Apple, Aphid Control, 1994Alston, D., G.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.1
Abstract Two trials were conducted in a 4-yr-old mixed ‘Delicious’ and ‘Gala’ orchard with under-tree sprinkler irrigation. Guthion 50WP (1.3 lb form./acre) was applied for codling moth control on 11 May, 2 Jun, and 8 and 28 Jul. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 5 single-tree replicates per treatment. Dilute sprays were applied to runoff with a handgun sprayer (Rears Mfg., Bend, OR) operated at 150-200 psi. Per acre rates were based on application of one gal of spray per tree or 182 gal/acre. Triton B-1956 spray adjuvant was tank-mixed with all treatments at 11.7 fl oz/acre. Aphids (alate + apterous) were counted in situ on the three most recently fully expanded leaves (minimum of 1 inch in length and edges completely unfolded) on three randomly selected terminals per tree. In Trial 1, ten treatments were applied once following pretreatment counts on 2 Jun. Initial aphid densities were low. In Trial 2, five treatments were applied on 19 Jul immediately following pretreatment counts, and then again on 2 Aug except for Admire. Initial aphid densities were high. Post-treatment counts were made weekly. Aphis pomi 1235-71-1 Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Efficacy of the Aphicides M-Pede, Align and Thiodan, 1994Beers, Elizabeth, H.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.2
Abstract This experiment was conducted in a 2-yr-old commercial nonbearing orchard near East Wenatchee, WA. Plots consisted of groups of four trees across in four rows. There were four to five buffer trees within rows between plots. One shoot per tree was tagged, and all counts were taken from tagged shoots. Pre-treatment counts of the number of aphids on the most infested leaf were used as a blocking factor for randomization. Treatments were applied with a handgun to the point of drip on 18 Aug. Posttreatment counts were taken ca. weekly until late Sep, when counts dropped to zero. Aphis pomi Align Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Test of Registered and Experimental Insecticides for Aphid Control, 1994Beers, Elizabeth, H.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.2a
Abstract This experiment was conducted in a 2-yr-old commercial ‘Gala’ orchard near Orondo, WA. Trees were planted in double rows. Plots consisted of groups of contiguous trees within a double row, with buffer trees between plots, and buffer rows between treated rows. Four trees per plot with aphid infestations were chosen, and one shoot per tree was tagged. The number of aphids on the most infested leaf was counted on tagged shoots. Pre-treatmerit counts were used as a blocking factor for randomization. Treatments were applied with a handgun to the point of drip on 15 Jul. Post-treatment counts were taken ca. weekly until late Aug. Aphis pomi Admire Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Effect of Kelthane and Omite on European Red Mite and T. Occidentalis, 1994Beers, Elizabeth, H.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.3
Abstract The test was conducted in a ca. 9-acre apple orchard near Chelan, WA. The replicate plots were 9 to 10 rows by 15 to 19 trees, or about 0.94 acres in size. Each of the three treatments was replicated three times. The original treatments were applied on 15 Jul 1993 with an airblast sprayer calibrated to deliver 110 gpa. No additional treatments were applied in 1994 except to the Kelthane plots in response to building mite populations. These plots were re-treated with Omite CR 30WP (7.5 lb/acre) on 6 Jul. Mite counts were taken every 2—4 wk depending on populations found in the previous count. Samples consisted of 100 leaves, 25 from each of four trees in the center of the plot. Galandromus occidentalis Kelthane Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Test of Registered and Experimental Compounds Against Western Tentiform Leafminer, 1994Beers, Elizabeth, H.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.3a
Abstract The test was conducted in a commercial orchard near Mattawa, WA. The trees were second leaf ‘Delicious’ planted in double rows with crabapple pollenizers. There were guard rows between rows containing treated trees, and at least three untreated trees between each plot. Each plot consisted of 4 trees, and a composite sample of 20 leaves (5 leaves per tree) was taken from each plot on each count date. The number of mines per leaf was evaluated by classifying them as sap-feeder, tissue-feeder or emerged mines. All mines on five leaves per plot were dissected to determine status of the leafminer. The experimental design was a RCB with nine treatments and four replicates. Plots were blocked on the basis of the pre-treatment count (total mines/leaf). Treatments were applied on 22 Jun with a handgun sprayer operated at 200 psi. Phyllonorycter elmaella Admire This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Apple Aphid Control, 1994Bradley, S., J.;Mayer, D., F.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.4
