journal article
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Microcomputers versus Mainframes Use among Logistics and Marketing Professionals
Mentzer, John T.; Gandhi, Nimish
1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600039310039133
One concern for logistics managers is the use of new technology.Such an example of technology utilization is the use of computers bymanagers in logistics. Investigates the nature and extent to whichmainframe and personal computers are used by logistics management, incontrast to the related business area of marketing. National samples oflogistics and marketing professionals responded to a mail surveyquestionnaire to test hypotheses concerning factors related to theavailability of different computer equipment in their organizations anddifferences between logistics and marketing professionals computeraccess and sources for learning to use computers. The results documentwidespread availability of sophisticated technology, although thelogistics professionals appear to lead the marketing professionals inavailability of various hardware. Logistics and marketing professionalsalso use different methods to learn the use of computers. Further,corporate size and industry are related to computer access. Discussesthe implications of these findings.