. A.: Myelogenetisch-anatomische Untersuchungen über den zentralen Abschnitt der Sehleitung, Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie , Berlin, Julius Springer, 1925, vol. 43. 62. Hirnpathologischer Befund in einem Fall von doppelseitiger Hemianopsie mit Maculaaussparung , J. f. Psychol. u. Neurol. 40:319-337, 1930. 63. Polyak, S. L.: The Retina , Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1941. 64. Putnam, T. J.: (a) Studies on the Central Visual System: II. A Comparative Study of the Form of the Geniculo-Striate Visual System of Mammals , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 17:285-300 ( (Sept.) ) 1926. 65. (b) Studies on the Central Visual Connections : III. The General Relationship Between the External Geniculate Body, Optic Radiation nad Visual Cortex in Man; Report of Two Cases , Putnam Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 16:566-596 ( (Nov.) ) 1926. 66. (c) Studies on the Central Visual System: IV. The Details of the Organization of the Geniculo-Striate System in Man , Putnam Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 16:683-707 ( (Dec.) ) 1926. 67. Putnam, T. J., and Putnam, I. K.: Studies on the Central Visual System : I. Anatomical Projection of the Retinal Quadrants on the Striate Cortex of the Rabbit , Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. 16:1-20 ( (July) ) 1926. 68. Ramón y Cajal, S.: Histologie du système nerveux de l'homme et des vertebrés: Généralités, moelle, ganglions rachidiens, bulbe et protuberance , ed. française traduite de l'espagnol par Dr. L. Azoulay, Paris, A. Maloine, 1904. 69. Rönne, H.: (a) Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen über alkoholische Intoxikationsamblyopie , Arch. f. Ophth. 77:1-95, 1910. 70. (b) Ueber die Bedeutung der makulären Aussparung im hemianopischen Gesichtsfelde , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 49:289-312, 1911. 71. (c) Ueber doppelseitige Hemianopsie mit erhaltener Makula , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 18:470-487, 1914. 72. (d) Die anatomische Projektion der Makula im Corpus geniculatum ext. , Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol. u. Psychiat. 22:469-485, 1914. 73. (e) Ueber Quadranthemianopsie und die Lage der Makula-fasern in der okzipitalen Sehbahn , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 63:358-374, 1919. 74. Sachs, H.: Das Gehirn des Förster'schen Rindenblinden , Arb. a. d. psych. Klin. in Breslau 2:53-104, 1895. 75. Traquair, H. M.: Fields of Vision in Intracranial Lesions , Brit. M. J. 2:229-231, 1933.Crossref 76. Van Valkenburg, C. T.: Experimental and Pathologico-Anatomical Researches on the Corpus Callosum , Brain 36:119-165, 1913.Crossref 77. Walker, C. B.: Quantitative Perimetry : Practical Devices and Errors , Arch. Ophth. 46:537-561, 1917. 78. Wehrli, E.: Ueber die anatomisch-histologische Grundlage der sog. Rindenblindheit und über die Lokalisation der corticalen Sehsphäre, der Macula lutea und die Projektion der Retina auf die Rinde des Occipitallappens , Arch. f. Ophth. 62: 286-375, 1906. 79. Wilbrand, H.: Die hemianopischen Gesichtsfeld-Formen und das optische Wahrnehmungscentrum , Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1890. 80. Ueber die makulär-hemianopische Lesestörung und die v. Monakowsche Projektion der Makula auf die Sehsphäre , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 45:1-39, 1907. 81. Die Theorie des Sehens : Zwei Vorträge gehalten während der akademischen Ferienkurze zu Hamburg , Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1913. 82. Ueber die makuläre Aussparung , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 58:261-268, 1925-1926. 83. Wilbrand and Saenger, A.: Die Neurologie des Auges , Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1906, vol. 3, pt. 2, pp. 475-1097. 84. Die Neurologie des Auges , 475, 1917, vol. 7. 85. Die Verletzungen der Sehbahnen des Gehirns mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kriegsverletzungen , Die Neurologie des Auges 7475, 1918. 86. Zwanenburg, S.: Quantitatief onderzoek over den bouw van het netvlies , Amsterdam, J. van Boekhoven, 1915.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090076003
