journal article
LitStream Collection
Waves, beaches, breakwaters and rip currents – A three‐dimensional view of supply chain dynamics
Peter Hines; Matthias Holweg; James Sullivan
2000 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600030010351219
Describes a two- and, later, a three-dimensional view of supply chain dynamics within a theoretical framework derived from research carried out in the UK automotive industry. However, the authors believe that the models developed have a far wider applicability than this narrow sectoral and geographic focus. The research has been developed within two research programmes. The first programme, called "LEAP" (lean processing programme), involves Corus (formerly British Steel Strip Products), two steel service centres and six major UK-based automotive component manufacturers, all linked within a common supply chain. The second programme, called "3DayCar", involves 20 European industrial sponsors including six automotive manufacturers. Both programmes are supported by the UK Government Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI). Conclusions based on the waves analogy will be applied to a real-life setting in order to suggest appropriate business strategies to achieving a lean value stream.