
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Microcomputers versus Mainframes Use among Logistics and Marketing Professionals

Mentzer, John T.; Gandhi, Nimish

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310039133

One concern for logistics managers is the use of new technology.Such an example of technology utilization is the use of computers bymanagers in logistics. Investigates the nature and extent to whichmainframe and personal computers are used by logistics management, incontrast to the related business area of marketing. National samples oflogistics and marketing professionals responded to a mail surveyquestionnaire to test hypotheses concerning factors related to theavailability of different computer equipment in their organizations anddifferences between logistics and marketing professionals computeraccess and sources for learning to use computers. The results documentwidespread availability of sophisticated technology, although thelogistics professionals appear to lead the marketing professionals inavailability of various hardware. Logistics and marketing professionalsalso use different methods to learn the use of computers. Further,corporate size and industry are related to computer access. Discussesthe implications of these findings.
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Selecting International Freight Forwarders An Expert Systems Application

zsomer, Aysegl; Mitri, Michel; Tamer Cavusgil, S.

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310039142

The recent changes in the international forwarding environment havewitnessed the emergence of new forms of forwardersincorporating a broad spectrum of services under one roof. Such totallogistics companies are becoming a critical third party in obtaining acompetitive advantage in foreign markets. Hence, the evaluation andselection of an international freight forwarder is no longer a simpleoperational decision but a strategic one. Presents and explains anexpert systems tool to assist decision makers in selecting the freightforwarder which fits their needs best. The system, called FREIGHT,brings together international marketing, logistics and artificialintelligence knowledge.
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Use of Analytic Hierarchic Process for Evaluating Sources of Supply

Mohanty, R.P.; Deshmukh, S.G.

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310039160

Presents an application of analytic hierarchic process AHP forevaluating the sources of supply in a materials management situation.Evaluation of alternative sources is an unstructured decision probleminvolving multiple factors and attributes generic at different levels.In order to facilitate decision support to the materials managers, anall encompassing effective analysis is needed to determine the rightsupply source so as to be compatible with the organizational objectives.It seems that AHP helps in providing such a decision support.
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LitStream Collection
The Freight Transport Market BuyerSeller Relationships and Selection Criteria

Whyte, James L.

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310039179

In the UK the last decade has been a period in which the supply offreight transport services has generally exceeded demand, while both thecharacteristics of the transport managers, who are the industryscustomers, and organizational variables, which affect their behaviour,have changed. Examines how these changes have altered the duration ofrelationships with hauliers, the factors which determine haulierselection and the relative importance of the different aspects ofservice provided by hauliers. Shows that, although buyers valuelongterm relationships, they are more active in the market than theywere, dropping many and taking on new hauliers where appropriate. Whileservice remains the most important selection determinant, price hasbecome a factor of major importance. Furthermore, the relativeimportance of the different aspects of service has changed, withflexibility and understanding of problemsranking above some of the more traditional variables. While buyersperceive themselves as demanding customers, they attempt to manage theirrelationships with suppliers by creating an atmosphere which emphasizescollaboration. Concludes with recommendations for suppliers and with adiscussion of the relevance of the IMP Groups Interaction Model to thefreight transport market.
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