Abstract This experiment was conducted in a 3-yr-old orchard with the trees planted at a spacing of 8 × 5 ft. The experimental design was seven 0.17 acre plots. Insecticides were applied on 15 Jun with a Rears Pak-Blast airblast sprayer delivering 100 gpa. Aphid control was evaluated by counting the number of aphids on 8 randomly selected tagged shoots per treatment pre-application and 2 and 10 d postapplication. Aphis pomi Admire Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Apple, Control of the Obliquebanded Leafroller with Conventional Insecticides in Summer, 1993Brunner, J., F.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.4a
Abstract Different insecticides were evaluated for their ability to control OBLR larvae of the summer generation. The test was conducted in an apple orchard near Milton-Freewater, OR. Trees were 2-yr-old ‘Delicious’ on dwarfing roots. The orchard was ditch irrigated. Treatments were applied to live-tree plots replicated five times in a RCBD. All treatments were applied on 6 Jul with a handgun sprayer at 300 psi to the point of drip, simulating a dilute spray of approximately 400 gpa. The post-treatment evaluation was made on 29 Jul. Each tree was examined and the no. of live leafroller larvae recorded. Cboristoneura rosaceana Asana Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Apple, Control of the Obliquebanded Leafroller with Bacillus Thuringiensis Products in Summer, 1993Brunner, J., F.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.5a
Abstract Different B. thuringiensis products were evaluated for their ability to control OBLR larvae of the summer generation. The test was conducted in an apple orchard near Milton-Freewater, OR. Trees were 2-yr-old ‘Delicious’ on dwarfing roots. The orchard was ditch irrigated. Treatments were applied on 6 and 17 Jul to five-tree plots replicated five times using a RCBD. All treatments were applied with a handgun sprayer at 300 psi to the point of drip, simulating a dilute spray of approximately 400 gpa. The post-treatment evaluation was made on 29 Jul. Each tree was examined and the number of live leafroller larvae recorded. Cboristoneura rosaceana B1956 Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Apple, Control of the Obliquebanded Leafroller with Bacillus Thuringiensis and Conventional Products in Spring, 1993Brunner, J., F.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.5
Abstract Different B. thuringiensis products were evaluated for their ability to control OBLR larvae of the overwintering generation. The test was conducted in an apple orchard near Milton-Freewater, OR. Trees were 4-yr-old ‘Fuji’ on dwarfing roots. Treatments were applied to four-tree plots replicated five times in a RCBD. All treatments were applied with a handgun sprayer at 300 psi to the point of drip, simulating a dilute spray of approximately 400 gpa. Application dates and plant development stages are shown in the table. The post-treatment evaluation was made on 20 May. Each tree was examined and the no. of live leafroller larvae recorded. Cboristoneura rosaceana Asana Apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America
Control of the Codling Moth with Guthion, Imidan and Oil, 1994Brunner, J., F.;Gut, L., J.;Doerr, M., D.
1995 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/amt/20.1.6a
Abstract Guthion, two formulations of Imidan, and a highly refined insecticidal oil, Orchex 796, were evaluated for their ability to control CM over the entire season. The test was conducted in an apple orchard at the Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center. The trees were 15-yr-old spur type ‘Delicious’. Treatments were applied to two-tree plots replicated five times using a RCB design. All treatments were applied with a handgun sprayer at 300 psi to the point of drip, simulating a dilute spray of approximately 400 gpa. Two treatments of Guthion and Imidan were applied against each CM generation, the initial treatment being timed using accumulated degree days following first capture of moths in pheromone traps. Three treatments of Orchex 796 were applied each generation, with the initial application each generation being timed using degree days. The post-treatment evaluation was made on 29 Aug. One hundred apples from one tree per plot were examined, and the number of CM injured fruit was recorded. Cydia pomonella Guthion This content is only available as a PDF. © 1995, Entomological Society of America