Abstract The interesting features of the case under consideration lie in the unique appearance of a unilateral fundus lesion and in the malplacement of the macula relative to a normally positioned nerve head. REPORT OF A CASE The subject, H. W., aged 27, an otherwise healthy man, stated that the vision in the right eye had always been poor. He had been informed by his mother that obstetric instruments were employed in the course of his birth and that the attending physician had requested consultation with an ophthalmologist because he had noted "something wrong" with the right eye of the infant. The findings of the oculist were obscured in doubt, but the patient was convinced that trauma to the eye had occasioned the specialist's visit. It is extremely unlikely that a village practitioner would have noted the retinal lesion, and it does not seem probable that he would have insisted on References 1. Triebenstein, O.: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 62:442, 1919. 2. Beselin: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 73:691, 1924 3. 74:780, 1925. 4. Drews, L.: Am. J. Ophth. 24:1403, 1941.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090081004
Abstract In the preceding paper of the present series1 studies on the swelling of corneal pieces were reported. It was noted that swelling considerably above normal levels occurred in solutions of all the nine electrolytes, including sodium chloride, and in solutions of all four of the nonelectrolytes tested (concentration varying from 0 to 2 times molar). Swelling also occurred in a wide range of hydrogen ion concentrations (pH 1.0 to 14.0). The object of the present study on corneal swelling is to elucidate the properties of the various structural components of the cornea, especially in relation to the maintenance of a normal level of corneal hydration. This study is intimately bound up with the question of why the cornea does not swell in situ when bathed by solutions which in vitro cause corneal material to quadruple in weight. The probable answer to this question, as well as additional information References 1. Kinsey, V. E., and Cogan, D. G.: The Cornea: III. Hydration Properties of Excised Corneal Pieces , Arch. Ophth. 28:272 ( (Aug.) ) 1942.Crossref 2. Leber, T.: Studien über den Flüssigkeitswechsel i:n Auge , Arch. f. Ophth. ( (pt. 2) ) 19:87-186, 1873. 3. Ulrich, R.: Zur Ernährung der Hornhaut , Arch. f. Augenh. 36:46-57, 1898. 4. Ulrich, R.: Einiges zur Flüssigkeitsbewegung im Auge , Ber. ü. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 25:279, 1896. 5. Bullot, G.: On Swelling of Organic Tissues : Researches on the Cornea , Am. J. Physiol. 12:297-303, 1904. 6. Fischer, F. P.: Untersuchungen über Quellungsvorgänge und über Permeabilitätsverhältnisse der Hornhaut , Arch. f. Augenh. 98:41-65, 1928. 7. Cogan, D. G., and Kinsey, V. E.: The Cornea : I. Transfer of Water and Sodium Chloride by Osmosis and Diffusion Through the Excised Cornea , Arch. Ophth. 27:466 ( (March) ) 1942.Crossref 8. Cogan, D. G., and Kinsey, V. E. : The Cornea : II. Transfer of Water and Sodium Chloride by Hydrostatic Pressure Through the Excised Cornea , Arch. Ophth. 27:696 ( (April) ) 1942Crossref 9. These membranes, in contrast to the epithelium, have been found to be approximately as permeable to sodium chloride as the corneal stroma. 10. Direct observational evidence that such bullae actually form under similar osmotic conditions was obtained by pressing glass tubes tightly against the epithelialless corneas of enucleated eyes and introducing 2 cc. of 5 per cent sodium chloride solution in the tubes. The pressure within the eyes was maintained by introducing a hypodermic needle through the optic nerve and connecting this to a reservoir of physiologic sodium chloride solution held about 20 cm. above the eyes. Under these conditions the fluid level in the tube rose slightly at first, and after twenty minutes the endothelium was observed with the slit lamp to have peeled off as a torn membrane. Similar experiments, with distilled water in the tubes instead of 5 per cent sodium chloride, resulted in a decrease in the fluid level, and no damage to the endothelium could be observed with the slit lamp.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090096005
