Developing a Customerfocused Logistics StrategyLambert, Douglas M.
1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000417
The increasing rate of change in technologies and markets and thesearch for competitive advantage, have led to a new focus on logisticsstrategy and management. In the dynamic, competitive environment of the1990s, the successful companies will be those who recognize and takeadvantage of the leverage which can be gained by effective management ofthe supply chain, from supplier through end users. The starting point indeveloping a logistics strategy must be a thorough understanding offinal customers requirements. Only then is it possible to determine therequired performance of firms throughout the supply chain. Integratedinformation systems and strategic alliancespartnerships will play animportant role in achieving the desired levels of service performance.As markets fragment, it will be critical to be able to identify theprofitability of customers and products as well as how alternativelogistics strategies affect the profitability of these segments of thebusiness.
Violations of Intellectual Property Rights An Examination of Pacific Region Abuses and ResponsesBarton, Laurence
1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000418
The systematic stealing of patents, copyright ownership andindustrial secrets remain a complex and costly dilemma for corporateinterests worldwide. Analyses the role which organizations in thePacific Region have played, both in the cause and control of theseabuses. Western manufacturers, artists and writers have charged thatinterests in Japan, Korea, Singapore and other nations have repeatedlycopied software, musical compositions, patents and other intellectualproducts and that government punishment against perpetrators of theseacts has been virtually nonexistent. Further, industrial spying remainsa serious threat to the viability of numerous emerging companies lackingsophisticated preventive measures. These companies are vulnerable tolegal manoeuvres which have effectively negated any attempt to protectones own creations. Concludes with the identification of typologies ofthese violations so that readers can implement strategic, preventivemeasures.