journal article
LitStream Collection
Process measurement
2002 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600030210430642
Presents a framework for the development of process measurement systems. The purpose can be described as reflecting a strong need for increased knowledge of the development of process‐oriented measurement systems for analysing the order process, as well as knowledge concerning the prerequisites for this development and the potential effects it can have. The research subordinated a systems approach together with elements of the actor‐based approach. The research area’s boundary spanning character required an interdisciplinary integration of knowledge. The research process encompassed an extensive study of the literature, as well as a field study and a major case study carried out in the form of action research. The author’s present occupation as a management consultant has also been important for the verification of the results presented. Presents an eight‐step model for developing a measurement system for a specific process. Special attention is given to the step of deriving and selecting the actual measures. The framework also includes a suggestion for measurement system, a process measure classification model and a discussion of the measurement needs of the process‐oriented organisation.