Abstract A case of relief of depression of the lower lid following the reinsertion of an accidentally tenotomized inferior rectus muscle is presented here for several reasons. It demonstrates complications which could occur after an attempt at tenotomy of an inferior oblique muscle and puts one on guard when performing such an operation. Further, it presents a suggestion for management of future cases in which dysfunction of the lower lid is associated with or caused by a defect in the inferior rectus muscle. ANATOMY The inferior oblique muscle1 arises from a shallow depression in the anteromedial corner of the floor of the orbit. It passes laterally and backward as a flat band beneath the inferior rectus muscle, to which it is united by its fascial sheath, and finally attaches to the posterolateral aspect of the globe. The inferior rectus muscle1 runs above the orbital floor. As it crosses the References 1. Duke-Elder, W. S.: Text-Book of Ophthalmology , St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Company, 1932, vol. 1, pp. 167, 168 and 181.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090099006
Abstract In 1882 Wiethe reported a case of congenital deformity of the optic disk. His patient was a woman aged 62 who presented herself for examination because of glaucoma in the right eye. Examination of the left eye revealed vision of 20/30, normal color perception, tension and fields, and no scotoma present. Ophthalmoscopic examination showed papilla round, with a small flattening on the temporal side ; but within its area were two black or olive-green depressions, with elliptical contours. . . . They were both in the substance of the optic nerve, near the scleral ring. One was situated at the nasal end of the horizontal diameter of the papilla, and had its long axis vertical ; the other at the lower end of the vertical diameter of the papilla, with its longer axis horizontal. The first depression measured in its long axis ¼, and in its short axis ⅕ the diameter of the papilla. The References 1. Abramowicz, I.: Circumscribed Holes in Optic Nerve Papilla , Klin. oczna 4: 15-20, 1926. 2. Bayer, F.: Ueber Kolobom des Sehnerven , Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg 18 (no. (11) ):1, 1905. 3. Bock, E.: Die angeborenen Kolobome des Augapfels: Eine anatomische und klinische Studie , Vienna, J. Safar, 1893. 4. Calhoun, F. P.: Bilateral Coloboma of Optic Nerve Associated with Holes in the Disk and a Cyst of the Optic Sheath , Arch. Ophth. 3:71-79 ( (Jan.) ) 1930.Crossref 5. Carr, T. E. A.: Note on a Case of "Hole in the Optic Disc," Ophthalmoscope 7:742, 1909. 6. Carsten, P.: Ueber umschriebene Grubenbildung auf der Sehnervenpapille , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 54:79-81, 1924. 7. Claiborne, J. H.: Hole in the Disc , Ann. Ophth. 25:299, 1916. 8. Coats, G.: The Pathology of Coloboma at the Nerve Entrance , Roy. London Ophth. Hosp. Rep. 17:225-231, 1907-1908. 9. Crampton, G. S.: Two Cases of Binocular Coloboma of the Optic Nerve in the Same Family , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 13:461-468, 1913. 10. de Schweinitz, G. E.: Anomalous Excavation of the Optic Disk , Ann. Ophth. 20:673, 1911. 11. Dolganoff, W.: Ein seltener Fall einer tiefen physiologischen Excavation , Arch. f. Augenh. 28:348-350, 1893-1894. 12. Dyckmeester, cited by Reis. 13. Edmund, C.: On Congenital Colobomatous Groove Formations in the Optic Disk , Acta ophth. 8:56-63, 1930.Crossref 14. Ellett, E. C.: A Case of Unusually Extensive Congenital Excavation of the Optic Nerve , Ophth. Rec. 4:99, 1894. 15. Frenkel, A.: Sur les cavités partielles de la papille du nerf optique , Ann. d'ocul. 141:101-110, 1909. 16. Gebb, H.: Ueber der Gefässverlauf im Bereich einer umschriebenen Grubenbildung des Sehnervenkopfes , Arch. f. Augenh. 67:278-280, 1910. 17. Gunn, R. M.: Peculiar Deep Partial Excavation of the Optic Disc , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 6:374, 1886. 18. Halbertsma, K. T. A.: Crater-Like Hole and Coloboma of Disc Associated with Changes at Macula , Brit. J. Ophth. 11:11-17, 1927.Crossref 19. Harwood, C. B.: Case of Hole in Disc , Am. J. Ophth. 1:572, 1918. 20. Henderson, E. E.: Crater-Like Hole on the Disk , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. (Sect. Ophth.) 7:8, 1913-1914. 21. Herezogh, I.: A Typical Excavation of the Optic Nerve , Szemészet 45:212, 1908. 22. Hillion, H.: Vaste excavation physiologique de la papille , Arch. d'opht. 31:247-249, 1911. 23. Holloway, T. B.: Hole in the Disc Associated with Vibration of an Overlying Membrane , Ophth. Rec. 34:250-253, 1915. 24. James, R. R.: Crater-Like Hole in the Disc Associated with Changes at the Macula , Ophth. Rev. 32:38-40, 1913. 