
International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship

Inderscience Publishers
Inderscience Publishers
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Challenging the triple helix model of regional innovation systems: A venture-centric model

Brannback, Malin ; Carsrud, Alan ; Krueger Jr., Norris ; Elfving, Jennie

2008 International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship

doi: 10.1504/IJTE.2008.020539

We offer a critical analysis of the triple helix model as a preferred basis for innovation systems. From a review of the research on innovation systems, it is argued that most models fail to include the entrepreneur and the innovator, as those models are macro-level concepts. It is suggested that this exclusion is a reason for low levels of entrepreneurial activity. We argue that the concepts of the entrepreneur and the innovator need to be treated as separate constructs. Structured interviews show that the key elements of the triple helix model such as governments, universities, and industries are not well integrated despite various efforts. The study shows that entrepreneurs and potential innovators (scientists and researchers) feel excluded or avoid involvement with government actors. The study questions the existing top-down triple helix model of innovation systems, as it discards the entrepreneurs. We offer a competing model based on reversed causation (a true bottom-up) double helix model.
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Start-ups' achievement of competitive advantages through network relations

Roininen, Sari

2008 International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship

doi: 10.1504/IJTE.2008.02054

Inter-organisational relations are viewed as sources of essential information, resources, and capabilities, improving the innovativeness and performance of small ventures. There is however a lack of research investigating inter-organisational cooperation among new ventures and its effect on firm competitiveness. This study investigates how new ventures achieve competitive advantages through network relations. The results, targeting a sample of 171 Swedish start-ups, highlight the significance of strong ties for new ventures' competitive advantages, especially among complex new ventures: the less familiar methods and the more task variety a new venture has, the stronger the link is between tie strength and achieved competitiveness.
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The strategic and technological determinants of the structural forms of Hi-tech Clusters

Schiavone, Francesco

2008 International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship

doi: 10.1504/IJTE.2008.020541

The goal of this theoretical contribution is to explain how knowledge can orient a Hi-tech Cluster (HC) towards a certain type of structural organisation. The theoretical model here proposed suggests that, at firm level, the main condition affecting the structural form of a HC is the extent to which market and technological knowledge of some lead organisations influence knowledge of the other organisational members of that network (dependency of minor cluster firms on lead companies). At industry level, technological complexity is the other critical condition orienting a HC towards a certain structural form.
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Network embeddedness as a predictor of performance for New Technology-Based Firms

Bliemel, Martin J. ; Maine, Elicia M.A.

2008 International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship

doi: 10.1504/IJTE.2008.020542

The logic of network embeddedness has been widely used in the technology entrepreneurship literature in recent years, yet its operationalisation and use are neither well understood nor agreed upon. This paper reviews the logic of network embeddedness as it has been invoked and operationalised to predict the performance of New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs). We find network embeddedness to be a useful predictor for NTBF performance when operationalised at both the dyad and network levels and when interaction effects or contingency factors that account for environmental conditions and firm constraints are included.
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