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Fund-Raising Encroachment and the Potential of Public Relations Departments in the Nonprofit Sector
1994 Journal of Public Relations Research
doi: 10.1207/s1532754xjprr0601_01
A national survey of 175 public relations managers documented fund-raising encroachment at 23% of their charitable organizations, with variation in vulnerability among different types. Small but significant correlations were found between encroachment and the extent to which the public relations department had the knowledge and expertise to practice the two-way symmetrical and asymmetrical models of public relations and the communication manager role. Together, knowledge of the four public relations models and two roles ac- counted for 19% of the explained variance in observed encroachment. Factor analysis yielded scales of high and low potential of the public relations department that may be useful in future encroachment research, whether the encroachment is by fund raising or marketing.