Social media ranking for local governments in IndonesiaRakhmawati, Nur Aini; Abadi, Abi Nubli; Pramono, Tubagus Hendro
2020 Electronic Government, an International Journal
doi: 10.1504/EG.2020.110607
Social media is a bridge of communication between the government and its citizen one of the efforts made by Indonesia Government through the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform in 2012 that issued guidelines for utilisation of social media government agencies. In order to assess social media of 548 local governments in Indonesia, we develop a daily ranking system. Ten criteria are calculated for determining a final score of social media of a local government. Those criteria belong to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Our system also provides a user interface for displaying a monthly ranking and a trend of daily social media of each of local government. Further, the ranking results are divided into seven clusters to group the local government. The largest cluster of local governments has a small number of Twitter follower and Facebook fans. Also, we compare the social media performance of local government in Java Island and outside Java Island. In general, the performance of social media of local government in Java Island is better than the performance of social media of local government in outside Java Island.
Development of hybrid quality function deployment-analytical network process framework for e-services strategy formulationPusparani, Nilam Amalia; Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar; Purwandari, Betty; Budi, Nur Fitriah Ayuning; Setiawan, Suryana; Kosandi, Meidi
2020 Electronic Government, an International Journal
doi: 10.1504/EG.2020.110608
This study aims to develop a framework that can be use in analysing the quality of e-services and formulating strategic steps. The research method used is mixed method. The proposed framework is a combination of quality function deployment and analytical network process (QFD-ANP). The study used questionnaires to determine the quality of e-services, which then would be translated into QFD-ANP for negative-value dimensions. The result framework applied to a case study that is e-services in the Directorate of Licensing and Fishermen Affairs. The final outcome of the case study is a priority sequence of strategies for improving the quality of e-services comprising of seven steps: e-services application training for service providers, setting competency standards for service personnel, simplifying features, make the service provider SOP, update user manual, improving the service receiver's SOP and providing communication facilities through special features in e-services.
Security knowledge representation of e-government data centre through ontologySarkar, Saibal; Das, Suvrojit
2020 Electronic Government, an International Journal
doi: 10.1504/EG.2020.110602
Security knowledge is the heart of an e-government data centre. The knowledge refers to information gained through learning and experience. It is well known that security requirements of a community data centre are changing rapidly which are mostly formless and lack formal representation yet. It is therefore, felt essential to have a model for a community data centre that can support knowledge sharing and reuse in an explicit and mutually agreed manner. We have developed a security knowledge-based, ontology-centric framework for e-government data centre. Our framework that demonstrates correlation between high-level policy statements based on information system security standards and deployable security controls which are implementable and the objectives are achievable. This framework may support security expert activities with respect to security requirements, application and management of respective security controls and their countermeasures. We have tried to implement our model in a neutral manner.
Determinants of the citizens' usage of electronic public services in the Republic of MacedoniaBlagoeva, Kalina Trenevska; Mijoska, Marina; Trenovski, Borce
2020 Electronic Government, an International Journal
doi: 10.1504/EG.2020.110610
This paper identifies the factors that determine users' adoption of e-government services in the Republic of Macedonia. The research model, defines several constructs (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, compatibility, interpersonal influence, external influence, self-efficacy, facilitating conditions, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, demographic factors) that can influence intention to use e-government services. Relationships between constructs proved to be significant after analysis of the survey results, but the strength of influence toward intention to usage varies among constructs. Attitude towards usage is strongly and significantly influenced by the perceived usefulness and less by perceived ease of use of the e-government applications as well as by compatibility with the way of work. Subjective norms are significantly affected by interpersonal influence, and by external influence, as well. Self-efficacy is significantly influencing control over usage of e-government applications, while perceived behavioural control was not significant for our sample.
Process-oriented knowledge management and learning in public administrationsBertolino, Antonia; Angelis, Guglielmo De; Polini, Andrea; Re, Barbara; Sergiacomi, Andrea
2020 Electronic Government, an International Journal
doi: 10.1504/EG.2020.110615
The capability to easily access and acquire knowledge is a key enabler for complex organisations that need to adapt to frequent changes of their operative contexts. These changes generally challenge workers that need to acquire new competences and skills. Such a situation is particularly evident in public administrations that nowadays are undergoing complex re-organisations in order to implement new regulations, and to deliver simplified services to both citizens and enterprises. This paper reports the insights gained in assessing the effectiveness of a novel knowledge management and learning approach, which was developed within a project financed by the European Commission. The approach, which is supported by a modular software platform, leverages enterprise related models to organise knowledge and make it available for learning purposes according to different paradigms. A validation, by means of a comparative study against more traditional learning paradigms currently in use within public administrations, is reported.