journal article
LitStream Collection
1987 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
This paper looks at the issue once more of whether there is a statistically significant relationship between industry structure and economic performance. Tempered by the results of a test for structural stability, it is suggested that judicious choice of the industries included in the sample used to estimate the hypothesized relationship will lead to any desired result. As a consequence, one must be cautious in accepting the results of any study that unequivocally purports to show the presence or absence of an identifiable relationship between industry structure and industry performance.
McClean, S. I.; Gribbin, J. O.
1987 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
Much attention has been paid to both non‐parametric and parametric estimation for survival data with right censoring, particularly in the medical literature. In manpower planning the completed length of service until leaving is of great interest, and here also the data are right censored since people are still in service when data collection ends. However, it often occurs that the data are also left truncated since people are already in service at the beginning of data collection. These people have often been neglected both in estimation of the empirical distribution function and also in fitting particular parametric distributions. However, it is important to include them so as to use all the data, particularly when data are only present for a short period.
Machin, David; D'arcangues, Catherine; Busca, Barbara; Farley, Timothy M. M.; Pinol, Alain
1987 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
Data concerning the vaginal bleeding patterns of women using different forms of fertility regulation are presented. The data were collected in the form of diaries which were completed by the women themselves by recording the presence or absence of vaginal bleeding on a daily basis. The object of the paper is to invite suggestions for suitable methods of presentation and analysis of such data so that the results of studies on methods of fertility regulation can be better summarized and interpreted.
1987 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
This paper is the result of the practical need to specify local weather conditions that could help to design locally adapted telecommunication systems in Brazil. Several practical alternatives for defining multidimensional empirical quantiles are considered, as well as their possible applications, and the statistical problems involved.
1987 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
This paper deals with estimating the parameters of a mixed Weibull exponential model using a Bayesian method for type I censored samples. A numerical comparison between maximum likelihood and Bayes results has been carried out, using a numerical example and computer facilities for different prior information. Bayesian results in the cases of mixed exponential (complete and censored), single exponential and single Weibull may be consider as special cases of the results of this paper. The problem can be extended to the case of more than two causes of failure.
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