
Journal of Public Relations Research

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Taylor & Francis
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Community Relations and Risk Communication: A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Emergency Response Messages

Heath, Robert L.; Palenchar, Michael

2000 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/S1532754XJPRR1202_1

This study replicates and extends Heath and Abel's (1996) quasi-longitudinal analysis of the long-term impact of risk communication and emergency response measures. This study confirms and disconfirms some of the 1996 Heath and Abel conclusions. We found that because concern remains high that risk events are likely to occur and harm community safety, citizens are willing to become knowledgeable of emergency response measures. Such knowledge gives citizens a greater sense of control, which may translate into trust for industry and city emergency response experts. Support for the industry is increased by effective improvements in its operations. Long-term, community-relations programs may empower citizens with knowledge of what to do in the event an emergency occurs.
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An Empirical Analysis of Image Restoration: Texaco's Racism Crisis

Coombs, Timothy; Schmidt, Lainen

2000 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/S1532754XJPRR1202_2

As in any social science, theory in public relations is advanced by making and testing predictions from that theory. This article reports the results of a study designed to test some claims advanced by image restoration theory, a theory that is being used and cited frequently in crisis management research. The experimental study subjects conclusions from a case study to empirical analysis. More precisely, claims about the effectiveness of various image restoration strategies used in Texaco's efforts to combat a racism incident are tested. The results suggest that many conclusions drawn from image restoration case studies should be taken only as tentative. The results recommend a more rigorous application of image restoration theory to unpack its utility for crisis management and public relations.
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Toward a Public Relations Approach to Nation Building

Taylor, Maureen

2000 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/S1532754XJPRR1202_3

This article advances a public relations approach to nation building. A public relations approach to nation building focuses on cooperative relationships and offers a communication-centered, participatory approach for improving ethnic relations in multicultural states. This research evaluated the Neighborliness Campaign in Malaysia and found it was effective in building cooperation between people of different ethnic groups. However, the Neighborliness Campaign also suffered from the unintended consequences of other government nation-building efforts. To improve future communication campaigns for nation building, a public relations approach, based on relational communication, is offered.
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