journal articleLitStream CollectionEnvironments of Experimentation and Epistemologies of Surroundings: John Scott Haldane's Physiology and Biopolitics of the ...Sprenger, Florian2019 Grey Roomdoi: 10.1162/grey_a_00268
journal articleLitStream CollectionWatery Milieus: Marine Biology, Aquariums, and the Limits of Ecological Knowledge circa 1900Wessely, Christina2019 Grey Roomdoi: 10.1162/grey_a_00269
journal articleLitStream CollectionFrom Microform to the Drawing Bot: The Photographic Image as DataBlaschke, Estelle2019 Grey Roomdoi: 10.1162/grey_a_00270
journal articleLitStream CollectionThe Media ArcaneBeyes, Timon; Pias, Claus2019 Grey Roomdoi: 10.1162/grey_a_00271