
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Supporting Global Operations through Logistics and Purchasing

Fawcett, Stanley E.; Birou, Laura; Cofield Taylor, Barbara

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310041464

The development of coordinated global manufacturing is animportant approach to enhancing competitiveness. However, globalmanufacturing strategies provide the greatest competitive advantage whenthey are appropriately supported through key valueadded logistics andpurchasing activities. Examines the relationship between globalmanufacturing and strategic advantage, emphasizing the need to establishadequate logistics and purchasing support. Presents a conceptualoverview of the topic and reports the results of a surveybasedempirical study. Objectives are to examine the state of currentlogistics and purchasing practice as they relate to supporting theglobal network, and to evaluate the performance of these key activitiesas they support global operations.
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Logistics Strategies for Global Businesses

Cooper, James C.

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310041473

As businesses continue to globalize, attention has increasinglyturned to logistics. Examines global logistics in depth, beginning witha brief overview, to provide a working context. Discusses thedevelopment of global logistics strategy, taking a bottomup approach.Assesses the effects of productmarket characteristics on strategyformulation and evaluates logistics strategy at business unit or companylevel. Considers the implications of global logistics strategies,detailing the critical success factors which apply and highlighting theneed for organizational change.
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Logistics by Combined Transport Barriers to Market Entry and Strategies of Main Suppliers

Bukold, Steffen

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310041482

In the EC, Combined Transport CT is generally regarded as themost promising market for external logistics suppliers. EC deregulationpolicy makes market entry a strategic option both for mega carriers andbig shippers. Concentrates on access problems to this market. Shows thatliberalization does not automatically mean lower access barriers. Thesemideregulated CT industry presents strong entry barriers due to lowprofitability and a high level of control over upstream and downstreamresources by established main actors. Therefore the set of CT mainproviders, the railwayleague and theUIRRforwarderleague, remains stable. The situation willprobably not change as long as 1 the low price level of trucking isaccepted by environmental and transport policy makers and 2 access torelevant resources is nationally monopolized. Only a combination ofmeasures designed to rectify both of these market imperfections, not asuccession of isolated actions, will support further development of CT.The consequence of its fast liberalization, without higher returns oncapital, could be a serious crisis for the whole industry.
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Reducing Commercial Vehicle Road Accident Costs

McCorry, Brian; Murray, Will

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310041491

Presents information relating to the scale of road trafficaccidents in the UK involving commercial vehicles. Establishes theextent of the accident problem and explores some of the main causes ofvehicle accidents including human nature, the role of the driver,vehicle operators and government road transport strategy. Introducessome general measures to reduce commercial vehicle accidents such asimproved driving, safety cultures, vehicle improvements and governmentpolicy. Provides a case study of a company which gained many benefitsfrom reducing vehicle accident levels through the implementation of avehicle accident database.
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Supply Base Strategies to Maximize Supplier Performance

Monczka, Robert M.; Trent, Robert J.; Callahan, Thomas J.

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310041509

Competing in the midtolate 1990s will require worldclass firmsto rely increasingly on their suppliers while at the same timedeveloping more aggressive and executive supported purchasing, supplybase and sourcing strategies, because suppliers performance is notmeeting expectations of purchasers. This finding was one result of aresearch effort with over 100 different firms over a fiveyear period todetermine the importance of the supply base, current supplierperformance and emerging supply basesourcing strategies being used byleading firms to contribute to competitive advantage. It was furtherdetermined that significant opportunities exist to acceleratedevelopment of supplier capabilities and performance. Identifies anddiscusses continuous improvement and breakthrough supply base andsourcing strategies to achieve supply base improvement.
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