
Journal of Public Relations Research

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Taylor & Francis
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Toward a Concept and Theory of Organization-Public Relationships

Broom, Glen M.; Casey, Shawna; Ritchey, James

1997 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0902_01

This article explores the concept of relationships in the theory and practice of public relations. Even though the public relations function builds and maintains organizations' relationships with publics, we found few definitions of such relationships in public relations literature. We also found the same paucity of useful definitions in the literature of other fields in which the concept of relationships is central. We concluded that the absence of a fully explicated definition precludes the development of valid operational measures of organization-public relationships and limits theory building in public relations. Without such definition, both scholars and practitioners will continue to use indirect measures to draw inferences about relationships without measuring the relationships themselves. We suggest a concept of relationships with measurable properties distinct from their antecedents and consequences and independent of the parties intherelationships. We also posit a theoretical model for constmcting theory about public-organization relationships.
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Organizational Identification Strategies and Values in High Technology Industries: A Rhetorical-Organizational Approach to the Analysis of Socialization Processes in Corporate Discourse

Vaughn, Mina A.

1997 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0902_03

This essay examines the organizational identification strategies in the corporate discourse in high-technology industries used to recmit individuals and socialize them to be members of the organization. The results of the analysis suggest that these organizations exhibit similar identification strategies, which cluster around five dominant value themes. A discussion of the results of the findings is highlighted by an argument that proposes that this study makes a significant contribution to the field of public relations. Areas for future research are suggested.
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Communication, Clinical Directorates, and the Corporate NHS

Button, Wendy J.; Roberts, Graham

1997 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0902_04

Practices within the British National Health Service have continually changed since its inception in 1948. Despite these changes, little has been done to seek the views of those most affected—the employees within the service. This piece of research aspires to redress this imbalance by evaluating the implementation of the Resource Management Initiative. This involved organizational change by the formation of Clinical Directorates. Engestrom's (1990) activity analysis was used as the framework for evaluation. The findings reveal that although tensions exist within it, the organization is working hard to improve communications. This research also carries a postscript describing the organization's response to the problems.
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