User Perceptions of Customer ServiceHunt, James M.; Chandran, Rajan
1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000400
In assessing international marketing endeavours, it is essential tounderstand customer services as a function of the logistics structuresof global organisations. Users form idiosyncratic perceptions ofservice, and these ultimately influence the survival of theorganisationcustomer relationship. The process by which users formimpressions of an organisations services and its apparent servicedeficits must be understood. Perceptions of service can vary on a globalbasis. An attempt is made to develop a framework that accounts for suchvariation as well as provide general guidance regarding user perceptionsand misperceptions of customer service.
Total Quality Management Panacea or PitfallChorn, Norman H.
1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000402
There are two types of learning in organisations singlelooplearning is a participative process of fine tuning or refinement,occurring inside the system doubleloop learning is an individualisticprocess of questioning the validity of basic assumptions, occurringoutside the system. Total quality management is essentially singlelooplearning, capable only of effecting cautious, incremental adjustingchanges to wellknown processes and products. These are not theinnovative selfrenewing changes needed to keep an organisation alignedwith a turbulent changing environment. TQM is not a universalfixall. It produces favourable results only if used underthe conditions and for the purposes to which it is appropriate.Elsewhere it is likely to be dysfunctional and can reduce theorganisations overall effectiveness.
Building Relationships in Distribution ChannelsGattorna, John L.
1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000403
Strategic partnering is a method of developing a relationshipbetween two members of a distribution channel based on the growth ofunderstanding, trust and shared information. It does not rely onpersonal relationships between individuals but is initiated at thehighest management levels and becomes a part of the corporate structuresconcerned. The resulting development of integrated marketing plans,joint strategies and tactics allows the partner organisations to developand maintain strategic fit between their capabilities and goals andtheir changing market opportunities. Electronic data interchangetechnology confers direct benefits through lower transaction costs,faster response times and more costeffective service to customers.
Manufacturing Strategy as a Competitive WeaponYoung, Steve
1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000404
In todays highly competitive and fastchanging businessenvironment, the manufacturing function must be more highly integratedinto the total company. Successful manufacturers have realised that themanufacturing function can be made to offer benefits which allow them tocompete more effectively in the marketplace. These benefits, coveringcosts, quality and responsiveness, can be derived only by fundamentallyquestioning existing practices. It is necessary to develop amanufacturing strategy which is totally integrated into overall businessstrategy and other functional interests must be subordinated to this.