journal article
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Boult, T.; Chamillard, A.; Lewis, R.; Polok, N.; Stock, G.; Wortman, D.
2009 International Journal of Innovation Science
doi: 10.1260/1757-2223.1.4.167
This article focuses on university education in innovation. We examine and present a novel system we have developed that is achieving our vision of instantiating a robust education that teaches, develops, and grades innovation in the education system. This paper is discussing a paradigm shift, offering new degrees with a common core focused on innovation, with teams of students learning and practicing the key elements of the innovation process. First we examine the motivation and need for a radically new approach, not a new major or a course, that is based upon a new common core and family of degrees. We describe how we knew that to effectively reach our goals the program had to span across departments, college boundaries, and beyond the very core of the university. Second, we show how in doing so we created a family of degrees that moved us beyond the centuries-old B.S. and B.A. educational constraints with a new, innovative "Bachelor of Innovation™" (B.I.) family of degrees that includes a core built around multi-disciplinary multi-year innovation partnering with real companies. Lastly we summarize the unique aspects of the program and the rationale behind them, from the 3-year multi-disciplinary team experience to the trademarked name. We present our B.I. program as its own case study in innovation within higher education, reviewing the key challenges we faced so that other innovative institutions and departments may learn from our experience. We conclude with lessons learned and the future of the B.I. family of degrees.
2009 International Journal of Innovation Science
doi: 10.1260/1757-2223.1.4.179
Partnerships between public health organizations and private corporations may be best positioned to address many of the major healthcare challenges currently facing nations across the globe. Strategically chosen partners can collaborate and share resources to develop and successfully implement valuable solutions to achieve common goals. The key is using innovation methods to effectively leverage the best resources provided by each partner. The authors explain the value of public-private partnerships while also providing insight into how specific tactics from projects undertaken by their international communications firm, Fleishman-Hillard, assisted partnerships in their efforts to develop innovative solutions to address healthcare challenges.
2009 International Journal of Innovation Science
doi: 10.1260/1757-2223.1.4.191
While a commonly-held mental image suggests that big corporations live very long lives, the reverse is actually true quite often, and the lifespan of companies is decreasing as the rate of change increases. The situation of accelerating change places ever greater challenges before each and every company, and while innovation is obviously a response to this dilemma, it turns out that not all types of innovation are equally valuable. Business model innovation, the subject of this paper, has proven to a tremendous source of competitive advantage. This paper examines many dimensions of business model innovation, focusing particularly on the relationship between a company and its customers, and the methods that companies use to grasp the bigger picture, or whole system perspective, that enables them to understand how their enterprise relates to the larger industry and broader economy in which it operates.
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