
Journal of Thoracic Oncology

Wolters Kluwer Health
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Insulin-Like Growth Factor and Lung Cancer

Govindan, Ramaswamy

2006 Journal of Thoracic Oncology


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. Despite the availability of several cytotoxic and a few molecularly targeted agents, the outlook for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer continues to be dismal. Novel approaches are desperately needed. The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) pathway plays an important role in a number of human malignancies contributing to unregulated cell proliferation. The IGF pathway has several targets for therapeutic intervention. Preclinical studies of IGF inhibitors have demonstrated synergism when combined with chemotherapy agents and radiation. Clinical studies are currently ongoing to investigate the safety and efficacy of IGF inhibitors in combination with chemotherapy agents. In this review, we discuss the biology of the IGF pathway and various potential targets for therapy.
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A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Literature: Chemotherapy and Surgery versus Surgery Alone in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Rydzewska, Larysa

2006 Journal of Thoracic Oncology


This analysis shows a significant benefit of preoperative chemotherapy and is currently the best estimate of the effectiveness of this therapy, but this is based on a small number of trials and patients. This current analysis was unable to address important questions such as whether particular types of patients may benefit more or less from preoperative chemotherapy or whether the early stopping of a number of included RCTs impacted on the results. To assess this, an individual patient data meta-analysis is required.
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Gemcitabine, Cisplatin, and Hyperfractionated Accelerated Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Strojan, Primoz

2006 Journal of Thoracic Oncology


Judging from current standards, the methods used in diagnostics and in planning of radiotherapy were suboptimal. Using modern radiotherapy planning, a higher MTD, possibly a different profile of toxicity, and better long-term results may be expected. The high incidence of brain relapse emphasizes the need for careful screening for unsuspected brain disease before treatment and the importance of clinical studies on prophylactic cranial irradiation for patients with locally advanced NSCLC. Although the small number of patients in this study precludes any definitive conclusion, it appears that our program of concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy offers a chance for disease control at least comparable to previously described programs for inoperable lung cancer.
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