
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Integrating the Use of Computers in Logistics Education

Rao, Kant; Stenger, Alan J.; Wu, HawJan

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210015338

An integrated paradigm of using multiple software programs inlogistics education is proposed as an effective problemsolving tool inaddition to computer programming and spreadsheet modelling. Presents theessentials of logistics systems management and how each software programcan be used individually and jointly to address logistics issues indetail. In the integrated paradigm, a Lotus 123 spreadsheet program isused as an integrator which works together with other software tofacilitate student learning and to aid better decision making process.Inclass surveys show that the proposed approach is both effective andefficient in terms of getting the right results in less time. Theapproach is also realistic because the mixed mainframe and microcomputeroperating environment and multiple software programs are being used bythe business community.
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Restructuring Management towards Better Customer Service A Case Study

Wickenden, Janet

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000405

Presents an analysis of customer service in an oldestablished foodmanufacturing company against the background of accelerating changes infood retailing. Discusses in detail distribution as an increasinglyimportant function and recommends restructuring of management to givecloser integration between functions and closer attention todistribution.
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LitStream Collection
Military Logistics Insights for Business Logistics

McGinnis, Michael A.

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210015356

During the last 30 years the environments faced by the businesslogistics manager have dramatically increased in complexity. Theintegration of logistics processes with organizational strategy,increasing complexities of partnershipchannel relationships, and theincreasingly international scope of business logistics processes areexamples of these complexities. The military logistics literatureaddresses complex issues of integrating logistics with strategy andtactics coordinating world wide supply operations coordinating anindustrial base with military needs and managing cycles ofmobilization, warfare, and demobilization. Summarizes the development ofbusiness logistics thought, reviews the military logistics literature,and develops insights from the said literature that appear relevant tobusiness logistics thought.
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Freight Transport in a Changing Environment Implementation of Deregulation

Van Zyl, F.J.

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000406

Presents the results of a research effort into the effects ofderegulation of freight transport in South Africa from the carriersperspective. Describes the major arguments for and against deregulationas experienced in other countries, and the lessons to be learnt.Considers the challenges and options facing the South African transportindustry after deregulation.
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LitStream Collection
JustinTime Production and the European Automotive Components Industry

Hudson, Ray; Sadler, David

1992 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/09600039210015365

The market and political conditions facing Japanese investment inautomobile assembly in Western Europe are wholly different from those inNorth America. Argues in consequence that a distinctive set of questionsis necessary in order to evaluate the likely consequences of suchinvestment for the components sector. Within Western Europe, theindigenous automotive components industry has begun aprocess of restructuring, enabling it to face new demands of productionand delivery characterized as JustinTime. Rather thanrelocate close to new vehicle assembly plants, creatingspatiallyclustered production complexes, as some have suggested, afavoured solution has instead typically involved changes to logisticaloperations, enabling JIT delivery from existing Europewide productionsystems. Outlines the reasons for this response and assesses some of itsimplications.
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