
Journal of Public Relations Research

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Taylor & Francis
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It Depends: A Contingency Theory of Accommodation in Public Relations

Cancel, Amanda E.; Cameron, Glen T.; Sallot, Lynne M.; Mitrook, Michael A.

1997 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0901_02

We argue here for a contingency theory of accommodation in public relations based on a continuum from pure accommodation to pure advocacy. The theory posits that antecedent, mediating, and moderating variables lead to greater or lesser accommodation. We identify 87 variables for inclusion in the matrix of factors affecting the degree of accommodation undertaken by public relations practitioners. We offer the theory as an alternative to the normative theory of excellence in public relations based on the two-way symmetrical model.
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Understanding the Relation Between Public Relations and Issues Management

Lauzen, Martha M.

1997 Journal of Public Relations Research

doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0901_03

Using a systematic sample of 248 public relations managers in the United States, I examined the relation between type of public relations practiced, type of issues management practiced, and the outcomes associated with these practices. Regression and partial correlation analyses reveal that the use of 2-way public relations is positively related to 2 steps in the issues management process: formal environmental scanning and active sense-making strategies. In turn, formal environmental scanning and active sense-making strategies result in early issue detection and accurate issue diagnoses. Post hoc analysis reveals that the use of 2-way public relations is also directly related to early issue detection and accurate issues diagnoses.
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