
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Publishing
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Outsourcing of logistics functions: a literature survey

Mohammed Abdur Razzaque; Chang Chen Sheng

1998 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039810221667

Recent times have witnessed a heightened global interest in outsourcing of logistics functions. This is indicated by the volume of writings on the subject in various scholarly journals, trade publications and popular magazines. However, efforts to organize them in an integrated body of knowledge appear to be very limited. Keeping this in view, this paper makes an attempt to develop a comprehensive literature on outsourcing based on more than 100 published articles, papers and books on the subject.
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The transport selection criteria of Norwegian exporters

Eirik Loetveit Pedersen; Richard Gray

1998 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039810221676

Examines transport selection criteria with particular reference to Norwegian exports. Because results of studies of carrier selection determinants tend to have a degree of consensus, there is a risk of assuming context‐free determinants, whereas throughout the world there is a range of contexts that may influence determinants. Norway has distinctive features including export dependency with a small home market, a peripheral location, and an extreme topography and climate. Despite an awareness of logistics concepts, Norwegian exporters appear to place more emphasis on direct transport costs than many context‐free studies would suggest. The paper concludes that logistics studies should have an accepted typology of relevant context features, so that better comparisons between studies can be made.
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Case study: transitory JIT at Proton Cars, Malaysia

Mike Simpson; Geoff Sykes; Adini Abdullah

1998 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039810221685

The paper describes and analyses the introduction of just‐in‐time (JIT) production at Proton Cars, Malaysia. The paper examines the means of introducing JIT and the present scope of JIT within the company. The relevance of some existing models of JIT to the Malaysian experience is assessed. The apparently transitory nature of JIT at Proton is investigated and found to be developed as a strategic approach. The strategy is to create an indigenous base of suppliers capable of supplying world markets. The methodology involved literature review, observation of the operations at the Proton plant, interviews and discussions with Proton staff at all levels and interviews with suppliers. Secondary data were collected.
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Product distribution and service support strategy linkages An empirical validation

Arvinder P.S. Loomba

1998 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039810221694

It has been proposed that critical linkages exist between product distribution and after‐sales service support functions in business organizations operating in marketing channel environments. By using the data from the US computer‐equipment manufacturing industry, this paper attempts to test empirically the propositions proposed by Loomba. Empirical results support that both product distribution and after‐sales service support strategies of business organizations operating in the computer‐equipment industry are closely linked to one another.
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