
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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EDIinduced Redesign of Coordination in Logistics

Sheombar, Haydee S.

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210022565

Argues that, in order to use electronic data interchange EDIoptimally, the current ways of working need to be redesigned. Here thesubjectmatter for redesign is the boundarycrossing logisticalprocesses in the valueadding partnerships of two organizations. Thebusiness redesigner needs, among other things, an understanding of thebasic capabilities of EDI and of the concept of interorganizationalcoordination. From the analysis of coordination a classification ofthe information needed by logistical organizations results. Togetherwith three basic coordination mechanisms and a classification ofmessages, the classification provides a sound basis of understanding forthe business redesigner.
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Enhancing Service Responsiveness The Strategic Potential of EDI

Rogers, Dale S.; Daugherty, Patricia J.; Stank, Theodore P.

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210022574

Reports a recent survey of warehousing firms which examined theextent of involvement in electronic data interchange EDI and theimpact which EDI has had on the firms operations and servicecapabilities. Warehousing firms providing EDI services to theircustomers were found to be better able to accommodate selectedcustomers requests than firms not providing EDI services. Additionally,the firms providing EDI service were offering more services to theircustomers than firms not providing EDI service. Based on the researchresults, EDI firms appear to be more flexible and more responsive tocustomer requests. EDI offers significant potential for helping firms togain competitive advantage and enhance customer responsiveness.
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Electronic Data Interchange The Warehouse and Supplier Interface

Raney, Mark A.; Walter, Clyde Kenneth

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210022592

Details an investigation into the extent to which electronic datainterchange EDI is used in warehouses to communicate with suppliersas opposed to customers. A questionnaire distributed to warehousemanagers was used. Reports results indicate that EDI is used to a largeextent in the warehousing function in fact, warehousing personnel,working with customers, contributed to the development of their firmsEDI systems. While EDI use was strong on the outbound side, its use atthe warehousesupplier interface was relatively nonexistent. Forsimilar communications with suppliers, warehouse managers will need totake the lead, as the development of the informationexchange systemsappears to be customerdriven.
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LitStream Collection
The US Motor Carrier Industry The Extent and Nature of EDI Use

Allen, Benjamin J.; Crum, Michael R.; Braunschweig, Charles D.

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210022619

Estimates the extent to which electronic data interchange EDI iscurrently used in the motor carrier industry and examines motor carrierEDI issues. The analysis is based on data collected from a survey of 266Class I and II motor carriers. The major findings include the use ofEDI industrywide is fairly significant in terms of freight revenuescoming from EDI shippers smaller motor carriers lag behind in the useof EDI the motor carrier decision to implement EDI appears to becustomerservice or marketingdriven and EDI use by motorcarriers is evolving towards standardization. Suggests that furtherresearch is needed to gain a better understanding of the degree to whichthe trucking industry is sharing in the benefits of EDI use and the rolewhich the smaller carrier will have in the growth of EDI use.
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EDI An Advantage or Disadvantage for Remotelysituated Countries

Ojala, Lauri; Suomi, Reima

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210022628

Information technology in its various forms is one key component inthe effort to increase efficiency in the transport industry. Electronicdata interchange EDI, especially, in its various forms, promises to beone of the key techniques in mastering the growing volume ofinformation. Considers whether remotely from the markets situatedcountries will benefit after the introduction of EDI, with specificdiscussion of the Nordic countries. No specific data collection phasewas conducted for this study, which is conceptual. However, during thelast five years both researchers have conducted extensive empiricalresearch in the field, which is covered here.
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LitStream Collection
Technology Strategy EDI and Global Air Express

Ligon, Gray C.; Schill, Ronald L.; Patrick ODonnell, F.

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210022637

Aims to provide a model of technology strategy, which shows howfirms can strategically plan for and adopt new information technology.The critical issue in managing technology strategy is to assess the rolewhich it can play in enhancing the firms competitive position throughimproving its value activities, which can provide sustainablecompetitive advantage to the adopting firm and its business partners.Utilizes the competitive strategy paradigm of technology strategy toexplore the strategic impact of electronic data interchange EDItechnology using the global air express industry as an example. Thisindustry provides an appropriate example for applying the paradigmbecause firms competing in global markets must successfully address manyof those problems which are facing global air express firms. Otherindustries can learn from the experience of air express firms use oftechnology to improve their competitive performance.
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