
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Regional Variations in Manufacturing Inventory Levels

McKinnon, Alan C.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000389

The extent to which the ratio of inventory to value added formanufacturing industry varies between regions in the UK is examined. Ananalysis of regionally disaggregated inventory data obtained from theBritish Census of Production reveals wide regional variations in thisratio, with the three most peripheral regions being significantlyoverstocked relative to the national average. Stock levels in one ofthese regions, Scotland, are examined in detail in an effort to identifypossible causes of the overstocking. Industrial structure and length ofsupply line appear not to be important factors. As much of the excessinventory is in the workinprogress category, the overstocking islargely intrinsic to the production operation.
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Conflict and Satisfaction in an Industrial Channel of Distribution

Brown, James R.; Lusch, Robert F.; Smith, Laurie P.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000390

A conceptual model was developed of distribution channel membersmanifest conflicts and their satisfaction. From this model, hypothesesare generated, aimed at untangling the causal relationship between thesetwo constructs. Both a metaanalysis of previous research and this firstlongitudinal study of distribution channel behaviour in the aircraftindustry in North America of distribution channel behaviour uncovered anegative, contemporaneous relationship between satisfaction andconflict. Empirical study in the channel for an industrial product foundthe effect of channel member satisfaction over time to be mediated bythe extent of manifest conflict. The impact of manifest conflict wasfound to be mediated by the degree of channel member satisfaction. Inother words, channel member satisfaction and manifest conflict withinthe channel were both antecedents and consequences of each other.
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LitStream Collection
Using Salespeople to Collect Customer Service Information

Sharma, Arun; Lambert, Douglas M.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000391

Logistics managers need to collect timely and accurate data oncustomers needs, as well as customer perceptions of the firms andcompetitors performance levels. Today, a large number of companiescollect this from their salesforce a good, inexpensive andtimely source of customer and competitive information but caution isneeded since a majority of salespeople are inaccurate. Reviews theconceptual issues associated with using the salesforce to collectinformation and reports results of an empirical study which examined theaccuracy of salesforce information.
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