
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Publishing
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Distribution channel management: power considerations

I.F. Wilkinson

1996 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039610757692

Deals with the nature and importance of power relations between firms in distribution channels. Discusses the role of power in channel systems and considers factors which affect the use of power and those which determine the results of such use. Summarizes several implications from the analysis of interfirms management.
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LitStream Collection
Marketing channels and economic development: a literature overview

Bruce Mallen

1996 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039610757700

Provides an overview and organization of the literature which deals with the interaction of economic development and marketing channel structure. This interaction is a topic worthy of serious study for at least the following reasons: it generates descriptions of actual channels that exist at present in different countries (such descriptions could be of great use to international marketers); it provides insight into the determinants of channel structure in different countries at different levels of economic development and thus helps to explain the nature of channels and how present channels came to have the structures that they do (generalizations may then be developed which will aid in the prediction of changes and directions that channel structure will take in specific areas and nations ‐ this is of use for both managerial and social purposes); it could provide insight into how macro‐channel structure strategy could be used as a tool in economic development.
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LitStream Collection
Long‐term channel member relationships

Jule B. Gassenheimer; Jay U. Sterling; Robert A. Robicheaux

1996 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039610116521

Assesses the impact of dependency, behaviour and performance on long‐term channel member relationships. Develops a model which incorporates supplier performance and behaviour in an interactive process with dealers. Determines the impact of manufacturers’ actions on dealer satisfaction.
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