Sanders, Matthew R; Prior, Justine R; Ralph, Alan R
2009 Journal of Children's Services
This study examined the impact of a brief seminar series on positive parenting (Selected Triple P) on behavioural and emotional problems in pre-adolescent children and on inter-parental conflict, parenting style, relationship quality, parental adjustment and parental confidence. Two hundred and forty-four parents with children aged four to seven years were assigned to one of three conditions: (a) partial exposure condition involving attendance at a single introductory seminar; (b) full exposure (attendance at all three seminars); or (c) a waitlist control group. Analyses were completed for the 109 participants for whom full data were obtained. There was a significant reduction in parental reports of problem child behaviour and dysfunctional parenting styles with the introductory seminar alone. However, exposure to all three seminars was associated with significant improvements in all dysfunctional parenting styles and in the level of inter-parental conflict. There were no significant differences between conditions at post-intervention on parental reports of depression, anxiety, stress, relationship quality or parental confidence. This study provides preliminary support for the efficacy of a brief universal parenting intervention in improving child behaviour and parenting variables associated with the development and maintenance of child conduct problems. The findings also offer preliminary support for the notion that positive outcomes for both parents and children can be achieved through the delivery of brief preventive parenting interventions that require minimal time commitments from parents.
Matthew Sanders; Justine Prior; Alan Ralph
2009 Journal of Children s Services
doi: 10.1108/17466660200900002
This study examined the impact of a brief seminar series on positive parenting (Selected Triple P) on behavioural and emotional problems in pre‐adolescent children and on inter‐parental conflict, parenting style, relationship quality, parental adjustment and parental confidence. Two hundred and forty‐four parents with children aged four to seven years were assigned to one of three conditions: (a) partial exposure condition involving attendance at a single introductory seminar; (b) full exposure (attendance at all three seminars); or (c) a waitlist control group. Analyses were completed for the 109 participants for whom full data were obtained. There was a significant reduction in parental reports of problem child behaviour and dysfunctional parenting styles with the introductory seminar alone. However, exposure to all three seminars was associated with significant improvements in all dysfunctional parenting styles and in the level of inter‐parental conflict. There were no significant differences between conditions at post‐intervention on parental reports of depression, anxiety, stress, relationship quality or parental confidence. This study provides preliminary support for the efficacy of a brief universal parenting intervention in improving child behaviour and parenting variables associated with the development and maintenance of child conduct problems. The findings also offer preliminary support for the notion that positive outcomes for both parents and children can be achieved through the delivery of brief preventive parenting interventions that require minimal time commitments from parents.
Leung, Cynthia ; Tsang, Sandra ; Dean, Suzanne ; Chow, Paully
2009 Journal of Children's Services
Socially disadvantaged parents often concentrate on providing for their children instead of stimulating them to learn because of their own low self-efficacy as learning agents. This study describes the development and pilot evaluation of a programme designed to empower new immigrant parents in Hong Kong to assume active, systematic and confident roles to teach their pre-school children learning skills. A needs assessment was conducted to guide the development of the programme, which was also informed by research evidence and community engagement. A pilot trial was conducted and qualitative data were obtained from the participating parents. Parents reported improvements in their children's motivation to learn and the parent-child relationship. The research provided information on programme design, delivery and implementation strategies. It suggested important entry points to engage and empower parents to provide timely stimulation to their young children.
Cynthia Leung; Sandra Tsang; Suzanne Dean; Paully Chow
2009 Journal of Children s Services
doi: 10.1108/17466660200900003
Socially disadvantaged parents often concentrate on providing for their children instead of stimulating them to learn because of their own low self‐efficacy as learning agents. This study describes the development and pilot evaluation of a programme designed to empower new immigrant parents in Hong Kong to assume active, systematic and confident roles to teach their pre‐school children learning skills. A needs assessment was conducted to guide the development of the programme, which was also informed by research evidence and community engagement. A pilot trial was conducted and qualitative data were obtained from the participating parents. Parents reported improvements in their children's motivation to learn and the parent‐child relationship. The research provided information on programme design, delivery and implementation strategies. It suggested important entry points to engage and empower parents to provide timely stimulation to their young children.
2009 Journal of Children s Services
doi: 10.1108/17466660200900004
This article focuses on the conditions that are conducive to effective work on reducing children's vulnerability to social exclusion. It draws on three studies of practitioners who are collaborating to prevent the social exclusion of children and young people. Two ideas are discussed: distributed expertise and relational agency. Distributed expertise recognises that expertise is distributed across local systems and that practitioners need to become adept at recognising, drawing on and contributing to it. Relational agency offers a finer‐grained analysis of what is involved in working in systems of distributed expertise. Findings include the need for professionals to develop relational agency as an extra layer of expertise alongside their core professional expertise and a concern that interprofessional work may result in seeing clients as tasks to be worked on rather than people to be worked with relationally. Implications for training and professional development are outlined.
2009 Journal of Children's Services
This article focuses on the conditions that are conducive to effective work on reducing children's vulnerability to social exclusion. It draws on three studies of practitioners who are collaborating to prevent the social exclusion of children and young people. Two ideas are discussed: distributed expertise and relational agency. Distributed expertise recognises that expertise is distributed across local systems and that practitioners need to become adept at recognising, drawing on and contributing to it. Relational agency offers a finer-grained analysis of what is involved in working in systems of distributed expertise. Findings include the need for professionals to develop relational agency as an extra layer of expertise alongside their core professional expertise and a concern that interprofessional work may result in seeing clients as tasks to be worked on rather than people to be worked with relationally. Implications for training and professional development are outlined.
Chauveron, Lisa M; Perkins, Daniel F
2009 Journal of Children's Services
Empirically-based programmes are the cornerstone of the prevention science field. Beyond curriculum content and design, several aspects of school-based prevention and intervention programmes have been found to contribute to their effectiveness, including implementer training, programme fidelity and principal head teacher support. The current investigation examined whether the degree of heterogeneity among classroom members (ie. students' racial or ethnic backgrounds, students' neighbourhood socio-economic status (SES), students' neighbourhood education level and students' neighbourhood immigrant status) influences the effectiveness of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) social and emotional learning programme. The analyses found a relationship between the degree of classroom heterogeneity and students' pre-test scores on social and emotional variables. Moreover, gender differences were evident on pre-test scores, reflecting differential baselines. The findings for analysis on classroom heterogeneity as a moderator of the programme's effectiveness in improving students' social and emotional competence were mixed. Future research and policy implications are discussed related to advancing the field and ensuring culturally relevant evidence-based programming.
Lisa Chauveron; Daniel Perkins
2009 Journal of Children s Services
doi: 10.1108/17466660200900005
Empirically‐based programmes are the cornerstone of the prevention science field. Beyond curriculum content and design, several aspects of school‐based prevention and intervention programmes have been found to contribute to their effectiveness, including implementer training, programme fidelity and principal (head teacher) support. The current investigation examined whether the degree of heterogeneity among classroom members (ie. students' racial or ethnic backgrounds, students' neighbourhood socio‐economic status (SES), students' neighbourhood education level and students' neighbourhood immigrant status) influences the effectiveness of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) social and emotional learning programme. The analyses found a relationship between the degree of classroom heterogeneity and students' pre‐test scores on social and emotional variables. Moreover, gender differences were evident on pre‐test scores, reflecting differential baselines. The findings for analysis on classroom heterogeneity as a moderator of the programme's effectiveness in improving students' social and emotional competence were mixed. Future research and policy implications are discussed related to advancing the field and ensuring culturally relevant evidence‐based programming.
Showing 1 to 10 of 12 Articles