25. Juhász-Schäffer, A.: Umschriebene Grubenbildung des Sehnervenkopfes , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 81:314-318, 1933. 26. Köhne, W.: Umschriebene Grubenbildung im Bereich eines Koloboms am Sehnerveneintritt , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 36:212-216, 1916. 27. Lauber, H.: Klinische und anatomische Untersuchungen über lochförmige partielle Kolobome des Sehnerven , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 21:494-504, 1909. 28. Lewinsohn, G.: Eine lochförmige Aushöhlung innerhalb der sonst völlig normalen rechten Papille , Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh. 30:75, 1906. 29. Lichtenstein, cited by Reis. 30. Löwenstein, A.: Eine noch nicht beschriebene Erscheinung im Glaskörper bei angeborener Grubenbildung im Sehnervenkopf , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 97: 607-611, 1936. 31. Makrocki, F.: Ein Fall von Canalis Cloqueti und Coloboma nervi optici , Arch. f. Augenh. 21:29-41, 1889-1890. 32. Zur Kenntnis der atypischen Sehnerven-Excavation , Arch. f. Augenh. 22:381-392, 1890-1891. 33. Moffatt, P. M.: Hole in the Disc , Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 27:300, 1934. 34. Mohr, M.: Typical Excavation of the Papilla , Szemészet 45:213, 1908. 35. Naimushin, N.: Partial Coloboma of Optic Nerve , Vestnik oftal. 29:795, 1912. 36. Nielsen, J.: Pits on the Optic Disc , Acta ophth. 2:291-293, 1924-1925.Crossref 37. Peltesohn, N.: Zur Morphographie der Papilla optica , Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh. 12:339-341, 1888. 38. Prediger, H.: Ein Fall von angeborener umschriebener Grubenbildung an der Papille , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 21:308, 1909. 39. Randall, B. A.: Coloboma of the Optic Nerve and Sheath , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 4:558-564, 1887. 40. Randall, A.: A Double Coloboma (Nasal and Temporal) of the Optic Nerve and Sheath: Exhibition of Drawing , Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 12:968-971, 1909-1911. 41. Reis, W.: Eine wenig bekannte typische Missbildung am Sehnerveneintritt: Umschriebene Grubenbildung auf der Papilla nervi optici , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 19:505-528, 1908. 42. Remak: Ein Fall von Colobom der Sehnerven , Centralbl. f. Augenh. 8:225-229, 1884. 43. Rumschewitsch, K.: Zur Morphographie der Papilla nervi optici , Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh. 13:134-138, 1889. 44. Seefelder, R.: Die angeborenen Anomalien und Missbildungen des Auges , Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. 16:435-535, 1914. 45. Ein pathologisch-anatomischer Beitrag zur Frage der Kolobome und umschriebenen Grubenbildungen am Sehnerveneintritt , Arch. f. Ophth. 90:129-137, 1915. 46. Die angeborenen Anomalien und Missbildungen des Auges , Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. 21:511-629, 1927. 47. Stargardt: Ueber eine Missbildung am Sehnerveneintritt (Grubenbildung) , Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 45:1374, 1919. 48. Stephenson, S.: Crateriform Hole in the Optic Disc , Ophthalmoscope 7:78, 1909. 49. Stood, W.: Zur Casuistik der Missbildungen an der Sehnervenpapille , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 22:285-294, 1884. 50. Szili, A.: Zur Morphographie der Papilla nervi optici , Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh. 9:1-6, 1887. 51. Augenspiegel-Studien zu einer Morphographie des Sehnerven-Eintrittes im menschlichen Auge , Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. 52. Thomson, W. E., and Ballantyne, A. J.: Congenital (? and Hereditary) Development of Choroidal Tissue in the Optic Nerves of Two Brothers , Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom 23:276, 1902-1903. 53. Tyson, H. H.: Crater-like Cavities in Optic Disc , Am. J. Ophth. 10:239-240, 1927. 54. Van Duyse, D., and Van Lint, A.: Les excavations atypiques colobomateuses de la papille , Arch. d'opht. 37:155-162, 1920. 55. Wessely, K.: Stehen die angeborenen umschriebenen Grubenbildungen in der Papille genetisch in Beziehung zu opticociliaren bezw. cilioretinalen Gefässanastomosen? Arch. f. Augenh. 65:98-102, 1909-1910. 56. Wiethe, T.: Ein Fall von angeborener Difformität der Sehnervenpapille , Arch. f. Augenh. 11:14-19, 1882. 57. Williams, C.: Hole in the Disc , Ann. Ophth. 22:638-640, 1913. 58. Yoshida, Y.: Case of Pit Formation at the Optic Nerve Papilla , Acta Soc. ophth. jap. 35:1391-1400, 1931.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090118007
