journal article
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Health Journalists and Three Levels of Public Information: Issue and Agenda Disparities?
Lariscy, Ruthann Weaver; Avery, Elizabeth Johnson; Sohn, Youngju (YJ)
2010 Journal of Public Relations Research
doi: 10.1080/10627260802640708
This is a 2-phase study of the sources of information health journalists use and rely upon for writing health news stories. The 1st phase of the study includes both depth interviews and an online survey with 188 health journalists. Phase 2 of the study extends the findings from Phase 1, with particular attention paid to the roles of public health information officers at 3 government levels: local, state, and federal. Results from this study suggest that a monolithic, “1-size-fits-all” media relations model for public information officers is not adequate in the current health news environment. Findings explore differences in perceptions of the value of public information sources at 3 levels and suggest that some bureaucratic inefficiencies may interfere with more effective source/subsidy–provider relationships.