journal article
Open Access Collection
Exploring the Dynamics of Sleep Deprivation: Insights into Complete Blood Count and Coagulation Parameters in a Case-Control Study
Agena, Abd Elhadi;Mirghani, Leena;Ali Mude, Abdirasak
doi: 10.1155/2024/1766578pmid: 38665768
<i>Background</i>. The lack of preceding research in Sudan emphasizes the importance of this study, which contributes critical data to the global understanding of sleep-related health effects. This study investigates the complex relationship between sleep deprivation and blood-related factors, particularly focusing on full blood count and coagulation parameters. <i>Methods</i>. From January to March 2022, a case-control study was conducted in Kosti, Sudan. A control group of 11 healthy 23–33-year-olds (6 men and 5 women) had regular sleep patterns. Six men and five women ages 23–33 were chosen for this sleep-deprived case study. The case group was deprived of sleep from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. for three days and allowed to sleep normally during the day. Daily at 7:00 a.m., antecubital vein blood was drawn. The ACL 7000 coagulation analyzer and Sysmex fully automated hematology analyzers were used for coagulation and whole blood count analysis. Data analysis included descriptive and inferential approaches like the Mann–Whitney <i>U</i> test for group comparisons. <i>Results</i>. The study found no significant differences in total white blood cell counts reported between case and control groups (<span class="inline_break"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="18.973pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" id="M1" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0498162 -8.34882 18.973 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,0,0)"><path id="g113-113" d="M570 304C570 398 525 448 414 448C385 448 343 445 312 434L329 511L321 518C297 504 262 482 244 460L233 411C195 397 159 381 128 358L135 332C160 347 189 360 224 373L111 -147C97 -210 84 -218 17 -231L13 -257L254 -247L259 -218L233 -216C183 -212 177 -202 189 -142L218 -1C238 -10 266 -12 283 -12C351 3 429 48 483 105C543 168 570 242 570 304ZM482 289C482 161 380 33 304 33C278 33 248 51 233 69L303 396C326 400 352 403 369 403C428 403 482 380 482 289Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,11.342,0)"><path id="g117-34" d="M535 323V373H52V323H535ZM535 138V188H52V138H535Z"/></g></svg><span class="irelop"/><span class="nowrap"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="28.184pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="22.555183800000002 -8.34882 28.184 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,22.605,0)"><path id="g113-49" d="M241 635C89 635 35 457 35 312C35 153 89 -12 240 -12C390 -12 443 166 443 312C443 466 390 635 241 635ZM238 602C329 602 354 454 354 312C354 172 330 22 240 22C152 22 124 173 124 313S148 602 238 602Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,28.845,0)"><path id="g113-47" d="M113 -12C146 -12 170 11 170 46C170 78 146 103 114 103S58 78 58 46C58 11 82 -12 113 -12Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,31.809,0)"><path id="g113-57" d="M249 635C141 635 70 555 70 471C70 401 114 353 179 316C143 294 106 267 90 252C68 231 45 202 45 157C45 50 130 -12 237 -12C322 -12 435 52 435 169C435 256 372 304 303 343C349 374 375 398 383 407C401 429 411 458 411 487C411 569 344 635 249 635ZM238 603C285 603 337 567 337 482C337 422 310 385 276 358C205 393 145 426 145 500C145 552 179 603 238 603ZM248 20C183 20 125 70 125 163C125 218 158 268 206 300C284 261 355 217 355 143C355 66 308 20 248 20Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,38.049,0)"><path id="g113-58" d="M244 635C114 635 38 519 38 422C38 317 111 240 217 240C236 240 255 244 277 256L345 292C311 140 203 39 59 15L64 -15C89 -15 150 -5 204 17C339 72 440 202 440 386C440 521 368 635 244 635ZM228 602C326 602 352 479 352 390C352 370 351 347 348 324C327 308 293 296 258 296C174 296 124 369 124 458C124 517 152 602 228 602Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,44.29,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-57"/></g></svg>).</span></span> The case group had a substantial drop in lymphocyte counts on day 3 (<span class="inline_break"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="18.973pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" id="M2" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0498162 -8.34882 18.973 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,0,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-113"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,11.342,0)"><use xlink:href="#g117-34"/></g></svg><span class="irelop"/><span class="nowrap"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="28.184pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="22.555183800000002 -8.34882 28.184 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,22.605,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,28.845,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-47"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,31.809,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,38.049,0)"><path id="g113-50" d="M384 0V27C293 34 287 42 287 114V635C232 613 172 594 109 583V559L157 557C201 555 205 550 205 499V114C205 42 199 34 109 27V0H384Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,44.289,0)"><path id="g113-55" d="M137 343C167 482 260 545 321 574C357 591 397 603 429 609L423 641C382 634 335 622 295 608C189 570 37 457 37 238C37 84 125 -12 242 -12C362 -12 447 89 447 209C447 311 374 393 267 393C247 393 226 386 204 376L137 343ZM227 337C318 337 361 256 361 173C361 105 336 22 258 22C176 22 126 120 126 240C126 266 127 291 132 310C155 323 189 337 227 337Z"/></g></svg>).