journal article
Open Access Collection
Apple, Acaricide Evaluation, 1986
Beers, E., H.;Baird, R., J.;Eisner, E., A.
1987 Arthropod Management Tests
doi: 10.1093/iat/12.1.1
Abstract This test was conducted in a commercial orchard containing mixed ages of trees with under-tree irrigation. The block had a history of reduced effectiveness of control with Plictran. A randomized complete block design was used, with 4 single-tree replicates per treatment. Materials were applied on 6 Jun as a dilute spray to the point of drip with a handgun sprayer operating at 400-500 psi. Per acre rates were based on 400 gal/acre. Mites were sampled weekly. Twenty-five leaves were collected from each tree (100 per treatment), brushed with a mite brushing machine, and mites of each species counted. apple rust mite, European red mite, pear psylla, twospotted spider mite, western predatory mite, ACULUS SCHLECHTENDALI, PANONYCHUS ULMI, PSYLLA PYRICOLA, TETRANYCHUS URTICAE, TYPHLODROMUS OCCIDENTALIS L-639,288, L-676,863, Plictran apple This content is only available as a PDF. © 1987 by the Entomological Society of America