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Walgreens: A Case Study in Health Care Issues and Conflict Resolution
Plowman, Kenneth D.; ReVelle, Cynthia; Meirovich, Shira; Pien, Martha; Stemple, Richard; Sheng, Virginia; Fay, Karen
1995 Journal of Public Relations Research
doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0704_01
The major problems for Walgreens in the health care reform debate and its primary stakeholders are identified, as well as the possible strategies to resolve the conflicts between Walgreens and its stakeholders. The overt positions, underlying interests, and best alternatives for resolution between Walgreens and its stakeholders are evaluated. Additionally, a conflict resolution model for public relations is developed as a guideline in suggesting strategies for solution. The three major issues for Walgreens were (a) cost of drugs, (b) freedom to choose the drug provider, and (c) mail-order drugs. Walgreens should collaborate with its stakeholders on the cost of drugs issue, accommodate on the freedom of choice issue, and seek compromise on the mail-order drug issue.