Total quality education for superior performanceMohamed Zairi
1995 Training for Quality
doi: 10.1108/09684879510082238
Total quality management continues to spread in industry and commerce on a global basis. Despite the various levels of scepticism and doubt expressed on its potential to lead to competive benefits, TQM continues to reshape organizations at all levels. When one looks at providers of education and training, there is little evidence to suggest that there is a high degree of enthusiasm and positive response to the challenges that industry has to face. Analyses how education is responding to TQM implementation and highlights the various obstacles. Discusses the critical aspects of TQM implementation in education and the areas which need to be addressed for a complete and radical transformation of education and training provision capable of meeting modern business requirements. Finally, suggests a way forward for developing an integrated approach to total quality education (TQE) which will assist providers of education and training to become more competitive.
Training quality through an education partnershipGerald Vinten
1995 Training for Quality
doi: 10.1108/09684879510082247
The aim of cultivating closer links between education and business has become the accepted wisdom and practice in the UK over more than the past decade. With delayering resulting in flat organizations, one way to retain the interest and motivation of staff is through encouraging links with the world of education, which is seen as having training value to company employees, pupils and education institute staff. The advantages of such education‐business partnerships are seen to be mutual, and most large and many smaller companies are now entering into them. Indeed, one initiative by a larger company seeks to encourage smaller companies to become involved. It is becoming increasingly common for some evaluation to be undertaken of the effectiveness of such arrangements, but generally on a one‐to‐one basis. What is presented here is an independent evaluation of one large company’s partnership from the perspective of the education side of the equation. Many insights are provided of the strengths and potential weaknesses of such arrangements, with suggestions made as to how improvements may be achieved.