
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing
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Evolving Sourcing Strategies for the 1990s

Monczka, Robert M.; Trent, Robert J.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000383

Evolving purchasingsourcing strategies necessary for competitivesuccess during the 1990s are identified. The strategies, identified bypurchasing executives of leadingedge Fortune 100 firms duringfield interviews and a Delphi process, reflect purchasings growingcontribution to firms overall competitive performance. Also included isa discussion of supply base optimisation and total quality management atthe supplier as necessary prerequisites for the implementation ofincreasingly sophisticated strategies which follow a progression toachieving an integrated set of purchasing strategies. There is also adiscussion of the linkage between corporate and purchasing strategy.
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The Transportchoice Decision Process The Potential, Methodology and Applications of Scripttheoretic Modelling

Mohan Pisharodi, R.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000384

Past efforts to model freight transportchoice decision making as abehavioural process have resulted in the development of models which maynot reflect the actual steps, activities, decision rules, andinteractions in the typical freight transportchoice decision process inthe detail needed for various applications. Scripttheoretic research,which is based on the modelling of sequential activities, is proposed asan alternative approach for the study of this process. The methodologyfor empirical investigations and practical applications ofscripttheoretic research is discussed.
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The Impact of Integrated Logistic Support on the Total Costeffectiveness of a System

Blanchard, Benjamin S.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000385

A major objective in the development of new systems is to fulfilcustomer requirements in a costeffective manner. Costeffectivenessrelates to the measure of a system in terms of mission fulfilment thedegree to which it performs its intended function and total lifecyclecost. Experience has indicated that these factors are significantlyinfluenced by logistics. Implementation of the concept of IntegratedLogistic Support ILS is essential in order to ensure a costeffectiveproduct output. The relationships between ILS and costeffectiveness arediscussed.
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Integration of Marketing and Logistics A Way to Competitive Advantage in South Africa

Remmel, Ulf M.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000386

Logistics and marketing are both corporate functions that arecritical for the competitive position of an organisation. Traditionally,logistics has been seen as a passive tool supporting marketing, whilemore recent research publications have stressed the strategic importanceof logistics. Here the focus is on showing the impact logistics has oncompetitive advantage identifying the key interfaces between logisticsand marketing stressing the need of integrating the two functions toavoid permanent friction between them and providing an approach todeveloping an integrated logisticsmarketing strategy.
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The Impact of Information Technology on Logistics

Introna, Lucas D.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000387

The purpose is to indicate the potential impact, be it positive ornegative, of information technology on the effective management of thelogistics function. This is achieved by defining the concepts oflogistics, management, information and technology to create a base ofunderstanding. A framework is then suggested to guide the integration ofinformation technology effectively into the logistic function. Inconclusion the important aspect of building commitment as a key successfactor in the effective management of information technology inlogistics is examined.
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Customer Service in Physical Distribution The Dimensions and Some Strategies for Achieving Them

Johnston, M.

1991 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000388

Practical issues of customer service within a distributionenvironment are reviewed, with particular reference to the developmentof a structured approach to achieving satisfactory, coordinated andcompetitive levels of performance from the organisation as a whole. Somecommon management mistakes are discussed. The importance of customerservice is reviewed together with the objectives of the distributionfunction. The use of a distribution grid and process analysis isproposed. Finally some practical hints are given.
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