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Corporate Image Examined in a Chinese-Based Context: A Study of a Young Educated Public in Hong Kong
2004 Journal of Public Relations Research
doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr1601_1
Given the increasing globalization of business, 1 of the new challenges public relations practitioners have to face is meeting the needs of the more and more diverse and international audiences. In view of the potentially prospering China market in the future, the study reported here is to examine the reputation component in corporate image among young educated consumers in Hong Kong. Two hundred and fifty-four (54 men and 200 women) undergraduate students in Hong Kong participated in the study. An empirical measure called Corporate Image Scale was developed and used. Varimax factor analyses revealed 7 meaningful factors. Moreover, the 7 factors were further entered into multiple regressions hierarchically. The predictability of each factor on Overall Corporate Image was examined. Implications of findings are discussed.