journal articleLitStream CollectionEditorialLWAUGH, JOAN E.2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.1
journal articleLitStream CollectionThe Physician’s: Eyes American Nursing and the Diagnostic Revolution in MedicineSANDELOWSKI, MARGARETE2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.3
journal articleLitStream CollectionEleanor Clarke Slagle and Susan E. Tracy: Personal and Professional Identity and the Development of Occupational Therapy in Progressive Era AmericaMETAXAS, VIRGINIA A.2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.39
journal articleLitStream CollectionNursing Reorganization in Occupied Japan, 1945–1951RYDER, REIKO SHIMAZAKI2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.71
journal articleLitStream CollectionMedical Service to Settlers: The Gestation and Establishment of a Nursing Service in Que’bec, 1932–1943ROUSSEAU, NICOLE;DAIGLE, JOHANNE2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.95
journal articleLitStream CollectionTo Cultivate a Feeling of Confidence: The Nursing of Obstetric Patients, 1890–1940RINKER, SYLVIA2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.117
journal articleLitStream CollectionWe Must Have Nurses: Spanish Influenza in America 1918–1919KEEN-PAYNE, RHONDA2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.143
journal articleLitStream CollectionThe Miners’ Hospitals of West Virginia: Nurses and Healthcare Come to the Coal Fields, 1900–1920KIRCHGESSNER, JOHN C.2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.157
journal articleLitStream CollectionA Hard Day’s Work: Institutional Nursing in the Post-World War II EraGRANDO, VICTORIA T.2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.169
journal articleLitStream CollectionAmerican Medicine and the Public Interest: A History of SpecializationStevens, Rosemary;STANLEY, JUDITH M.2000 Nursing History Reviewdoi: 10.1891/1062-8061.8.1.185