Abstract Owing to the unsatisfactory diversified use of numerous kinds of skin-grafting devices, it is desirable to cite the Padgett dermatome as an instrument of which the acceptance is a progressive step in skin grafting. In this brief presentation of experience with the dermatome, I do not wish to express any priority or originality; however, it is my ambition to familiarize the members of the ophthalmologic profession with the modern trend in skin grafting about the eye and the orbit. To Dr. Conrad Berens and Dr. Daniel Kirby the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and the Bellevue Hospital are obliged for the availability of the Padgett dermatome. In his early experience with the dermatome, Berens1 discovered the convenience of cementing the graft to a form of dental molding compound in the reconstruction of a socket. Hughes2 promulgated original ideas on utilization of thin dermal grafts fixed to flexible References 1. Berens, C.: Personal communication to the author. 2. Hughes, W. L. : Personal communication to the author. 3. Padgett, E. C.: Surg., Gynec. & Obst. 69:779-793 ( (Dec.) ) 1939. 4. Wheeler, J. M. : The Collected Papers of John M. Wheeler , New York, Columbia University Press, 1939, p. 147. 5. Hughes, W. L.: Socket Reconstruction : A New Form and Method of Handling the Skin Graft , Arch. Ophth. 26:965-968 ( (Dec.) ) 1941. 6. Perforated cilkloid is a cellulose acetate preparation which may be secured from the Cilkloid Company, of Marshaltown, Iowa. 7. Gilles, H. : Personal communication to the author.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090124008
This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. Abstract Many means are available by which one can arrive at an estimation of the amount of astigmatism present in a given case. Among these are subjective testing with trial lenses, retinoscopy and use of the keratometer, the cross cylinder and the astigmatic chart. In all cases of astigmatism it may be shown that if the eye looks at a number of lines drawn in different directions some lines will be seen more clearly than others. Contrarily, freedom from astigmatism exists when all lines are equal. The possible variations of astigmatism are of course many, owing to the number of degrees of the circle and the possibility of variation in one axis or in many. Even with the most careful examination there may remain some doubt about the correctness of the findings. Use of the astigmatic chart has, in my estimation, often been unsatisfactory and the results difficult to interpret. Many
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090127009
Abstract Since Warburg and Christian described the "yellow enzyme" in the year 1932, a number of papers have been published concerning riboflavin, which is an important part of the yellow enzyme. Chemists and biologists, however, were more successful in isolating riboflavin and in defining its various properties than physicians were in establishing its clinical value. No clinical observations to speak of had been published at the time when I reported on the possibility of a photodynamic action of vitamin B2, in 1936.1 Not much attention had been paid to two reports published in the previous years. Von Euler and Adler2 were the first to report on remarkable amounts of flavin in the retina of certain fishes. In some cases they found as much as 50 mg. per hundred cubic centimeters, the highest concentration to be found in any tissue. The flavin found in the retina is not bound References 1. Heiman, M.: Ueber die Möglichkeit einer photodynamischen Wirkung des Vitamin B2 , Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 49:398 ( (March 27) ) 1936. 2. von Euler, H., and Adler, E.: Ueber Flavin und einen blau fluorescierenden Stoff in der Netzhaut der Fischaugen , Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem. 228:1, 1934.Crossref 3. Theorell, H.: Quantitative Bestrahlungsversuche an gelbem Ferment, Flavinphosphorsaure und Lactoflavin , Biochem. Ztschr. 279:186, 1935. 4. Spies, T. D.; Bean, W. B., and Ashe, W. F.: Recent Advances in the Treatment of Pellagra and Associated Diseases , Ann. Int. Med. 12:1830 ( (May) ) 1939.Crossref 5. Spies, T. D.; Vilter, R. W., and Ashe, W. F.: Pellagra, Beriberi and Riboflavin Deficiency in Human Beings , J. A. M. A. 113:931 ( (Sept. 2) ) 1939.Crossref 6. Pock-Steen, P. H.: Eye Symptoms in Patients with Leiodystonia and Sprue: Aknephascopia , Geneesk. tijdschr. v. Nederl.