Badly Approximable Unimodular Functions in Weighted L p SpacesAleksandrov, Alexei
2013 Computational Methods and Function Theory
doi: 10.1007/BF03321072
A function u on the unit circle T is said to be badly approximable in the weighted space L
p(T,w)} if ¦¦u + f¦¦ L
p(T,w) ≥¦L
p(T,w) for all f ∊ H∞. We prove that if an unimodular function u is badly approximable in L
p(T, w}) for all p ∊ (0, +∞) and some non-zero weight w, then
is an inner function. We describe the inner functions Θ and the weights w on the unit circle T such that Θ is badly approximable in L
p(T, w) for all p > 0. It turns out that, for given inner functions Θ, the class of all weights satisfying the above-mentioned condition depends only on the zero set of Θ. In other words, Θ is badly approximable in L
p(T, w) for all p ∊ (0, +∞) if and only if
is badly approximable in L
p(T,w) for all p ∊ (0, +∞), where B is a Blaschke product with simple zeros and such that Θ−1(0) = B−1(0).
Extending a Theorem of Bergweiler and Langley Concerning Non-Vanishing DerivativesClifford, Eleanor
2013 Computational Methods and Function Theory
doi: 10.1007/BF03321073
We consider the differential operator Λk defined by
$$\Lambda_k(y) = \Psi_k(y) + a_{k-1}\Psi_{k-1}(y) +... + a_1\Psi_1(y) +a_0,$$
where a
0,…, a
k−1 are analytic functions of restricted growth and Ψk(y) is a differential operator defined by Ψ1(y) = y and Ψk+1(y) = yΨk(y) + (Ψk(y))′ for k ∊ N. We suppose that k ≥ 3, that F is a meromorphic function on an annulus A(r
0), and that Λk(F) has all its zeros on a set E such that E has no limit point in A(r
0). We suppose also that all simple poles a of F in A(r0) E have res(F, a) ∉ {1,…,k − 1}. We then deduce that F is a function of restricted growth in the Nevanlinna sense. This extends a theorem of Bergweiler and Langley [1]. We show also that this result does not hold when a0,…, a
k−1 are meromorphic functions.
Quadrilaterals and John DisksBroch, Ole
2013 Computational Methods and Function Theory
doi: 10.1007/BF03321078
Relations involving ordered quadruples of points on the boundary of a Jordan domain are investigated, and it is shown that these relations hold if and only if the domain is a John disk. In particular connections between absolute cross ratios and moduli of corresponding quadrilaterals are examined. A characterization of John disks based on a relation between diameters of subarcs of the boundary and bounds for moduli of associated quadrilaterals is also given. The results are one sided analogues to characterizations of quasidisks.
Notes on Certain Star-Shift Invariant SubspacesAkeroyd, John; Karber, Kristi
2013 Computational Methods and Function Theory
doi: 10.1007/BF03321081
Our work addresses the question: for which (infinite) Blaschke products B does the star-shift invariant subspace K
b:= H
2(D) Θ BH
2(D) contain a (non-trivial) function with a non-trivial singular inner factor? In the case that the zeros of B have only finitely many accumulation points w
2, …, w
n in T, a recent paper shows that, for an affirmative answer, there necessarily exist k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, and a subsequence of the zeros of B that converges tangentially to w
k on “both sides” of w
k. One of the results in this article improves upon this theorem. And, currently, the only examples of Blaschke products in the literature that are shown to yield an affirmative answer are those that have a proper factor b that satisfies b(D) ≠ D. We produce many examples here that have no such factor.