EDIinduced Redesign of Coordination in LogisticsSheombar, Haydee S.
1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600039210022565
Argues that, in order to use electronic data interchange EDIoptimally, the current ways of working need to be redesigned. Here thesubjectmatter for redesign is the boundarycrossing logisticalprocesses in the valueadding partnerships of two organizations. Thebusiness redesigner needs, among other things, an understanding of thebasic capabilities of EDI and of the concept of interorganizationalcoordination. From the analysis of coordination a classification ofthe information needed by logistical organizations results. Togetherwith three basic coordination mechanisms and a classification ofmessages, the classification provides a sound basis of understanding forthe business redesigner.
Technology Strategy EDI and Global Air ExpressLigon, Gray C.; Schill, Ronald L.; Patrick ODonnell, F.
1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/09600039210022637
Aims to provide a model of technology strategy, which shows howfirms can strategically plan for and adopt new information technology.The critical issue in managing technology strategy is to assess the rolewhich it can play in enhancing the firms competitive position throughimproving its value activities, which can provide sustainablecompetitive advantage to the adopting firm and its business partners.Utilizes the competitive strategy paradigm of technology strategy toexplore the strategic impact of electronic data interchange EDItechnology using the global air express industry as an example. Thisindustry provides an appropriate example for applying the paradigmbecause firms competing in global markets must successfully address manyof those problems which are facing global air express firms. Otherindustries can learn from the experience of air express firms use oftechnology to improve their competitive performance.