-Indië 78:1986 ( (Aug. 8) ) 1939. 7. Sydenstricker, V. P.; Sebrell, W. H.; Cleckley, H. M., and Kruse, H. D.: The Ocular Manifestations of Ariboflavinosis , J. A. M. A. 114:2437 ( (June 22) ) 1940. 8. Sebrell, W. H.: Nutritional Diseases in the United States , J. A. M. A. 115:851 ( (Sept. 7) ) 1940.Crossref 9. Sebrell, W. H., and Butler, R. E.: Riboflavin Deficiency in Man: A Preliminary Note , Pub. Health Rep. 53:2282 ( (Dec. 30) ) 1938.Crossref 10. Spies, T. D.; Bean, W. B.; Vilter, R. W., and Huff, N. E.: Endemic Riboflavin Deficiency in Infants and Children , Am. J. M. Sc. 200:697 ( (Nov.) ) 1940.Crossref 11. Perutz, A., and Lustig, B.: Eine einfache Methode zum Nachweis photodynamischer Substanzen im Harn , Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 46:1579 ( (Dec. 29) ) 1933. 12. The first experiments, in 1936, were performed with lactoflavin (Beyer). In the more recent experiments riboflavin was used and was supplied by E. R. Squibb & Sons. 13. Hausmann, W., and Kuen, F. M.: Ueber photobiologische Sensibilisation und Desensibilisation im Ultraviolett , Strahlentherapie 60:270, 1937. 14. Heiman, S., and Brandt, R.: Personal communication to the author. 15. Von Euler, H., and Adler, E.: Ueber das Vorkommen von Flavinen in tierischen Geweben , Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem. 223:108, 1934.Crossref 16. Booher, L. E.: Chemical Aspects of Riboflavin , J. A. M. A. 110:1105 ( (April 2) ) 1938.Crossref 17. Hogan, A. G.: Riboflavin: Physiology and Pathology , J. A. M. A. 110: 1189 ( (April 9) ) 1938. 18. Hecht, S., cited by Wiggers, C. J.: Physiology in Health and Disease , Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1934. 19. Kuen, F. M., and Pueringer, K.: Ueber die sensibilisierende Wirkung der Blattfarbstoffe Chlorophyll, Carotin und Xanthophyll , Biochem. Ztschr. 286:196, 1936. 20. Stepp, W.; Kuehnau, J., and Schroeder, H.: Die Vitamine und ihre Anwendung , Stuttgart. Ferdinand Enke, 1938.
1942 Archives of Ophthalmology
doi: 10.1001/archopht.1942.00880090137010
Abstract The presence of hyaline patches in the anterior half of the sclera has only recently received the attention of a few ophthalmologists. The condition is by no means rare, and it is rather surprising that so few contributions to the subject have been made. Although clinically obvious, these hyaline areas usually escape notice because the patient rarely draws attention to their presence. If more workers record their observations on this degenerative condition, then its more obscure aspects will become known. In this paper I wish to describe my findings in 11 cases which I have personally observed and also to discuss the available literature. As far as I am aware, Pillat1 in 1933 gave the first full description of this condition. He outlined its essential features: (a) the relation of the plaques to the insertions of muscles and (b) the occurrence of these plaques in senile subjects. He mentioned References 1. Pillat, A.: Peculiar Senile Degeneration at Point of Attachment of Rectus Muscles , Ztschr. f. Augenh. 82:113, 1933. 2. Graves, B., in Berens, C.: The Eye and Its Diseases , Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1936, p. 468. 3. Graves, B.: Bilateral Mesial Superficial Deficiency of the Sclera , Brit. J. Ophth. 21:534, 1937.Crossref 4. At about the same time as Pillat, K. Ascher (at an ophthalmologic congress in Vienna) also described this condition. I regret having lost trace of the reference. The question of priority has therefore not yet been settled. 5. Graves, B.: (a) Bilateral Mesial Superficial Deficiency of the Sclera: Scleral Plaques , Brit. J. Ophth. 23:191, 1939Crossref 6. (b) Bilateral (Mesial) Deficiency of the Sclera: Scleral Plaques , Graves Brit. J. Ophth. 25:35, 1941.Crossref 7. Gasteiger, H.: Senile Degeneration at Point of Insertion of Ocular Muscles , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 98:767, 1937. 8. Culler, A. M.: The Pathology of Scleral Plaques , Brit. J. Ophth. 23:44, 1939.Crossref 9. Kyrieleis, W.: Circumscribed Scleromalacia in Advanced Age , Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 103:441, 1939. 10. Usher, C. H.: Pathology of the Coloured Areas in the Sclerotic , Brit. J. Ophth. 16:671, 1932.Crossref 11. van der Hoeve, J. : Scleromalacia Perforans , Arch. Ophth. 11:111 ( (Jan.) ) 1934.Crossref