</span></span> The third day showed significant differences in neutrophil and eosinophil levels (<span class="inline_break"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="18.973pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" id="M3" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0498162 -8.34882 18.973 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,0,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-113"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,11.342,0)"><use xlink:href="#g117-34"/></g></svg><span class="irelop"/><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="28.184pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="22.555183800000002 -8.34882 28.184 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,22.605,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,28.845,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-47"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,31.809,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,38.049,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,44.289,0)"><path id="g113-52" d="M285 378C315 398 338 416 353 432C373 451 384 474 384 503C384 579 325 635 236 635H235C182 635 136 610 108 579L65 516L85 496C110 533 150 575 205 575C258 575 300 543 300 481C300 407 232 369 141 339L147 310C163 315 188 321 211 321C268 321 338 284 338 192C338 94 288 40 217 40C160 40 119 68 93 91C85 98 77 97 69 91C60 84 47 71 46 58C44 46 48 35 62 22C75 10 116 -12 162 -12C234 -12 424 62 424 224C424 297 373 359 285 376V378Z"/></g></svg></span> and 0.000, respectively). The difference in hemoglobin and hematocrit on day 3 was statistically significant (<span class="inline_break"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="18.973pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" id="M4" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0498162 -8.34882 18.973 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,0,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-113"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,11.342,0)"><use xlink:href="#g117-34"/></g></svg><span class="irelop"/><span class="nowrap"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="28.184pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="22.555183800000002 -8.34882 28.184 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,22.605,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,28.845,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-47"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,31.809,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,38.049,0)"><path id="g113-51" d="M412 140C382 77 369 73 315 73H129L270 222C362 320 402 379 402 466C402 571 322 635 234 635C177 635 130 609 99 576L42 495L64 475C90 514 133 568 201 568C274 568 318 519 318 435C318 349 255 267 193 193C144 135 87 78 32 23V0H405C417 45 427 89 440 131L412 140Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,44.289,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-52"/></g></svg>).</span></span> Platelet counts were stable. Both groups’ prothrombin times were unaffected. On all three days, groups had significant differences in activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) (<span class="inline_break"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="18.973pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" id="M5" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0498162 -8.34882 18.973 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,0,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-113"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,11.342,0)"><use xlink:href="#g117-34"/></g></svg><span class="irelop"/><span class="nowrap"><svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" width="28.184pt" style="vertical-align:-3.42938pt" height="11.7782pt" version="1.1" viewBox="22.555183800000002 -8.34882 28.184 11.7782"><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,22.605,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,28.845,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-47"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,31.809,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,38.049,0)"><use xlink:href="#g113-49"/></g><g transform="matrix(.013,0,0,-0.013,44.289,0)"><path id="g113-53" d="M456 178V225H360V632H320C217 496 115 347 20 206V178H280V106C280 40 276 34 189 27V0H445V27C364 34 360 39 360 106V178H456ZM280 225H82C149 335 214 431 278 520H280V225Z"/></g></svg>).</span></span> Therefore, the intrinsic coagulation system may have changed. <i>Conclusion</i>. This study demonstrates the complex link between sleep deprivation, coagulation indicators, and complete blood count. Monitoring blood indicators in poor sleep helps explain fundamental mechanisms and medicinal implications.