
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Supplier Selection Using Multiobjective Programming A Decision Support System Approach

Weber, Charles A.; Ellram, Lisa M.

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310038161

Explores the use of a multiobjective programming approach as amethod for supplier selection in a justintime JIT setting. Based ona case study, develops a model of JIT supplier selection which allowsfor simultaneous tradeoffs of price, delivery and quality criteria. Theanalysis occurs in a decision support system environment. Amultiobjective programming decision support system is seen asadvantageous because such an environment allows for judgement indecision making while simultaneously trading off key supplier selectioncriteria. An additional flexibility of this model is that it allows avarying number of suppliers into the solution, and provides suggestedvolume allocation by supplier.
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New Technology Its Effects on International Distribution Systems of LDCs

Fraedrich, John; Cherry, John

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310038170

Reviews current software and hardware as it relates to distributionsystems. Presents an organizing framework in order to identify theimpact of technological innovations on firms operating inlesserdeveloped countries as they consider adoption of suchinnovations. Discusses the choice between new technologies and thecontinued use of unskilled labour. Suggestions are made for LDCsconcerning the continued balance of competitive advantage.
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Factors Influencing Freight Service Choice for Shippers and Freight Suppliers

Matear, Sheelagh; Gray, Richard

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310038198

Examines the factors which are important in the choice of freightservices for both shippers and freight suppliers and explores whetherthe service choice decision is based on different sets of criteria forthe two groups and further, whether freight suppliers use differentcriteria in selecting sea and air transport services. Principalcomponents analysis is used to elicit the factors important in freightservice choice. Carrier timing and price characteristics are moreimportant for freight shippers while performance and schedule are moreimportant for freight suppliers purchasing sea services and acombination of schedule and space is more important for freightsuppliers purchasing air services. Discusses strategic implications formarketing.
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European Logistics Systems Employed by UK Manufacturing Companies

Taylor, David H.; Probert, Susan

1993 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039310038206

Presents the results of a survey of 52 UKbased manufacturingcompanies to analyse the supply chain problems faced by the companies inrelation to serving European markets. On the basis of the research atypology of supply chains has been developed and firms classifiedaccordingly. Results show that, to the majority of companies, basicoperational issues are of paramount importance and few are givingconsideration to the broader strategic issues of European supply chainmanagement.
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