journal article
LitStream Collection
Supporting Global Operations through Logistics and Purchasing
Fawcett, Stanley E.; Birou, Laura; Cofield Taylor, Barbara
1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600039310041464
The development of coordinated global manufacturing is animportant approach to enhancing competitiveness. However, globalmanufacturing strategies provide the greatest competitive advantage whenthey are appropriately supported through key valueadded logistics andpurchasing activities. Examines the relationship between globalmanufacturing and strategic advantage, emphasizing the need to establishadequate logistics and purchasing support. Presents a conceptualoverview of the topic and reports the results of a surveybasedempirical study. Objectives are to examine the state of currentlogistics and purchasing practice as they relate to supporting theglobal network, and to evaluate the performance of these key activitiesas they support global operations.