journal article
LitStream Collection
Utilization of open government data: A systematic literature review of types, conditions, effects and users
Safarov, Igbal; Meijer, Albert; Grimmelikhuijsen, Stephan
2017 Information Polity
doi: 10.3233/IP-160012
This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the literature onthe types, effects, conditions and user of Open Government Data (OGD). Thereview analyses 101 academic studies about OGD which discuss at least one ofthe four factors of OGD utilization: the different types of utilization, theeffects of utilization, the key conditions, and the different users. Ouranalysis shows that the majority of studies focus on the OGD provisionswhile assuming, but not empirically testing, various forms of utilization.The paper synthesizes the hypothesized relations in a multi-dimensionalframework of OGD utilization. Based on the framework we suggest four futuredirections for research: 1) investigate the link between type of utilizationand type of users (e.g. journalists, citizens) 2) investigate the linkbetween type of user and type of effect (e.g. societal, economic and goodgovernance benefits) 3) investigate the conditions that moderate OGD effects(e.g. policy, data quality) and 4) establishing a causal link betweenutilization and OGD outcomes.