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Perception Discrepancy of Public Relations Functions and Conflict among Disciplines: South Korean Public Relations Versus Marketing Professionals
Ha, Jin Hong; Ferguson, Mary Ann
2015 Journal of Public Relations Research
doi: 10.1080/1062726X.2014.924838
This study examined the perception discrepancies of the functions of public relations departments existing between public relations and marketing departments, and examined how the differences affect the conflicts between the two departments. The results revealed image function to be a statistically significant perception discrepancy in the public relations functions. The image function was found to have a significantly negative effect on the conflicts between the two departments. Public relations practitioners recognized the image function to be the most important function of the public relations department, whereas marketing practitioners considered the pragmatic function to be most important. Moreover, the perceived power of the public relations and marketing departments has an association with the perceptions of the functions of public relations.